io.deephaven.plot.util.PlotUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Deephaven Data Labs and Patent Pending
package io.deephaven.plot.util;
import io.deephaven.api.ColumnName;
import io.deephaven.api.agg.Aggregation;
import io.deephaven.base.verify.Require;
import io.deephaven.datastructures.util.CollectionUtil;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.impl.QueryTable;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.vectors.ColumnVectors;
import io.deephaven.plot.ChartImpl;
import io.deephaven.plot.datasets.category.CategoryDataSeries;
import io.deephaven.plot.datasets.interval.IntervalXYDataSeriesArray;
import io.deephaven.plot.errors.PlotInfo;
import io.deephaven.plot.util.tables.TableBackedPartitionedTableHandle;
import io.deephaven.plot.util.tables.TableHandle;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.Table;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.TableDefinition;
import io.deephaven.engine.context.QueryScope;
import io.deephaven.gui.color.ColorPaletteArray;
import io.deephaven.time.DateTimeUtils;
import io.deephaven.util.QueryConstants;
import io.deephaven.engine.util.TableTools;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.impl.BaseTable;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.ColumnSource;
import io.deephaven.gui.color.Color;
import io.deephaven.gui.color.ColorPalette;
import io.deephaven.gui.color.Paint;
import io.deephaven.gui.table.filters.Condition;
import io.deephaven.vector.Vector;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import static io.deephaven.api.agg.Aggregation.AggCount;
import static io.deephaven.api.agg.Aggregation.AggLast;
import static io.deephaven.util.QueryConstants.*;
import static io.deephaven.function.Numeric.abs;
* Utilities class for plotting.
public class PlotUtils {
private PlotUtils() {}
/** Instances of ColorPaletteArray have some state, so this is kept private. */
private static final ColorPaletteArray MATPLOT_COLORS = new ColorPaletteArray(ColorPaletteArray.Palette.MATPLOTLIB);
private static final Random rng = new Random();
private static final int[] EMPTY_INT_ARRAY = new int[0];
private static final long[] EMPTY_LONG_ARRAY = new long[0];
private static final short[] EMPTY_SHORT_ARRAY = new short[0];
private static final double[] EMPTY_DOUBLE_ARRAY = new double[0];
private static final float[] EMPTY_FLOAT_ARRAY = new float[0];
private static final char[] EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY = new char[0];
private static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY = new byte[0];
private static final Number[] EMPTY_NUMBER_ARRAY = new Number[0];
private static final Date[] EMPTY_DATE_ARRAY = new Date[0];
private static final Instant[] EMPTY_INSTANT_ARRAY = new Instant[0];
private static int randVar() {
return abs(rng.nextInt());
* Gets a variable name not already in the {@link QueryScope} by appending random integers to the end of
* {@code root} until a unique name is found.
* @param root base variable name
* @return unique randomized variable name based off {@code root}
public static String uniqueVarName(final String root) {
while (true) {
final String name = root + randVar();
try {
} catch (QueryScope.MissingVariableException e) {
return name;
* Gets the color of the {@code chart}'s color palette at the specified index {@code color}.
* @param chart chart
* @param color index
* @return color of the {@code chart} at the index {@code color}
public static Paint intToColor(final ChartImpl chart, final Integer color) {
return intToColor(color);
public static Paint intToColor(final Integer color) {
return color == null || color == NULL_INT || color < 0 ? null : MATPLOT_COLORS.get(color);
* Gets the double equivalent of the {@link Number}. Null {@link QueryConstants} are converted to Double.NaN.
* @param n number
* @return double value of {@code n}
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException {@code n} isn't a supported data type
public static double numberToDouble(final Number n) {
if (n == null) {
return Double.NaN;
} else if (n instanceof Short) {
return n.shortValue() == QueryConstants.NULL_SHORT ? Double.NaN : n.doubleValue();
} else if (n instanceof Integer) {
return n.intValue() == QueryConstants.NULL_INT ? Double.NaN : n.doubleValue();
} else if (n instanceof Long) {
return n.longValue() == QueryConstants.NULL_LONG ? Double.NaN : n.doubleValue();
} else if (n instanceof Float) {
return n.floatValue() == QueryConstants.NULL_FLOAT ? Double.NaN : n.doubleValue();
} else if (n instanceof Double) {
return n.doubleValue() == QueryConstants.NULL_DOUBLE ? Double.NaN : n.doubleValue();
} else if (n instanceof BigDecimal) {
return n.doubleValue() == QueryConstants.NULL_DOUBLE ? Double.NaN : n.doubleValue();
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported Number type: " + n.getClass());
* Creates a new table with a column holding the specified data.
