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deephaven_core.proto.table.proto Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 * Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Deephaven Data Labs and Patent Pending
syntax = "proto3";

package io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc;

option java_multiple_files = true;
option optimize_for = SPEED;
option go_package = "";

import "deephaven_core/proto/ticket.proto";

service TableService {
   * Request an ETCR for this ticket. Ticket must reference a Table.
  rpc GetExportedTableCreationResponse(Ticket) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Fetches a Table from an existing source ticket and exports it to the local session result ticket.
  rpc FetchTable(FetchTableRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Create a table that has preview columns applied to an existing source table.
  rpc ApplyPreviewColumns(ApplyPreviewColumnsRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Create an empty table with the given column names and types.
  rpc EmptyTable(EmptyTableRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Create a time table with the given start time and period.
  rpc TimeTable(TimeTableRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Drop columns from the parent table.
  rpc DropColumns(DropColumnsRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Add columns to the given table using the given column specifications and the update table operation.
  rpc Update(SelectOrUpdateRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Add columns to the given table using the given column specifications and the lazyUpdate table operation.
  rpc LazyUpdate(SelectOrUpdateRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Add columns to the given table using the given column specifications and the view table operation.
  rpc View(SelectOrUpdateRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Add columns to the given table using the given column specifications and the updateView table operation.
  rpc UpdateView(SelectOrUpdateRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Select the given columns from the given table.
  rpc Select(SelectOrUpdateRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Returns the result of an updateBy table operation.
  rpc UpdateBy(UpdateByRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Returns a new table definition with the unique tuples of the specified columns
  rpc SelectDistinct(SelectDistinctRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Filter parent table with structured filters.
  rpc Filter(FilterTableRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Filter parent table with unstructured filters.
  rpc UnstructuredFilter(UnstructuredFilterTableRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Sort parent table via the provide sort descriptors.
  rpc Sort(SortTableRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Extract rows from the head of the parent table.
  rpc Head(HeadOrTailRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Extract rows from the tail of the parent table.
  rpc Tail(HeadOrTailRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Run the headBy table operation for the given group by columns on the given table.
  rpc HeadBy(HeadOrTailByRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Run the tailBy operation for the given group by columns on the given table.
  rpc TailBy(HeadOrTailByRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Ungroup the given columns (all columns will be ungrouped if columnsToUngroup is empty or unspecified).
  rpc Ungroup(UngroupRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Create a merged table from the given input tables. If a key column is provided (not null), a sorted
   * merged will be performed using that column.
  rpc MergeTables(MergeTablesRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Returns the result of a cross join operation. Also known as the cartesian product.
  rpc CrossJoinTables(CrossJoinTablesRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Returns the result of a natural join operation.
  rpc NaturalJoinTables(NaturalJoinTablesRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Returns the result of an exact join operation.
  rpc ExactJoinTables(ExactJoinTablesRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Returns the result of a left join operation.
  rpc LeftJoinTables(LeftJoinTablesRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Returns the result of an as of join operation.
   * Deprecated: Please use AjTables or RajTables.
  rpc AsOfJoinTables(AsOfJoinTablesRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {
    option deprecated = true;

   * Returns the result of an aj operation.
  rpc AjTables(AjRajTablesRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Returns the result of an raj operation.
  rpc RajTables(AjRajTablesRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Returns the result of a multi-join operation.
  rpc MultiJoinTables(MultiJoinTablesRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Returns the result of a range join operation.
  rpc RangeJoinTables(RangeJoinTablesRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Returns the result of an aggregate table operation.
   * Deprecated: Please use AggregateAll or Aggregate instead
  rpc ComboAggregate(ComboAggregateRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {
    option deprecated = true;

   * Aggregates all non-grouping columns against a single aggregation specification.
  rpc AggregateAll(AggregateAllRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {};

   * Produce an aggregated result by grouping the source_id table according to the group_by_columns and applying
   * aggregations to each resulting group of rows. The result table will have one row per group, ordered by
   * the encounter order within the source_id table, thereby ensuring that the row key for a given group never
   * changes.
  rpc Aggregate(AggregateRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {};

