Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
# Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Deephaven Data Labs and Patent Pending
# Deephaven query to run against historical benchmark data stored in GCloud bucket and produce
# some useful correlated tables
# Requirements: Deephaven 0.23.0 or greater
import os, re, glob
import deephaven.dtypes as dht
from deephaven import read_csv, merge, agg, empty_table
from urllib.request import urlopen, urlretrieve
# Schema for benchmstk-results.csv
s_results = {'benchmark_name':dht.string, 'origin':dht.string,'timestamp':dht.long,'test_duration':dht.double,
# Get the latest GCloud run_ids for the benchmark category up to max_runs
def get_remote_run_ids(parent_uri, category, max_runs=10):
run_ids = []
search_uri = parent_uri + '?delimiter=/&prefix=' + category + '/' + '&max-keys=100000'
with urlopen(search_uri) as r:
text =
for run_id in re.findall('{}/run-([a-z0-9]+)/ '.format(category), text, re.MULTILINE):
return run_ids[:max_runs]
# Get the latest file-based run_ids for the benchmark category up to max_runs
def get_local_run_ids(parent_uri, category, max_runs=10):
run_ids = []
text = os.linesep.join(glob.glob(parent_uri.replace('file://','') + '/' + category + '/run-*'))
for run_id in re.findall('.*/run-([a-z0-9]+)'.format(category), text, re.MULTILINE):
return run_ids[:max_runs]
def get_run_ids(storage_uri, category, max_runs):
if storage_uri.startswith('http'):
return get_remote_run_ids(storage_uri, category, max_runs)
return get_local_run_ids(storage_uri, category, max_runs)
# Cache an HTTP url into a local directory and return the local path
def cache_remote_csv(uri):
out_path = re.sub('^http.*/deephaven-benchmark/', '/data/deephaven-benchmark/', uri)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(out_path), mode=0o777, exist_ok=True)
except Exception as ex:
print('Error downloading file:', out_path, ':', ex)
return uri
out_path_gz = out_path + '.gz'
if os.path.exists(out_path_gz): return out_path_gz
urlretrieve(uri + '.gz', out_path_gz)
print('Cache', uri + '.gz')
return out_path_gz
except Exception:
if os.path.exists(out_path): return out_path
urlretrieve(uri, out_path)
print('Cache', uri)
return out_path
except Exception as ex:
print('Error caching file:', out_path, ':', ex)
return uri
# Read csv into a table (Currently, pandas is used for gzipped csv)
def dh_read_csv(uri, schema=None):
uri = uri.replace('file:///','/')
uri = cache_remote_csv(uri) if uri.startswith('http') else uri
tbl = read_csv(uri + '.gz', schema) if schema else read_csv(uri + '.gz')
print('Load ' + uri + '.gz')
except Exception:
tbl = read_csv(uri, schema) if schema else read_csv(uri)
print('Load ' + uri)
return tbl
# Merge together benchmark runs from the GCloud bucket for the same csv (e.g. benchmark_results.csv)
def merge_run_tables(parent_uri, run_ids, category, csv_file_name, schema = None):
tables = []
for run_id in run_ids:
table_uri = parent_uri + '/' + category + '/run-' + run_id + '/' + csv_file_name
table_csv = dh_read_csv(table_uri, schema)
table_csv = table_csv.update_view(['run_id = "' + run_id + '"'])
return merge(tables)
# Load standard tables from GCloud or local storage according to category
# If this script is run from exec(), accept the benchmark_category_arg
default_storage_uri = ''
default_category = 'ZTEST'
default_max_runs = 5
default_history_runs = 5
storage_uri = benchmark_storage_uri_arg if 'benchmark_storage_uri_arg' in globals() else default_storage_uri
category = benchmark_category_arg if 'benchmark_category_arg' in globals() else default_category
max_runs = benchmark_max_runs_arg if 'benchmark_max_runs_arg' in globals() else default_max_runs
history_runs = benchmark_history_runs_arg if 'benchmark_history_runs_arg' in globals() else default_history_runs
run_ids = get_run_ids(storage_uri, category, max_runs)
bench_results = merge_run_tables(storage_uri, run_ids, category, 'benchmark-results.csv', s_results)
