Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2019,
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import io.continual.builder.Builder.BuildFailure;
import io.continual.http.service.framework.context.CHttpRequest;
import io.continual.http.service.framework.context.CHttpRequestContext;
import io.continual.iam.exceptions.IamSvcException;
import io.continual.util.collections.MultiMap;
import io.continual.util.naming.Path;
import io.continual.util.standards.HttpStatusCodes;
public class ModelApi extends ModelApiContextHelper
public ModelApi ( ServiceContainer sc, JSONObject settings, ModelService ms ) throws BuildFailure
super ( sc, settings, ms );
public void getModelIndexes ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String acctId, final String modelName ) throws IOException, ModelRequestException
handleModelRequest ( context, acctId, new ModelApiHandler ()
public void handle ( ModelApiContext modelApiContext )
throws IOException, JSONException, ModelRequestException
sendStatusCodeAndMessage ( context, HttpStatusCodes.k501_notImplemented, "not implemented" );
} );
public void getModelIndex ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String acctId, final String modelName, final String indexName ) throws IOException, ModelRequestException
handleModelRequest ( context, acctId, new ModelApiHandler ()
public void handle ( ModelApiContext modelApiContext )
throws IOException, JSONException, ModelRequestException
sendStatusCodeAndMessage ( context, HttpStatusCodes.k501_notImplemented, "not implemented" );
} );
public void createModelIndex ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String acctId, final String modelName, final String indexName ) throws IOException, ModelRequestException
handleModelRequest ( context, acctId, new ModelApiHandler ()
public void handle ( ModelApiContext modelApiContext )
throws IOException, JSONException, ModelRequestException
sendStatusCodeAndMessage ( context, HttpStatusCodes.k501_notImplemented, "not implemented" );
} );
public void dropModelIndex ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String acctId, final String modelName, final String indexName ) throws IOException, ModelRequestException
handleModelRequest ( context, acctId, new ModelApiHandler ()
public void handle ( ModelApiContext modelApiContext )
throws IOException, JSONException, ModelRequestException
sendStatusCodeAndMessage ( context, HttpStatusCodes.k501_notImplemented, "not implemented" );
} );
// for completeness, we have a top-level request
public void getObject ( CHttpRequestContext context ) throws IOException, ModelRequestException
getObject ( context, "/" );
public static final String kIncludeParam = "incl";
public static final String kChildQueryParam = "children";
public static enum IncludeOptions
public static final String kIncludeParam_Default = IncludeOptions.BOTH.toString ();
private static IncludeOptions userTextToOption ( String text ) throws ModelRequestException
return IncludeOptions.valueOf ( text.toUpperCase () );
catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
throw new ModelRequestException ( "Unrecognized option for " + kIncludeParam + ": " + text );
public void getChildrenOnPath ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String objectPath ) throws IOException, ModelRequestException
handleModelRequest ( context, null, new ModelApiHandler ()
public void handle ( ModelApiContext modelApiContext ) throws IOException, JSONException, IamSvcException, ModelItemDoesNotExistException, ModelRequestException, BuildFailure, ModelServiceException
final ModelSession ms = modelApiContext.getModelSession ();
final Path requestedPath = fixupPath ( objectPath );
// final ModelRequestContext mrc = makeMrc ( modelApiContext, ms );
final IncludeOptions io = userTextToOption (
context.request().getParameter ( kIncludeParam, kIncludeParam_Default )
final ModelConnection model = ms.getModel ();
if ( model.exists ( requestedPath ) )
final JSONObject response = new JSONObject ()
.put ( "status", HttpStatusCodes.k200_ok )
.put ( "request", requestedPath.toString () )
final ObjectRenderer or = new ObjectRenderer ()
.atPath ( requestedPath )
if ( io == IncludeOptions.DATA || io == IncludeOptions.BOTH )
final BasicModelObject mo = ms.getModel ().load ( requestedPath );
.withData ( mo )
if ( io == IncludeOptions.RELS || io == IncludeOptions.BOTH )
or.withRelations ( ms.getModel ().selectRelations ( requestedPath ).getRelations () );
response.put ( "object", or.render () );
modelApiContext.respondOk ( response );