   * Takes a single snapshot of the source_id table.
  rpc Snapshot(SnapshotTableRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Snapshot base_id, triggered by trigger_id, and export the resulting new table.
   * The trigger_id table's change events cause a new snapshot to be taken. The result table includes a
   * "snapshot key" which is a subset (possibly all) of the base_id table's columns. The
   * remaining columns in the result table come from base_id table, the table being snapshotted.
  rpc SnapshotWhen(SnapshotWhenTableRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Returns a new table with a flattened row set.
  rpc Flatten(FlattenRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Downsamples a table assume its contents will be rendered in a run chart, with each subsequent row holding a later
   * X value (i.e., sorted on that column). Multiple Y columns can be specified, as can a range of values for the X
   * column to support zooming in.
  rpc RunChartDownsample(RunChartDownsampleRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Creates a new Table based on the provided configuration. This can be used as a regular table from the other methods
   * in this interface, or can be interacted with via the InputTableService to modify its contents.
  rpc CreateInputTable(CreateInputTableRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Filters the left table based on the set of values in the right table.
   * Note that when the right table ticks, all of the rows in the left table are going to be re-evaluated,
   * thus the intention is that the right table is fairly slow moving compared with the left table.
  rpc WhereIn(WhereInRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Batch a series of requests and send them all at once. This enables the user to create intermediate tables without
   * requiring them to be exported and managed by the client. The server will automatically release any tables when they
   * are no longer depended upon.
  rpc Batch(BatchTableRequest) returns (stream ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Establish a stream of table updates for cheap notifications of table size updates.
   * New streams will flush updates for all existing table exports. An export id of zero will be sent to indicate all
   * exports have sent their refresh update. Table updates may be intermingled with initial refresh updates after their
   * initial update had been sent.
  rpc ExportedTableUpdates(ExportedTableUpdatesRequest) returns (stream ExportedTableUpdateMessage) {}

   * Seek a row number within a table.
  rpc SeekRow(SeekRowRequest) returns (SeekRowResponse) {}

   * Returns the meta table of a table.
  rpc MetaTable(MetaTableRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Returns a new table representing statistics about a single column of the provided table. This
   * result table will be static - use Aggregation() instead for updating results. Presently, the
   * primary use case for this is the Deephaven Web UI.
  rpc ComputeColumnStatistics(ColumnStatisticsRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

   * Returns a new table representing a sliced subset of the original table. The start position is inclusive
   * and the end position is exclusive. If a negative value is given, then the position is counted from the end of
   * the table.
  rpc Slice(SliceRequest) returns (ExportedTableCreationResponse) {}

message TableReference {
  oneof ref {
    // A ticket to resolve to get the table. It's preferable to use export tickets in order to avoid races that are
    // possible with tickets controlled by the server, but any ticket type will suffice as long as it resolves to a
    // table.
    Ticket ticket = 1;

    // An offset into a BatchRequest's ops field, used to reference an intermediate operation which may not have been
    // exported. Only valid to set when used in the context of a BatchRequest.
    sint32 batch_offset = 2;

message ExportedTableCreationResponse {
  TableReference result_id = 1;

  // If this is part of a batch, you may receive creation messages that indicate the sub-operation failed.
  bool success = 2;

  // If this is part of a batch, this errorInfo will be the message provided
  string error_info = 3;

  // Schema as described in Arrow Message.fbs::Message.
  bytes schema_header = 4;

  // Whether or not this table might change.
  bool is_static = 5;

  // The current number of rows for this table. If this is negative, the table isn't coalesced, meaning the
  // size isn't known without scanning partitions. Typically, the client should filter the data by the
  // partitioning columns first.
  sint64 size = 6 [jstype=JS_STRING];

message FetchTableRequest {
  TableReference source_id = 1;
  Ticket result_id = 2;

message ApplyPreviewColumnsRequest {
  TableReference source_id = 1;
  Ticket result_id = 2;

message ExportedTableUpdatesRequest {
  // Intentionally empty and is here for backwards compatibility should this API change.

message ExportedTableUpdateMessage {
  Ticket export_id = 1;
  sint64 size = 2 [jstype=JS_STRING];
  string update_failure_message = 3;

message EmptyTableRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  sint64 size = 2 [jstype=JS_STRING];

message TimeTableRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  oneof start_time {
    sint64 start_time_nanos = 2 [jstype = JS_STRING];
    string start_time_string = 5;
  oneof period {
    sint64 period_nanos = 3 [jstype = JS_STRING];
    string period_string = 6;
  bool blink_table = 4;

message SelectOrUpdateRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference source_id = 2;
  repeated string column_specs = 3;

message Selectable {
  // message ColumnExpression {
  //  string column_name = 1;
  //  Expression expression = 2;
  // }
  oneof type {
    string raw = 1;
    // ColumnExpression column_expression = 2;

message MathContext {
  enum RoundingMode {
    UP = 1;
    DOWN = 2;
    CEILING = 3;
    FLOOR = 4;
    HALF_UP = 5;
    HALF_DOWN = 6;
    HALF_EVEN = 7;
  sint32 precision = 1;
  RoundingMode rounding_mode = 2;

// Directives for how to handle {@code null} and {@code NaN} values
enum BadDataBehavior {
  // When not specified will use the server default.

