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io.deephaven.plot.datasets.multiseries.AbstractMultiSeries Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Deephaven Data Labs and Patent Pending
package io.deephaven.plot.datasets.multiseries;
import io.deephaven.base.verify.Assert;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.PartitionedTable;
import io.deephaven.plot.*;
import io.deephaven.plot.datasets.ColumnNameConstants;
import io.deephaven.plot.datasets.DataSeriesInternal;
import io.deephaven.plot.datasets.DynamicSeriesNamer;
import io.deephaven.plot.errors.PlotIllegalStateException;
import io.deephaven.plot.errors.PlotRuntimeException;
import io.deephaven.plot.errors.PlotUnsupportedOperationException;
import io.deephaven.plot.util.ArgumentValidations;
import io.deephaven.plot.util.functions.ClosureFunction;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.impl.*;
import groovy.lang.Closure;
import io.deephaven.internal.log.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.function.Function;
import static io.deephaven.engine.util.TableTools.emptyTable;
* Creates and holds a {@link DataSeriesInternal} for every key in a {@link PartitionedTable}.
public abstract class AbstractMultiSeries extends AbstractSeriesInternal
implements MultiSeriesInternal, TableSnapshotSeries {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3548896765688007362L;
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractMultiSeries.class);
protected static final PartitionedTable EMPTY_PARTITIONED_TABLE = emptyTable(0).partitionBy();
protected final String[] byColumns;
protected transient Object partitionedTableLock;
protected transient PartitionedTable partitionedTable;
private transient Object seriesLock;
private transient List series;
private transient Set seriesKeys;
private transient Map seriesNames;
private final transient java.util.function.Function DEFAULT_NAMING_FUNCTION = key -> {
final String keyString;
if (key instanceof Object[]) {
final Object[] keyArray = (Object[]) key;
if (keyArray.length == 1) {
keyString = Objects.toString(keyArray[0]);
} else {
keyString = Arrays.toString(keyArray);
} else {
keyString = Objects.toString(key);
return name() + ": " + keyString;
transient java.util.function.Function namingFunction;
private DynamicSeriesNamer seriesNamer;
private transient Object seriesNamerLock;
private boolean allowInitialization = false;
protected boolean initialized;
private String seriesNameColumnName = null;
* Creates a MultiSeries instance.
* @param axes axes on which this {@link MultiSeries} will be plotted
* @param id data series id
* @param name series name
* @param byColumns columns forming the keys of the partitioned table
AbstractMultiSeries(final AxesImpl axes, final int id, final Comparable name, final String[] byColumns) {
super(axes, id, name);
this.byColumns = byColumns;
this.namingFunction = DEFAULT_NAMING_FUNCTION;
* Creates a copy of a series using a different Axes.
* @param series series to copy.
* @param axes new axes to use.
AbstractMultiSeries(final AbstractMultiSeries series, final AxesImpl axes) {
super(series, axes);
this.byColumns = series.byColumns;
this.namingFunction = series.namingFunction;
this.seriesNamer = series.seriesNamer;
this.allowInitialization = series.allowInitialization;
this.seriesNameColumnName = series.seriesNameColumnName;
public ChartImpl chart() {
return axes().chart();
public DynamicSeriesNamer getDynamicSeriesNamer() {
return seriesNamer;
public void setDynamicSeriesNamer(DynamicSeriesNamer seriesNamer) {
this.seriesNamer = seriesNamer;
public String[] getByColumns() {
return byColumns;
String makeSeriesName(final String seriesName, final DynamicSeriesNamer seriesNamer) {
// this would occur when server side datasets were being updated via OneClick
// this should no longer happen
if (seriesNamer == null) {
throw new PlotIllegalStateException("seriesNamer null " + this, this);
synchronized (seriesNamerLock) {
return seriesNamer.makeUnusedName(seriesName, getPlotInfo());
public AbstractMultiSeries seriesNamingFunction(
final Function namingFunction) {
if (namingFunction == null) {
this.namingFunction = DEFAULT_NAMING_FUNCTION;
} else {
this.namingFunction = namingFunction;
return this;
public AbstractMultiSeries seriesNamingFunction(final Closure namingFunction) {
return seriesNamingFunction(namingFunction == null ? null : new ClosureFunction<>(namingFunction));
* This is used by super classes so we can call applyNamingFunction during construction without NPEs
protected void applyNamingFunction() {
private void applyNamingFunction(final java.util.function.Function namingFunction) {
ArgumentValidations.assertNotNull(namingFunction, "namingFunction", getPlotInfo());
seriesNameColumnName = seriesNameColumnName == null
? ColumnNameConstants.SERIES_NAME + this.hashCode()
: seriesNameColumnName;
final String functionInput = byColumns.length > 1
? "new Object[] {" + String.join(", ", byColumns) + "}"
: byColumns[0];
applyFunction(namingFunction, seriesNameColumnName, functionInput, String.class);
* Applies the {@code function} to the {@code byColumns} of the underlying table to create a new column named
* {@code columnName}.
