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* Copyright Debezium Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache Software License version 2.0, available at
package io.debezium.connector.sqlserver;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import io.debezium.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import io.debezium.config.Configuration;
import io.debezium.config.Field;
import io.debezium.jdbc.JdbcConfiguration;
import io.debezium.jdbc.JdbcConnection;
import io.debezium.relational.Column;
import io.debezium.relational.Table;
import io.debezium.relational.TableId;
* {@link JdbcConnection} extension to be used with Microsoft SQL Server
* @author Horia Chiorean ([email protected]), Jiri Pechanec
public class SqlServerConnection extends JdbcConnection {
public static final String INSTANCE_NAME = "instance";
private static final String GET_DATABASE_NAME = "SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name = ?";
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SqlServerConnection.class);
private static final String STATEMENTS_PLACEHOLDER = "#";
private static final String DATABASE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER = "#db";
private static final String GET_MAX_LSN = "SELECT [#db].sys.fn_cdc_get_max_lsn()";
private static final String GET_MAX_TRANSACTION_LSN = "SELECT MAX(start_lsn) FROM [#db].cdc.lsn_time_mapping WHERE tran_id <> 0x00";
private static final String GET_NTH_TRANSACTION_LSN_FROM_BEGINNING = "SELECT MAX(start_lsn) FROM (SELECT TOP (?) start_lsn FROM [#db].cdc.lsn_time_mapping WHERE tran_id <> 0x00 ORDER BY start_lsn) as next_lsns";
private static final String GET_NTH_TRANSACTION_LSN_FROM_LAST = "SELECT MAX(start_lsn) FROM (SELECT TOP (? + 1) start_lsn FROM [#db].cdc.lsn_time_mapping WHERE start_lsn >= ? AND tran_id <> 0x00 ORDER BY start_lsn) as next_lsns";
private static final String GET_MIN_LSN = "SELECT [#db].sys.fn_cdc_get_min_lsn('#')";
private static final String LOCK_TABLE = "SELECT * FROM [#] WITH (TABLOCKX)";
private static final String INCREMENT_LSN = "SELECT [#db].sys.fn_cdc_increment_lsn(?)";
private static final String GET_ALL_CHANGES_FOR_TABLE = "SELECT *# FROM [#db].cdc.[fn_cdc_get_all_changes_#](?, ?, N'all update old') order by [__$start_lsn] ASC, [__$seqval] ASC, [__$operation] ASC";
private final String get_all_changes_for_table;
protected static final String LSN_TIMESTAMP_SELECT_STATEMENT = "TODATETIMEOFFSET([#db].sys.fn_cdc_map_lsn_to_time([__$start_lsn]), DATEPART(TZOFFSET, SYSDATETIMEOFFSET()))";
* Queries the list of captured column names and their change table identifiers in the given database.
private static final String GET_CAPTURED_COLUMNS = "SELECT object_id, column_name" +
" FROM [#db].cdc.captured_columns" +
" ORDER BY object_id, column_id";
* Queries the list of capture instances in the given database.
* If two or more capture instances with the same start LSN are available for a given source table,
* only the newest one will be returned.
* We use a query instead of {@code sys.sp_cdc_help_change_data_capture} because:
* 1. The stored procedure doesn't allow filtering capture instances by start LSN.
* 2. There is no way to use the result returned by a stored procedure in a query.
private static final String GET_CHANGE_TABLES = "WITH ordered_change_tables" +
" AS (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ct.source_object_id, ct.start_lsn ORDER BY ct.create_date DESC) AS ct_sequence," +
" ct.*" +
" FROM [#db].cdc.change_tables AS ct#)" +
" SELECT OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(source_object_id, DB_ID(?))," +
" OBJECT_NAME(source_object_id, DB_ID(?))," +
" capture_instance," +
" object_id," +
" start_lsn" +
" FROM ordered_change_tables WHERE ct_sequence = 1";
private static final String GET_NEW_CHANGE_TABLES = "SELECT * FROM [#db].cdc.change_tables WHERE start_lsn BETWEEN ? AND ?";
private static final String OPENING_QUOTING_CHARACTER = "[";
private static final String CLOSING_QUOTING_CHARACTER = "]";
private static final String URL_PATTERN = "jdbc:sqlserver://${" + JdbcConfiguration.HOSTNAME + "}";
private final SqlServerConnectorConfig config;
private final boolean useSingleDatabase;
private final String getAllChangesForTable;
private final int queryFetchSize;
private final SqlServerDefaultValueConverter defaultValueConverter;
private boolean optionRecompile;
private static final Field AGENT_STATUS_QUERY = Field.create("sqlserver.agent.status.query")
.withDescription("Query to get the running status of the SQL Server Agent")
"SELECT CASE WHEN dss.[status]=4 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS isRunning FROM [#db].sys.dm_server_services dss WHERE dss.[servicename] LIKE N'SQL Server Agent (%';");
* Creates a new connection using the supplied configuration.