* @param x data
* @param colName column name
* @return new table with column holding {@code x}
public static Table table(final T[] x, final String colName) {
Require.neqNull(x, "x");
return TableTools.newTable(TableTools.col(colName, x));
* Creates a new table with a column holding the specified data.
* @param x data
* @param colName column name
* @param type of the data in {@code x}
* @return new table with column holding {@code x}
public static Table table(final List x, final String colName) {
Require.neqNull(x, "x");
final Object[] xx = x.toArray();
return TableTools.newTable(TableTools.col(colName, xx));
* Creates a new table with a column of shorts holding the specified data.
* @param x data
* @param colName column name
* @return new table with column holding {@code x}
public static Table table(final short[] x, final String colName) {
Require.neqNull(x, "x");
return TableTools.newTable(TableTools.shortCol(colName, x));
* Creates a new table with a column of ints holding the specified data.
* @param x data
* @param colName column name
* @return new table with column holding {@code x}
public static Table table(final int[] x, final String colName) {
Require.neqNull(x, "x");
return TableTools.newTable(TableTools.intCol(colName, x));
* Creates a new table with a column of longs holding the specified data.
* @param x data
* @param colName column name
* @return new table with column holding {@code x}
public static Table table(final long[] x, final String colName) {
Require.neqNull(x, "x");
return TableTools.newTable(TableTools.longCol(colName, x));
* Creates a new table with a column of floats holding the specified data.
* @param x data
* @param colName column name
* @return new table with column holding {@code x}
public static Table table(final float[] x, final String colName) {
Require.neqNull(x, "x");
return TableTools.newTable(TableTools.floatCol(colName, x));
* Creates a new table with a column of doubles holding the specified data.
* @param x data
* @param colName column name
* @return new table with column holding {@code x}
public static Table table(final double[] x, final String colName) {
Require.neqNull(x, "x");
return TableTools.newTable(TableTools.doubleCol(colName, x));
* Creates a new table with a column of doubles holding the specified data. Values of {@code x} are converted to
* their corresponding double values. Nulls are mapped to Double.NaN.
* @param x data
* @param colName column name
* @param type of the data in {@code x}
* @return new table with column holding {@code x}
public static Table doubleTable(final T[] x, final String colName) {
return table(x, "X")
.view(colName + " = X==null ? Double.NaN : X.doubleValue()");
* Creates a new table with a column of doubles holding the specified data. Values of {@code x} are converted to
* their corresponding double values. Nulls are mapped to Double.NaN.
* @param x data
* @param colName column name
* @param type of the data in {@code x}
* @return new table with column holding {@code x}
public static Table doubleTable(final List x, final String colName) {
return table(x, "X")
.updateView("__Class__ = X.getClass()")
.view(colName + " = __Class__==Double.class ? X=NULL_DOUBLE ? Double.NaN : ((Double) X).doubleValue() "
": __Class__==Short.class ? X=NULL_SHORT ? Double.NaN : ((Short) X).doubleValue() " +
": __Class__==Long.class ? X=NULL_LONG ? Double.NaN : ((Long) X).doubleValue() " +
": __Class__==Integer.class ? X=NULL_INT ? Double.NaN : ((Integer) X).doubleValue() " +
": __Class__==Float.class ? X==NULL_FLOAT ? Double.NaN : ((Float) X).doubleValue()" +
": Double.NaN");
* Creates a new table with a column of doubles holding the specified data. Values of {@code x} are converted to
* their corresponding double values. Nulls are mapped to Double.NaN.
* @param x data
* @param colName column name
* @return new table with column holding {@code x}
public static Table doubleTable(final short[] x, final String colName) {
return table(x, "X")
.view(colName + " = isNull(X) ? Double.NaN : X");
* Creates a new table with a column of doubles holding the specified data. Values of {@code x} are converted to
* their corresponding double values. Nulls are mapped to Double.NaN.