modelApiContext.respondWithStatus ( HttpStatusCodes.k404_notFound, new JSONObject ().put ( "path", objectPath.toString () ) );
} );
private static final String kQueryParam_FirstPage = "pg";
private static final int kDefault_FirstPage = 0;
private static final String kQueryParam_PageSize = "sz";
private static final int kDefault_PageSize = 50;
private static final String kQueryResult_ItemsThisPage = "itemsOnPage";
private static final String kQueryResult_ItemsTotal = "itemsTotal";
private static final String kQueryResult_PagesTotal = "pageCount";
public void getObject ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String objectPath ) throws IOException, ModelRequestException
handleModelRequest ( context, null, new ModelApiHandler ()
public void handle ( ModelApiContext modelApiContext ) throws IOException, JSONException, IamSvcException, ModelItemDoesNotExistException, ModelRequestException, BuildFailure, ModelServiceException
final CHttpRequest req = context.request ();
final ModelSession ms = modelApiContext.getModelSession ();
final Path requestedPath = fixupPath ( objectPath );
final IncludeOptions io = userTextToOption (
req.getParameter ( kIncludeParam, kIncludeParam_Default )
final boolean childQuery = req.getBooleanParameter ( kChildQueryParam, false );
final ModelConnection model = ms.getModel ();
if ( childQuery )
final int reqPg = req.getIntParameter ( kQueryParam_FirstPage, kDefault_FirstPage );
final int reqSz = req.getIntParameter ( kQueryParam_PageSize, kDefault_PageSize );
// this pretty much a different thing from getting the object...
final PageRequest pr = new PageRequest ()
.startingAtPage ( reqPg )
.withPageSize ( reqSz )
final ModelPathListPage mpl = model.listChildrenOfPath ( requestedPath, pr );
final JSONArray paths = new JSONArray ();
for ( Path p : mpl )
paths.put ( p.toString () );
modelApiContext.respondOk ( new JSONObject ()
.put ( "children", paths )
.put ( "paging", new JSONObject ()
.put ( kQueryParam_FirstPage, reqPg )
.put ( kQueryParam_PageSize, reqSz )
.put ( kQueryResult_ItemsThisPage, mpl.getItemCountOnPage () )
.put ( kQueryResult_ItemsTotal, mpl.getTotalItemCount () )
.put ( kQueryResult_PagesTotal, mpl.getTotalPageCount () )
else if ( model.exists ( requestedPath ) )
final JSONObject response = new JSONObject ()
.put ( "status", HttpStatusCodes.k200_ok )
.put ( "request", requestedPath.toString () )
final ObjectRenderer or = new ObjectRenderer ()
.atPath ( requestedPath )
if ( io == IncludeOptions.DATA || io == IncludeOptions.BOTH )
final BasicModelObject mo = ms.getModel ().load ( requestedPath );
.withData ( mo )
if ( io == IncludeOptions.RELS || io == IncludeOptions.BOTH )
or.withRelations ( ms.getModel ().selectRelations ( requestedPath ).getRelations () );
response.put ( "object", or.render () );
modelApiContext.respondOk ( response );
modelApiContext.respondWithStatus ( HttpStatusCodes.k404_notFound, new JSONObject ().put ( "path", objectPath.toString () ) );
// else
// {
// final JSONArray results = new JSONArray ();
// final ModelPathList mpl = model.listObjectsStartingWith ( mrc, requestedPath );
// if ( mpl == null )
// {
// modelApiContext.respondWithStatus ( HttpStatusCodes.k404_notFound,
// new JSONObject ()
// .put ( "status", HttpStatusCodes.k404_notFound )
// .put ( "request", requestedPath.toString () )
// );
// }
// else
// {
// for ( Path child : mpl )
// {
// results.put ( child.toString () );
// }
// modelApiContext.respondOk ( new JSONObject ()
// .put ( "status", HttpStatusCodes.k200_ok )
// .put ( "request", requestedPath.toString () )
// .put ( "objects", results )
// );
// }
// }
} );
public void putObject ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String objectPath ) throws IOException, ModelRequestException
handleModelRequest ( context, null, new ModelApiHandler ()
public void handle ( ModelApiContext modelApiContext ) throws IOException, JSONException, ModelServiceException, IamSvcException, ModelItemDoesNotExistException, ModelRequestException, BuildFailure
final JSONObject obj = readPayload ( context );
final ModelSession ms = modelApiContext.getModelSession ();
final Path requestedPath = fixupPath ( objectPath );
ms.getModel ().createUpdate ( requestedPath )
.overwriteData ( new JsonModelObject ( obj ) )
.execute ()
modelApiContext.respondWithStatus ( HttpStatusCodes.k204_noContent, null );
} );
public void patchObject ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String objectPath ) throws IOException, ModelRequestException
handleModelRequest ( context, null, new ModelApiHandler ()
