io.cloudstate.javasupport.impl.eventsourced.AnnotationBasedEventSourcedSupport.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.cloudstate.javasupport.impl.eventsourced
import java.lang.reflect.{Constructor, InvocationTargetException, Method}
import java.util.Optional
import io.cloudstate.javasupport.eventsourced._
import io.cloudstate.javasupport.impl.ReflectionHelper.{InvocationContext, MainArgumentParameterHandler}
import io.cloudstate.javasupport.impl.{AnySupport, ReflectionHelper, ResolvedEntityFactory, ResolvedServiceMethod}
import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap
import{Descriptors, Any => JavaPbAny}
import io.cloudstate.javasupport.ServiceCallFactory
* Annotation based implementation of the [[EventSourcedEntityFactory]].
private[impl] class AnnotationBasedEventSourcedSupport(
entityClass: Class[_],
anySupport: AnySupport,
override val resolvedMethods: Map[String, ResolvedServiceMethod[_, _]],
factory: Option[EventSourcedEntityCreationContext => AnyRef] = None
) extends EventSourcedEntityFactory
with ResolvedEntityFactory {
def this(entityClass: Class[_], anySupport: AnySupport, serviceDescriptor: Descriptors.ServiceDescriptor) =
this(entityClass, anySupport, anySupport.resolveServiceDescriptor(serviceDescriptor))
private val behavior = EventBehaviorReflection(entityClass, resolvedMethods)
override def create(context: EventSourcedContext): EventSourcedEntityHandler =
new EntityHandler(context)
private val constructor: EventSourcedEntityCreationContext => AnyRef = factory.getOrElse {
entityClass.getConstructors match {
case Array(single) =>
new EntityConstructorInvoker(ReflectionHelper.ensureAccessible(single))
case _ =>
throw new RuntimeException(s"Only a single constructor is allowed on event sourced entities: $entityClass")
private class EntityHandler(context: EventSourcedContext) extends EventSourcedEntityHandler {
private val entity = {
constructor(new DelegatingEventSourcedContext(context) with EventSourcedEntityCreationContext {
override def entityId(): String = context.entityId()
override def handleEvent(anyEvent: JavaPbAny, context: EventContext): Unit = unwrap {
val event = anySupport.decode(anyEvent).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
behavior.getCachedEventHandlerForClass(event.getClass) match {
case Some(handler) =>
val ctx = new DelegatingEventSourcedContext(context) with EventContext {
override def sequenceNumber(): Long = context.sequenceNumber()
handler.invoke(entity, event, ctx)
case None =>
throw new RuntimeException(
s"No event handler found for event ${event.getClass} on $behaviorsString"
override def handleCommand(command: JavaPbAny, context: CommandContext): Optional[JavaPbAny] = unwrap {
behavior.commandHandlers.get(context.commandName()).map { handler =>
handler.invoke(entity, command, context)
} getOrElse {
throw new RuntimeException(
s"No command handler found for command [${context.commandName()}] on $behaviorsString"
override def handleSnapshot(anySnapshot: JavaPbAny, context: SnapshotContext): Unit = unwrap {
val snapshot = anySupport.decode(anySnapshot).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
behavior.getCachedSnapshotHandlerForClass(snapshot.getClass) match {
case Some(handler) =>
val ctx = new DelegatingEventSourcedContext(context) with SnapshotContext {
override def sequenceNumber(): Long = context.sequenceNumber()
handler.invoke(entity, snapshot, ctx)
case None =>
throw new RuntimeException(
s"No snapshot handler found for snapshot ${snapshot.getClass} on $behaviorsString"
override def snapshot(context: SnapshotContext): Optional[JavaPbAny] = unwrap { { invoker =>
invoker.invoke(entity, context)
} match {
case Some(invoker) => Optional.ofNullable(anySupport.encodeJava(invoker))
case None => Optional.empty()
private def unwrap[T](block: => T): T =
try {
} catch {
case ite: InvocationTargetException if ite.getCause != null =>
throw ite.getCause
private def behaviorsString = entity.getClass.toString
private abstract class DelegatingEventSourcedContext(delegate: EventSourcedContext) extends EventSourcedContext {
override def entityId(): String = delegate.entityId()
override def serviceCallFactory(): ServiceCallFactory = delegate.serviceCallFactory()
private class EventBehaviorReflection(
eventHandlers: Map[Class[_], EventHandlerInvoker],
val commandHandlers: Map[String, ReflectionHelper.CommandHandlerInvoker[CommandContext]],
snapshotHandlers: Map[Class[_], SnapshotHandlerInvoker],
val snapshotInvoker: Option[SnapshotInvoker]
) {
* We use a cache in addition to the info we've discovered by reflection so that an event handler can be declared
* for a superclass of an event.