* @param x data
* @param colName column name
* @return new table with column holding {@code x}
public static Table doubleTable(final int[] x, final String colName) {
return table(x, "X")
.view(colName + " = isNull(X) ? Double.NaN : X");
* Creates a new table with a column of doubles holding the specified data. Values of {@code x} are converted to
* their corresponding double values. Nulls are mapped to Double.NaN.
* @param x data
* @param colName column name
* @return new table with column holding {@code x}
public static Table doubleTable(final long[] x, final String colName) {
return table(x, "X")
.view(colName + " = isNull(X) ? Double.NaN : X");
* Creates a new table with a column of doubles holding the specified data. Values of {@code x} are converted to
* their corresponding double values. Nulls are mapped to Double.NaN.
* @param x data
* @param colName column name
* @return new table with column holding {@code x}
public static Table doubleTable(final float[] x, final String colName) {
return table(x, "X")
.view(colName + " = isNull(X) ? Double.NaN : X");
* Creates a new table with a column of doubles holding the specified data. Values of {@code x} are converted to
* their corresponding double values. Nulls are mapped to Double.NaN.
* @param x data
* @param colName column name
* @return new table with column holding {@code x}
public static Table doubleTable(final double[] x, final String colName) {
return table(x, "X")
.view(colName + " = isNull(X) ? Double.NaN : X");
* Auto unboxing of these types will throw an error in the generic method public static Table
* doubleTable(final T[] x, final String colName)
* Creates a new table with a column of doubles holding the specified data. Values of {@code x} are converted to
* their corresponding double values. Nulls are mapped to Double.NaN.
* @param x data
* @param colName column name
* @return new table with column holding {@code x}
public static Table doubleTable(final Double[] x, final String colName) {
return table(x, "X")
.view(colName + " = isNull(X) ? Double.NaN : X");
* Creates a new table with a column of doubles holding the specified data. Values of {@code x} are converted to
* their corresponding double values. Nulls are mapped to Double.NaN.
* @param x data
* @param colName column name
* @return new table with column holding {@code x}
public static Table doubleTable(final Short[] x, final String colName) {
return table(x, "X")
.view(colName + " = isNull(X) ? Double.NaN : X");
* Creates a new table with a column of doubles holding the specified data. Values of {@code x} are converted to
* their corresponding double values. Nulls are mapped to Double.NaN.
* @param x data
* @param colName column name
* @return new table with column holding {@code x}
public static Table doubleTable(final Long[] x, final String colName) {
return table(x, "X")
.view(colName + " = isNull(X) ? Double.NaN : X");
* Creates a new table with a column of doubles holding the specified data. Values of {@code x} are converted to
* their corresponding double values. Nulls are mapped to Double.NaN.
* @param x data
* @param colName column name
* @return new table with column holding {@code x}
public static Table doubleTable(final Float[] x, final String colName) {
return table(x, "X")
.view(colName + " = isNull(X) ? Double.NaN : X");
* Creates a new table with a column of doubles holding the specified data. Values of {@code x} are converted to
* their corresponding double values. Nulls are mapped to Double.NaN.
* @param x data
* @param colName column name
* @return new table with column holding {@code x}
public static Table doubleTable(final Integer[] x, final String colName) {
return table(x, "X")
.view(colName + " = isNull(X) ? Double.NaN : X");
* Creates a new array of floats holding the specified data. Values of {@code x} are converted to their
* corresponding float values. Nulls are mapped to Float.NaN.
* @param x data
* @return new float array holding {@code x}
public static float[] toFloat(final double[] x) {
if (x == null) {
return null;
final float[] result = new float[x.length];
IntStream.range(0, x.length).forEach(i -> result[i] = x[i] == NULL_DOUBLE ? Float.NaN : (float) x[i]);
return result;
* Creates a new array of floats holding the specified data. Values of {@code x} are converted to their
* corresponding float values. Nulls are mapped to Float.NaN.
* @param x data
* @return new float array holding {@code x}
public static float[] toFloat(final int[] x) {
if (x == null) {
return null;
final float[] result = new float[x.length];
IntStream.range(0, x.length).forEach(i -> result[i] = x[i] == NULL_INT ? Float.NaN : (float) x[i]);
return result;
* Creates a new array of floats holding the specified data. Values of {@code x} are converted to their
* corresponding float values. Nulls are mapped to Float.NaN.