public void handle ( ModelApiContext modelApiContext ) throws IOException, JSONException, ModelServiceException, IamSvcException, ModelItemDoesNotExistException, ModelRequestException, BuildFailure
final JSONObject obj = readPayload ( context );
final ModelSession ms = modelApiContext.getModelSession ();
final Path requestedPath = fixupPath ( objectPath );
ms.getModel ().createUpdate ( requestedPath )
.mergeData ( new JsonModelObject ( obj ) )
.execute ()
modelApiContext.respondWithStatus ( HttpStatusCodes.k204_noContent, null );
} );
public void deleteObject ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String objectPath ) throws IOException, ModelRequestException
handleModelRequest ( context, null, new ModelApiHandler ()
public void handle ( ModelApiContext modelApiContext ) throws IOException, JSONException, ModelServiceException, IamSvcException, ModelItemDoesNotExistException, ModelRequestException, BuildFailure
final ModelSession ms = modelApiContext.getModelSession ();
final Path requestedPath = fixupPath ( objectPath );
final boolean removal = ms.getModel ().remove ( requestedPath );
modelApiContext.respondWithStatus ( HttpStatusCodes.k200_ok, new JSONObject ().put ( "removal", removal ));
} );
public void postRelations ( CHttpRequestContext context ) throws IOException, ModelRequestException
handleModelRequest ( context, null, new ModelApiHandler ()
public void handle ( ModelApiContext modelApiContext ) throws IOException, JSONException, ModelServiceException, IamSvcException, ModelItemDoesNotExistException, ModelRequestException, BuildFailure
final JSONObject result = new JSONObject ();
final JSONArray resultRelns = new JSONArray ();
result.put ( "relations", resultRelns );
final ModelSession ms = modelApiContext.getModelSession ();
final JSONObject payload = readPayload ( context );
final JSONArray relns = payload.getJSONArray ( "relations" );
for ( int i=0; i relnMap = new MultiMap<> ();
for ( ModelRelation mr : relns )
relnMap.put ( mr.getName (), fromSide ? mr.getFrom () : mr.getTo () );
final JSONObject obj = new JSONObject ();
for ( String relnName : relnMap.getKeys () )
final List targets = relnMap.get ( relnName );
obj.put ( relnName, JsonVisitor.listToArray ( targets, new ItemRenderer ()
public String render ( Path p ) { return p.getId (); }
} ) );
return obj;
// private ModelRequestContext makeMrc ( ModelApiContext modelApiContext, ModelSession ms ) throws BuildFailure
// {
// return ms.getModel().getRequestContextBuilder ()
// .forUser ( modelApiContext.getUserContext ().getUser () )
// .withSchemasFrom ( ms.getSchemaRegistry () )
// .withNotificationsTo ( ms.getNotificationSvc () )
// .build ()
// ;
// }
// public void getModel ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String acctId, final String modelName ) throws IOException, ModelServiceRequestException
// {
// handleModelRequest ( context, acctId, null, new ModelApiHandler ()
// {
// @Override
// public String handle ( ModelApiContext modelApiContext )
// throws IOException, JSONException, ModelServiceRequestException
// {
// final ModelService ms = modelApiContext.getModelService ();
// final ModelAccount ma = ms.getAccount ( modelApiContext.getModelRequestContext (), acctId );
// final Model model = ma.getModel ( modelApiContext.getModelRequestContext (), modelName );
// if ( model == null )
// {
// sendStatusCodeAndMessage ( context, HttpStatusCodes.k404_notFound, "the model does not exist" );
// return null;
// }
// // return the result
// return new JSONObject ()
// .put ( "status", HttpStatusCodes.k200_ok )
// .put ( "model", model.toJson() )
// .toString ()
// ;
// }
// } );
// }
// public void createModel ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String acctId, final String modelName ) throws IOException, ModelServiceRequestException
// {
// handleModelRequest ( context, acctId, null, new ModelApiHandler ()
// {
// @Override
// public String handle ( ModelApiContext modelApiContext )
// throws IOException, JSONException, ModelServiceRequestException
// {
// // load the account path
// final ModelRequestContext mrc = modelApiContext.getModelRequestContext ();
// final ModelService ms = modelApiContext.getModelService ();
// final ModelAccount ma = ms.getAccount ( mrc, acctId );
// if ( ma.doesModelExist ( mrc, modelName ) )
// {
// sendStatusCodeAndMessage ( context, HttpStatusCodes.k409_conflict, "Model [" + modelName + "] exists. You must explicitly delete it before creating it again." );
// return null;
// }
// final Model model = ma.initModel ( modelApiContext.getModelRequestContext (), modelName );
// // return the result