* @param function The function to apply
* @param columnName The column name to create
* @param functionInput The formula string to use for gathering input to {@code function}
* @param resultClass The expected result type of {@code function}
protected void applyFunction(final java.util.function.Function super T, ? extends R> function,
final String columnName, final String functionInput, final Class resultClass) {
ArgumentValidations.assertNotNull(function, "function", getPlotInfo());
final String queryFunction = columnName + "Function";
final Map params = new HashMap<>();
params.put(queryFunction, function);
final String update = columnName + " = (" + resultClass.getSimpleName() + ") "
+ queryFunction + ".apply(" + functionInput + ")";
applyTransform(columnName, update, new Class[] {resultClass}, params, true);
public void initializeSeries(SERIES series) {
private List getSeries() {
if (series == null) {
synchronized (seriesLock) {
if (series != null) {
return series;
series = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
return series;
// this should be run under a seriesLock
public void addSeries(SERIES series, Object key) {
Assert.holdsLock(seriesLock, "seriesLock");
if (seriesKeys == null) {
seriesKeys = new HashSet<>();
if (seriesNames == null) {
seriesNames = new HashMap<>();
if (seriesKeys.contains(key)) {
log.warn("MultiSeries: attempting to add a series with the same key as an existing series. key=" + key);
if (seriesNames.containsKey( {
throw new PlotRuntimeException(
"MultiSeries: attempting to add a series with the same name as an existing series. name="
+ + "oldKey=" + seriesNames.containsKey( + " newKey=" + key,
seriesNames.put(, key);
public SERIES get(final int series) {
final int size = getSeries().size();
if (series < 0 || series >= size) {
throw new PlotRuntimeException("Series index is out of range: key=" + series + " range=[0," + size + "]",
return getSeries().get(series);
public int getSeriesCount() {
return getSeries().size();
public SERIES createSeries(String seriesName, final BaseTable t) {
return createSeries(seriesName, t, seriesNamer);
private void initializeTransient() {
this.partitionedTableLock = new Object();
this.seriesLock = new Object();
this.seriesNamerLock = new Object();
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
////////////////////////////// CODE BELOW HERE IS GENERATED -- DO NOT EDIT BY HAND //////////////////////////////
////////////////////////////// TO REGENERATE RUN GenerateMultiSeries //////////////////////////////
////////////////////////////// AND THEN RUN GenerateFigureImmutable //////////////////////////////
// @formatter:off
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointColor(final groovy.lang.Closure pointColor, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointColor for arguments [groovy.lang.Closure]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointColor(final java.util.function.Function pointColor, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointColor for arguments [java.util.function.Function]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointColorInteger(final groovy.lang.Closure colors, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointColorInteger for arguments [groovy.lang.Closure]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointColorInteger(final java.util.function.Function colors, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointColorInteger for arguments [java.util.function.Function]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointLabel(final groovy.lang.Closure pointLabels, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointLabel for arguments [groovy.lang.Closure]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointLabel(final java.util.function.Function pointLabels, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointLabel for arguments [java.util.function.Function]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointShape(final groovy.lang.Closure pointShapes, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointShape for arguments [groovy.lang.Closure]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointShape(final java.util.function.Function pointShapes, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointShape for arguments [java.util.function.Function]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointSize(final groovy.lang.Closure pointSizes, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointSize for arguments [groovy.lang.Closure]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointSize(final java.util.function.Function pointSizes, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointSize for arguments [java.util.function.Function]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries errorBarColor(final java.lang.String errorBarColor, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method errorBarColor for arguments [class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries errorBarColor(final int errorBarColor, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method errorBarColor for arguments [int]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries errorBarColor(final io.deephaven.gui.color.Paint errorBarColor, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method errorBarColor for arguments [interface io.deephaven.gui.color.Paint]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries gradientVisible(final boolean gradientVisible, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method gradientVisible for arguments [boolean]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries lineColor(final java.lang.String color, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method lineColor for arguments [class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries lineColor(final int color, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method lineColor for arguments [int]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries lineColor(final io.deephaven.gui.color.Paint color, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method lineColor for arguments [interface io.deephaven.gui.color.Paint]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries lineStyle(final io.deephaven.plot.LineStyle lineStyle, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method lineStyle for arguments [class io.deephaven.plot.LineStyle]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries linesVisible(final java.lang.Boolean visible, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method linesVisible for arguments [class java.lang.Boolean]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointColor(final java.lang.String pointColor, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointColor for arguments [class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointColor(final int pointColor, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointColor for arguments [int]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointColor(final io.deephaven.gui.color.Paint pointColor, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointColor for arguments [interface io.deephaven.gui.color.Paint]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointLabel(final java.lang.Object pointLabel, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointLabel for arguments [class java.lang.Object]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointLabelFormat(final java.lang.String