* @param config {@link Configuration} instance, may not be null.
* @param valueConverters {@link SqlServerValueConverters} instance
* @param skippedOperations a set of {@link Envelope.Operation} to skip in streaming
public SqlServerConnection(SqlServerConnectorConfig config, SqlServerValueConverters valueConverters,
Set skippedOperations,
boolean useSingleDatabase) {
super(config.getJdbcConfig(), createConnectionFactory(config.getJdbcConfig(), useSingleDatabase), OPENING_QUOTING_CHARACTER, CLOSING_QUOTING_CHARACTER);
defaultValueConverter = new SqlServerDefaultValueConverter(this::connection, valueConverters);
this.queryFetchSize = config.getQueryFetchSize();
if (hasSkippedOperations(skippedOperations)) {
Set skippedOps = new HashSet<>();
StringBuilder getAllChangesForTableStatement = new StringBuilder(
"SELECT *# FROM [#db].cdc.[fn_cdc_get_all_changes_#](?, ?, N'all update old') WHERE __$operation NOT IN (");
skippedOperations.forEach((Envelope.Operation operation) -> {
// This number are the __$operation number in the SQLServer
switch (operation) {
case CREATE:
case UPDATE:
case DELETE:
getAllChangesForTableStatement.append(String.join(",", skippedOps));
getAllChangesForTableStatement.append(") order by [__$start_lsn] ASC, [__$seqval] ASC, [__$operation] ASC");
get_all_changes_for_table = getAllChangesForTableStatement.toString();
else {
get_all_changes_for_table = GET_ALL_CHANGES_FOR_TABLE;
getAllChangesForTable = get_all_changes_for_table.replaceFirst(STATEMENTS_PLACEHOLDER,
Matcher.quoteReplacement(", " + LSN_TIMESTAMP_SELECT_STATEMENT));
this.config = config;
this.useSingleDatabase = useSingleDatabase;
this.optionRecompile = false;
* Creates a new connection using the supplied configuration.
* @param config {@link Configuration} instance, may not be null.
* @param valueConverters {@link SqlServerValueConverters} instance
* @param skippedOperations a set of {@link Envelope.Operation} to skip in streaming
* @param optionRecompile Includes query option RECOMPILE on incremental snapshots
public SqlServerConnection(SqlServerConnectorConfig config, SqlServerValueConverters valueConverters,
Set skippedOperations, boolean useSingleDatabase,
boolean optionRecompile) {
this(config, valueConverters, skippedOperations, useSingleDatabase);
this.optionRecompile = optionRecompile;
private boolean hasSkippedOperations(Set skippedOperations) {
if (!skippedOperations.isEmpty()) {
for (Envelope.Operation operation : skippedOperations) {
switch (operation) {
case CREATE:
case UPDATE:
case DELETE:
return true;
return false;
private static ConnectionFactory createConnectionFactory(SqlServerJdbcConfiguration config, boolean useSingleDatabase) {
return JdbcConnection.patternBasedFactory(createUrlPattern(config, useSingleDatabase),
protected static String createUrlPattern(SqlServerJdbcConfiguration config, boolean useSingleDatabase) {
String pattern = URL_PATTERN;
if (config.getInstance() != null) {
pattern += "\\" + config.getInstance();
if (config.getPortAsString() != null) {
pattern += ":${" + JdbcConfiguration.PORT + "}";
else {
pattern += ":${" + JdbcConfiguration.PORT + "}";
if (useSingleDatabase) {
pattern += ";databaseName=${" + JdbcConfiguration.DATABASE + "}";
return pattern;
* Returns a JDBC connection string for the current configuration.