* @param x data
* @return new float array holding {@code x}
public static float[] toFloat(final long[] x) {
if (x == null) {
return null;
final float[] result = new float[x.length];
IntStream.range(0, x.length).forEach(i -> result[i] = x[i] == NULL_LONG ? Float.NaN : (float) x[i]);
return result;
* Creates a new array of floats holding the specified data. Values of {@code x} are converted to their
* corresponding float values. Nulls are mapped to Float.NaN.
* @param x data
* @param type of the data in {@code x}
* @return new float array holding {@code x}
public static float[] toFloat(final T[] x) {
if (x == null) {
return null;
final float[] result = new float[x.length];
IntStream.range(0, x.length).forEach(i -> result[i] = x[i] == null ? Float.NaN : x[i].floatValue());
return result;
* Creates a new array of doubles holding the specified data. Values of {@code x} are converted to their
* corresponding double values. Nulls are mapped to Double.NaN.
* @param x data
* @return new float array holding {@code x}
public static double[] toDouble(final float[] x) {
if (x == null) {
return null;
final double[] result = new double[x.length];
IntStream.range(0, x.length).forEach(i -> result[i] = x[i] == NULL_FLOAT ? Double.NaN : (double) x[i]);
return result;
* Creates a new array of doubles holding the specified data. Values of {@code x} are converted to their
* corresponding double values. Nulls are mapped to Double.NaN.
* @param x data
* @return new float array holding {@code x}
public static double[] toDouble(final int[] x) {
if (x == null) {
return null;
final double[] result = new double[x.length];
IntStream.range(0, x.length).forEach(i -> result[i] = x[i] == NULL_INT ? Double.NaN : (double) x[i]);
return result;
* Creates a new array of doubles holding the specified data. Values of {@code x} are converted to their
* corresponding double values. Nulls are mapped to Double.NaN.
* @param x data
* @return new float array holding {@code x}
public static double[] toDouble(final long[] x) {
if (x == null) {
return null;
final double[] result = new double[x.length];
IntStream.range(0, x.length).forEach(i -> result[i] = x[i] == NULL_LONG ? Double.NaN : (double) x[i]);
return result;
* Creates a new array of doubles holding the specified data. Values of {@code x} are converted to their
* corresponding double values. Nulls are mapped to Double.NaN.
* @param x data
* @param type of the data in {@code x}
* @return new float array holding {@code x}
public static double[] toDouble(final T[] x) {
if (x == null) {
return null;
final double[] result = new double[x.length];
IntStream.range(0, x.length).forEach(i -> result[i] = x[i] == null ? Double.NaN : x[i].doubleValue());
return result;
* Gets the {@link Color} array for this palette.
* @return Array of {@link Color} for this palette.
public static Color[] getNColors(final ColorPalette colorPalette, final int n) {
Require.neqNull(colorPalette, "colorPalette");, "n", 0);
final Color[] colors = new Color[n];
int counter = 0;
while (counter < n) {
colors[counter] = colorPalette.get(counter);
return colors;
public static double minIgnoreNaN(final double... values) {
double min = Double.NaN;
if (values == null) {
return min;
for (double value : values) {
min = minIgnoreNaN(min, value);
return min;
public static double minIgnoreNaN(final double oldMin, final double value) {
if (oldMin == QueryConstants.NULL_DOUBLE) {
return value;
if (value == QueryConstants.NULL_DOUBLE) {
return oldMin;
return Double.isNaN(oldMin) || value < oldMin ? value : oldMin;
public static double maxIgnoreNaN(final double... values) {
double max = Double.NaN;
if (values == null) {
return max;
for (double value : values) {
max = maxIgnoreNaN(max, value);
return max;
public static double maxIgnoreNaN(final double oldMin, final double value) {
if (oldMin == QueryConstants.NULL_DOUBLE) {
return value;
if (value == QueryConstants.NULL_DOUBLE) {
return oldMin;
return Double.isNaN(oldMin) || value > oldMin ? value : oldMin;