private val eventHandlerCache = TrieMap.empty[Class[_], Option[EventHandlerInvoker]]
private val snapshotHandlerCache = TrieMap.empty[Class[_], Option[SnapshotHandlerInvoker]]
def getCachedEventHandlerForClass(clazz: Class[_]): Option[EventHandlerInvoker] =
eventHandlerCache.getOrElseUpdate(clazz, getHandlerForClass(eventHandlers)(clazz))
def getCachedSnapshotHandlerForClass(clazz: Class[_]): Option[SnapshotHandlerInvoker] =
snapshotHandlerCache.getOrElseUpdate(clazz, getHandlerForClass(snapshotHandlers)(clazz))
private def getHandlerForClass[T](handlers: Map[Class[_], T])(clazz: Class[_]): Option[T] =
handlers.get(clazz) match {
case some @ Some(_) => some
case None =>
clazz.getInterfaces.collectFirst(Function.unlift(getHandlerForClass(handlers))) match {
case some @ Some(_) => some
case None if clazz.getSuperclass != null => getHandlerForClass(handlers)(clazz.getSuperclass)
case None => None
private object EventBehaviorReflection {
def apply(behaviorClass: Class[_],
serviceMethods: Map[String, ResolvedServiceMethod[_, _]]): EventBehaviorReflection = {
val allMethods = ReflectionHelper.getAllDeclaredMethods(behaviorClass)
val eventHandlers = allMethods
.filter(_.getAnnotation(classOf[EventHandler]) != null)
.map { method =>
new EventHandlerInvoker(ReflectionHelper.ensureAccessible(method))
.map {
case (eventClass, Seq(invoker)) => (eventClass: Any) -> invoker
case (clazz, many) =>
throw new RuntimeException(
s"Multiple methods found for handling event of type $clazz: ${}"
.asInstanceOf[Map[Class[_], EventHandlerInvoker]]
val commandHandlers = allMethods
.filter(_.getAnnotation(classOf[CommandHandler]) != null)
.map { method =>
val annotation = method.getAnnotation(classOf[CommandHandler])
val name: String = if ( {
} else
val serviceMethod = serviceMethods.getOrElse(name, {
throw new RuntimeException(
s"Command handler method ${method.getName} for command $name found, but the service has no command by that name."
new ReflectionHelper.CommandHandlerInvoker[CommandContext](ReflectionHelper.ensureAccessible(method),
.map {
case (commandName, Seq(invoker)) => commandName -> invoker
case (commandName, many) =>
throw new RuntimeException(
s"Multiple methods found for handling command of name $commandName: ${}"
val snapshotHandlers = allMethods
.filter(_.getAnnotation(classOf[SnapshotHandler]) != null)
.map { method =>
new SnapshotHandlerInvoker(ReflectionHelper.ensureAccessible(method))
.map {
case (snapshotClass, Seq(invoker)) => (snapshotClass: Any) -> invoker
case (clazz, many) =>
throw new RuntimeException(
s"Multiple methods found for handling snapshot of type $clazz: ${}"
.asInstanceOf[Map[Class[_], SnapshotHandlerInvoker]]
val snapshotInvoker = allMethods
.filter(_.getAnnotation(classOf[Snapshot]) != null)
.map { method =>
new SnapshotInvoker(ReflectionHelper.ensureAccessible(method))
} match {
case Seq() => None
case Seq(single) =>
case _ =>
throw new RuntimeException(s"Multiple snapshoting methods found on behavior $behaviorClass")
Set(classOf[EventHandler], classOf[CommandHandler], classOf[SnapshotHandler], classOf[Snapshot])
new EventBehaviorReflection(eventHandlers, commandHandlers, snapshotHandlers, snapshotInvoker)
private class EntityConstructorInvoker(constructor: Constructor[_])
extends (EventSourcedEntityCreationContext => AnyRef) {
private val parameters = ReflectionHelper.getParameterHandlers[EventSourcedEntityCreationContext](constructor)()
parameters.foreach {
case MainArgumentParameterHandler(clazz) =>
throw new RuntimeException(s"Don't know how to handle argument of type $clazz in constructor")
case _ =>
def apply(context: EventSourcedEntityCreationContext): AnyRef = {
val ctx = InvocationContext("", context)
constructor.newInstance( _*).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
private class EventHandlerInvoker(val method: Method) {
private val annotation = method.getAnnotation(classOf[EventHandler])
private val parameters = ReflectionHelper.getParameterHandlers[EventContext](method)()
private def annotationEventClass = annotation.eventClass() match {
case obj if obj == classOf[Object] => None
case clazz => Some(clazz)
// Verify that there is at most one event handler
val eventClass: Class[_] = parameters.collect {
case MainArgumentParameterHandler(clazz) => clazz
} match {
case Array() => annotationEventClass.getOrElse(classOf[Object])
case Array(handlerClass) =>
annotationEventClass match {
case None => handlerClass
case Some(annotated) if handlerClass.isAssignableFrom(annotated) || annotated.isInterface =>
case Some(nonAssignable) =>
throw new RuntimeException(
s"EventHandler method $method has defined an eventHandler class $nonAssignable that can never be assignable from it's parameter $handlerClass"
case other =>
throw new RuntimeException(
s"EventHandler method $method must defined at most one non context parameter to handle events, the parameters defined were: ${other
def invoke(obj: AnyRef, event: AnyRef, context: EventContext): Unit = {
val ctx = InvocationContext(event, context)
method.invoke(obj, _*)
private class SnapshotHandlerInvoker(val method: Method) {
private val annotation = method.getAnnotation(classOf[SnapshotHandler])
private val parameters = ReflectionHelper.getParameterHandlers[SnapshotContext](method)()
// Verify that there is at most one event handler
val snapshotClass: Class[_] = parameters.collect {
case MainArgumentParameterHandler(clazz) => clazz
} match {
case Array(handlerClass) => handlerClass
case other =>
throw new RuntimeException(
s"SnapshotHandler method $method must defined at most one non context parameter to handle snapshots, the parameters defined were: ${other
def invoke(obj: AnyRef, snapshot: AnyRef, context: SnapshotContext): Unit = {
val ctx = InvocationContext(snapshot, context)
method.invoke(obj, _*)
private class SnapshotInvoker(val method: Method) {
private val parameters = ReflectionHelper.getParameterHandlers[SnapshotContext](method)()
parameters.foreach {
case MainArgumentParameterHandler(clazz) =>
throw new RuntimeException(
s"Don't know how to handle argument of type $clazz in snapshot method: " + method.getName
case _ =>
def invoke(obj: AnyRef, context: SnapshotContext): AnyRef = {
val ctx = InvocationContext("", context)
method.invoke(obj, _*)
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