cloudstate.crdt.proto Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright 2019 Lightbend Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// gRPC interface for Event Sourced Entity user functions.
syntax = "proto3";
package cloudstate.crdt;
// Any is used so that domain events defined according to the functions business domain can be embedded inside
// the protocol.
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "cloudstate/entity.proto";
option java_package = "io.cloudstate.protocol";
// CRDT Protocol
// Note that while this protocol provides support for CRDTs, the data types sent across the protocol are not CRDTs
// themselves. It is the responsibility of the CloudState proxy to implement the CRDTs, merge functions, vector clocks
// etc, not the user function. The user function need only hold the current value in memory, and this protocol sends
// deltas to the user function to update its in memory value as necessary. These deltas have no way of dealing with
// conflicts, hence it important that the CloudState proxy always know what the state of the user functions in memory
// value is before sending a delta. If the CloudState proxy is not sure what the value is, eg because it has just sent
// an operation to the user function may have updated its value as a result, the proxy should wait until it gets the
// result of the operation back, to ensure its in memory value is in sync with the user function so that it can
// calculate deltas that won't conflict.
// The user function is expected to update its value both as the result of receiving deltas from the proxy, as well as
// when it sends deltas. It must not update its value in any other circumstance, updating the value in response to any
// other stimuli risks the value becoming out of sync with the CloudState proxy. The user function will not be sent
// back deltas as a result of its own changes.
// An invocation of handle is made for each entity being handled. It may be kept alive and used to handle multiple
// commands, and may subsequently be terminated if that entity becomes idle, or if the entity is deleted. Shutdown is
// typically done for efficiency reasons, unless the entity is explicitly deleted, a terminated handle stream does not
// mean the proxy has stopped tracking the state of the entity in its memory.
// Special care must be taken when working with maps and sets. The keys/values are google.protobuf.Any, which encodes
// the value as binary protobuf, however, serialized protobufs are not stable, two semantically equal objects could
// encode to different bytes. It is the responsibility of the user function to ensure that stable encodings are used.
service Crdt {
// After invoking handle, the first message sent will always be a CrdtInit message, containing the entity ID, and,
// if it exists or is available, the current state of the entity. After that, one or more commands may be sent,
// as well as deltas as they arrive, and the entire state if either the entity is created, or the proxy wishes the
// user function to replace its entire state.
// The user function must respond with one reply per command in. They do not necessarily have to be sent in the same
// order that the commands were sent, the command ID is used to correlate commands to replies.
rpc handle(stream CrdtStreamIn) returns (stream CrdtStreamOut);
// Message for the Crdt handle stream in.
message CrdtStreamIn {
oneof message {
// Always sent first, and only once.
CrdtInit init = 1;
// Sent to indicate the user function should replace its current state with this state. If the user function
// does not have a current state, either because the init function didn't send one and the user function hasn't
// updated the state itself in response to a command, or because the state was deleted, this must be sent before
// any deltas.
CrdtState state = 2;
// A delta to be applied to the current state. May be sent at any time as long as the user function already has
// state.
CrdtDelta changed = 3;
// Delete the entity. May be sent at any time. The user function should clear its state when it receives this.
// A proxy may decide to terminate the stream after sending this.
CrdtDelete deleted = 4;
// A command, may be sent at any time.
Command command = 5;
// A stream has been cancelled.
StreamCancelled stream_cancelled = 6;
// Message for the Crdt handle stream out.
message CrdtStreamOut {
oneof message {
// A reply to an incoming command. Either one reply, or one failure, must be sent in response to each command.
CrdtReply reply = 1;
// A streamed message.
CrdtStreamedMessage streamed_message = 2;
// A stream cancelled response, may be sent in response to stream_cancelled.
CrdtStreamCancelledResponse stream_cancelled_response = 3;
// A failure. Either sent in response to a command, or sent if some other error occurs.
Failure failure = 4;
// The CRDT state. This represents the full state of a CRDT. When received, a user function should replace the current
// state with this, not apply it as a delta. This includes both for the top level CRDT, and embedded CRDTs, such as
// the values of an ORMap.
message CrdtState {
oneof state {
// A Grow-only Counter
GCounterState gcounter = 1;
// A Positve-Negative Counter
PNCounterState pncounter = 2;
// A Grow-only Set
GSetState gset = 3;
// An Observed-Removed Set
ORSetState orset = 4;
// A Last-Write-Wins Register
LWWRegisterState lwwregister = 5;
// A Flag
FlagState flag = 6;
// An Observed-Removed Map
ORMapState ormap = 7;
// A vote
VoteState vote = 8;
// A Grow-only counter
// A G-Counter can only be incremented, it can't be decremented.
message GCounterState {
// The current value of the counter.
uint64 value = 1;
// A Positve-Negative Counter
// A PN-Counter can be both incremented and decremented.
message PNCounterState {
// The current value of the counter.
int64 value = 1;
// A Grow-only Set
// A G-Set can only have items added, items cannot be removed.
message GSetState {
// The current items in the set.
repeated google.protobuf.Any items = 1;
// An Observed-Removed Set
// An OR-Set may have items added and removed, with the condition that an item must be observed to be in the set before
// it is removed.
message ORSetState {
// The current items in the set.
repeated google.protobuf.Any items = 1;
// A Last-Write-Wins Register
// A LWW-Register holds a single value, with the current value being selected based on when it was last written.
