io.cloudslang.content.nutanix.prism.utils.Descriptions Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* (c) Copyright 2020 Micro Focus, L.P.
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package io.cloudslang.content.nutanix.prism.utils;
public class Descriptions {
public static class Common {
public static final String PROXY_HOST_DESC = "Proxy server used to access the nutanix service.";
public static final String PROXY_PORT_DESC = "Proxy server port used to access the nutanix service." +
"Default: '8080'";
public static final String PROXY_USERNAME_DESC = "Proxy server user name.";
public static final String PROXY_PASSWORD_DESC = "Proxy server password associated with the proxy_username " +
"input value.";
public static final String TRUST_ALL_ROOTS_DESC = "Specifies whether to enable weak security over SSL/TSL. " +
"A certificate is trusted even if no trusted certification authority issued it." +
"Default: 'false'";
public static final String X509_DESC = "Specifies the way the server hostname must match a domain name in " +
"the subject's Common Name (CN) or subjectAltName field of the X.509 certificate. Set this to " +
"\"allow_all\" to skip any checking. For the value \"browser_compatible\" the hostname verifier " +
"works the same way as Curl and Firefox. The hostname must match either the first CN, or any of " +
"the subject-alts. A wildcard can occur in the CN, and in any of the subject-alts. The only " +
"difference between \"browser_compatible\" and \"strict\" is that a wildcard (such as \"*\") " +
"with \"browser_compatible\" matches all subdomains, including \"\"." +
"Default: 'strict'";
public static final String TRUST_KEYSTORE_DESC = "The pathname of the Java TrustStore file. This contains " +
"certificates from other parties that you expect to communicate with, or from Certificate Authorities" +
" that you trust to identify other parties. If the protocol (specified by the 'url') is not 'https' " +
"or if trustAllRoots is 'true' this input is ignored. Format: Java KeyStore (JKS)";
public static final String TRUST_PASSWORD_DESC = "The password associated with the TrustStore file. If " +
"trustAllRoots is false and trustKeystore is empty, trustPassword default will be supplied.";
public static final String KEYSTORE_DESC ="The pathname of the Java KeyStore file. You only need this if the" +
"server requires client authentication. If the protocol (specified by the 'url') is not 'https' or if " +
"trustAllRoots is 'true' this input is ignored. Format: Java KeyStore (JKS)" +
"Default: /java/lib/security/cacerts";
public static final String KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_DESC = "The password associated with the KeyStore file. If "+
"trustAllRoots is false and keystore is empty, keystorePassword default will be supplied." +
"Default: changeit";
public static final String CONN_MAX_TOTAL_DESC = "The maximum limit of connections in total." +
"Default: '20'";
public static final String CONN_MAX_ROUTE_DESC = "The maximum limit of connections on a per route basis." +
"Default: '2'";
public static final String KEEP_ALIVE_DESC = "Specifies whether to create a shared connection that will be " +
"used in subsequent calls. If keepAlive is false, the already open connection will be used and after" +
" execution it will close it." +
"Default: 'true'";
public static final String SOCKET_TIMEOUT_DESC = "The timeout for waiting for data (a maximum period " +
"inactivity between two consecutive data packets), in seconds. A socketTimeout value of '0' " +
"represents an infinite timeout.";
public static final String POLLING_INTERVAL_DESC = "The time, in seconds, to wait before a new request that " +
"verifies if the operation finished is executed." +
"Default: '1000'";
public static final String CONNECT_TIMEOUT_DESC = "The time to wait for a connection to be established, " +
"in seconds. A timeout value of '0' represents an infinite timeout." +
"Default: '10000'";
public static final String RESPONSE_CHARACTER_SET_DESC = "The character encoding to be used for the HTTP " +
"response. If responseCharacterSet is empty, the charset from the 'Content-Type' HTTP response header " +
"will be used. If responseCharacterSet is empty and the charset from the HTTP response Content-Type " +
"header is empty, the default value will be used. You should not use this for method=HEAD or OPTIONS." +
"Default: 'UTF-8'";
public static final String HOSTNAME_DESC = "The hostname for nutanix.";
public static final String PROTOCOL_DESC = "The connection protocol of nutanix. Default: https";
public static final String PORT_DESC = "The port to connect to nutanix. Default: 9440";
public static final String USERNAME_DESC = "The username for nutanix.";
public static final String PASSWORD_DESC = "The password for nutanix.";
public static final String API_VERSION_DESC = "The api version for nutanix. " +
"Default: v2.0";
public static final String RETURN_CODE_DESC = "0 if success, -1 otherwise.";
public static final String EXECUTION_TIMEOUT_DESC = "The amount of time (in milliseconds) to allow the client " +
"to complete the execution of an API call. A value of '0' disables this feature." +
"Default: '60000'";
public static final String ASYNC_DESC = "Whether to run the operation is async mode." +
"Default: 'false'";
public static final String STATUS_CODE_DESC = "The HTTP status code for nutanix API request.";
public static final String EXCEPTION_DESC = "An error message in case there was an error while executing the request.";
public static final String FAILURE_DESC = "There was an error while executing the request.";
public static final String SUCCESS_DESC = "The request was successfully executed.";
public static final String RETURN_RESULT_DESC = "If successful, returns the complete API response. In case of an error this output will contain the error message.";
public static class ListVMs {
public static final String LIST_VMS_OPERATION_DESC = "Get a list of Virtual Machines. ";
public static class GetVMDetails {
public static final String GET_VM_DETAILS_OPERATION_DESC = "Get details of a specific Virtual Machines. Virtual Machine disk information and network information are not included by default as fetching these are expensive operations. These can be included by setting the includeVMDiskConfig and includeVMNicConfig flags respectively.";
public static final String VM_UUID_DESC = "Id of the Virtual Machine.";
public static final String INCLUDE_VM_DISK_CONFIG_INFO_DESC = "Whether to include Virtual Machine disk information.";
public static final String INCLUDE_VM_NIC_CONFIG_INFO_DESC = "Whether to include network information.";
public static final String VM_NAME_DESC = "Name of the Virtual Machine.";
public static class LISTVMInputs {
public static final String FILTER_DESC = "Filter criteria - semicolon for AND, comma for OR.";
public static final String OFFSET_DESC = "Offset.";
public static final String LENGTH_DESC = "Number of VMs to retrieve.";
public static final String SORT_ORDER_DESC = "Sort order.";
public static final String SORT_ATTRIBUTE_DESC = "Sort attribute.";
public static final String VM_LIST_DESC = "List of VM's.";
public static class Counter{
public static final String FAILURE_MESSAGE = "Something went wrong";
public static final String COUNTER_DESC = "Counts from one number to another number.";
public static final String RESULT_STRING_DESC = "The primary result is resultString, Result can also be used. result (All lower case) should not be used as it is the response code.";
public static final String RESULT_DESC = "If successful, returns the complete API response. In case of an error this output will contain the error message.";
public static final String FROM_DESC = "The number to start counting at.";
public static final String TO_DESC = "The number to count to.";
public static final String RESET_DESC = "If true, then the counter will restart counting from the beginning.";
public static final String INCREMENT_BY_DESC = "The number to increment by while counting. If unspecified this is 1. If you wanted to count 2,4,6,8 this would be 2.";