io.deephaven.kafka.KafkaTools Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Deephaven Data Labs and Patent Pending
package io.deephaven.kafka;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.SchemaProvider;
import io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.client.CachedSchemaRegistryClient;
import io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.client.SchemaRegistryClient;
import io.confluent.kafka.serializers.AbstractKafkaSchemaSerDeConfig;
import io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroDeserializer;
import io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroSerializer;
import io.deephaven.UncheckedDeephavenException;
import io.deephaven.annotations.SimpleStyle;
import io.deephaven.annotations.SingletonStyle;
import io.deephaven.chunk.ChunkType;
import io.deephaven.engine.context.ExecutionContext;
import io.deephaven.engine.liveness.LivenessManager;
import io.deephaven.engine.liveness.LivenessScope;
import io.deephaven.engine.liveness.LivenessScopeStack;
import io.deephaven.engine.rowset.RowSet;
import io.deephaven.engine.rowset.RowSetFactory;
import io.deephaven.engine.rowset.RowSetShiftData;
import io.deephaven.engine.rowset.WritableRowSet;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.ColumnDefinition;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.ColumnSource;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.ModifiedColumnSet;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.PartitionedTable;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.Table;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.TableDefinition;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.WritableColumnSource;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.impl.BlinkTableTools;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.impl.ConstituentDependency;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.impl.QueryTable;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.impl.TableUpdateImpl;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.impl.partitioned.PartitionedTableImpl;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.impl.sources.ArrayBackedColumnSource;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.impl.sources.ring.RingTableTools;
import io.deephaven.engine.updategraph.UpdateGraph;
import io.deephaven.engine.updategraph.UpdateSourceCombiner;
import io.deephaven.engine.updategraph.UpdateSourceRegistrar;
import io.deephaven.internal.log.LoggerFactory;
import io.deephaven.kafka.AvroImpl.AvroConsume;
import io.deephaven.kafka.AvroImpl.AvroProduce;
import io.deephaven.kafka.IgnoreImpl.IgnoreConsume;
import io.deephaven.kafka.IgnoreImpl.IgnoreProduce;
import io.deephaven.kafka.JsonImpl.JsonConsume;
import io.deephaven.kafka.JsonImpl.JsonProduce;
import io.deephaven.kafka.KafkaTools.Produce.KeyOrValueSpec;
import io.deephaven.kafka.KafkaTools.StreamConsumerRegistrarProvider.PerPartition;
import io.deephaven.kafka.KafkaTools.StreamConsumerRegistrarProvider.Single;
import io.deephaven.kafka.KafkaTools.TableType.Append;
import io.deephaven.kafka.KafkaTools.TableType.Blink;
import io.deephaven.kafka.KafkaTools.TableType.Ring;
import io.deephaven.kafka.KafkaTools.TableType.Visitor;
import io.deephaven.kafka.ProtobufImpl.ProtobufConsumeImpl;
import io.deephaven.kafka.RawImpl.RawConsume;
import io.deephaven.kafka.RawImpl.RawProduce;
import io.deephaven.kafka.SimpleImpl.SimpleConsume;
import io.deephaven.kafka.SimpleImpl.SimpleProduce;
import io.deephaven.kafka.ingest.ConsumerRecordToStreamPublisherAdapter;
import io.deephaven.kafka.ingest.KafkaIngester;
import io.deephaven.kafka.ingest.KafkaRecordConsumer;
import io.deephaven.kafka.ingest.KafkaStreamPublisher;
import io.deephaven.kafka.ingest.KeyOrValueProcessor;
import io.deephaven.kafka.protobuf.ProtobufConsumeOptions;
import io.deephaven.kafka.publish.KafkaPublisherException;
import io.deephaven.kafka.publish.KeyOrValueSerializer;
import io.deephaven.kafka.publish.PublishToKafka;
import io.deephaven.processor.ObjectProcessor;
import io.deephaven.protobuf.ProtobufDescriptorParserOptions;
import io.deephaven.qst.column.header.ColumnHeader;
import io.deephaven.util.SafeCloseable;
import io.deephaven.util.annotations.ReferentialIntegrity;
import io.deephaven.util.annotations.ScriptApi;
import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableObject;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.Admin;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.ListTopicsResult;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteBufferDeserializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteBufferSerializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.DoubleDeserializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.DoubleSerializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.FloatDeserializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.FloatSerializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.IntegerDeserializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.IntegerSerializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.LongDeserializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.LongSerializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ShortDeserializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ShortSerializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer;
import org.immutables.value.Value.Immutable;
import org.immutables.value.Value.Parameter;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.IntPredicate;
import java.util.function.IntToLongFunction;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import static io.deephaven.kafka.ingest.KafkaStreamPublisher.NULL_COLUMN_INDEX;
public class KafkaTools {
public static final String KAFKA_PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME_PROPERTY = "";
public static final String KAFKA_PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME_DEFAULT = "KafkaPartition";
public static final String OFFSET_COLUMN_NAME_PROPERTY = "";
public static final String OFFSET_COLUMN_NAME_DEFAULT = "KafkaOffset";
public static final String TIMESTAMP_COLUMN_NAME_PROPERTY = "";
public static final String TIMESTAMP_COLUMN_NAME_DEFAULT = "KafkaTimestamp";
public static final String RECEIVE_TIME_COLUMN_NAME_PROPERTY = "";
public static final String RECEIVE_TIME_COLUMN_NAME_DEFAULT = null;
public static final String KEY_BYTES_COLUMN_NAME_PROPERTY = "";
public static final String KEY_BYTES_COLUMN_NAME_DEFAULT = null;
public static final String VALUE_BYTES_COLUMN_NAME_PROPERTY = "";
public static final String VALUE_BYTES_COLUMN_NAME_DEFAULT = null;
public static final String KEY_COLUMN_NAME_PROPERTY = "";
public static final String KEY_COLUMN_NAME_DEFAULT = "KafkaKey";
public static final String VALUE_COLUMN_NAME_PROPERTY = "";
public static final String VALUE_COLUMN_NAME_DEFAULT = "KafkaValue";
public static final String KEY_COLUMN_TYPE_PROPERTY = "deephaven.key.column.type";
public static final String VALUE_COLUMN_TYPE_PROPERTY = "deephaven.value.column.type";
public static final String SCHEMA_SERVER_PROPERTY = AbstractKafkaSchemaSerDeConfig.SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL_CONFIG;
public static final String SHORT_DESERIALIZER = ShortDeserializer.class.getName();
public static final String INT_DESERIALIZER = IntegerDeserializer.class.getName();
public static final String LONG_DESERIALIZER = LongDeserializer.class.getName();
public static final String FLOAT_DESERIALIZER = FloatDeserializer.class.getName();
public static final String DOUBLE_DESERIALIZER = DoubleDeserializer.class.getName();
public static final String BYTE_ARRAY_DESERIALIZER = ByteArrayDeserializer.class.getName();
public static final String STRING_DESERIALIZER = StringDeserializer.class.getName();
public static final String BYTE_BUFFER_DESERIALIZER = ByteBufferDeserializer.class.getName();
public static final String AVRO_DESERIALIZER = KafkaAvroDeserializer.class.getName();
public static final String SHORT_SERIALIZER = ShortSerializer.class.getName();
public static final String INT_SERIALIZER = IntegerSerializer.class.getName();
public static final String LONG_SERIALIZER = LongSerializer.class.getName();
public static final String FLOAT_SERIALIZER = FloatSerializer.class.getName();
public static final String DOUBLE_SERIALIZER = DoubleSerializer.class.getName();
public static final String BYTE_ARRAY_SERIALIZER = ByteArraySerializer.class.getName();
public static final String STRING_SERIALIZER = StringSerializer.class.getName();
public static final String BYTE_BUFFER_SERIALIZER = ByteBufferSerializer.class.getName();
public static final String AVRO_SERIALIZER = KafkaAvroSerializer.class.getName();
public static final String NESTED_FIELD_NAME_SEPARATOR = ".";
public static final String NESTED_FIELD_COLUMN_NAME_SEPARATOR = "__";
public static final String AVRO_LATEST_VERSION = "latest";
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KafkaTools.class);
* Create an Avro schema object for a String containing a JSON encoded Avro schema definition.