// The time of the last write may either be determined using the proxies clock, or may be based on a custom, domain
// specific value.
message LWWRegisterState {
// The current value of the register.
google.protobuf.Any value = 1;
// The clock to use if this state needs to be merged with another one.
CrdtClock clock = 2;
// The clock value if the clock in use is a custom clock.
int64 custom_clock_value = 3;
// A Flag
// A Flag is a boolean value, that once set to true, stays true.
message FlagState {
// The current value of the flag.
bool value = 1;
// An Observed-Removed Map
// Like an OR-Set, an OR-Map may have items added and removed, with the condition that an item must be observed to be
// in the map before it is removed. The values of the map are CRDTs themselves. Different keys are allowed to use
// different CRDTs, and if an item is removed, and then replaced, the new value may be a different CRDT.
message ORMapState {
// The entries of the map.
repeated ORMapEntry entries = 1;
// An OR-Map entry.
message ORMapEntry {
// The entry key.
google.protobuf.Any key = 1;
// The value of the entry, a CRDT itself.
CrdtState value = 2;
// A Vote. This allows nodes to vote on something.
message VoteState {
// The number of votes for
uint32 votes_for = 1;
// The total number of voters
uint32 total_voters = 2;
// The vote of the current node, which is included in the above two numbers
bool self_vote = 3;
// A CRDT delta
// Deltas only carry the change in value, not the full value (unless
message CrdtDelta {
oneof delta {
GCounterDelta gcounter = 1;
PNCounterDelta pncounter = 2;
GSetDelta gset = 3;
ORSetDelta orset = 4;
LWWRegisterDelta lwwregister = 5;
FlagDelta flag = 6;
ORMapDelta ormap = 7;
VoteDelta vote = 8;
message GCounterDelta {
uint64 increment = 1;
message PNCounterDelta {
sint64 change = 1;
message GSetDelta {
repeated google.protobuf.Any added = 1;
message ORSetDelta {
// If cleared is set, the set must be cleared before added is processed.
bool cleared = 1;
repeated google.protobuf.Any removed = 2;
repeated google.protobuf.Any added = 3;
message LWWRegisterDelta {
google.protobuf.Any value = 1;
CrdtClock clock = 2;
int64 custom_clock_value = 3;
message FlagDelta {
bool value = 1;
message ORMapDelta {
bool cleared = 1;
repeated google.protobuf.Any removed = 2;
repeated ORMapEntryDelta updated = 3;
repeated ORMapEntry added = 4;
message ORMapEntryDelta {
// The entry key.
google.protobuf.Any key = 1;
CrdtDelta delta = 2;
message VoteDelta {
// Only set by the user function to change the nodes current vote.
bool self_vote = 1;
// Only set by the proxy to change the votes for and total voters.
int32 votes_for = 2;
int32 total_voters = 3;
message CrdtInit {
string service_name = 1;
string entity_id = 2;
CrdtState state = 3;
message CrdtDelete {
message CrdtReply {
int64 command_id = 1;
ClientAction client_action = 2;
repeated SideEffect side_effects = 4;
CrdtStateAction state_action = 5;
// If the request was streamed, setting this to true indicates that the command should
// be handled as a stream. Subsequently, the user function may send CrdtStreamedMessage,
// and a CrdtStreamCancelled message will be sent if the stream is cancelled (though
// not if the a CrdtStreamedMessage ends the stream first).
bool streamed = 6;
message CrdtStateAction {
oneof action {
CrdtState create = 5;
CrdtDelta update = 6;
CrdtDelete delete = 7;
CrdtWriteConsistency write_consistency = 8;
// May be sent as often as liked if the first reply set streamed to true
message CrdtStreamedMessage {
int64 command_id = 1;
ClientAction client_action = 2;
repeated SideEffect side_effects = 3;
// Indicates the stream should end, no messages may be sent for this command after this.
bool end_stream = 4;
message CrdtStreamCancelledResponse {
int64 command_id = 1;
repeated SideEffect side_effects = 2;
CrdtStateAction state_action = 3;
enum CrdtWriteConsistency {
LOCAL = 0;
ALL = 2;
enum CrdtClock {
// Use the default clock for deciding the last write, which is the system clocks
// milliseconds since epoch.
// Use the reverse semantics with the default clock, to enable first write wins.
// Use a custom clock value, set using custom_clock_value.
// Use a custom clock value, but automatically increment it by one if the clock
// value from the current value is equal to the custom_clock_value.
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