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io.conekta.Order Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.conekta;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
* @author L.Carlos
public class Order extends Resource {
public String payment_status;
public String currency;
public Integer amount;
public Integer created_at;
public Boolean livemode;
public CustomerInfo customer_info;
public HashMap metadata = new HashMap();
public HashMap transitions = new HashMap();
public ConektaList discount_lines = new ConektaList("discount_lines");
public ShippingContact shipping_contact;
public ConektaList tax_lines = new ConektaList("tax_lines");
public ConektaList charges = new ConektaList("charges");
public ConektaList shipping_lines = new ConektaList("shipping_lines");
public ConektaList line_items = new ConektaList("line_items");
public Integer amount_refunded;
public Order(String id) {
public Order() {
public void loadFromObject(JSONObject jsonObject) throws Exception {
if (jsonObject != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Error(e.toString(), null, null, null, null);
String[] submodels = { "discount_lines", "tax_lines", "shipping_lines", "line_items", "charges" };
for (String submodel : submodels) {
ConektaList list = new ConektaList(submodel);
Field field = this.getClass().getField(submodel);
field.set(this, list);
this.setVal(submodel, list);
for (Object item : list){
DiscountLine discountLine = (DiscountLine) item;
discountLine.order = this;
for (Object item : list){
TaxLine taxLine = (TaxLine) item;
taxLine.order = this;
for (Object item : list){
Charge charge = (Charge) item;
charge.order = this;
for (Object item : list){
ShippingLine shippingLine = (ShippingLine) item;
shippingLine.order = this;
for (Object item : list){
LineItems lineItem = (LineItems) item;
lineItem.order = this;
public void reload() throws Exception{
Requestor requestor = new Requestor();
JSONObject orderJson = (JSONObject) requestor.request("GET", this.instanceUrl(), null);
public static Order create(JSONObject params) throws ErrorList, Error {
String className = Order.class.getCanonicalName();
return (Order) scpCreate(className, params);
public static Order find(String id) throws ErrorList, Error {
String className = Order.class.getCanonicalName();
return (Order) scpFind(className, id);
public static ConektaList where(JSONObject params) throws Error, JSONException, ErrorList {
String className = Order.class.getSimpleName();
return (ConektaList) scpWhereList(className, params);
public DiscountLine createDiscountLine(JSONObject params) throws JSONException, Error, ErrorList, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
return (DiscountLine) this.createMemberWithRelation("discount_lines", params, this);
public ShippingContact createShippingContact(JSONObject params) throws JSONException, Error, ErrorList{
JSONObject updateParams = new JSONObject();
updateParams.put("shipping_contact", params);
return this.shipping_contact;
public TaxLine createTaxLine(JSONObject params) throws JSONException, Error, ErrorList, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException{
return (TaxLine) this.createMemberWithRelation("tax_lines", params, this);
public void capture() throws JSONException, Error, ErrorList{
this.customAction("PUT", "capture", null);
public Charge createCharge(JSONObject params) throws JSONException, Error, ErrorList, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException{
return (Charge) this.createMemberWithRelation("charges", params, this);
public ShippingLine createShippingLine(JSONObject params) throws JSONException, Error, ErrorList, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException{
return (ShippingLine) this.createMemberWithRelation("shipping_lines", params, this);
public LineItems createLineItem(JSONObject params) throws JSONException, Error, ErrorList, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException{
return (LineItems) this.createMemberWithRelation("line_items", params, this);
public Order refund(JSONObject params) throws Exception {
Order order = (Order) this.customAction("POST", "refund", params);
return order;
public void update(JSONObject params) throws Error, ErrorList {
public void delete() throws Error, ErrorList {
this.delete(null, null);