* @param avroSchemaAsJsonString The JSON Avro schema definition
* @return an Avro schema object
public static Schema getAvroSchema(final String avroSchemaAsJsonString) {
return new Schema.Parser().parse(avroSchemaAsJsonString);
public static Schema columnDefinitionsToAvroSchema(
final Table t,
final String schemaName,
final String namespace,
final Properties colProps,
final Predicate includeOnly,
final Predicate exclude,
final MutableObject colPropsOut) {
return AvroImpl.columnDefinitionsToAvroSchema(t, schemaName, namespace, colProps, includeOnly, exclude,
public static void avroSchemaToColumnDefinitions(
final List> columnsOut,
final Map fieldPathToColumnNameOut,
final Schema schema,
final Function requestedFieldPathToColumnName) {
avroSchemaToColumnDefinitions(columnsOut, fieldPathToColumnNameOut, schema, requestedFieldPathToColumnName,
public static void avroSchemaToColumnDefinitions(
final List> columnsOut,
final Map fieldPathToColumnNameOut,
final Schema schema,
final Function requestedFieldPathToColumnName,
final boolean useUTF8Strings) {
AvroImpl.avroSchemaToColumnDefinitions(columnsOut, fieldPathToColumnNameOut, schema,
requestedFieldPathToColumnName, useUTF8Strings);
* Convert an Avro schema to a list of column definitions.
* @param columnsOut Column definitions for output; should be empty on entry.
* @param schema Avro schema
* @param requestedFieldPathToColumnName An optional mapping to specify selection and naming of columns from Avro
* fields, or null for map all fields using field path for column name.
public static void avroSchemaToColumnDefinitions(
final List> columnsOut,
final Schema schema,
final Function requestedFieldPathToColumnName) {
avroSchemaToColumnDefinitions(columnsOut, null, schema, requestedFieldPathToColumnName);
* Convert an Avro schema to a list of column definitions, mapping every avro field to a column of the same name.
* @param columnsOut Column definitions for output; should be empty on entry.
* @param schema Avro schema
public static void avroSchemaToColumnDefinitions(
final List> columnsOut,
final Schema schema) {
avroSchemaToColumnDefinitions(columnsOut, schema, DIRECT_MAPPING);
* Enum to specify operations that may apply to either of Kafka KEY or VALUE fields.
public enum KeyOrValue {
private interface SchemaProviderProvider {
Optional getSchemaProvider();
* Determines the initial offset to seek to for a given KafkaConsumer and TopicPartition.
public interface InitialOffsetLookup {
* Creates a implementation based solely on the {@link TopicPartition#partition() topic partition}.
static InitialOffsetLookup adapt(IntToLongFunction intToLongFunction) {
return new IntToLongLookupAdapter(intToLongFunction);
* Returns the initial offset that the {@code consumer} should start from for a given {@code topicPartition}.
* - {@value SEEK_TO_BEGINNING}, seek to the beginning
* - {@value DONT_SEEK}, don't seek
* - {@value SEEK_TO_END}, seek to the end
* @param consumer the consumer
* @param topicPartition the topic partition
* @return the initial
* @see #DONT_SEEK
* @see #SEEK_TO_END
long getInitialOffset(KafkaConsumer, ?> consumer, TopicPartition topicPartition);
* A callback which is invoked from the consumer loop, enabling clients to inject logic to be invoked by the Kafka
* consumer thread.
public interface ConsumerLoopCallback {
* Called before the consumer is polled for records.
* @param consumer the KafkaConsumer that will be polled for records
void beforePoll(KafkaConsumer, ?> consumer);
* Called after the consumer is polled for records and they have been published to the downstream
* KafkaRecordConsumer.
* @param consumer the KafkaConsumer that has been polled for records
* @param more true if more records should be read, false if the consumer should be shut down due to error
void afterPoll(KafkaConsumer, ?> consumer, boolean more);
public static class Consume {
* Class to specify conversion of Kafka KEY or VALUE fields to table columns.
public static abstract class KeyOrValueSpec implements SchemaProviderProvider {
protected abstract Deserializer> getDeserializer(
KeyOrValue keyOrValue,
SchemaRegistryClient schemaRegistryClient,
Map configs);
protected abstract KeyOrValueIngestData getIngestData(
KeyOrValue keyOrValue,
SchemaRegistryClient schemaRegistryClient,
Map configs,
MutableInt nextColumnIndexMut,
List> columnDefinitionsOut);
protected abstract KeyOrValueProcessor getProcessor(
TableDefinition tableDef,
KeyOrValueIngestData data);
private static final KeyOrValueSpec FROM_PROPERTIES = new SimpleConsume(null, null);
public static final KeyOrValueSpec IGNORE = new IgnoreConsume();
* Spec to explicitly ask one of the "consume" methods to ignore either key or value.
public static KeyOrValueSpec ignoreSpec() {
return IGNORE;
private static boolean isIgnore(KeyOrValueSpec keyOrValueSpec) {
return keyOrValueSpec == IGNORE;
* A JSON spec from a set of column definitions, with a specific mapping of JSON nodes to columns and a custom
* {@link ObjectMapper}. JSON nodes can be specified as a string field name, or as a JSON Pointer string (see
* RFC 6901, ISSN: 2070-1721).
* @param columnDefinitions An array of column definitions for specifying the table to be created
* @param fieldToColumnName A mapping from JSON field names or JSON Pointer strings to column names provided in
* the definition. For each field key, if it starts with '/' it is assumed to be a JSON Pointer (e.g.,
* {@code "/parent/nested"} represents a pointer to the nested field {@code "nested"} inside the toplevel
* field {@code "parent"}). Fields not included will be ignored
* @param objectMapper A custom {@link ObjectMapper} to use for deserializing JSON. May be null.