// return new JSONObject ()
// .put ( "status", HttpStatusCodes.k200_ok )
// .put ( "model", model.toJson () )
// .toString ()
// ;
// }
// } );
// }
// public void deleteModel ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String acctId, final String modelName ) throws IOException, ModelServiceRequestException
// {
// handleModelRequest ( context, acctId, null, new ModelApiHandler ()
// {
// @Override
// public String handle ( ModelApiContext modelApiContext )
// throws IOException, JSONException, ModelServiceRequestException
// {
// sendStatusCodeAndMessage ( context, HttpStatusCodes.k501_notImplemented, "not implemented" );
// return null;
// }
// } );
// }
// public void selectWithParam ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String acctId, final String modelName ) throws IOException, ModelServiceRequestException
// {
// handleModelRequest ( context, acctId, null, new ModelApiHandler ()
// {
// @Override
// public String handle ( ModelApiContext modelApiContext )
// throws IOException, JSONException, ModelServiceRequestException
// {
// sendStatusCodeAndMessage ( context, HttpStatusCodes.k501_notImplemented, "not implemented" );
// return null;
// }
// } );
// }
// public void selectWithBody ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String acctId, final String modelName ) throws IOException, ModelServiceRequestException
// {
// handleModelRequest ( context, acctId, null, new ModelApiHandler ()
// {
// @Override
// public String handle ( ModelApiContext modelApiContext )
// throws IOException, JSONException, ModelServiceRequestException
// {
// sendStatusCodeAndMessage ( context, HttpStatusCodes.k501_notImplemented, "not implemented" );
// return null;
// }
// } );
// }
* // request the child elements of the account. these are the models from an API perspective.
final JSONArray a = new JSONArray ();
for ( Path m : o.getElementsBelow ( modelApiContext.getModelRequestContext () ).getElements () )
a.put ( m.getItemName () );
public static void getModel ( CHttpRequestContext context, String modelName ) throws IOException
getModel ( context, null, modelName );
public static void getModel ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String acctId, final String modelName ) throws IOException
handleWithApiAuth ( context, new ApiHandler ()
public String handle ( CHttpRequestContext context, HttpServlet servlet, Identity user )
final Account effectiveAcct = getEffectiveAccount ( acctId, context, acct, user );
final OtterleyRequestContext ctx = new OtterleyRequestContext ( user );
final OtterleyModel m = effectiveAcct.getModel ( modelName, ctx );
if ( m == null )
throw new ModelKeyspaceException ( "Model [" + modelName + "] does not exist." );
return modelToJson ( modelName, m ).toString ();
catch ( JSONException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k500_internalServerError,
"There was an error writing the response body.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
log.error ( "Couldn't writ emodel info. " + e.getMessage() );
catch ( ModelKeyspaceException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k404_notFound, "Entity does not exist.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( OtterleySecurityException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k401_unauthorized, "Not authorized.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( ModelIoException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k500_internalServerError, "Couldn't load model: " + e.getMessage(), MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( CHttpAccountsException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k404_notFound, "Entity does not exist.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
return null;
} );
public static void createModel ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String modelName ) throws IOException
createModel ( context, null, modelName );
public static void createModel ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String acctId, final String modelName ) throws IOException
handleWithApiAuth ( context, new ApiHandler ()
public String handle ( CHttpRequestContext context, HttpServlet servlet, Identity user )
final Account effectiveAcct = getEffectiveAccount ( acctId, context, acct, user );
// read multiple in case there are 0
final List modelSpec = JsonBodyReader.readBodyForObjects ( context );
if ( modelSpec.size() == 0 || modelSpec.size() > 1 )
throw new OdbBadProvisioningRequestException ( "This request must have exactly 1 model specification." );
// does the model exist?