  // Throw an exception and abort processing when bad data is encountered.
  THROW = 1;

  // Reset the state for the bucket to {@code null} when invalid data is encountered.
  RESET = 2;

  // Skip and do not process the invalid data without changing state.
  SKIP = 3;

  // Allow the bad data to poison the result. This is only valid for use with NaN.
  POISON = 4;

// Directives for how to handle {@code null} and {@code NaN} values
enum UpdateByNullBehavior {
  // When not specified will use the server default.

  // In the case of Current - null, the null dominates so Column[i] - null = null

  // In the case of Current - null, the current value dominates so Column[i] - null = Column[i]

  // In the case of Current - null, return zero so Column[i] - null = 0

// Reusable window scale message for the UpdateBy rolling operations.
message UpdateByWindowScale {
  message UpdateByWindowTicks {
    double ticks = 1;
  message UpdateByWindowTime {
    string column = 1;
    oneof window {
      sint64 nanos = 2 [jstype = JS_STRING];
      string duration_string = 3;
  oneof type {
    UpdateByWindowTicks ticks = 1;
    UpdateByWindowTime time = 2;

// Reusable options for the UpdateBy exponential moving operations.
message UpdateByEmOptions {
  BadDataBehavior on_null_value = 1;

  BadDataBehavior on_nan_value = 2;

  BadDataBehavior on_null_time = 3;

  BadDataBehavior on_negative_delta_time = 4;

  BadDataBehavior on_zero_delta_time = 5;

  MathContext big_value_context = 6;

// Reusable options for the UpdateBy delta operation.
message UpdateByDeltaOptions {
  UpdateByNullBehavior null_behavior = 1;

// Create a table with the same rowset as its parent that will perform the specified set of row
// based operations to it. As opposed to {@link #update(String...)} these operations are more restricted but are
// capable of processing state between rows. This operation will group the table by the specified set of keys if
// provided before applying the operation.
message UpdateByRequest {

  message UpdateByOptions {
    // If redirections should be used for output sources instead of sparse array sources.
    // If unset, defaults to server-provided defaults.
    optional bool use_redirection = 1;

    // The maximum chunk capacity.
    // If unset, defaults to server-provided defaults.
    optional int32 chunk_capacity = 2;

    // The maximum fractional memory overhead allowable for sparse redirections as a fraction (e.g. 1.1 is 10%
    // overhead). Values less than zero disable overhead checking, and result in always using the sparse structure. A
    // value of zero results in never using the sparse structure.
    // If unset, defaults to server-provided defaults.
    optional double max_static_sparse_memory_overhead = 3;

    // The initial hash table size.
    // If unset, defaults to server-provided defaults.
    optional int32 initial_hash_table_size = 4;

    // The maximum load factor for the hash table.
    // If unset, defaults to server-provided defaults.
    optional double maximum_load_factor = 5;

    // The target load factor for the hash table.
    // If unset, defaults to server-provided defaults.
    optional double target_load_factor = 6;

    // The math context.
    MathContext math_context = 7;

  message UpdateByOperation {
    message UpdateByColumn {
      message UpdateBySpec {
        message UpdateByCumulativeSum {


        message UpdateByCumulativeMin {


        message UpdateByCumulativeMax {


        message UpdateByCumulativeProduct {


        message UpdateByFill {


        message UpdateByEma {
          UpdateByEmOptions options = 1;
          UpdateByWindowScale window_scale = 2;

        message UpdateByEms {
          UpdateByEmOptions options = 1;
          UpdateByWindowScale window_scale = 2;

        message UpdateByEmMin {
          UpdateByEmOptions options = 1;
          UpdateByWindowScale window_scale = 2;

        message UpdateByEmMax {
          UpdateByEmOptions options = 1;
          UpdateByWindowScale window_scale = 2;