* @return A JSON spec for the given inputs
public static KeyOrValueSpec jsonSpec(
@NotNull final ColumnDefinition>[] columnDefinitions,
@Nullable final Map fieldToColumnName,
@Nullable final ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
return new JsonConsume(columnDefinitions, fieldToColumnName, objectMapper);
* A JSON spec from a set of column definitions, with a specific mapping of JSON nodes to columns. JSON nodes
* can be specified as a string field name, or as a JSON Pointer string (see RFC 6901, ISSN: 2070-1721).
* @param columnDefinitions An array of column definitions for specifying the table to be created
* @param fieldToColumnName A mapping from JSON field names or JSON Pointer strings to column names provided in
* the definition. For each field key, if it starts with '/' it is assumed to be a JSON Pointer (e.g.,
* {@code "/parent/nested"} represents a pointer to the nested field {@code "nested"} inside the toplevel
* field {@code "parent"}). Fields not included will be ignored
* @return A JSON spec for the given inputs
public static KeyOrValueSpec jsonSpec(
@NotNull final ColumnDefinition>[] columnDefinitions,
@Nullable final Map fieldToColumnName) {
return new JsonConsume(columnDefinitions, fieldToColumnName, null);
* A JSON spec from a set of column definitions using a custom {@link ObjectMapper}.
* @param columnDefinitions An array of column definitions for specifying the table to be created. The column
* names should map one to JSON fields expected; is not necessary to include all fields from the expected
* JSON, any fields not included would be ignored.
* @param objectMapper A custom {@link ObjectMapper} to use for deserializing JSON. May be null.
* @return A JSON spec for the given inputs.
public static KeyOrValueSpec jsonSpec(
@NotNull final ColumnDefinition>[] columnDefinitions,
@Nullable final ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
return jsonSpec(columnDefinitions, null, objectMapper);
* A JSON spec from a set of column definitions.
* @param columnDefinitions An array of column definitions for specifying the table to be created. The column
* names should map one to JSON fields expected; is not necessary to include all fields from the expected
* JSON, any fields not included would be ignored.
* @return A JSON spec for the given inputs.
public static KeyOrValueSpec jsonSpec(@NotNull final ColumnDefinition>[] columnDefinitions) {
return jsonSpec(columnDefinitions, null, null);
* Avro spec from an Avro schema.
* @param schema An Avro schema.
* @param fieldNameToColumnName A mapping specifying which Avro fields to include and what column name to use
* for them; fields mapped to null are excluded.
* @return A spec corresponding to the schema provided.
public static KeyOrValueSpec avroSpec(final Schema schema,
final Function fieldNameToColumnName) {
return new AvroConsume(schema, fieldNameToColumnName);
* Avro spec from an Avro schema. All fields in the schema are mapped to columns of the same name.
* @param schema An Avro schema.
* @return A spec corresponding to the schema provided.
public static KeyOrValueSpec avroSpec(final Schema schema) {
return new AvroConsume(schema, DIRECT_MAPPING);
* Avro spec from fetching an Avro schema from a Confluent compatible Schema Server. The Properties used to
* initialize Kafka should contain the URL for the Schema Server to use under the "schema.registry.url"
* property.
* @param schemaName The registered name for the schema on Schema Server
* @param schemaVersion The version to fetch
* @param fieldNameToColumnName A mapping specifying which Avro fields to include and what column name to use
* for them; fields mapped to null are excluded.
* @return A spec corresponding to the schema provided.
public static KeyOrValueSpec avroSpec(final String schemaName,
final String schemaVersion,
final Function fieldNameToColumnName) {
return new AvroConsume(schemaName, schemaVersion, fieldNameToColumnName);
* Avro spec from fetching an Avro schema from a Confluent compatible Schema Server. The Properties used to
* initialize Kafka should contain the URL for the Schema Server to use under the "schema.registry.url"
* property.
* @param schemaName The registered name for the schema on Schema Server
* @param schemaVersion The version to fetch
* @param fieldNameToColumnName A mapping specifying which Avro fields to include and what column name to use
* for them; fields mapped to null are excluded.
* @param useUTF8Strings If true, String fields will be not be converted to Java Strings.
* @return A spec corresponding to the schema provided.
public static KeyOrValueSpec avroSpec(final String schemaName,
final String schemaVersion,
final Function fieldNameToColumnName,
final boolean useUTF8Strings) {
return new AvroConsume(schemaName, schemaVersion, fieldNameToColumnName, useUTF8Strings);
* Avro spec from fetching an Avro schema from a Confluent compatible Schema Server. The Properties used to
* initialize Kafka should contain the URL for the Schema Server to use under the "schema.registry.url"
* property. The version fetched would be latest.
* @param schemaName The registered name for the schema on Schema Server
* @param fieldNameToColumnName A mapping specifying which Avro fields to include and what column name to use
* for them; fields mapped to null are excluded.
* @return A spec corresponding to the schema provided.
public static KeyOrValueSpec avroSpec(final String schemaName,
final Function fieldNameToColumnName) {
return new AvroConsume(schemaName, AVRO_LATEST_VERSION, fieldNameToColumnName);
* Avro spec from fetching an Avro schema from a Confluent compatible Schema Server. The Properties used to
* initialize Kafka should contain the URL for the Schema Server to use under the "schema.registry.url"
* property. All fields in the schema are mapped to columns of the same name.
* @param schemaName The registered name for the schema on Schema Server
* @param schemaVersion The version to fetch
* @return A spec corresponding to the schema provided
public static KeyOrValueSpec avroSpec(final String schemaName, final String schemaVersion) {
return new AvroConsume(schemaName, schemaVersion, DIRECT_MAPPING);
* Avro spec from fetching an Avro schema from a Confluent compatible Schema Server The Properties used to
* initialize Kafka should contain the URL for the Schema Server to use under the "schema.registry.url"
* property. The version fetched is latest All fields in the schema are mapped to columns of the same name
* @param schemaName The registered name for the schema on Schema Server.
* @return A spec corresponding to the schema provided.
public static KeyOrValueSpec avroSpec(final String schemaName) {
return new AvroConsume(schemaName, AVRO_LATEST_VERSION, DIRECT_MAPPING);
* The kafka protobuf specs. This will fetch the {@link protobuf
* descriptor} based on the {@link ProtobufConsumeOptions#descriptorProvider()} and create the
* {@link message} parsing functions according to
* {@link io.deephaven.protobuf.ProtobufDescriptorParser#parse(Descriptor, ProtobufDescriptorParserOptions)}.
* These functions will be adapted to handle schema changes.
* @param options the options
* @return the key or value spec
* @see io.deephaven.protobuf.ProtobufDescriptorParser#parse(Descriptor, ProtobufDescriptorParserOptions)
* parsing
public static KeyOrValueSpec protobufSpec(ProtobufConsumeOptions options) {
return new ProtobufConsumeImpl(options);
* If {@code columnName} is set, that column name will be used. Otherwise, the names for the key or value
* columns can be provided in the properties as {@value KEY_COLUMN_NAME_PROPERTY} or
* {@value VALUE_COLUMN_NAME_PROPERTY}, and otherwise default to {@value KEY_COLUMN_NAME_DEFAULT} or
* {@value VALUE_COLUMN_NAME_DEFAULT}. If {@code dataType} is set, that type will be used for the column type.