public static float minIgnoreNaN(final float oldMin, final float value) {
if (oldMin == QueryConstants.NULL_FLOAT) {
return value;
if (value == QueryConstants.NULL_FLOAT) {
return oldMin;
return Float.isNaN(oldMin) || value < oldMin ? value : oldMin;
public static float maxIgnoreNaN(final float oldMin, final float value) {
if (oldMin == QueryConstants.NULL_FLOAT) {
return value;
if (value == QueryConstants.NULL_FLOAT) {
return oldMin;
return Float.isNaN(oldMin) || value > oldMin ? value : oldMin;
public static int minIgnoreNull(final int oldMin, final int value) {
if (oldMin == QueryConstants.NULL_INT) {
return value;
if (value == QueryConstants.NULL_INT) {
return oldMin;
return Math.min(value, oldMin);
public static int maxIgnoreNull(final int oldMin, final int value) {
if (oldMin == QueryConstants.NULL_INT) {
return value;
if (value == QueryConstants.NULL_INT) {
return oldMin;
return Math.max(value, oldMin);
public static short minIgnoreNull(final short oldMin, final short value) {
if (oldMin == QueryConstants.NULL_SHORT) {
return value;
if (value == QueryConstants.NULL_SHORT) {
return oldMin;
return value < oldMin ? value : oldMin;
public static short maxIgnoreNull(final short oldMin, final short value) {
if (oldMin == QueryConstants.NULL_SHORT) {
return value;
if (value == QueryConstants.NULL_SHORT) {
return oldMin;
return value > oldMin ? value : oldMin;
public static long minIgnoreNull(final long oldMin, final long value) {
if (oldMin == QueryConstants.NULL_LONG) {
return value;
if (value == QueryConstants.NULL_LONG) {
return oldMin;
return Math.min(value, oldMin);
public static long maxIgnoreNull(final long oldMin, final long value) {
if (oldMin == QueryConstants.NULL_LONG) {
return value;
if (value == QueryConstants.NULL_LONG) {
return oldMin;
return Math.max(value, oldMin);
public static TableHandle createCategoryTableHandle(Table t, final String catColumn, final String... otherColumns) {
return createCategoryTableHandle(t, new String[] {catColumn}, otherColumns);
public static TableHandle createCategoryTableHandle(Table t, final String[] catColumns,
final String... otherColumns) {
t = createCategoryTable(t, catColumns);
final String[] cols = new String[otherColumns.length + catColumns.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(catColumns, 0, cols, 0, catColumns.length);
System.arraycopy(otherColumns, 0, cols, catColumns.length, otherColumns.length);
cols[cols.length - 1] = CategoryDataSeries.CAT_SERIES_ORDER_COLUMN;
return new TableHandle(t, cols);
public static TableBackedPartitionedTableHandle createCategoryPartitionedTableHandle(Table t,
final String catColumn,
final String[] otherColumns,
final String[] byColumns,
final PlotInfo plotInfo) {
return createCategoryPartitionedTableHandle(t, new String[] {catColumn}, otherColumns, byColumns, plotInfo);
public static TableBackedPartitionedTableHandle createCategoryPartitionedTableHandle(Table t,
final String[] catColumns,
final String[] otherColumns,
final String[] byColumns,
final PlotInfo plotInfo) {
final String[] lastByColumns = new String[catColumns.length + byColumns.length];
System.arraycopy(catColumns, 0, lastByColumns, 0, catColumns.length);
System.arraycopy(byColumns, 0, lastByColumns, catColumns.length, byColumns.length);
t = createCategoryTable(t, lastByColumns);
final Set columns = new HashSet<>();
Collections.addAll(columns, otherColumns);
Collections.addAll(columns, lastByColumns);
return new TableBackedPartitionedTableHandle(t, columns, byColumns, plotInfo);
public static Table createCategoryTable(final Table t, final String[] catColumns) {
// We need to do the equivalent of LastBy wrt. to columns included, or we have a chance to break ACLs
final List lastColumns = t.getDefinition().getColumnNames();
final QueryTable result = (QueryTable) t.aggBy(
// We must explicitly copy attributes because we are doing a modified manual first/lastBy which will not
// automatically do the copy.