        message UpdateByEmStd {
          UpdateByEmOptions options = 1;
          UpdateByWindowScale window_scale = 2;

        message UpdateByDelta {
          UpdateByDeltaOptions options = 1;

        message UpdateByRollingSum {
          UpdateByWindowScale reverse_window_scale = 1;
          UpdateByWindowScale forward_window_scale = 2;

        message UpdateByRollingGroup {
          UpdateByWindowScale reverse_window_scale = 1;
          UpdateByWindowScale forward_window_scale = 2;

        message UpdateByRollingAvg {
          UpdateByWindowScale reverse_window_scale = 1;
          UpdateByWindowScale forward_window_scale = 2;

        message UpdateByRollingMin {
          UpdateByWindowScale reverse_window_scale = 1;
          UpdateByWindowScale forward_window_scale = 2;

        message UpdateByRollingMax {
          UpdateByWindowScale reverse_window_scale = 1;
          UpdateByWindowScale forward_window_scale = 2;

        message UpdateByRollingProduct {
          UpdateByWindowScale reverse_window_scale = 1;
          UpdateByWindowScale forward_window_scale = 2;

        message UpdateByRollingCount {
          UpdateByWindowScale reverse_window_scale = 1;
          UpdateByWindowScale forward_window_scale = 2;

        message UpdateByRollingStd {
          UpdateByWindowScale reverse_window_scale = 1;
          UpdateByWindowScale forward_window_scale = 2;

        message UpdateByRollingWAvg {
          UpdateByWindowScale reverse_window_scale = 1;
          UpdateByWindowScale forward_window_scale = 2;
          // Column name for the source of input weights.
          string weight_column = 3;

        message UpdateByRollingFormula {
          UpdateByWindowScale reverse_window_scale = 1;
          UpdateByWindowScale forward_window_scale = 2;
          string formula = 3;
          string param_token = 4;

        oneof type {
          UpdateByCumulativeSum sum = 1;
          UpdateByCumulativeMin min = 2;
          UpdateByCumulativeMax max = 3;
          UpdateByCumulativeProduct product = 4;
          UpdateByFill fill = 5;
          UpdateByEma ema = 6;
          UpdateByRollingSum rolling_sum = 7;
          UpdateByRollingGroup rolling_group = 8;
          UpdateByRollingAvg rolling_avg = 9;
          UpdateByRollingMin rolling_min = 10;
          UpdateByRollingMax rolling_max = 11;
          UpdateByRollingProduct rolling_product = 12;
          UpdateByDelta delta = 13;
          UpdateByEms ems = 14;
          UpdateByEmMin em_min = 15;
          UpdateByEmMax em_max = 16;
          UpdateByEmStd em_std = 17;
          UpdateByRollingCount rolling_count = 18;
          UpdateByRollingStd rolling_std = 19;
          UpdateByRollingWAvg rolling_wavg = 20;
          UpdateByRollingFormula rolling_formula = 21;

      UpdateBySpec spec = 1;
      repeated string match_pairs = 2;
    oneof type {
      UpdateByColumn column = 1;

  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference source_id = 2;

  UpdateByOptions options = 3;
  repeated UpdateByOperation operations = 4;
  repeated string group_by_columns = 5;

message SelectDistinctRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference source_id = 2;
  repeated string column_names = 3;

message DropColumnsRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference source_id = 2;
  repeated string column_names = 3;

message UnstructuredFilterTableRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference source_id = 2;
  repeated string filters = 3;

message HeadOrTailRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference source_id = 2;
  sint64 num_rows = 3 [jstype=JS_STRING];

message HeadOrTailByRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference source_id = 2;
  sint64 num_rows = 3 [jstype=JS_STRING];
  repeated string group_by_column_specs = 4;

message UngroupRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference source_id = 2;
  bool null_fill = 3;
  repeated string columns_to_ungroup = 4;

message MergeTablesRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  repeated TableReference source_ids = 2;
  string key_column = 3; // if specified, the result will be sorted by this column

message SnapshotTableRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference source_id = 2;

message SnapshotWhenTableRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;

  // The base table.
  TableReference base_id = 2;

  // The trigger table.
  TableReference trigger_id = 3;

  // Whether the results should contain an initial snapshot.
  bool initial = 4;

  // Whether the results should be incremental.
  bool incremental = 5;