if ( effectiveAcct.modelExists ( modelName ) )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k405_methodNotAllowed,
"This model exists; please explicitly delete it first.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
return null;
final nvWriteableTable settings = new nvWriteableTable ();
final OtterleyRequestContext ctx = new OtterleyRequestContext ( user );
ApiContextHelper.getModelSvc(context).createModel (
ApiContextHelper.getAccountsSvc ( context ),
effectiveAcct, modelName, settings, ctx, user );
final OtterleyModel newModel = effectiveAcct.getModel ( modelName, ctx );
return modelToJson ( modelName, newModel ).toString ();
catch ( JSONException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest,
"There was an error provisioning the request: " + e.getMessage(), MimeTypes.kPlainText );
log.error ( "Provisioning request refused: " + e.getMessage() );
catch ( IOException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k503_serviceUnavailable,
"There was an error reading the request.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
log.error ( "Couldn't write model info. " + e.getMessage() );
catch ( OdbBadProvisioningRequestException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest,
"There was an error provisioning the request: " + e.getMessage(), MimeTypes.kPlainText );
log.error ( "Provisioning request refused: " + e.getMessage() );
catch ( ModelKeyspaceException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k404_notFound, "Entity does not exist.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( OtterleySecurityException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k401_unauthorized, "Not authorized.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( ModelIoException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k500_internalServerError, "Couldn't load model: " + e.getMessage(), MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( CHttpAccountsException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k404_notFound, "Entity does not exist.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
return null;
} );
public static void deleteModel ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String modelName ) throws IOException
deleteModel ( context, null, modelName );
public static void deleteModel ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String acctId, final String modelName ) throws IOException
handleWithApiAuth ( context, new ApiHandler ()
public String handle ( CHttpRequestContext context, HttpServlet servlet, Identity user )
final OtterleyRequestContext ctx = new OtterleyRequestContext ( user );
final Account effectiveAcct = getEffectiveAccount ( acctId, context, acct, user );
ApiContextHelper.getModelSvc ( context ).deleteModel ( ApiContextHelper.getAccountsSvc ( context ),
effectiveAcct, modelName, ctx, user );
catch ( ModelIoException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k500_internalServerError, "Couldn't remove model.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( OdbBadProvisioningRequestException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k500_internalServerError, "Couldn't remove model.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( CHttpAccountsException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k404_notFound, "Entity does not exist.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( OtterleySecurityException e )
context.response().sendError ( HttpStatusCodes.k401_unauthorized, "not authorized" );
return null;
} );
public static void getTypes ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String modelName ) throws IOException
getTypes ( context, null, modelName );
public static void getTypes ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String acctId, final String modelName ) throws IOException
handleWithApiAuth ( context, new ApiHandler ()
public String handle ( CHttpRequestContext context, HttpServlet servlet, Identity user ) throws IOException
final OtterleyRequestContext ctx = new OtterleyRequestContext ( user );
final OtterleyModel m = acct.getModel ( modelName, ctx );
if ( m == null )
throw new ModelKeyspaceException ( "Model [" + modelName + "] does not exist." );
final Collection types = m.getAllTypeNames ( ctx );
final PrintWriter pw = context.response ().getStreamForTextResponse ( MimeTypes.kAppJson );
pw.print ( "{\"types\"=[" );
boolean doneAny = false;
for ( String typeName : types )
if ( doneAny ) pw.print ( "," );
doneAny = true;
pw.print ( "\"" );
pw.print ( typeName ); //FIXME: escape quotes in the string
pw.print ( "\"" );
pw.println ( "]}" );
pw.close ();
return null;
catch ( ModelKeyspaceException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k404_notFound, "Entity does not exist.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( OtterleySecurityException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k401_unauthorized, "Not authorized.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( ModelIoException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k500_internalServerError, "Couldn't load model.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
return null;
} );
public static void getType ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String modelName, final String typeName ) throws IOException
getType ( context, null, modelName, typeName );
public static void getType ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String acctId, final String modelName, final String typeName ) throws IOException
handleWithApiAuth ( context, new ApiHandler ()
public String handle ( CHttpRequestContext context, HttpServlet servlet, Identity user ) throws IOException
final Account effectiveAcct = getEffectiveAccount ( acctId, context, acct, user );
final OtterleyRequestContext ctx = new OtterleyRequestContext ( user );
final OtterleyModel m = effectiveAcct.getModel ( modelName, ctx );
if ( m == null )