* @return a {@code String} where the variables in {@code urlPattern} are replaced with values from the configuration
public String connectionString() {
return connectionString(createUrlPattern(config.getJdbcConfig(), useSingleDatabase));
public synchronized Connection connection(boolean executeOnConnect) throws SQLException {
boolean connected = isConnected();
Connection connection = super.connection(executeOnConnect);
if (!connected) {
return connection;
* @return the current largest log sequence number
public Lsn getMaxLsn(String databaseName) throws SQLException {
return queryAndMap(replaceDatabaseNamePlaceholder(GET_MAX_LSN, databaseName), singleResultMapper(rs -> {
final Lsn ret = Lsn.valueOf(rs.getBytes(1));
LOGGER.trace("Current maximum lsn is {}", ret);
return ret;
}, "Maximum LSN query must return exactly one value"));
* @return the log sequence number of the most recent transaction
* that isn't further than {@code maxOffset} from the beginning.
public Lsn getNthTransactionLsnFromBeginning(String databaseName, int maxOffset) throws SQLException {
return prepareQueryAndMap(
replaceDatabaseNamePlaceholder(GET_NTH_TRANSACTION_LSN_FROM_BEGINNING, databaseName),
statement -> statement.setInt(1, maxOffset),
singleResultMapper(rs -> {
final Lsn ret = Lsn.valueOf(rs.getBytes(1));
LOGGER.trace("Nth lsn from beginning is {}", ret);
return ret;
}, "Nth LSN query must return exactly one value"));
* @return the log sequence number of the most recent transaction
* that isn't further than {@code maxOffset} from {@code lastLsn}.
public Lsn getNthTransactionLsnFromLast(String databaseName, Lsn lastLsn, int maxOffset) throws SQLException {
return prepareQueryAndMap(replaceDatabaseNamePlaceholder(GET_NTH_TRANSACTION_LSN_FROM_LAST, databaseName), statement -> {
statement.setInt(1, maxOffset);
statement.setBytes(2, lastLsn.getBinary());
}, singleResultMapper(rs -> {
final Lsn ret = Lsn.valueOf(rs.getBytes(1));
LOGGER.trace("Nth lsn from last is {}", ret);
return ret;
}, "Nth LSN query must return exactly one value"));
* @return the log sequence number of the most recent transaction.
public Lsn getMaxTransactionLsn(String databaseName) throws SQLException {
return queryAndMap(replaceDatabaseNamePlaceholder(GET_MAX_TRANSACTION_LSN, databaseName), singleResultMapper(rs -> {
final Lsn ret = Lsn.valueOf(rs.getBytes(1));
LOGGER.trace("Max transaction lsn is {}", ret);
return ret;
}, "Max transaction LSN query must return exactly one value"));
* @return the smallest log sequence number of table
public Lsn getMinLsn(String databaseName, String changeTableName) throws SQLException {
String query = replaceDatabaseNamePlaceholder(GET_MIN_LSN, databaseName)
.replace(STATEMENTS_PLACEHOLDER, changeTableName);
return queryAndMap(query, singleResultMapper(rs -> {
final Lsn ret = Lsn.valueOf(rs.getBytes(1));
LOGGER.trace("Current minimum lsn is {}", ret);
return ret;
}, "Minimum LSN query must return exactly one value"));
* Provides all changes recorder by the SQL Server CDC capture process for a set of tables.
