io.codearte.accurest.util.ContentUtils.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.codearte.accurest.util
import groovy.json.JsonException
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
import groovy.util.logging.Slf4j
import io.codearte.accurest.dsl.internal.DslProperty
import io.codearte.accurest.dsl.internal.ExecutionProperty
import io.codearte.accurest.dsl.internal.Headers
import io.codearte.accurest.dsl.internal.MatchingStrategy
import io.codearte.accurest.dsl.internal.NamedProperty
import io.codearte.accurest.dsl.internal.OptionalProperty
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GStringImpl
import java.util.regex.Matcher
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml11
class ContentUtils {
public static final Closure GET_STUB_SIDE = {
it instanceof DslProperty ? it.clientValue : it
public static final Closure GET_TEST_SIDE = {
it instanceof DslProperty ? it.serverValue : it
private static final Pattern TEMPORARY_PATTERN_HOLDER = Pattern.compile('.*REGEXP>>(.*)<<.*')
private static final Pattern TEMPORARY_EXECUTION_PATTERN_HOLDER = Pattern.compile('["]?EXECUTION>>(.*)<<["]?')
private static final Pattern TEMPORARY_OPTIONAL_PATTERN_HOLDER = Pattern.compile('OPTIONAL>>(.*)<<')
private static final String JSON_VALUE_PATTERN_FOR_REGEX = 'REGEXP>>%s<<'
private static final String JSON_VALUE_PATTERN_FOR_OPTIONAL = 'OPTIONAL>>%s<<'
private static final String JSON_VALUE_PATTERN_FOR_EXECUTION = '"EXECUTION>>%s<<"'
* Due to the fact that we allow users to have a body with GString and different values inside
* we need to be prepared that they pass regexps around both on client and server side.
* In order to preserve the original JSON structure we need to convert the passed Regex patterns
* to a temporary string, then convert all to a legitimate JSON structure and then finally
* convert it back from string to a pattern.
* @param bodyAsValue - GString with passed values
* @param valueProvider - provider of values either for server or client side
* @return JSON structure with replaced client / server side parts
public static Object extractValue(GString bodyAsValue, ContentType contentType, Closure valueProvider) {
if (bodyAsValue.isEmpty()){
return bodyAsValue
if (contentType == ContentType.JSON) {
return extractValueForJSON(bodyAsValue, valueProvider)
if (contentType == ContentType.XML) {
return extractValueForXML(bodyAsValue, valueProvider)
// else Brute force :(
try {
log.debug("No content type provided so trying to parse as JSON")
return extractValueForJSON(bodyAsValue, valueProvider)
} catch(JsonException e) {
// Not a JSON format
log.debug("Failed to parse as JSON - trying to parse as XML", e)
try {
return extractValueForXML(bodyAsValue, valueProvider)
} catch (Exception exception) {
log.debug("No content type provided and failed to parse as XML - returning the value back to the user", exception)
return extractValueForGString(bodyAsValue, valueProvider)
public static ContentType getClientContentType(GString bodyAsValue) {
try {
extractValueForJSON(bodyAsValue, GET_STUB_SIDE)
return ContentType.JSON
} catch(JsonException e) {
try {
new XmlSlurper().parseText(extractValueForXML(bodyAsValue, GET_STUB_SIDE).toString())
return ContentType.XML
} catch (Exception exception) {
extractValueForGString(bodyAsValue, GET_STUB_SIDE)
return ContentType.UNKNOWN
public static ContentType getClientContentType(String bodyAsValue) {
try {
new JsonSlurper().parseText(bodyAsValue)
return ContentType.JSON
} catch(JsonException e) {
try {
new XmlSlurper().parseText(bodyAsValue)
return ContentType.XML
} catch (Exception exception) {
return ContentType.UNKNOWN
public static ContentType getClientContentType(Object bodyAsValue) {
return ContentType.UNKNOWN
public static ContentType getClientContentType(Map bodyAsValue) {
try {
return ContentType.JSON
} catch (Exception ignore) {
return ContentType.UNKNOWN
public static ContentType getClientContentType(List bodyAsValue) {
try {
return ContentType.JSON
} catch (Exception ignore) {
return ContentType.UNKNOWN
private static GStringImpl extractValueForGString(GString bodyAsValue, Closure valueProvider) {
return new GStringImpl(
bodyAsValue.values.collect { it instanceof DslProperty ? valueProvider(it) : it } as String[],
bodyAsValue.strings.clone() as String[]
public static Object extractValue(GString bodyAsValue, Closure valueProvider) {
return extractValue(bodyAsValue, ContentType.UNKNOWN, valueProvider)
private static Object extractValueForJSON(GString bodyAsValue, Closure valueProvider) {
GString transformedString = new GStringImpl(
bodyAsValue.values.collect { transformJSONStringValue(it, valueProvider) } as String[],
bodyAsValue.strings.clone() as String[]
def parsedJson = new JsonSlurper().parseText(transformedString.toString().replace('\\', '\\\\'))
return convertAllTemporaryRegexPlaceholdersBackToPatterns(parsedJson)
private static GStringImpl extractValueForXML(GString bodyAsValue, Closure valueProvider) {
return new GStringImpl(
bodyAsValue.values.collect { transformXMLStringValue(it, valueProvider) } as String[],
bodyAsValue.strings.clone() as String[]
protected static Object transformJSONStringValue(Object obj, Closure valueProvider) {
return obj
protected static Object transformJSONStringValue(DslProperty dslProperty, Closure valueProvider) {
return transformJSONStringValue(valueProvider(dslProperty), valueProvider)
protected static Object transformJSONStringValue(Pattern pattern, Closure valueProvider) {