throw new ModelKeyspaceException ( "Model [" + modelName + "] does not exist." );
final OtterleyType t = m.loadType ( typeName, ctx );
final JSONObject j = OtterleyJsonTypeSerializer.write ( t );
return j.toString ();
catch ( OtterleySecurityException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k401_unauthorized,
"Could not read object.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( ModelKeyspaceException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest,
"Entity does not exist.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( ModelIoException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k503_serviceUnavailable,
"Error writing the object.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( CHttpAccountsException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k401_unauthorized,
"Could not read object.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( SerializerException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k500_internalServerError,
"Couldn't serialize the type object.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
return null;
public static void putType ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String modelName, final String typeName ) throws IOException
putType ( context, null, modelName, typeName );
public static void putType ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String acctId, final String modelName, final String typeName ) throws IOException
handleWithApiAuth ( context, new ApiHandler ()
public String handle ( CHttpRequestContext context, HttpServlet servlet, Identity user ) throws IOException
final JSONObject in = JsonBodyReader.readBody ( context );
final Account effectiveAcct = getEffectiveAccount ( acctId, context, acct, user );
final OtterleyRequestContext ctx = new OtterleyRequestContext ( user );
final OtterleyModel m = effectiveAcct.getModel ( modelName, ctx );
if ( m == null )
throw new ModelKeyspaceException ( "Model [" + modelName + "] does not exist." );
final OtterleyTypeUpdater ii = new OtterleyTypeUpdater ()
public void update ( OtterleyType o ) throws ModelIoException
{ ( in, o );
o.put ( OtterleyType.kSetting_Name, typeName );
m.replaceType ( typeName, ii, ctx );
context.response ().setStatus ( HttpStatusCodes.k204_noContent );
catch ( IOException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest,
"There was a problem reading your input.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( JSONException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest,
"Couldn't parse your JSON object.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( OtterleySecurityException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k401_unauthorized,
"Could not read object.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( ModelKeyspaceException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest,
"Entity does not exist.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( ModelIoException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k503_serviceUnavailable,
"Error writing the object.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( OtterleyTypeException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest,
"The object had a type exception. " + e.getMessage (), MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( CHttpAccountsException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k401_unauthorized,
"Could not read object.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
return null;
public static void deleteType ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String modelName, final String typeName ) throws IOException
deleteType ( context, null, modelName, typeName );
public static void deleteType ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String acctId, final String modelName, final String typeName ) throws IOException
handleWithApiAuth ( context, new ApiHandler ()
public String handle ( CHttpRequestContext context, HttpServlet servlet, Identity user ) throws IOException
final Account effectiveAcct = getEffectiveAccount ( acctId, context, acct, user );
final OtterleyRequestContext ctx = new OtterleyRequestContext ( user );
final OtterleyModel m = effectiveAcct.getModel ( modelName, ctx );
if ( m == null )
throw new ModelKeyspaceException ( "Model [" + modelName + "] does not exist." );
m.deleteType ( typeName, ctx );
context.response ().setStatus ( HttpStatusCodes.k204_noContent );
catch ( OtterleySecurityException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k401_unauthorized,
"Could not read object.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( ModelKeyspaceException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest,
"Entity does not exist.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( ModelIoException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k503_serviceUnavailable,
"Error writing the object.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
catch ( CHttpAccountsException e )
context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k401_unauthorized,
"Could not read object.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
return null;
// public static void getObjectListeners ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String modelName, final String objectId ) throws IOException
// {
// handleWithApiAuth ( context, new apiHandler ()
// {
// @Override
// public String handle ( CHttpRequestContext context, nebbyDbServlet servlet, nebbyAccount acct, nebbyUser user )
// {
// try
// {
// final nebbyRequestContext ctx = new nebbyRequestContext ( user );
// final nebbyModel m = acct.getModel ( modelName, ctx );
// if ( m == null )
// {
// throw new nebbyKeyspaceException ( "Model [" + modelName + "] does not exist." );
// }
// final nebbyObject o = m.load ( objectId, ctx );
// return "[]";
// }
// catch ( nebbySecurityException e )
// {
// context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k401_unauthorized,
// "Could not read object.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