((BaseTable>) t).copyAttributes(result, BaseTable.CopyAttributeOperation.LastBy);
return result;
public static Table createCategoryHistogramTable(final Table t, final String... byColumns) {
return t.aggBy(createCategoryAggs(AggCount(IntervalXYDataSeriesArray.COUNT)), ColumnName.from(byColumns));
public static Collection extends Aggregation> createCategoryAggs(Aggregation agg) {
return List.of(Aggregation.AggFirstRowKey(CategoryDataSeries.CAT_SERIES_ORDER_COLUMN), agg);
public static List getColumnConditions(final Table arg, final String column) {
return Collections.singletonList(Condition.EQUALS);
public static Function getNumberFromNumericOrTimeSource(final Table t, final String numericCol,
final PlotInfo plotInfo) {
ArgumentValidations.isNumericOrTime(t, numericCol, plotInfo);
final ColumnSource columnSource = t.getColumnSource(numericCol);
if (columnSource.getType() == Instant.class) {
return key -> {
final Instant instant = (Instant) columnSource.get(key);
return instant == null ? NULL_LONG : DateTimeUtils.epochNanos(instant);
} else if (columnSource.getType() == Date.class) {
return key -> {
final Date instant = (Date) columnSource.get(key);
return instant == null ? NULL_LONG : instant.getTime() * 1000000;
} else {
return key -> (Number) columnSource.get(key);
public static class HashMapWithDefault extends HashMap {
private V def = null;
public HashMapWithDefault() {
private HashMapWithDefault(final HashMapWithDefault map) {
this.def = map.def;
public void runIfKeyExistsCast(final Consumer consumer, final K key) {
final V obj = get(key);
if (obj != null) {
consumer.accept((T) obj);
public void setDefault(V def) {
this.def = def;
public V getDefault() {
return def;
public V get(Object key) {
return super.getOrDefault(key, def);
public HashMapWithDefault copy() {
return new HashMapWithDefault<>(this);
public static IndexableData createIndexableData(final Table t, final String column, final PlotInfo plotInfo) {
final Vector> vector = ColumnVectors.of(t, column);
final Object o = vector.copyToArray();
return new IndexableDataArray((T[]) o, plotInfo);
public static IndexableData createIndexableData(final Map snapshotData,
@NotNull final TableDefinition tableDefinition, final String column, final PlotInfo plotInfo) {
return createIndexableData(snapshotData, tableDefinition.getColumn(column).getDataType(), column, plotInfo);
public static IndexableData createIndexableData(final Map snapshotData, final Class c,
final String column, final PlotInfo plotInfo) {
if (snapshotData == null) {
return createEmptyIndexableData(c, plotInfo);
return createIndexableData(snapshotData.get(column), c, plotInfo);
public static IndexableData createEmptyIndexableData(final Class c, final PlotInfo plotInfo) {
if (c.equals(int.class)) {
return new IndexableDataInteger(EMPTY_INT_ARRAY, plotInfo);
} else if (c.equals(double.class)) {
return new IndexableDataDouble(EMPTY_DOUBLE_ARRAY, false, plotInfo);
} else if (c.equals(float.class)) {
return new IndexableDataDouble(EMPTY_FLOAT_ARRAY, false, plotInfo);
} else if (c.equals(long.class)) {
return new IndexableDataDouble(EMPTY_LONG_ARRAY, false, plotInfo);
} else if (c.equals(short.class)) {
return new IndexableDataDouble(EMPTY_SHORT_ARRAY, false, plotInfo);
} else if (c.equals(char.class)) {
return new IndexableDataCharacter(EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY, plotInfo);
} else if (c.equals(byte.class)) {
return new IndexableDataByte(EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, plotInfo);
return new IndexableDataListNullCategory(Collections.emptyList(), plotInfo);
public static IndexableData createIndexableData(final Object data, final PlotInfo plotInfo) {
if (data instanceof int[]) {
return new IndexableDataInteger((int[]) data, plotInfo);
} else if (data instanceof double[]) {
return new IndexableDataDouble((double[]) data, false, plotInfo);
} else if (data instanceof float[]) {
return new IndexableDataDouble((float[]) data, false, plotInfo);
} else if (data instanceof long[]) {
return new IndexableDataDouble((long[]) data, false, plotInfo);
} else if (data instanceof short[]) {
return new IndexableDataDouble((short[]) data, false, plotInfo);
} else if (data instanceof char[]) {
return new IndexableDataCharacter((char[]) data, plotInfo);
} else if (data instanceof byte[]) {
return new IndexableDataByte((byte[]) data, plotInfo);
return new IndexableDataArrayNullCategory((T[]) data, plotInfo);
public static IndexableData createIndexableData(final Object data, final Class c, final PlotInfo plotInfo) {