* Otherwise, the types for key or value are either specified in the properties as
* {@value KEY_COLUMN_TYPE_PROPERTY} or {@value VALUE_COLUMN_TYPE_PROPERTY} or deduced from the serializer
* classes for {@value ConsumerConfig#KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG} or
* {@value ConsumerConfig#VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG} in the provided Properties object.
public static KeyOrValueSpec simpleSpec(final String columnName, final Class> dataType) {
return new SimpleConsume(columnName, dataType);
* If {@code columnName} is set, that column name will be used. Otherwise, the names for the key or value
* columns can be provided in the properties as {@value KEY_COLUMN_NAME_PROPERTY} or
* {@value VALUE_COLUMN_NAME_PROPERTY}, and otherwise default to {@value KEY_COLUMN_NAME_DEFAULT} or
* {@value VALUE_COLUMN_NAME_DEFAULT}. The types for key or value are either specified in the properties as
* {@value KEY_COLUMN_TYPE_PROPERTY} or {@value VALUE_COLUMN_TYPE_PROPERTY} or deduced from the serializer
* classes for {@value ConsumerConfig#KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG} or
* {@value ConsumerConfig#VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG} in the provided Properties object.
public static KeyOrValueSpec simpleSpec(final String columnName) {
return new SimpleConsume(columnName, null);
public static KeyOrValueSpec rawSpec(ColumnHeader> header, Class extends Deserializer>> deserializer) {
return new RawConsume(ColumnDefinition.from(header), deserializer);
* Creates a kafka key or value spec implementation from an {@link ObjectProcessor}.
* The respective column definitions are derived from the combination of {@code columnNames} and
* {@link ObjectProcessor#outputTypes()}.
* @param deserializer the deserializer
* @param processor the object processor
* @param columnNames the column names
* @return the Kafka key or value spec
* @param the object type
public static KeyOrValueSpec objectProcessorSpec(
Deserializer extends T> deserializer,
ObjectProcessor super T> processor,
List columnNames) {
return new KeyOrValueSpecObjectProcessorImpl<>(deserializer, processor, columnNames);
* Creates a kafka key or value spec implementation from a byte-array {@link ObjectProcessor}.
* Equivalent to {@code objectProcessorSpec(new ByteArrayDeserializer(), processor, columnNames)}.
* @param processor the byte-array object processor
* @param columnNames the column names
* @return the Kafka key or value spec
public static KeyOrValueSpec objectProcessorSpec(ObjectProcessor super byte[]> processor,
List columnNames) {
return objectProcessorSpec(new ByteArrayDeserializer(), processor, columnNames);
public static class Produce {
* Class to specify conversion of table columns to Kafka KEY or VALUE fields.
public static abstract class KeyOrValueSpec implements SchemaProviderProvider {
abstract Serializer> getSerializer(SchemaRegistryClient schemaRegistryClient, TableDefinition definition);
abstract String[] getColumnNames(@NotNull Table t, SchemaRegistryClient schemaRegistryClient);
abstract KeyOrValueSerializer> getKeyOrValueSerializer(@NotNull Table t, @NotNull String[] columnNames);
public static final KeyOrValueSpec IGNORE = new IgnoreProduce();
* Spec to explicitly ask one of the "consume" methods to ignore either key or value.
public static KeyOrValueSpec ignoreSpec() {
return IGNORE;
static boolean isIgnore(KeyOrValueSpec keyOrValueSpec) {
return keyOrValueSpec == IGNORE;
* A simple spec for sending one column as either key or value in a Kafka message.
* @param columnName The name of the column to include.
* @return A simple spec for the given input.
public static KeyOrValueSpec simpleSpec(final String columnName) {
return new SimpleProduce(columnName);
public static KeyOrValueSpec rawSpec(final String columnName, final Class extends Serializer>> serializer) {
return new RawProduce(columnName, serializer);
* A JSON spec from a set of column names
* @param includeColumns An array with an entry for each column intended to be included in the JSON output. If
* null, include all columns except those specified in {@code excludeColumns}. If {@code includeColumns}
* is not null, {@code excludeColumns} should be null.
* @param excludeColumns A set specifying column names to omit; can only be used when {@code columnNames} is
* null. In this case all table columns except for the ones in {@code excludeColumns} will be included.
* @param columnToFieldMapping A map from column name to JSON field name to use for that column. Any column
* names implied by earlier arguments not included as a key in the map will be mapped to JSON fields of
* the same name. If null, map all columns to fields of the same name.
* @param nestedObjectDelimiter if nested JSON fields are desired, the field separator that is used for the
* fieldNames parameter, or null for no nesting. For instance, if a particular column should be mapped to
* JSON field {@code X} nested inside field {@code Y}, the corresponding field name value for the column
* key in the {@code columnToFieldMapping} map can be the string {@code "X__Y"}, in which case the value
* for {@code nestedObjectDelimiter} should be {code "_"}
* @param outputNulls If false, omit fields with a null value.
* @param timestampFieldName If not null, include a field of the given name with a publication timestamp.
* @return A JSON spec for the given inputs.
public static KeyOrValueSpec jsonSpec(
final String[] includeColumns,
final Predicate excludeColumns,
final Map columnToFieldMapping,
final String nestedObjectDelimiter,
final boolean outputNulls,
final String timestampFieldName) {
if (includeColumns != null && excludeColumns != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Both includeColumns (=" + includeColumns +
") and excludeColumns (=" + excludeColumns + ") are not null, " +
"at least one of them should be null.");
return new JsonProduce(
* A JSON spec from a set of column names. Shorthand for
* {@code jsonSpec(columNames, excludeColumns, columnToFieldMapping, null, false, null)}
* @param includeColumns An array with an entry for each column intended to be included in the JSON output. If
* null, include all columns except those specified in {@code excludeColumns}. If {@code includeColumns}
* is not null, {@code excludeColumns} should be null.
* @param excludeColumns A predicate specifying column names to omit; can only be used when {@code columnNames}
* is null. In this case all table columns except for the ones in {@code excludeColumns} will be
* included.
* @param columnToFieldMapping A map from column name to JSON field name to use for that column. Any column
* names implied by earlier arguments not included as a key in the map will be mapped to JSON fields of
* the same name. If null, map all columns to fields of the same name.
* @return A JSON spec for the given inputs.
public static KeyOrValueSpec jsonSpec(
final String[] includeColumns,
final Predicate excludeColumns,
final Map columnToFieldMapping) {
return jsonSpec(includeColumns, excludeColumns, columnToFieldMapping, null, false, null);
* Avro spec to generate Avro messages from an Avro schema.
* @param schema An Avro schema. The message will implement this schema; all fields will be populated from some
* table column via explicit or implicit mapping.
* @param fieldToColumnMapping A map from Avro schema field name to column name. Any field names not included as
* a key in the map will be mapped to columns with the same name (unless those columns are filtered out).
* If null, map all fields to columns of the same name (except for columns filtered out).
* @param timestampFieldName If not null, include a field of the given name with a publication timestamp. The
* field with the given name should exist in the provided schema, and be of logical type timestamp
* micros.
* @param includeOnlyColumns If not null, filter out any columns tested false in this predicate.