  // Whether the results should keep history.
  bool history = 6;

  // Which columns to stamp from the trigger table. If empty, all columns from the trigger table are stamped. Allows renaming columns.
  repeated string stamp_columns = 7;

message CrossJoinTablesRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference left_id = 2;
  TableReference right_id = 3;
  repeated string columns_to_match = 4;
  repeated string columns_to_add = 5;

  // the number of bits of key-space to initially reserve per group; default is 10
  int32 reserve_bits = 6;

message NaturalJoinTablesRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference left_id = 2;
  TableReference right_id = 3;
  repeated string columns_to_match = 4;
  repeated string columns_to_add = 5;

message ExactJoinTablesRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference left_id = 2;
  TableReference right_id = 3;
  repeated string columns_to_match = 4;
  repeated string columns_to_add = 5;

message LeftJoinTablesRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference left_id = 2;
  TableReference right_id = 3;
  repeated string columns_to_match = 4;
  repeated string columns_to_add = 5;

message AsOfJoinTablesRequest {
  option deprecated = true;
  enum MatchRule {
    option deprecated = true;
    LESS_THAN = 1;
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference left_id = 2;
  TableReference right_id = 3;
  repeated string columns_to_match = 4;
  repeated string columns_to_add = 5;
  // Direction to search to find a match. LESS_THAN_EQUAL and LESS_THAN will be used to make a
  // Table.aj() call, and GREATER_THAN_EQUAL and GREATER_THAN will be used to make a Table.raj() call.
  MatchRule as_of_match_rule = 7;

message AjRajTablesRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference left_id = 2;
  TableReference right_id = 3;
  repeated string exact_match_columns = 4;
  // This is a comparison expression for the inexact as-of join match. In the case of an as-of join (aj), the comparison
  // operator can be either ">=" or ">"; for example, "Foo>=Bar" or "Foo>Bar". In the case of a reverse-as-of join (raj),
  // the comparison operator can be either "<=" or "<"; for example, "Foo<=Bar" or "Foo=Foo"; in the raj case, "Foo" is equivalent to "Foo<=Foo".
  string as_of_column = 5;
  repeated string columns_to_add = 6;

message MultiJoinInput {
  // The source table to include in the multi-join output table.
  TableReference source_id = 1;
  // The key columns to match; may be renamed to match other source table key columns.
  repeated string columns_to_match = 2;
  // The columns from the source table to include; if not provided, all columns are included.
  repeated string columns_to_add = 3;

message MultiJoinTablesRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  // The source table input specifications. One or more must be provided.
  repeated MultiJoinInput multi_join_inputs = 2;

message RangeJoinTablesRequest {
  enum RangeStartRule {
    LESS_THAN = 1;
  enum RangeEndRule {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference left_id = 2;
  TableReference right_id = 3;
  repeated string exact_match_columns = 4;
  // Provide detailed range match parameters for the range join (alternative to providing `range_match`)
  string left_start_column = 5;
  RangeStartRule range_start_rule = 6;
  string right_range_column = 7;
  RangeEndRule range_end_rule = 8;
  string left_end_column = 9;
  repeated Aggregation aggregations = 10;
  // Specifies the range match parameters as a parseable string. Providing `range_match` in the GRPC call is the
  // alternative to detailed range match parameters provided in the `left_start_column`, `range_start_rule`,
  // `right_range_column`, `range_end_rule`, and `left_end_column` fields.
  string range_match = 11;

message ComboAggregateRequest {
  option deprecated = true;

  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference source_id = 2;
  repeated Aggregate aggregates = 3;
  repeated string group_by_columns = 4;
  bool force_combo = 5; // don't use direct single-aggregate table operations even if there is only a single aggregate

  message Aggregate {
    AggType type = 1;
    repeated string match_pairs = 2; // used in all aggregates except countBy
    string column_name = 3; // countBy result (output) column OR weighted avg weight (input) column, otherwise unused
    double percentile = 4; // required by percentileBy aggregates, otherwise unused
    bool avg_median = 5; // used in percentileBy only

  enum AggType {
    SUM = 0;
    ABS_SUM = 1;
    GROUP = 2;
    AVG = 3;
    COUNT = 4;
    FIRST = 5;
    LAST = 6;
    MIN = 7;
    MAX = 8;
    MEDIAN = 9;
    PERCENTILE = 10;
    STD = 11;
    VAR = 12;
    WEIGHTED_AVG = 13;

message AggregateAllRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference source_id = 2;
  AggSpec spec = 3;
  repeated string group_by_columns = 4;

enum NullValue {

message AggSpec {
  message AggSpecApproximatePercentile {
    // Percentile. Must be in range [0.0, 1.0].
    double percentile = 1;