if (c.equals(int.class)) {
return new IndexableDataInteger((int[]) data, plotInfo);
} else if (c.equals(double.class)) {
return new IndexableDataDouble((double[]) data, false, plotInfo);
} else if (c.equals(float.class)) {
return new IndexableDataDouble((float[]) data, false, plotInfo);
} else if (c.equals(long.class)) {
return new IndexableDataDouble((long[]) data, false, plotInfo);
} else if (c.equals(short.class)) {
return new IndexableDataDouble((short[]) data, false, plotInfo);
} else if (c.equals(char.class)) {
return new IndexableDataCharacter((char[]) data, plotInfo);
} else if (c.equals(byte.class)) {
return new IndexableDataByte((byte[]) data, plotInfo);
} else if (c.equals(Instant.class)) {
if (data instanceof long[]) {
return new IndexableDataInstant((long[]) data, plotInfo);
return new IndexableDataArrayNullCategory((T[]) data, plotInfo);
public static IndexableData createIndexableData(final T[] data, final PlotInfo plotInfo) {
return new IndexableDataArray(data, plotInfo);
public static IndexableNumericData createIndexableNumericDataArray(final Map data,
@NotNull final TableHandle th, final String column, final PlotInfo plotInfo) {
return createIndexableNumericDataArray(data, th.getTable(), column, plotInfo);
public static IndexableNumericData createIndexableNumericDataArray(final Map data,
@NotNull final Table t, final String column, final PlotInfo plotInfo) {
return createIndexableNumericDataArray(data, t.getDefinition(), column, plotInfo);
public static IndexableNumericData createIndexableNumericDataArray(final Map data,
@NotNull final TableDefinition tableDefinition, final String column, final PlotInfo plotInfo) {
if (data == null) {
if (tableDefinition.getColumn(column) == null) {
return createEmptyIndexableNumericDataArray(double.class, plotInfo);
return createEmptyIndexableNumericDataArray(tableDefinition.getColumn(column).getDataType(), plotInfo);
return createIndexableNumericDataArray(data.get(column), tableDefinition.getColumn(column).getDataType(),
public static IndexableNumericData createEmptyIndexableNumericDataArray(final Class dataType,
final PlotInfo plotInfo) {
if (dataType == int.class) {
return new IndexableNumericDataArrayInt(EMPTY_INT_ARRAY, plotInfo);
} else if (dataType == double.class) {
return new IndexableNumericDataArrayDouble(EMPTY_DOUBLE_ARRAY, plotInfo);
} else if (dataType == float.class) {
return new IndexableNumericDataArrayFloat(EMPTY_FLOAT_ARRAY, plotInfo);
} else if (dataType == long.class) {
return new IndexableNumericDataArrayLong(EMPTY_LONG_ARRAY, plotInfo);
} else if (dataType == short.class) {
return new IndexableNumericDataArrayShort(EMPTY_SHORT_ARRAY, plotInfo);
} else if (dataType == Instant.class) {
return new IndexableNumericDataArrayInstant(EMPTY_INSTANT_ARRAY, plotInfo);
} else if (dataType == Date.class) {
return new IndexableNumericDataArrayDate(EMPTY_DATE_ARRAY, plotInfo);
} else if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(dataType)) {
return new IndexableNumericDataArrayNumber(EMPTY_NUMBER_ARRAY, plotInfo);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can not create IndexableNumericDataArray from type " + dataType);
public static IndexableNumericData createIndexableNumericDataArray(final Object data, final Class dataType,
final PlotInfo plotInfo) {
if (dataType == int.class) {
return new IndexableNumericDataArrayInt((int[]) data, plotInfo);
} else if (dataType == double.class) {
return new IndexableNumericDataArrayDouble((double[]) data, plotInfo);
} else if (dataType == float.class) {
return new IndexableNumericDataArrayFloat((float[]) data, plotInfo);
} else if (dataType == long.class) {
return new IndexableNumericDataArrayLong((long[]) data, plotInfo);
} else if (dataType == short.class) {
return new IndexableNumericDataArrayShort((short[]) data, plotInfo);
} else if (dataType == Instant.class) {
if (data instanceof long[]) {
return new IndexableNumericDataArrayLong((long[]) data, plotInfo);
} else {
return new IndexableNumericDataArrayInstant((Instant[]) data, plotInfo);
} else if (dataType == Date.class) {
return new IndexableNumericDataArrayDate((Date[]) data, plotInfo);
} else if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(dataType)) {
return new IndexableNumericDataArrayNumber((Number[]) data, plotInfo);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can not create IndexableNumericDataArray from type " + dataType);
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