io.cloudstate.javasupport.impl.ReflectionHelper.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.cloudstate.javasupport.impl
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation
import java.lang.reflect.{AccessibleObject, Executable, Member, Method, ParameterizedType, Type, WildcardType}
import java.util.Optional
import io.cloudstate.javasupport.{Context, EntityContext, EntityId, ServiceCallFactory}
import{Any => JavaPbAny}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
private[impl] object ReflectionHelper {
def getAllDeclaredMethods(clazz: Class[_]): Seq[Method] =
if (clazz.getSuperclass == null || clazz.getSuperclass == classOf[Object]) {
} else {
clazz.getDeclaredMethods.toVector ++ getAllDeclaredMethods(clazz.getSuperclass)
def isWithinBounds(clazz: Class[_], upper: Class[_], lower: Class[_]): Boolean =
upper.isAssignableFrom(clazz) && clazz.isAssignableFrom(lower)
def ensureAccessible[T <: AccessibleObject](accessible: T): T = {
if (!accessible.isAccessible) {
def getCapitalizedName(member: Member): String =
// These use unicode upper/lower case definitions, rather than locale sensitive,
// which is what we want.
if (member.getName.charAt(0).isLower) {
member.getName.charAt(0).toUpper + member.getName.drop(1)
} else member.getName
final case class InvocationContext[+C <: Context](mainArgument: AnyRef, context: C)
trait ParameterHandler[-C <: Context] extends (InvocationContext[C] => AnyRef)
case object ContextParameterHandler extends ParameterHandler[Context] {
override def apply(ctx: InvocationContext[Context]): AnyRef = ctx.context.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
final case class MainArgumentParameterHandler[C <: Context](argumentType: Class[_]) extends ParameterHandler[C] {
override def apply(ctx: InvocationContext[C]): AnyRef = ctx.mainArgument
final case object EntityIdParameterHandler extends ParameterHandler[EntityContext] {
override def apply(ctx: InvocationContext[EntityContext]): AnyRef = ctx.context.entityId()
final case object ServiceCallFactoryParameterHandler extends ParameterHandler[Context] {
override def apply(ctx: InvocationContext[Context]): AnyRef = ctx.context.serviceCallFactory()
final case class MethodParameter(method: Executable, param: Int) {
def parameterType: Class[_] = method.getParameterTypes()(param)
def genericParameterType: Type = method.getGenericParameterTypes()(param)
def annotation[A <: Annotation: ClassTag] =
.find(a => implicitly[ClassTag[A]].runtimeClass.isInstance(a))
def getParameterHandlers[C <: Context: ClassTag](method: Executable)(
extras: PartialFunction[MethodParameter, ParameterHandler[C]] = PartialFunction.empty
): Array[ParameterHandler[C]] = {
val handlers = Array.ofDim[ParameterHandler[_]](method.getParameterCount)
for (i <- 0 until method.getParameterCount) {
val parameter = MethodParameter(method, i)
// First match things that we can be specific about
val contextClass = implicitly[ClassTag[C]].runtimeClass
handlers(i) =
if (isWithinBounds(parameter.parameterType, classOf[Context], contextClass))
else if (classOf[Context].isAssignableFrom(parameter.parameterType))
// It's a context parameter who is not within the lower bound of the contexts supported by this method
throw new RuntimeException(
s"Unsupported context parameter on ${method.getName}, ${parameter.parameterType} must be the same or a super type of $contextClass"
else if (parameter.parameterType == classOf[ServiceCallFactory])
else if (parameter.annotation[EntityId].isDefined) {
if (parameter.parameterType != classOf[String]) {
throw new RuntimeException(
s"@EntityId annotated parameter on method ${method.getName} has type ${parameter.parameterType}, must be String."
} else
extras.applyOrElse(parameter, (p: MethodParameter) => MainArgumentParameterHandler(p.parameterType))
final class CommandHandlerInvoker[CommandContext <: Context: ClassTag](
val method: Method,
val serviceMethod: ResolvedServiceMethod[_, _],
extraParameters: PartialFunction[MethodParameter, ParameterHandler[CommandContext]] = PartialFunction.empty
) {
private val name = serviceMethod.descriptor.getFullName
private val parameters = ReflectionHelper.getParameterHandlers[CommandContext](method)(extraParameters)
if (parameters.count(_.isInstanceOf[MainArgumentParameterHandler[_]]) > 1) {
throw new RuntimeException(
s"CommandHandler method $method must defined at most one non context parameter to handle commands, the parameters defined were: ${parameters
.collect { case MainArgumentParameterHandler(clazz) => clazz.getName }
parameters.foreach {
case MainArgumentParameterHandler(inClass) if !inClass.isAssignableFrom(serviceMethod.inputType.typeClass) =>
throw new RuntimeException(
s"Incompatible command class $inClass for command $name, expected ${serviceMethod.inputType.typeClass}"
case _ =>
private def serialize(result: AnyRef) =
private def verifyOutputType(t: Type): Unit =
if (!serviceMethod.outputType.typeClass.isAssignableFrom(getRawType(t))) {
throw new RuntimeException(
s"Incompatible return class $t for command $name, expected ${serviceMethod.outputType.typeClass}"
private val handleResult: AnyRef => Optional[JavaPbAny] = if (method.getReturnType == Void.TYPE) { _ =>
} else if (method.getReturnType == classOf[Optional[_]]) {
{ result =>
val asOptional = result.asInstanceOf[Optional[AnyRef]]
if (asOptional.isPresent) {
} else {
} else {
result => Optional.of(serialize(result))
def invoke(obj: AnyRef, command: JavaPbAny, context: CommandContext): Optional[JavaPbAny] = {
val decodedCommand = serviceMethod.inputType.parseFrom(command.getValue).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
val ctx = InvocationContext(decodedCommand, context)
val result = method.invoke(obj, _*)
private def getRawType(t: Type): Class[_] = t match {
case clazz: Class[_] => clazz
case pt: ParameterizedType => getRawType(pt.getRawType)
case wct: WildcardType => getRawType(wct.getUpperBounds.headOption.getOrElse(classOf[Object]))
case _ => classOf[Object]
def getFirstParameter(t: Type): Class[_] =
t match {
case pt: ParameterizedType =>
case _ =>
* Verifies that none of the given methods have CloudState annotations that are not allowed.
* This is designed to eagerly catch mistakes such as importing the wrong CommandHandler annotation.
def validateNoBadMethods(methods: Seq[Method],
entity: Class[_ <: Annotation],
allowed: Set[Class[_ <: Annotation]]): Unit =
methods.foreach { method =>
method.getAnnotations.foreach { annotation =>
if (annotation.annotationType().getAnnotation(classOf[CloudStateAnnotation]) != null && !allowed(
)) {
val maybeAlternative = allowed.find(_.getSimpleName == annotation.annotationType().getSimpleName)
throw new RuntimeException(
s"Annotation @${annotation.annotationType().getName} on method ${method.getDeclaringClass.getName}." +
s"${method.getName} not allowed in @${entity.getName} annotated entity." +
maybeAlternative.fold("")(alterative => s" Did you mean to use @${alterative.getName}?")
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