    // T-Digest compression factor. Must be greater than or equal to 1. 1000 is extremely large.
    // When not specified, the server will choose a compression value.
    optional double compression = 2;

  message AggSpecCountDistinct {
    // Whether null input values should be included when counting the distinct input values.
    bool count_nulls = 1;

  message AggSpecDistinct {
    // Whether null input values should be included in the distinct output values.
    bool include_nulls = 1;

  message AggSpecFormula {
    // The formula to use to calculate output values from grouped input values.
    string formula = 1;

    // The formula parameter token to be replaced with the input column name for evaluation.
    string param_token = 2;

  message AggSpecMedian {
    // Whether to average the highest low-bucket value and lowest high-bucket value, when the low-bucket and high-bucket
    // are of equal size. Only applies to numeric types.
    bool average_evenly_divided = 1;

  message AggSpecPercentile {
    // The percentile to calculate. Must be in the range [0.0, 1.0].
    double percentile = 1;

    // Whether to average the highest low-bucket value and lowest high-bucket value, when the low-bucket and high-bucket
    // are of equal size. Only applies to numeric types.
    bool average_evenly_divided = 2;

  message AggSpecSorted {
    // Using a message instead of string to support backwards-compatibility in the future
    repeated AggSpecSortedColumn columns = 1;

  message AggSpecSortedColumn {
    // TODO(deephaven-core#821): SortedFirst / SortedLast aggregations with sort direction
    string column_name = 1;

  message AggSpecTDigest {
    // T-Digest compression factor. Must be greater than or equal to 1. 1000 is extremely large.
    // When not specified, the server will choose a compression value.
    optional double compression = 1;

  message AggSpecUnique {
    // Whether to include null values as a distinct value for determining if there is only one unique value to output
    bool include_nulls = 1;

    // The output value to use for groups that don't have a single unique input value
    AggSpecNonUniqueSentinel non_unique_sentinel = 2;

  message AggSpecNonUniqueSentinel {
    oneof type {
      NullValue null_value = 1;
      string string_value = 2;
      sint32 int_value = 3;
      sint64 long_value = 4 [jstype=JS_STRING];
      float float_value = 5;
      double double_value = 6;
      bool bool_value = 7;
      // Expected to be in range [Byte.MIN_VALUE, Byte.MAX_VALUE]
      sint32 byte_value = 8;
      // Expected to be in range [Short.MIN_VALUE, Short.MAX_VALUE]
      sint32 short_value = 9;
      // Expected to be in range [0x0000, 0xFFFF]
      sint32 char_value = 10;
      // TODO(deephaven-core#3212): Expand AggSpecNonUniqueSentinel types

  message AggSpecWeighted {
    // Column name for the source of input weights.
    string weight_column = 1;

  message AggSpecAbsSum {


  message AggSpecAvg {


  message AggSpecFirst {


  message AggSpecFreeze {


  message AggSpecGroup {


  message AggSpecLast {


  message AggSpecMax {


  message AggSpecMin {


  message AggSpecStd {


  message AggSpecSum {


  message AggSpecVar {


  oneof type {
    AggSpecAbsSum abs_sum = 1;
    AggSpecApproximatePercentile approximate_percentile = 2;
    AggSpecAvg avg = 3;
    AggSpecCountDistinct count_distinct = 4;
    AggSpecDistinct distinct = 5;
    AggSpecFirst first = 6;
    AggSpecFormula formula = 7;
    AggSpecFreeze freeze = 8;
    AggSpecGroup group = 9;
    AggSpecLast last = 10;
    AggSpecMax max = 11;
    AggSpecMedian median = 12;
    AggSpecMin min = 13;
    AggSpecPercentile percentile = 14;
    AggSpecSorted sorted_first = 15;
    AggSpecSorted sorted_last = 16;
    AggSpecStd std = 17;
    AggSpecSum sum = 18;
    AggSpecTDigest t_digest = 19;
    AggSpecUnique unique = 20;
    AggSpecWeighted weighted_avg = 21;
    AggSpecWeighted weighted_sum = 22;
    AggSpecVar var = 23;

message AggregateRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference source_id = 2;
  // A table whose distinct combinations of values for the group_by_columns should be used
  // to create an initial set of aggregation groups. All other columns are ignored. This is useful in
  // combination with preserve_empty == true to ensure that particular groups appear in the result
  // table, or with preserve_empty == false to control the encounter order for a collection of groups
  // and thus their relative order in the result. Changes to initial_group_ids are not expected or handled;
  // if initial_groups_id is a refreshing table, only its contents at instantiation time will be used. If
  // initial_groups_id is not present, the result will be the same as if a table with no rows was supplied.
  TableReference initial_groups_id = 3;
  // Whether to keep result rows for groups that are initially empty or become empty as a result
  // of updates. Each aggregation operator defines its own value for empty groups.
  bool preserve_empty = 4;
  repeated Aggregation aggregations = 5;
  repeated string group_by_columns = 6;

message Aggregation {
  message AggregationColumns {
    AggSpec spec = 1;
    repeated string match_pairs = 2;

  message AggregationCount {
    // The output column name
    string column_name = 1;

  message AggregationRowKey {
    string column_name = 1;

  message AggregationPartition {
    string column_name = 1;
    bool include_group_by_columns = 2;

  message AggregationFormula {
    Selectable selectable = 1;

  oneof type {
    AggregationColumns columns = 1;
    AggregationCount count = 2;
    AggregationRowKey first_row_key = 3;
    AggregationRowKey last_row_key = 4;
    AggregationPartition partition = 5;
    AggregationFormula formula = 6;

message SortDescriptor {
  string column_name = 1;
  bool is_absolute = 2;
  SortDirection direction = 3;

  enum SortDirection {
    UNKNOWN = 0;
    DESCENDING = -1;
    ASCENDING = 1;
    REVERSE = 2;

message SortTableRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference source_id = 2;
  repeated SortDescriptor sorts = 3;

message FilterTableRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference source_id = 2;

  repeated Condition filters = 3;

message SeekRowRequest {
    Ticket source_id = 1;
    sint64 starting_row = 2 [jstype=JS_STRING];
    string column_name = 3;
    Literal seek_value = 4;
    bool insensitive = 5;
    bool contains = 6;
    bool is_backward = 7;

message SeekRowResponse {
    sint64 result_row = 1 [jstype=JS_STRING];

message Reference {
  string column_name = 1;

message Literal {
  oneof value {
    string string_value = 1;
    double double_value = 2;
    bool bool_value = 3;
    sint64 long_value = 4 [jstype=JS_STRING];
    sint64 nano_time_value = 5 [jstype=JS_STRING]; // nanos since the epoch
// could also inline this to each place that uses it
message Value {
  oneof data {
    Reference reference = 1;
    Literal literal = 2;

message Condition {
  oneof data {
    AndCondition and = 1;
    OrCondition or = 2;
    NotCondition not = 3;

    CompareCondition compare = 4;

    InCondition in = 5;

    InvokeCondition invoke = 6;

    IsNullCondition is_null = 7;

    MatchesCondition matches = 8;
    ContainsCondition contains = 9;

    SearchCondition search = 10;

// merge AND and OR into one and give them an "operation"?
message AndCondition {
  repeated Condition filters = 1;
message OrCondition {
  repeated Condition filters = 1;
message NotCondition {
  Condition filter = 1;

message CompareCondition {
  enum CompareOperation {
    LESS_THAN = 0;
    EQUALS = 4;
    NOT_EQUALS = 5;
  CompareOperation operation = 1;
  CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity = 2;
  Value lhs = 3;
  Value rhs = 4;

enum CaseSensitivity {
enum MatchType {
  REGULAR = 0;

message InCondition {
  Value target = 1;
  repeated Value candidates = 2;

  CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity = 3;
  MatchType match_type = 4;

message InvokeCondition {
  string method = 1;
  Value target = 2;
  repeated Value arguments = 3;
message IsNullCondition {
  Reference reference = 1;

message MatchesCondition {
  Reference reference = 1;
  string regex = 2;

  CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity = 3;
  MatchType match_type = 4;

message ContainsCondition {
  Reference reference = 1;
  string search_string = 2;

  CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity = 3;
  MatchType match_type = 4;