* @param databaseName - the name of the database to query
* @param changeTables - the requested tables to obtain changes for
* @param intervalFromLsn - closed lower bound of interval of changes to be provided
* @param intervalToLsn - closed upper bound of interval of changes to be provided
* @param consumer - the change processor
* @throws SQLException
public void getChangesForTables(String databaseName, SqlServerChangeTable[] changeTables, Lsn intervalFromLsn,
Lsn intervalToLsn, BlockingMultiResultSetConsumer consumer)
throws SQLException, InterruptedException {
final String[] queries = new String[changeTables.length];
final StatementPreparer[] preparers = new StatementPreparer[changeTables.length];
int idx = 0;
for (SqlServerChangeTable changeTable : changeTables) {
final String query = replaceDatabaseNamePlaceholder(getAllChangesForTable, databaseName)
.replace(STATEMENTS_PLACEHOLDER, changeTable.getCaptureInstance());
queries[idx] = query;
// If the table was added in the middle of queried buffer we need
// to adjust from to the first LSN available
final Lsn fromLsn = getFromLsn(databaseName, changeTable, intervalFromLsn);
LOGGER.trace("Getting changes for table {} in range[{}, {}]", changeTable, fromLsn, intervalToLsn);
preparers[idx] = statement -> {
if (queryFetchSize > 0) {
statement.setBytes(1, fromLsn.getBinary());
statement.setBytes(2, intervalToLsn.getBinary());
prepareQuery(queries, preparers, consumer);
private Lsn getFromLsn(String databaseName, SqlServerChangeTable changeTable, Lsn intervalFromLsn) throws SQLException {
Lsn fromLsn = changeTable.getStartLsn().compareTo(intervalFromLsn) > 0 ? changeTable.getStartLsn() : intervalFromLsn;
return fromLsn.getBinary() != null ? fromLsn : getMinLsn(databaseName, changeTable.getCaptureInstance());
* Obtain the next available position in the database log.
* @param databaseName - the name of the database that the LSN belongs to
* @param lsn - LSN of the current position
* @return LSN of the next position in the database
* @throws SQLException
public Lsn incrementLsn(String databaseName, Lsn lsn) throws SQLException {
return prepareQueryAndMap(replaceDatabaseNamePlaceholder(INCREMENT_LSN, databaseName), statement -> {
statement.setBytes(1, lsn.getBinary());
}, singleResultMapper(rs -> {
final Lsn ret = Lsn.valueOf(rs.getBytes(1));
LOGGER.trace("Increasing lsn from {} to {}", lsn, ret);
return ret;
}, "Increment LSN query must return exactly one value"));
* Check if the user with which connection object is created has
* access to CDC table.
* @return boolean indicating the presence/absence of access
public boolean checkIfConnectedUserHasAccessToCDCTable(String databaseName) throws SQLException {
final AtomicBoolean userHasAccess = new AtomicBoolean();
final String query = replaceDatabaseNamePlaceholder("EXEC [#db].sys.sp_cdc_help_change_data_capture", databaseName);
this.query(query, rs -> userHasAccess.set(;
return userHasAccess.get();
* Creates an exclusive lock for a given table.
* @param tableId to be locked
* @throws SQLException
public void lockTable(TableId tableId) throws SQLException {
final String lockTableStmt = LOCK_TABLE.replace(STATEMENTS_PLACEHOLDER, tableId.table());
private String cdcNameForTable(TableId tableId) {
return tableId.schema() + '_' + tableId.table();
public static class CdcEnabledTable {
private final String tableId;
private final String captureName;
private final Lsn fromLsn;
private CdcEnabledTable(String tableId, String captureName, Lsn fromLsn) {
this.tableId = tableId;
this.captureName = captureName;
this.fromLsn = fromLsn;
public String getTableId() {
return tableId;
public String getCaptureName() {
return captureName;
public Lsn getFromLsn() {
return fromLsn;
public List getChangeTables(String databaseName) throws SQLException {
return getChangeTables(databaseName, Lsn.NULL);
public List getChangeTables(String databaseName, Lsn toLsn) throws SQLException {
Map> columns = queryAndMap(
replaceDatabaseNamePlaceholder(GET_CAPTURED_COLUMNS, databaseName),
rs -> {
Map> result = new HashMap<>();
while ( {
int changeTableObjectId = rs.getInt(1);
if (!result.containsKey(changeTableObjectId)) {
result.put(changeTableObjectId, new LinkedList<>());
return result;
final ResultSetMapper> mapper = rs -> {
final List changeTables = new ArrayList<>();
while ( {
int changeTableObjectId = rs.getInt(4);
new SqlServerChangeTable(
new TableId(databaseName, rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2)),