* @param excludeColumns If not null, filter out any columns tested true in this predicate.
* @return A spec corresponding to the schema provided.
public static KeyOrValueSpec avroSpec(
final Schema schema,
final Map fieldToColumnMapping,
final String timestampFieldName,
final Predicate includeOnlyColumns,
final Predicate excludeColumns) {
return new AvroProduce(schema, null, null, fieldToColumnMapping,
timestampFieldName, includeOnlyColumns, excludeColumns, false, null, null);
* Avro spec from fetching an Avro schema from a Confluent compatible Schema Server. The Properties used to
* initialize Kafka should contain the URL for the Schema Server to use under the "schema.registry.url"
* property.
* @param schemaName The registered name for the schema on Schema Server
* @param schemaVersion The version to fetch. Pass the constant {@code AVRO_LATEST_VERSION} for latest
* @param fieldToColumnMapping A map from Avro schema field name to column name. Any field names not included as
* a key in the map will be mapped to columns with the same name. If null, map all fields to columns of
* the same name.
* @param timestampFieldName If not null, include a field of the given name with a publication timestamp. The
* field with the given name should exist in the provided schema, and be of logical type timestamp
* micros.
* @param includeOnlyColumns If not null, filter out any columns tested false in this predicate.
* @param excludeColumns If not null, filter out any columns tested true in this predicate.
* @param publishSchema If true, instead of loading a schema already defined in schema server, define a new Avro
* schema based on the selected columns for this table and publish it to schema server. When publishing,
* if a schema version is provided and the version generated doesn't match, an exception results.
* @param schemaNamespace When publishSchema is true, the namespace for the generated schema to be restered in
* schema server. When publishSchema is false, null should be passed.
* @param columnProperties When publisSchema is true, a {@code Properties} object can be provided, specifying
* String properties implying particular Avro type mappings for them. In particular, column {@code X} of
* {@code BigDecimal} type should specify string properties {@code "x.precision"} and {@code "x.scale"}.
* @return A spec corresponding to the schema provided.
public static KeyOrValueSpec avroSpec(
final String schemaName,
final String schemaVersion,
final Map fieldToColumnMapping,
final String timestampFieldName,
final Predicate includeOnlyColumns,
final Predicate excludeColumns,
final boolean publishSchema,
final String schemaNamespace,
final Properties columnProperties) {
return new AvroProduce(
null, schemaName, schemaVersion, fieldToColumnMapping,
timestampFieldName, includeOnlyColumns, excludeColumns, publishSchema,
schemaNamespace, columnProperties);
* Type for the result {@link Table} returned by kafka consumers.
public interface TableType {
static Blink blink() {
return Blink.of();
static Append append() {
return Append.of();
static Ring ring(int capacity) {
return Ring.of(capacity);
T walk(Visitor visitor);
interface Visitor {
T visit(Blink blink);
T visit(Append append);
T visit(Ring ring);
* Consume data into an in-memory blink table, which will present only newly-available rows to downstream
* operations and visualizations.
* See {@link Table#BLINK_TABLE_ATTRIBUTE} for a detailed explanation of blink table semantics, and
* {@link BlinkTableTools} for related tooling.
abstract class Blink implements TableType {
public static Blink of() {
return ImmutableBlink.of();
public final T walk(Visitor visitor) {
return visitor.visit(this);
* Consume data into an in-memory append-only table.
* @see BlinkTableTools#blinkToAppendOnly(Table)
abstract class Append implements TableType {
public static Append of() {
return ImmutableAppend.of();
public final T walk(Visitor visitor) {
return visitor.visit(this);
* Consume data into an in-memory ring table.
* @see RingTableTools#of(Table, int)
abstract class Ring implements TableType {
public static Ring of(int capacity) {
return ImmutableRing.of(capacity);
public abstract int capacity();
public final T walk(Visitor visitor) {
return visitor.visit(this);
* Map "Python-friendly" table type name to a {@link TableType}. Supported values are:
* - {@code "blink"}
* - {@code "stream"} (deprecated; use {@code "blink"})
* - {@code "append"}
* - {@code "ring:
"} where capacity is a integer number specifying the maximum number of trailing rows
* to include in the result
* @param typeName The friendly name
* @return The mapped {@link TableType}
public static TableType friendlyNameToTableType(@NotNull final String typeName) {
final String[] split = typeName.split(":");
switch (split[0].trim()) {
case "blink":
case "stream": // TODO ( Delete this
if (split.length != 1) {
throw unexpectedType(typeName, null);
return TableType.blink();
case "append":
if (split.length != 1) {
throw unexpectedType(typeName, null);
return TableType.append();
case "ring":
if (split.length != 2) {
throw unexpectedType(typeName, null);
try {
return TableType.ring(Integer.parseInt(split[1].trim()));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw unexpectedType(typeName, e);
throw unexpectedType(typeName, null);
private static IllegalArgumentException unexpectedType(@NotNull final String typeName, @Nullable Exception cause) {
return new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected type format \"" + typeName
+ "\", expected \"blink\", \"append\", or \"ring:\"", cause);
* Consume from Kafka to a Deephaven {@link Table}.
* @param kafkaProperties Properties to configure the result and also to be passed to create the KafkaConsumer
* @param topic Kafka topic name
* @param partitionFilter A predicate returning true for the partitions to consume. The convenience constant
* {@code ALL_PARTITIONS} is defined to facilitate requesting all partitions.
* @param partitionToInitialOffset A function specifying the desired initial offset for each partition consumed
* @param keySpec Conversion specification for Kafka record keys
* @param valueSpec Conversion specification for Kafka record values
* @param tableType {@link TableType} specifying the type of the expected result
* @return The result {@link Table} containing Kafka stream data formatted according to {@code tableType}
public static Table consumeToTable(
@NotNull final Properties kafkaProperties,
@NotNull final String topic,
@NotNull final IntPredicate partitionFilter,
@NotNull final IntToLongFunction partitionToInitialOffset,
@NotNull final Consume.KeyOrValueSpec keySpec,
@NotNull final Consume.KeyOrValueSpec valueSpec,
@NotNull final TableType tableType) {
final MutableObject resultHolder = new MutableObject<>();
final ExecutionContext enclosingExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.getContext();
final LivenessManager enclosingLivenessManager = LivenessScopeStack.peek();
final SingleConsumerRegistrar registrar =
(final TableDefinition tableDefinition, final StreamPublisher streamPublisher) -> {
try (final SafeCloseable ignored1 =;
final SafeCloseable ignored2 = {
// StreamToBlinkTableAdapter registers itself in its constructor
// noinspection resource
final StreamToBlinkTableAdapter streamToBlinkTableAdapter = new StreamToBlinkTableAdapter(
"Kafka-" + topic + '-' + partitionFilter);
final Table blinkTable = streamToBlinkTableAdapter.table();
final Table result = tableType.walk(new BlinkTableOperation(blinkTable));
consume(kafkaProperties, topic, partitionFilter,
InitialOffsetLookup.adapt(partitionToInitialOffset), keySpec, valueSpec,
StreamConsumerRegistrarProvider.single(registrar), null);
return resultHolder.getValue();
* Consume from Kafka to a Deephaven {@link PartitionedTable} containing one constituent {@link Table} per
* partition.