pointLabelFormat, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointLabelFormat for arguments [class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointShape(final java.lang.String pointShape, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointShape for arguments [class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointShape(final io.deephaven.gui.shape.Shape pointShape, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointShape for arguments [interface io.deephaven.gui.shape.Shape]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointSize(final java.lang.Number pointSize, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointSize for arguments [class java.lang.Number]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointsVisible(final java.lang.Boolean visible, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointsVisible for arguments [class java.lang.Boolean]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries seriesColor(final java.lang.String color, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method seriesColor for arguments [class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries seriesColor(final int color, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method seriesColor for arguments [int]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries seriesColor(final io.deephaven.gui.color.Paint color, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method seriesColor for arguments [interface io.deephaven.gui.color.Paint]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries toolTipPattern(final java.lang.String toolTipPattern, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method toolTipPattern for arguments [class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries xToolTipPattern(final java.lang.String xToolTipPattern, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method xToolTipPattern for arguments [class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries yToolTipPattern(final java.lang.String yToolTipPattern, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method yToolTipPattern for arguments [class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries group(final int group, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method group for arguments [int]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries piePercentLabelFormat(final java.lang.String pieLabelFormat, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method piePercentLabelFormat for arguments [class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointColor(final java.util.Map pointColor, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointColor for arguments [java.util.Map]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointColor(final java.lang.Comparable category, final java.lang.String pointColor, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointColor for arguments [interface java.lang.Comparable, class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointColor(final java.lang.Comparable category, final int pointColor, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointColor for arguments [interface java.lang.Comparable, int]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointColor(final java.lang.Comparable category, final io.deephaven.gui.color.Paint pointColor, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointColor for arguments [interface java.lang.Comparable, interface io.deephaven.gui.color.Paint]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointColor(final io.deephaven.engine.table.Table t, final java.lang.String category, final java.lang.String pointColor, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointColor for arguments [interface io.deephaven.engine.table.Table, class java.lang.String, class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointColor(final io.deephaven.plot.filters.SelectableDataSet sds, final java.lang.String category, final java.lang.String pointColor, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointColor for arguments [interface io.deephaven.plot.filters.SelectableDataSet, class java.lang.String, class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointColorInteger(final java.util.Map colors, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointColorInteger for arguments [java.util.Map]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointLabel(final java.util.Map pointLabels, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointLabel for arguments [java.util.Map]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointLabel(final java.lang.Comparable category, final java.lang.Object pointLabel, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointLabel for arguments [interface java.lang.Comparable, class java.lang.Object]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointLabel(final io.deephaven.engine.table.Table t, final java.lang.String category, final java.lang.String pointLabel, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointLabel for arguments [interface io.deephaven.engine.table.Table, class java.lang.String, class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointLabel(final io.deephaven.plot.filters.SelectableDataSet sds, final java.lang.String category, final java.lang.String pointLabel, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointLabel for arguments [interface io.deephaven.plot.filters.SelectableDataSet, class java.lang.String, class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointShape(final java.util.Map pointShapes, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointShape for arguments [java.util.Map]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointShape(final java.lang.Comparable category, final java.lang.String pointShape, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointShape for arguments [interface java.lang.Comparable, class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointShape(final java.lang.Comparable category, final io.deephaven.gui.shape.Shape pointShape, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointShape for arguments [interface java.lang.Comparable, interface io.deephaven.gui.shape.Shape]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointShape(final io.deephaven.engine.table.Table t, final java.lang.String category, final java.lang.String pointShape, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointShape for arguments [interface io.deephaven.engine.table.Table, class java.lang.String, class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointShape(final io.deephaven.plot.filters.SelectableDataSet sds, final java.lang.String category, final java.lang.String pointShape, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointShape for arguments [interface io.deephaven.plot.filters.SelectableDataSet, class java.lang.String, class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointSize(final java.util.Map pointSizes, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointSize for arguments [java.util.Map]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointSize(final CATEGORY[] categories, final NUMBER[] pointSizes, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointSize for arguments [CATEGORY[], NUMBER[]]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointSize(final CATEGORY[] categories, final double[] pointSizes, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointSize for arguments [CATEGORY[], class [D]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointSize(final CATEGORY[] categories, final int[] pointSizes, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointSize for arguments [CATEGORY[], class [I]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointSize(final CATEGORY[] categories, final long[] pointSizes, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointSize for arguments [CATEGORY[], class [J]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointSize(final java.lang.Comparable category, final java.lang.Number pointSize, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointSize for arguments [interface java.lang.Comparable, class java.lang.Number]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointSize(final java.lang.Comparable category, final double pointSize, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointSize for arguments [interface java.lang.Comparable, double]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointSize(final java.lang.Comparable category, final int pointSize, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointSize for arguments [interface java.lang.Comparable, int]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointSize(final java.lang.Comparable category, final long pointSize, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointSize for arguments [interface java.lang.Comparable, long]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointSize(final io.deephaven.engine.table.Table t, final java.lang.String category, final java.lang.String pointSize, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointSize for arguments [interface io.deephaven.engine.table.Table, class java.lang.String, class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointSize(final io.deephaven.plot.filters.SelectableDataSet sds, final java.lang.String category, final java.lang.String pointSize, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointSize for arguments [interface io.deephaven.plot.filters.SelectableDataSet, class java.lang.String, class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointColor(final int[] pointColors, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointColor for arguments [class [I]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointColor(final io.deephaven.gui.color.Paint[] pointColor, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointColor for arguments [class [Lio.deephaven.gui.color.Paint;]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointColor(final java.lang.Integer[] pointColors, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointColor for arguments [class [Ljava.lang.Integer;]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointColor(final java.lang.String[] pointColors, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointColor for arguments [class [Ljava.lang.String;]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointColor(final pointColor, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointColor for arguments []. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointColor(final io.deephaven.engine.table.Table t, final java.lang.String pointColors, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointColor for arguments [interface io.deephaven.engine.table.Table, class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointColor(final io.deephaven.plot.filters.SelectableDataSet sds, final java.lang.String pointColors, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointColor for arguments [interface io.deephaven.plot.filters.SelectableDataSet, class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointColorInteger(final colors, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointColorInteger for arguments []. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointLabel(final java.lang.Object[] pointLabels, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointLabel for arguments [class [Ljava.lang.Object;]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointLabel(final> pointLabels, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointLabel for arguments [>]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointLabel(final io.deephaven.engine.table.Table t, final java.lang.String pointLabel, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointLabel for arguments [interface io.deephaven.engine.table.Table, class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointLabel(final io.deephaven.plot.filters.SelectableDataSet sds, final java.lang.String pointLabel, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointLabel for arguments [interface io.deephaven.plot.filters.SelectableDataSet, class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointShape(final io.deephaven.gui.shape.Shape[] pointShapes, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointShape for arguments [class [Lio.deephaven.gui.shape.Shape;]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointShape(final java.lang.String[] pointShapes, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointShape for arguments [class [Ljava.lang.String;]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointShape(final pointShapes, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointShape for arguments []. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointShape(final io.deephaven.engine.table.Table t, final java.lang.String pointShape, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointShape for arguments [interface io.deephaven.engine.table.Table, class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointShape(final io.deephaven.plot.filters.SelectableDataSet sds, final java.lang.String pointShape, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointShape for arguments [interface io.deephaven.plot.filters.SelectableDataSet, class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointSize(final T[] pointSizes, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointSize for arguments [T[]]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointSize(final double[] pointSizes, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointSize for arguments [class [D]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointSize(final int[] pointSizes, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointSize for arguments [class [I]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointSize(final long[] pointSizes, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointSize for arguments [class [J]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointSize(final pointSizes, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointSize for arguments []. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointSize(final io.deephaven.engine.table.Table t, final java.lang.String pointSizes, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointSize for arguments [interface io.deephaven.engine.table.Table, class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);
@Override public AbstractMultiSeries pointSize(final io.deephaven.plot.filters.SelectableDataSet sds, final java.lang.String pointSize, final Object... multiSeriesKey) {
throw new PlotUnsupportedOperationException("DataSeries " + this.getClass() + " does not support method pointSize for arguments [interface io.deephaven.plot.filters.SelectableDataSet, class java.lang.String]. If you think this method should work, try placing your multiSeriesKey into an Object array", this);