return changeTables;
String query = replaceDatabaseNamePlaceholder(GET_CHANGE_TABLES, databaseName);
if (toLsn.isAvailable()) {
return prepareQueryAndMap(query.replace(STATEMENTS_PLACEHOLDER, " WHERE ct.start_lsn <= ?"),
ps -> {
ps.setBytes(1, toLsn.getBinary());
ps.setString(2, databaseName);
ps.setString(3, databaseName);
else {
return prepareQueryAndMap(query.replace(STATEMENTS_PLACEHOLDER, ""),
ps -> {
ps.setString(1, databaseName);
ps.setString(2, databaseName);
public List getNewChangeTables(String databaseName, Lsn fromLsn, Lsn toLsn) throws SQLException {
final String query = replaceDatabaseNamePlaceholder(GET_NEW_CHANGE_TABLES, databaseName);
return prepareQueryAndMap(query,
ps -> {
ps.setBytes(1, fromLsn.getBinary());
ps.setBytes(2, toLsn.getBinary());
rs -> {
final List changeTables = new ArrayList<>();
while ( {
changeTables.add(new SqlServerChangeTable(
return changeTables;
public Table getTableSchemaFromTable(String databaseName, SqlServerChangeTable changeTable) throws SQLException {
final DatabaseMetaData metadata = connection().getMetaData();
List columns = new ArrayList<>();
try (ResultSet rs = metadata.getColumns(
null)) {
while ( {
readTableColumn(rs, changeTable.getSourceTableId(), null).ifPresent(ce -> {
// Filter out columns not included in the change table.
if (changeTable.getCapturedColumns().contains( {
final List pkColumnNames = readPrimaryKeyOrUniqueIndexNames(metadata, changeTable.getSourceTableId()).stream()
.filter(column -> changeTable.getCapturedColumns().contains(column))
return Table.editor()
public String getNameOfChangeTable(String captureName) {
return captureName + "_CT";
* Retrieve the name of the database in the original case as it's defined on the server.
* Although SQL Server supports case-insensitive collations, the connector uses the database name to build the
* produced records' source info and, subsequently, the keys of its committed offset messages. This value
* must remain the same during the lifetime of the connector regardless of the case used in the connector
* configuration.
public String retrieveRealDatabaseName(String databaseName) {
try {
return prepareQueryAndMap(GET_DATABASE_NAME,
ps -> ps.setString(1, databaseName),
singleResultMapper(rs -> rs.getString(1), "Could not retrieve exactly one database name"));
catch (SQLException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't obtain database name", e);
protected boolean isTableUniqueIndexIncluded(String indexName, String columnName) {
// SQL Server provides indices also without index name
// so we need to ignore them
return indexName != null;
public Object getColumnValue(ResultSet rs, int columnIndex, Column column, Table table) throws SQLException {
final ResultSetMetaData metaData = rs.getMetaData();
final int columnType = metaData.getColumnType(columnIndex);
if (columnType == Types.TIME) {
return rs.getTimestamp(columnIndex);
else {
return super.getColumnValue(rs, columnIndex, column, table);
public String buildSelectWithRowLimits(TableId tableId, int limit, String projection, Optional condition,
Optional additionalCondition, String orderBy) {
final StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT TOP ");
.append(' ')
.append(" FROM ");
if (condition.isPresent()) {
.append(" WHERE ")
if (additionalCondition.isPresent()) {
sql.append(" AND ");
else if (additionalCondition.isPresent()) {
sql.append(" WHERE ");
.append(" ORDER BY ")
if (this.optionRecompile) {
.append(" OPTION(RECOMPILE)");
return sql.toString();
public String quotedTableIdString(TableId tableId) {
return "[" + tableId.catalog() + "].[" + tableId.schema() + "].[" + tableId.table() + "]";
private String replaceDatabaseNamePlaceholder(String sql, String databaseName) {
return sql.replace(DATABASE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER, databaseName);
public SqlServerDefaultValueConverter getDefaultValueConverter() {
return defaultValueConverter;
public boolean isAgentRunning(String databaseName) throws SQLException {
final String query = replaceDatabaseNamePlaceholder(config().getString(AGENT_STATUS_QUERY), databaseName);
return queryAndMap(query,
singleResultMapper(rs -> rs.getBoolean(1), "SQL Server Agent running status query must return exactly one value"));
public Optional getCurrentTimestamp() throws SQLException {
rs -> ? Optional.of(rs.getObject(1, OffsetDateTime.class).toInstant()) : Optional.empty());