* @param kafkaProperties Properties to configure the result and also to be passed to create the KafkaConsumer
* @param topic Kafka topic name
* @param partitionFilter A predicate returning true for the partitions to consume. The convenience constant
* {@code ALL_PARTITIONS} is defined to facilitate requesting all partitions.
* @param partitionToInitialOffset A function specifying the desired initial offset for each partition consumed
* @param keySpec Conversion specification for Kafka record keys
* @param valueSpec Conversion specification for Kafka record values
* @param tableType {@link TableType} specifying the type of the expected result's constituent tables
* @return The result {@link PartitionedTable} containing Kafka stream data formatted according to {@code tableType}
public static PartitionedTable consumeToPartitionedTable(
@NotNull final Properties kafkaProperties,
@NotNull final String topic,
@NotNull final IntPredicate partitionFilter,
@NotNull final IntToLongFunction partitionToInitialOffset,
@NotNull final Consume.KeyOrValueSpec keySpec,
@NotNull final Consume.KeyOrValueSpec valueSpec,
@NotNull final TableType tableType) {
final AtomicReference resultHolder = new AtomicReference<>();
final ExecutionContext enclosingExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.getContext();
final LivenessManager enclosingLivenessManager = LivenessScopeStack.peek();
final PerPartitionConsumerRegistrar registrar =
(final TableDefinition tableDefinition, final TopicPartition topicPartition,
final StreamPublisher streamPublisher) -> {
try (final SafeCloseable ignored1 =;
final SafeCloseable ignored2 = {
StreamPartitionedQueryTable result = resultHolder.get();
if (result == null) {
synchronized (resultHolder) {
result = resultHolder.get();
if (result == null) {
result = new StreamPartitionedQueryTable(tableDefinition);
// StreamToBlinkTableAdapter registers itself in its constructor
// noinspection resource
final StreamToBlinkTableAdapter streamToBlinkTableAdapter = new StreamToBlinkTableAdapter(
"Kafka-" + topic + '-' + topicPartition.partition());
final Table blinkTable = streamToBlinkTableAdapter.table();
final Table derivedTable = tableType.walk(new BlinkTableOperation(blinkTable));
result.enqueueAdd(topicPartition.partition(), derivedTable);
consume(kafkaProperties, topic, partitionFilter,
InitialOffsetLookup.adapt(partitionToInitialOffset), keySpec, valueSpec,
StreamConsumerRegistrarProvider.perPartition(registrar), null);
return resultHolder.get().toPartitionedTable();
public interface SingleConsumerRegistrar {
* Provide a single {@link StreamConsumer} to {@code streamPublisher} via its
* {@link StreamPublisher#register(StreamConsumer) register} method.
* @param tableDefinition The {@link TableDefinition} for the stream to be consumed
* @param streamPublisher The {@link StreamPublisher} to {@link StreamPublisher#register(StreamConsumer)
* register} a {@link StreamConsumer} for
void register(
@NotNull TableDefinition tableDefinition,
@NotNull StreamPublisher streamPublisher);
public interface PerPartitionConsumerRegistrar {
* Provide a per-partition {@link StreamConsumer} to {@code streamPublisher} via its
* {@link StreamPublisher#register(StreamConsumer) register} method.
* @param tableDefinition The {@link TableDefinition} for the stream to be consumed
* @param topicPartition The {@link TopicPartition} to be consumed
* @param streamPublisher The {@link StreamPublisher} to {@link StreamPublisher#register(StreamConsumer)
* register} a {@link StreamConsumer} for
void register(
@NotNull TableDefinition tableDefinition,
@NotNull TopicPartition topicPartition,
@NotNull StreamPublisher streamPublisher);
* Marker interface for {@link StreamConsumer} registrar provider objects.
public interface StreamConsumerRegistrarProvider {
* @param registrar The internal registrar method for {@link StreamConsumer} instances
* @return A StreamConsumerRegistrarProvider that registers a single consumer for all selected partitions
static Single single(@NotNull final SingleConsumerRegistrar registrar) {
return Single.of(registrar);
* @param registrar The internal registrar method for {@link StreamConsumer} instances
* @return A StreamConsumerRegistrarProvider that registers a new consumer for each selected partition
static PerPartition perPartition(@NotNull final PerPartitionConsumerRegistrar registrar) {
return PerPartition.of(registrar);
T walk(Visitor visitor);
interface Visitor {
T visit(@NotNull Single single);
T visit(@NotNull PerPartition perPartition);
abstract class Single implements StreamConsumerRegistrarProvider {
public static Single of(@NotNull final SingleConsumerRegistrar registrar) {
return ImmutableSingle.of(registrar);
public abstract SingleConsumerRegistrar registrar();
public final T walk(@NotNull final Visitor visitor) {
return visitor.visit(this);
abstract class PerPartition implements StreamConsumerRegistrarProvider {
public static PerPartition of(@NotNull final PerPartitionConsumerRegistrar registrar) {
return ImmutablePerPartition.of(registrar);
public abstract PerPartitionConsumerRegistrar registrar();
public final T walk(@NotNull final Visitor visitor) {
return visitor.visit(this);
private static class KafkaRecordConsumerFactoryCreator
implements StreamConsumerRegistrarProvider.Visitor> {
private final KafkaStreamPublisher.Parameters publisherParameters;
private final Supplier ingesterSupplier;
private KafkaRecordConsumerFactoryCreator(
@NotNull final KafkaStreamPublisher.Parameters publisherParameters,
@NotNull final Supplier ingesterSupplier) {
this.publisherParameters = publisherParameters;
this.ingesterSupplier = ingesterSupplier;
public Function visit(@NotNull final Single single) {
final ConsumerRecordToStreamPublisherAdapter adapter = KafkaStreamPublisher.make(
() -> ingesterSupplier.get().shutdown());
single.registrar().register(publisherParameters.getTableDefinition(), adapter);
return (final TopicPartition tp) -> new SimpleKafkaRecordConsumer(adapter);
public Function visit(@NotNull final PerPartition perPartition) {
return (final TopicPartition tp) -> {
final ConsumerRecordToStreamPublisherAdapter adapter = KafkaStreamPublisher.make(
() -> ingesterSupplier.get().shutdownPartition(tp.partition()));
perPartition.registrar().register(publisherParameters.getTableDefinition(), tp, adapter);
return new SimpleKafkaRecordConsumer(adapter);
* Consume from Kafka to {@link StreamConsumer stream consumers} supplied by {@code streamConsumerRegistrar}.
* @param kafkaProperties Properties to configure this table and also to be passed to create the KafkaConsumer
* @param topic Kafka topic name
* @param partitionFilter A predicate returning true for the partitions to consume. The convenience constant
* {@code ALL_PARTITIONS} is defined to facilitate requesting all partitions.