// }
// catch ( nebbyKeyspaceException e )
// {
// context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k404_notFound, "Entity does not exist.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
// }
// catch ( nebbyIoException e )
// {
// context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k500_internalServerError,
// "There was an error reading from the model.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
// log.severe ( "Couldn't read from model: " + e.getMessage() );
// }
// return null;
// }
// } );
// }
// public static void getObjectListener ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String modelName, final String oid, final String typeName ) throws IOException
// {
// handleWithApiAuth ( context, new apiHandler ()
// {
// @Override
// public String handle ( CHttpRequestContext context, nebbyDbServlet servlet, nebbyAccount acct, nebbyUser user ) throws IOException
// {
// try
// {
// final nebbyRequestContext ctx = new nebbyRequestContext ( user );
// final nebbyModel m = acct.getModel ( modelName, ctx );
// if ( m == null )
// {
// throw new nebbyKeyspaceException ( "Model [" + modelName + "] does not exist." );
// }
// final nebbyType t = m.loadType ( typeName, ctx );
// final JSONObject j = jsonType.write ( t );
// return j.toString ();
// }
// catch ( nebbySecurityException e )
// {
// context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k401_unauthorized,
// "Could not read object.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
// }
// catch ( nebbyKeyspaceException e )
// {
// context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest,
// "Entity does not exist.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
// }
// catch ( nebbyIoException e )
// {
// context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k503_serviceUnavailable,
// "Error writing the object.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
// }
// return null;
// }
// });
// }
// public static void addObjectListener ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String modelName, final String oid, final String typeName ) throws IOException
// {
// handleWithApiAuth ( context, new apiHandler ()
// {
// @Override
// public String handle ( CHttpRequestContext context, nebbyDbServlet servlet, nebbyAccount acct, nebbyUser user ) throws IOException
// {
// try
// {
// final JSONObject in = JsonBodyReader.readBody ( context );
// final nebbyRequestContext ctx = new nebbyRequestContext ( user );
// final nebbyModel m = acct.getModel ( modelName, ctx );
// if ( m == null )
// {
// throw new nebbyKeyspaceException ( "Model [" + modelName + "] does not exist." );
// }
// final nebbyModel.typeReader ii = new nebbyModel.typeReader ()
// {
// public void update ( nebbyType o ) throws nebbyIoException
// {
// ( in, o );
// o.put ( nebbyType.kSetting_Name, typeName );
// }
// };
// m.replaceType ( typeName, ii, ctx );
// context.response ().setStatus ( HttpStatusCodes.k204_noContent );
// }
// catch ( IOException e )
// {
// context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest,
// "There was a problem reading your input.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
// }
// catch ( JSONException e )
// {
// context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest,
// "Couldn't parse your JSON object.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
// }
// catch ( nebbySecurityException e )
// {
// context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k401_unauthorized,
// "Could not read object.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
// }
// catch ( nebbyKeyspaceException e )
// {
// context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest,
// "Entity does not exist.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
// }
// catch ( nebbyIoException e )
// {
// context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k503_serviceUnavailable,
// "Error writing the object.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
// }
// catch ( nebbyTypeException e )
// {
// context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest,
// "The object had a type exception. " + e.getMessage (), MimeTypes.kPlainText );
// }
// return null;
// }
// });
// }
// public static void removeObjectListener ( CHttpRequestContext context, final String modelName, final String oid, final String typeName ) throws IOException
// {
// handleWithApiAuth ( context, new apiHandler ()
// {
// @Override
// public String handle ( CHttpRequestContext context, nebbyDbServlet servlet, nebbyAccount acct, nebbyUser user ) throws IOException
// {
// try
// {
// final nebbyRequestContext ctx = new nebbyRequestContext ( user );
// final nebbyModel m = acct.getModel ( modelName, ctx );
// if ( m == null )
// {
// throw new nebbyKeyspaceException ( "Model [" + modelName + "] does not exist." );
// }
// m.deleteType ( typeName, ctx );
// context.response ().setStatus ( HttpStatusCodes.k204_noContent );
// }
// catch ( nebbySecurityException e )
// {
// context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k401_unauthorized,
// "Could not read object.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
// }
// catch ( nebbyKeyspaceException e )
// {
// context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest,
// "Entity does not exist.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
// }
// catch ( nebbyIoException e )
// {
// context.response ().sendErrorAndBody ( HttpStatusCodes.k503_serviceUnavailable,
// "Error writing the object.", MimeTypes.kPlainText );
// }
// return null;
// }
// });
// }
protected static JSONObject modelToJson ( String name, OtterleyModel m ) throws JSONException
final JSONObject result = new JSONObject ();
result.put ( "name", name );
// result.put ( nebbyDbProvisioner.kSetting_DbAvailabilityType, m.getAvailabilityType() );
return result;
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