return String.format(JSON_VALUE_PATTERN_FOR_REGEX, pattern.pattern())
protected static Object transformJSONStringValue(OptionalProperty optional, Closure valueProvider) {
return String.format(JSON_VALUE_PATTERN_FOR_OPTIONAL, optional.value)
protected static Object transformJSONStringValue(ExecutionProperty property, Closure valueProvider) {
return String.format(JSON_VALUE_PATTERN_FOR_EXECUTION, property.executionCommand)
private static String transformXMLStringValue(Object obj, Closure valueProvider) {
return escapeXml11(obj.toString())
private static String transformXMLStringValue(DslProperty dslProperty, Closure valueProvider) {
return transformXMLStringValue(valueProvider(dslProperty), valueProvider)
protected static Object convertDslPropsToTemporaryRegexPatterns(parsedJson) {
MapConverter.transformValues(parsedJson, { Object value ->
return transformJSONStringValue(value, GET_TEST_SIDE)
private static Object convertAllTemporaryRegexPlaceholdersBackToPatterns(parsedJson) {
MapConverter.transformValues(parsedJson, { Object value ->
if (value instanceof String) {
String string = (String) value
return returnParsedObject(string)
return value
* If you wonder why there is val[1] without null-check then take a look at this:
* Example:
* Our string equals: {@code EXECUTION>>assertThatRejectionReasonIsNull($it)<<}
* The matcher matches this group with the pattern {@code EXECUTION>>(.*)<<}
* So {@code executionMatcher[0]} returns 2 elements:
* - index0: EXECUTION>>assertThatRejectionReasonIsNull($it)<<
* - index1: assertThatRejectionReasonIsNull($it)<<
* Thus one can safely write {@code executionMatcher[0][1]} to retrieve the matched group
* @param string to match the regexps against
* @return object converted from temporary holders
static Object returnParsedObject(Object object) {
if (!(object instanceof String)) {
return object
String string = (String) object
Matcher matcher = TEMPORARY_PATTERN_HOLDER.matcher(string.trim())
if (matcher.matches()) {
return Pattern.compile(patternFromMatchingGroup(matcher))
Matcher executionMatcher = TEMPORARY_EXECUTION_PATTERN_HOLDER.matcher(string.trim())
if (executionMatcher.matches()) {
return new ExecutionProperty(patternFromMatchingGroup(executionMatcher))
Matcher optionalMatcher = TEMPORARY_OPTIONAL_PATTERN_HOLDER.matcher(string.trim())
if (optionalMatcher.matches()) {
String patternToMatch = patternFromMatchingGroup(optionalMatcher)
return Pattern.compile(new OptionalProperty(patternToMatch).optionalPattern())
return string
private static String patternFromMatchingGroup(Matcher matcher) {
List val = matcher[0] as List
return val[1]
public static ContentType recognizeContentTypeFromHeader(Headers headers) {
String content = headers?.entries.find { == "Content-Type" } ?.clientValue?.toString()
if (content?.endsWith("json")) {
return ContentType.JSON
if (content?.endsWith("xml")) {
return ContentType.XML
return ContentType.UNKNOWN
public static MatchingStrategy.Type getEqualsTypeFromContentType(ContentType contentType) {
switch (contentType) {
case ContentType.JSON:
return MatchingStrategy.Type.EQUAL_TO_JSON
case ContentType.XML:
return MatchingStrategy.Type.EQUAL_TO_XML
return MatchingStrategy.Type.EQUAL_TO
public static ContentType recognizeContentTypeFromContent(GString gstring) {
if (isJsonType(gstring)) {
return ContentType.JSON
if (isXmlType(gstring)) {
return ContentType.XML
return ContentType.UNKNOWN
public static ContentType recognizeContentTypeFromContent(Map jsonMap) {
return ContentType.JSON
public static ContentType recognizeContentTypeFromContent(List jsonList) {
return ContentType.JSON
public static ContentType recognizeContentTypeFromContent(String string) {
try {
new JsonSlurper().parseText(string)
return ContentType.JSON
} catch (Exception e){
return ContentType.UNKNOWN
public static ContentType recognizeContentTypeFromContent(Object gstring) {
return ContentType.UNKNOWN
public static boolean isJsonType(GString gstring) {
if (gstring.isEmpty()) {
return false
GString stringWithoutValues = new GStringImpl(
it instanceof String || it instanceof GString ? it.toString() : escapeJson(it.toString())
}) as Object[],
gstring.strings.clone() as String[]
try {
new JsonSlurper().parseText(stringWithoutValues.toString())
return true
} catch (JsonException e) {
// Not JSON
return false
public static boolean isXmlType(GString gstring) {
GString stringWithoutValues = new GStringImpl(
it instanceof String || it instanceof GString ? it.toString() : escapeXml11(it.toString())
}) as Object[],
gstring.strings.clone() as String[]
try {
new XmlSlurper().parseText(stringWithoutValues.toString())
return true
} catch (Exception e) {
// Not XML
return false
public static ContentType recognizeContentTypeFromMatchingStrategy(MatchingStrategy.Type type) {
switch (type) {
case MatchingStrategy.Type.EQUAL_TO_XML:
return ContentType.XML
case MatchingStrategy.Type.EQUAL_TO_JSON:
return ContentType.JSON
return ContentType.UNKNOWN
static String getGroovyMultipartFileParameterContent(String propertyName, NamedProperty propertyValue) {
return "'$propertyName', '$', '$propertyValue.value.serverValue'.bytes"
static String getJavaMultipartFileParameterContent(String propertyName, NamedProperty propertyValue) {
return """"${escapeJava(propertyName)}", "${escapeJava( as String)}", "${escapeJava(propertyValue.value.serverValue as String)}".getBytes()"""
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