* @param partitionToInitialOffset A function specifying the desired initial offset for each partition consumed
* @param keySpec Conversion specification for Kafka record keys
* @param valueSpec Conversion specification for Kafka record values
* @param streamConsumerRegistrarProvider A provider for a function to
* {@link StreamPublisher#register(StreamConsumer) register} {@link StreamConsumer} instances. The registered
* stream consumers must accept {@link ChunkType chunk types} that correspond to
* {@link StreamChunkUtils#chunkTypeForColumnIndex(TableDefinition, int)} for the supplied
* {@link TableDefinition}. See {@link StreamConsumerRegistrarProvider#single(SingleConsumerRegistrar)
* single} and {@link StreamConsumerRegistrarProvider#perPartition(PerPartitionConsumerRegistrar)
* per-partition}.
* @param consumerLoopCallback callback to inject logic into the ingester's consumer loop
public static void consume(
@NotNull final Properties kafkaProperties,
@NotNull final String topic,
@NotNull final IntPredicate partitionFilter,
@NotNull final InitialOffsetLookup partitionToInitialOffset,
@NotNull final Consume.KeyOrValueSpec keySpec,
@NotNull final Consume.KeyOrValueSpec valueSpec,
@NotNull final StreamConsumerRegistrarProvider streamConsumerRegistrarProvider,
@Nullable final ConsumerLoopCallback consumerLoopCallback) {
if (Consume.isIgnore(keySpec) && Consume.isIgnore(valueSpec)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"can't ignore both key and value: keySpec and valueSpec can't both be ignore specs");
final Map configs = asStringMap(kafkaProperties);
final SchemaRegistryClient schemaRegistryClient =
schemaRegistryClient(keySpec, valueSpec, configs).orElse(null);
final Deserializer> keyDeser = keySpec.getDeserializer(KeyOrValue.KEY, schemaRegistryClient, configs);
keyDeser.configure(configs, true);
final Deserializer> valueDeser = valueSpec.getDeserializer(KeyOrValue.VALUE, schemaRegistryClient, configs);
valueDeser.configure(configs, false);
final KafkaStreamPublisher.Parameters.Builder publisherParametersBuilder =
final MutableInt nextColumnIndex = new MutableInt(0);
final List> columnDefinitions = new ArrayList<>();
.forEach(cc -> {
final ColumnDefinition> commonColumnDefinition = cc.getDefinition(kafkaProperties);
if (commonColumnDefinition == null) {
cc.setColumnIndex.setColumnIndex(publisherParametersBuilder, nextColumnIndex.getAndIncrement());
final KeyOrValueIngestData keyIngestData = keySpec.getIngestData(KeyOrValue.KEY,
schemaRegistryClient, configs, nextColumnIndex, columnDefinitions);
final KeyOrValueIngestData valueIngestData = valueSpec.getIngestData(KeyOrValue.VALUE,
schemaRegistryClient, configs, nextColumnIndex, columnDefinitions);
final TableDefinition tableDefinition = TableDefinition.of(columnDefinitions);
if (keyIngestData != null) {
.setKeyProcessor(keySpec.getProcessor(tableDefinition, keyIngestData))
if (valueIngestData != null) {
.setValueProcessor(valueSpec.getProcessor(tableDefinition, valueIngestData))
final KafkaStreamPublisher.Parameters publisherParameters =;
final MutableObject kafkaIngesterHolder = new MutableObject<>();
final Function kafkaRecordConsumerFactory =
new KafkaRecordConsumerFactoryCreator(publisherParameters, kafkaIngesterHolder::getValue));
final KafkaIngester ingester = new KafkaIngester(
private static Optional schemaRegistryClient(SchemaProviderProvider key,
SchemaProviderProvider value,
Map configs) {
final Map providers = new HashMap<>();
key.getSchemaProvider().ifPresent(p -> providers.put(p.schemaType(), p));
value.getSchemaProvider().ifPresent(p -> providers.putIfAbsent(p.schemaType(), p));
if (providers.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.empty();
for (SchemaProvider schemaProvider : providers.values()) {
return Optional.of(newSchemaRegistryClient(configs, List.copyOf(providers.values())));
static SchemaRegistryClient newSchemaRegistryClient(Map configs, List providers) {
// Note: choosing to not use the constructor with doLog which is a newer API; this is in support of downstream
// users _potentially_ being able to replace kafka jars with previous versions.
final AbstractKafkaSchemaSerDeConfig config = new AbstractKafkaSchemaSerDeConfig(
// Note: choosing to not use SchemaRegistryClientFactory.newClient which is a newer API; this is in support of
// downstream users _potentially_ being able to replace kafka jars with previous versions.
return new CachedSchemaRegistryClient(
private static class BlinkTableOperation implements Visitor {
private final Table blinkTable;
public BlinkTableOperation(Table blinkTable) {
this.blinkTable = Objects.requireNonNull(blinkTable);
public Table visit(Blink blink) {
return blinkTable;
public Table visit(Append append) {
return BlinkTableTools.blinkToAppendOnly(blinkTable);
public Table visit(Ring ring) {
return RingTableTools.of(blinkTable, ring.capacity());
* Produce a Kafka stream from a Deephaven table.
* Note that {@code table} must only change in ways that are meaningful when turned into a stream of events over
* Kafka.
* Two primary use cases are considered:
* - A stream of changes (puts and removes) to a key-value data set. In order to handle this efficiently
* and allow for correct reconstruction of the state at a consumer, it is assumed that the input data is the result
* of a Deephaven aggregation, e.g. {@link Table#aggAllBy}, {@link Table#aggBy}, or {@link Table#lastBy}. This means
* that key columns (as specified by {@code keySpec}) must not be modified, and no rows should be shifted if there
* are any key columns. Note that specifying {@code lastByKeyColumns=true} can make it easy to satisfy this
* constraint if the input data is not already aggregated.
* - A stream of independent log records. In this case, the input table should either be a
* {@link Table#BLINK_TABLE_ATTRIBUTE blink table} or should only ever add rows (regardless of whether the
* {@link Table#ADD_ONLY_TABLE_ATTRIBUTE attribute} is specified).
* If other use cases are identified, a publication mode or extensible listener framework may be introduced at a
* later date.
* @param table The table used as a source of data to be sent to Kafka.
* @param kafkaProperties Properties to be passed to create the associated KafkaProducer.
* @param topic Kafka topic name
* @param keySpec Conversion specification for Kafka record keys from table column data.
* @param valueSpec Conversion specification for Kafka record values from table column data.
* @param lastByKeyColumns Whether to publish only the last record for each unique key. Ignored when {@code keySpec}
* is {@code IGNORE}. Otherwise, if {@code lastByKeycolumns == true} this method will internally perform a
* {@link Table#lastBy(String...) lastBy} aggregation on {@code table} grouped by the input columns of
* {@code keySpec} and publish to Kafka from the result.
* @return a callback to stop producing and shut down the associated table listener; note a caller should keep a
* reference to this return value to ensure liveliness.
* @see #produceFromTable(KafkaPublishOptions)
public static Runnable produceFromTable(
@NotNull final Table table,
@NotNull final Properties kafkaProperties,
@NotNull final String topic,
@NotNull final Produce.KeyOrValueSpec keySpec,
@NotNull final Produce.KeyOrValueSpec valueSpec,
final boolean lastByKeyColumns) {
return produceFromTable(KafkaPublishOptions.builder()
.lastBy(lastByKeyColumns && !Produce.isIgnore(keySpec))
* Produce a Kafka stream from a Deephaven table.