bench_metrics = merge_run_tables(storage_uri, run_ids, category, 'benchmark-metrics.csv')
bench_platforms = merge_run_tables(storage_uri, run_ids, category, 'benchmark-platform.csv')
# Make diff between first and last metrics samples
bench_metrics_diff = bench_metrics.agg_by(
aggs=[agg.first('first_value=value'), agg.last('last_value=value')],
by=['run_id', 'benchmark_name', 'origin', 'category', 'type', 'name'])
bench_metrics_diff = bench_metrics_diff.view(
['run_id', 'benchmark_name', 'origin', 'category', 'type', 'name', 'value_diff=last_value-first_value']
# Create a table with useful diff metrics joined into the benchmark results
bench_results_diff = bench_results
def add_metric_value_diff(mcategory, mtype, mname, new_mname):
global bench_results_diff
single_metrics = bench_metrics_diff.where(['category=mcategory', 'type=mtype', 'name=mname'])
bench_results_diff = bench_results_diff.exact_join(
single_metrics, on=['run_id', 'benchmark_name', 'origin'], joins=[new_mname+'=value_diff']
def add_platform_value(pname, new_pname):
global bench_results_diff
single_platforms = bench_platforms.where(['name=pname'])
bench_results_diff = bench_results_diff.exact_join(
single_platforms, on=['run_id', 'origin'], joins=[new_pname+'=value']
add_platform_value('deephaven.version', 'deephaven_version')
add_metric_value_diff('MemoryImpl', 'Memory', 'HeapMemoryUsage Used', "heap_used")
add_metric_value_diff('MemoryImpl', 'Memory', 'NonHeapMemoryUsage Used', "non_heap_used")
add_metric_value_diff('MemoryImpl', 'Memory', 'HeapMemoryUsage Committed', 'heap_committed')
add_metric_value_diff('MemoryImpl', 'Memory', 'NonHeapMemoryUsage Committed', 'non_heap_committed')
add_metric_value_diff('GarbageCollectorExtImpl', 'G1 Young Generation', 'CollectionCount', 'g1_young_collect_count')
add_metric_value_diff('GarbageCollectorExtImpl', 'G1 Young Generation', 'CollectionTime', 'g1_young_collect_time')
add_metric_value_diff('GarbageCollectorExtImpl', 'G1 Old Generation', 'CollectionCount', 'g1_old_collect_count')
add_metric_value_diff('GarbageCollectorExtImpl', 'G1 Old Generation', 'CollectionTime', 'g1_old_collect_time')
import statistics
def rstd(rates) -> float:
rates = [i for i in rates if i >= 0]
mean = statistics.mean(rates)
return (statistics.pstdev(rates) * 100.0 / mean) if mean != 0 else 0.0
def zscore(rate, rates) -> float:
rates = [i for i in rates if i >= 0]
std = statistics.pstdev(rates)
return ((rate - statistics.mean(rates)) / std) if std != 0 else 0.0
def zprob(zscore) -> float:
lower = -abs(zscore)
upper = abs(zscore)
return 1 - (statistics.NormalDist().cdf(upper) - statistics.NormalDist().cdf(lower))
from array import array
def rchange(rates) -> float:
rates = array('l', rates)
if(len(rates) < 2): return 0.0
m = statistics.mean(rates[:-1])
return (rates[-1] - m) / m * 100.0
def gain(start, end) -> float:
return (end - start) / start * 100.0
def format_rates(rates):
return ' '.join("{:,}".format(r) for r in rates)
def truncate(text, size):
if len(text) < size - 3: return text
return text[:size-3] + '...'
# Create a table showing percentage variability and change in rates
from deephaven.updateby import rolling_group_tick
op_group = rolling_group_tick(cols=["op_group_rates = op_rate"], rev_ticks=history_runs, fwd_ticks=0)
op_version = rolling_group_tick(cols=["op_group_versions = deephaven_version"], rev_ticks=history_runs, fwd_ticks=0)
bench_results_change = bench_results_diff.sort(['benchmark_name', 'origin', 'deephaven_version', 'timestamp'])
bench_results_change = bench_results_change.update_by(ops=[op_group, op_version], by=['benchmark_name', 'origin'])
bench_results_change = bench_results_change.update_view(
['op_rate_variability=(float)rstd(op_group_rates)', 'op_rate_change=(float)rchange(op_group_rates)']
bench_results_change = bench_results_change.view(
['benchmark_name', 'origin', 'timestamp', 'deephaven_version', 'op_duration', 'op_rate',
'op_rate_variability', 'op_rate_change', 'op_rate_change', 'op_group_rates', 'op_group_versions']