// search
message SearchCondition {
  string search_string = 1;
  repeated Reference optional_references = 2;

message FlattenRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference source_id = 2;

message MetaTableRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference source_id = 2;

message RunChartDownsampleRequest {
  message ZoomRange {
    optional int64 min_date_nanos = 1 [jstype=JS_STRING];
    optional int64 max_date_nanos = 2 [jstype=JS_STRING];
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference source_id = 2;

  int32 pixel_count = 3;
  ZoomRange zoom_range = 4;
  string x_column_name = 5;
  repeated string y_column_names = 6;

message CreateInputTableRequest {
  message InputTableKind {
    // Creates an in-memory append-only table - rows cannot be modified or deleted.
    message InMemoryAppendOnly {

    // Creates an in-memory table that supports updates and deletes by keys.
    message InMemoryKeyBacked {
      repeated string key_columns = 1;
    message Blink {
    oneof kind {
      InMemoryAppendOnly in_memory_append_only = 1;
      InMemoryKeyBacked in_memory_key_backed = 2;
      Blink blink = 3;

  Ticket result_id = 1;
  oneof definition {
    // Optional, either this or schema must be specified, not both.
    TableReference source_table_id = 2;
    // Schema as described in Arrow Message.fbs::Message. Optional, either this or source_table_id must be specified.
    bytes schema = 3;

  // Specifies what type of input table to create.
  InputTableKind kind = 4;

message WhereInRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference left_id = 2;
  TableReference right_id = 3;
  // When true, becomes a "where not in" request
  bool inverted = 4;
  repeated string columns_to_match = 5;

message ColumnStatisticsRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference source_id = 2;

  // The name of the column in the source table to read when generating statistics.
  string column_name = 3;
  // For non-numeric, non-date types, specify the max number of unique values to return, sorted by popularity.
  // Leave unset to use server default, specify zero to skip.
  optional int32 unique_value_limit = 4;

message SliceRequest {
  Ticket result_id = 1;
  TableReference source_id = 2;
  sint64 first_position_inclusive = 3 [jstype=JS_STRING];
  sint64 last_position_exclusive = 4 [jstype=JS_STRING];

message BatchTableRequest {
  repeated Operation ops = 1;

  message Operation {
    reserved 20;
    reserved 29;

    oneof op {
      EmptyTableRequest empty_table = 1;
      TimeTableRequest time_table = 2;
      DropColumnsRequest drop_columns = 3;
      SelectOrUpdateRequest update = 4;
      SelectOrUpdateRequest lazy_update = 5;
      SelectOrUpdateRequest view = 6;
      SelectOrUpdateRequest update_view = 7;
      SelectOrUpdateRequest select = 8;
      SelectDistinctRequest select_distinct = 9;
      FilterTableRequest filter = 10;
      UnstructuredFilterTableRequest unstructured_filter = 11;
      SortTableRequest sort = 12;
      HeadOrTailRequest head = 13;
      HeadOrTailRequest tail = 14;
      HeadOrTailByRequest head_by = 15;
      HeadOrTailByRequest tail_by = 16;
      UngroupRequest ungroup = 17;
      MergeTablesRequest merge = 18;
      ComboAggregateRequest combo_aggregate = 19;
      FlattenRequest flatten = 21;
      RunChartDownsampleRequest run_chart_downsample = 22;
      CrossJoinTablesRequest cross_join = 23;
      NaturalJoinTablesRequest natural_join = 24;
      ExactJoinTablesRequest exact_join = 25;
      LeftJoinTablesRequest left_join = 26;
      AsOfJoinTablesRequest as_of_join = 27 [deprecated=true];
      FetchTableRequest fetch_table = 28;
      ApplyPreviewColumnsRequest apply_preview_columns = 30;
      CreateInputTableRequest create_input_table = 31;
      UpdateByRequest update_by = 32;
      WhereInRequest where_in = 33;
      AggregateAllRequest aggregate_all = 34;
      AggregateRequest aggregate = 35;
      SnapshotTableRequest snapshot = 36;
      SnapshotWhenTableRequest snapshot_when = 37;
      MetaTableRequest meta_table = 38;
      RangeJoinTablesRequest range_join = 39;
      AjRajTablesRequest aj = 40;
      AjRajTablesRequest raj = 41;
      ColumnStatisticsRequest column_statistics = 42;
      MultiJoinTablesRequest multi_join = 43;
      SliceRequest slice = 44;

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