* Note that {@code table} must only change in ways that are meaningful when turned into a stream of events over
* Kafka.
* Two primary use cases are considered:
* - A stream of changes (puts and removes) to a key-value data set. In order to handle this efficiently
* and allow for correct reconstruction of the state at a consumer, it is assumed that the input data is the result
* of a Deephaven aggregation, e.g. {@link Table#aggAllBy}, {@link Table#aggBy}, or {@link Table#lastBy}. This means
* that key columns (as specified by {@code keySpec}) must not be modified, and no rows should be shifted if there
* are any key columns. Note that specifying {@code lastByKeyColumns=true} can make it easy to satisfy this
* constraint if the input data is not already aggregated.
* - A stream of independent log records. In this case, the input table should either be a
* {@link Table#BLINK_TABLE_ATTRIBUTE blink table} or should only ever add rows (regardless of whether the
* {@link Table#ADD_ONLY_TABLE_ATTRIBUTE attribute} is specified).
* If other use cases are identified, a publication mode or extensible listener framework may be introduced at a
* later date.
* @param options the options
* @return a callback to stop producing and shut down the associated table listener; note a caller should keep a
* reference to this return value to ensure liveliness.
public static Runnable produceFromTable(KafkaPublishOptions options) {
final Table table = options.table();
try {
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
throw new KafkaPublisherException(
"Calling thread must hold an exclusive or shared UpdateGraph lock to publish live sources", e);
final Map config = asStringMap(options.config());
final KeyOrValueSpec keySpec = options.keySpec();
final KeyOrValueSpec valueSpec = options.valueSpec();
final SchemaRegistryClient schemaRegistryClient = schemaRegistryClient(keySpec, valueSpec, config).orElse(null);
final TableDefinition tableDefinition = table.getDefinition();
final Serializer> keySpecSerializer = keySpec.getSerializer(schemaRegistryClient, tableDefinition);
keySpecSerializer.configure(config, true);
final Serializer> valueSpecSerializer = valueSpec.getSerializer(schemaRegistryClient, tableDefinition);
valueSpecSerializer.configure(config, false);
final String[] keyColumns = keySpec.getColumnNames(table, schemaRegistryClient);
final String[] valueColumns = valueSpec.getColumnNames(table, schemaRegistryClient);
final LivenessScope publisherScope = new LivenessScope(true);
try (final SafeCloseable ignored =, false)) {
final Table effectiveTable = options.lastBy()
? table.lastBy(keyColumns)
: table.coalesce();
final KeyOrValueSerializer> keySerializer = keySpec.getKeyOrValueSerializer(effectiveTable, keyColumns);
final KeyOrValueSerializer> valueSerializer =
valueSpec.getKeyOrValueSerializer(effectiveTable, valueColumns);
// PublishToKafka is a LivenessArtifact; it will be kept reachable and alive by the publisherScope, since
// it is constructed with enforceStrongReachability=true.
new PublishToKafka(
options.partition().isEmpty() ? null : options.partition().getAsInt(),
return publisherScope::release;
* @implNote The constructor publishes {@code this} (indirectly) to the {@link UpdateGraph} and cannot be
* subclassed.
private static final class StreamPartitionedQueryTable extends QueryTable implements Runnable {
private static final String PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME = "Partition";
private static final String CONSTITUENT_COLUMN_NAME = "Table";
private final TableDefinition constituentDefinition;
private final WritableColumnSource partitionColumn;
private final WritableColumnSource constituentColumn;
private final UpdateSourceCombiner refreshCombiner;
private volatile long lastAddedPartitionRowKey = -1L; // NULL_ROW_KEY
private StreamPartitionedQueryTable(@NotNull final TableDefinition constituentDefinition) {
super(RowSetFactory.empty().toTracking(), makeSources());
this.constituentDefinition = constituentDefinition;
partitionColumn = (WritableColumnSource) getColumnSource(PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME, int.class);
constituentColumn = (WritableColumnSource) getColumnSource(CONSTITUENT_COLUMN_NAME, Table.class);
* We use an UpdateSourceCombiner to drive both the StreamPartitionedQueryTable and its constituents, with
* the StreamPartitionedQueryTable added first. This to ensure that newly-added constituents cannot process
* their initial update until after they have been added to the StreamPartitionedQueryTable. The
* StreamPartitionedQueryTable creates the combiner, and constituent-building code is responsible for using
* it, accessed via getRegistrar(). We could remove the combiner and use the "raw" UpdateGraph plus a
* ConstituentDependency if we demanded a guarantee that new constituents would only be constructed in such
* a way that they were unable to fire before being added to the partitioned table. Without that guarantee,
* we would risk data loss for blink or ring tables.
refreshCombiner = new UpdateSourceCombiner(getUpdateGraph());
* We use a ConstituentDependency to ensure that our notification is not delivered before all of our
* constituents have become satisfied on this cycle. For "raw" (blink) constituents, the
* UpdateSourceCombiner trivially guarantees this. However, since constituents may be transformed to ring or
* append-only tables before they are added to the StreamPartitionedQueryTable, we must test constituent
* satisfaction before allowing the table to become satisfied on a given cycle.
ConstituentDependency.install(this, refreshCombiner);
// Begin update processing
* @return The {@link UpdateSourceRegistrar} to be used for all constituent roots.
public UpdateSourceRegistrar getRegistrar() {
return refreshCombiner;
public void run() {
final WritableRowSet rowSet = getRowSet().writableCast();
final long newLastRowKey = lastAddedPartitionRowKey;
final long oldLastRowKey = rowSet.lastRowKey();
if (newLastRowKey != oldLastRowKey) {
final RowSet added = RowSetFactory.fromRange(oldLastRowKey + 1, newLastRowKey);
notifyListeners(new TableUpdateImpl(added,
RowSetFactory.empty(), RowSetFactory.empty(), RowSetShiftData.EMPTY, ModifiedColumnSet.EMPTY));
private synchronized void enqueueAdd(final int partition, @NotNull final Table partitionTable) {
final long partitionRowKey = lastAddedPartitionRowKey + 1;
partitionColumn.ensureCapacity(partitionRowKey + 1);
partitionColumn.set(partitionRowKey, partition);
constituentColumn.ensureCapacity(partitionRowKey + 1);
constituentColumn.set(partitionRowKey, partitionTable);
lastAddedPartitionRowKey = partitionRowKey;
private PartitionedTable toPartitionedTable() {
return new PartitionedTableImpl(this,
true, // keys are unique
true, // constituent changes are permitted
false); // validation not needed
private static Map> makeSources() {
final Map> sources = new LinkedHashMap<>(2);
sources.put(PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME, ArrayBackedColumnSource.getMemoryColumnSource(int.class, null));
sources.put(CONSTITUENT_COLUMN_NAME, ArrayBackedColumnSource.getMemoryColumnSource(Table.class, null));
return sources;
public static class KeyOrValueIngestData {
public Map fieldPathToColumnName;
public int simpleColumnIndex = NULL_COLUMN_INDEX;
public Function