mdk_protocol.LamportClock Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Quark 1.0.452 run at 2016-11-11 16:09:46.008093 */
package mdk_protocol;
* A Lamport Clock is a logical structure meant to allow partial causal ordering. Ours is a list of
* integers such that adding an integer implies adding a new level to the causality tree.
* Within a level, time is indicated by incrementing the clock, so
* [1,2,3] comes before [1,2,4] which comes before [1,2,5]
* Adding an element to the clock implies causality, so [1,2,4,1-N] is _by definition_ a sequence that was
* _caused by_ the sequence of [1,2,1-3].
* Note that LamportClock is lowish-level support. SharedContext puts some more structure around this, too.
public class LamportClock extends Serializable implements io.datawire.quark.runtime.QObject {
public static quark.reflect.Class mdk_protocol_LamportClock_ref = datawire_mdk_md.Root.mdk_protocol_LamportClock_md;
public io.datawire.quark.runtime.Lock _mutex = new io.datawire.quark.runtime.Lock();
public java.util.ArrayList clocks = new java.util.ArrayList(java.util.Arrays.asList(new Object[]{}));
public LamportClock() {
public static LamportClock decode(String encoded) {
return (LamportClock) (Serializable.decodeClassName("mdk_protocol.LamportClock", encoded));
* Return a neatly-formatted list of all of our clock elements (e.g. 1,2,4,1) for use as a name or
* a key.
public String key() {
java.util.ArrayList tmp = new java.util.ArrayList(java.util.Arrays.asList(new Object[]{}));
Integer i = 0;
while ((i) < (((this).clocks).size())) {
i = (i) + (1);
String str = io.datawire.quark.runtime.Builtins.join((","), (tmp));
return str;
public String toString() {
String str = (("");
return str;
* Enter a new level of causality. Returns the value to pass to later pass to leave to get back to the
* current level of causality.
public Integer enter() {
Integer current = -(1);
current = ((this).clocks).size();
return current;
* Leave deeper levels of causality. popTo should be the value returned when you enter()d this level.
public Integer leave(Integer popTo) {
Integer current = -(1);
(this).clocks = (new quark.ListUtil()).slice((this).clocks, 0, popTo);
current = ((this).clocks).size();
return current;
* Increment the clock for our current level of causality (which is always the last element in the list).
* If there are no elements in our clock, do nothing.
public void tick() {
Integer current = ((this).clocks).size();
if ((current) > (0)) {
((this).clocks).set(((current) - (1)), ((((this).clocks).get((current) - (1))) + (1)));
public String _getClass() {
return "mdk_protocol.LamportClock";
public Object _getField(String name) {
if ((name)==("_mutex") || ((Object)(name) != null && ((Object) (name)).equals("_mutex"))) {
return (this)._mutex;
if ((name)==("clocks") || ((Object)(name) != null && ((Object) (name)).equals("clocks"))) {
return (this).clocks;
return null;
public void _setField(String name, Object value) {
if ((name)==("_mutex") || ((Object)(name) != null && ((Object) (name)).equals("_mutex"))) {
(this)._mutex = (io.datawire.quark.runtime.Lock) (value);
if ((name)==("clocks") || ((Object)(name) != null && ((Object) (name)).equals("clocks"))) {
(this).clocks = (java.util.ArrayList) (value);