// Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Deephaven Data Labs and Patent Pending
package io.deephaven.server.uri;
import io.deephaven.UncheckedDeephavenException;
import io.deephaven.client.impl.*;
import io.deephaven.client.impl.TableHandle.TableHandleException;
import io.deephaven.configuration.Configuration;
import io.deephaven.engine.rowset.RowSet;
import io.deephaven.engine.table.Table;
import io.deephaven.extensions.barrage.BarrageSnapshotOptions;
import io.deephaven.extensions.barrage.BarrageSubscriptionOptions;
import io.deephaven.qst.table.TableSpec;
import io.deephaven.qst.table.TicketTable;
import io.deephaven.server.session.SessionFactoryCreator;
import io.deephaven.uri.ApplicationUri;
import io.deephaven.uri.DeephavenTarget;
import io.deephaven.uri.DeephavenUri;
import io.deephaven.uri.FieldUri;
import io.deephaven.uri.QueryScopeUri;
import io.deephaven.uri.RemoteUri;
import io.deephaven.uri.StructuredUri.Visitor;
import io.deephaven.uri.resolver.UriResolver;
import io.deephaven.uri.resolver.UriResolversInstance;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Singleton;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
* The barrage table resolver is able to resolve {@link RemoteUri remote URIs} into {@link Table tables}.
* For more advanced use cases, see {@link BarrageSession}.
* @see RemoteUri remote URI format
public final class BarrageTableResolver implements UriResolver {
public static final Integer MAX_INBOUND_MESSAGE_SIZE =
100 * 1024 * 1024); // 100MB default limit
* The default options, which uses {@link BarrageSubscriptionOptions#useDeephavenNulls()}.
public static final BarrageSubscriptionOptions SUB_OPTIONS = BarrageSubscriptionOptions.builder()
public static final BarrageSnapshotOptions SNAP_OPTIONS = BarrageSnapshotOptions.builder()
private static final Set SCHEMES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(
new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(DeephavenUri.SECURE_SCHEME, DeephavenUri.PLAINTEXT_SCHEME)));
public static BarrageTableResolver get() {
return UriResolversInstance.get().find(BarrageTableResolver.class).get();
private final SessionFactoryCreator sessionFactoryCreator;
private final Map sessions;
public BarrageTableResolver(SessionFactoryCreator sessionFactoryCreator) {
this.sessionFactoryCreator = Objects.requireNonNull(sessionFactoryCreator);
this.sessions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public Set schemes() {
return SCHEMES;
public boolean isResolvable(URI uri) {
// Note: we are lying right now when we say this supports remote proxied uri - but we are doing that so callers
// can get a more specific exception with a link to the issue number.
return RemoteUri.isWellFormed(uri);
public Table resolve(URI uri) throws InterruptedException {
try {
return subscribe(RemoteUri.of(uri)).get();
} catch (TableHandleException e) {
throw e.asUnchecked();
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
throw new UncheckedDeephavenException(e);
* Create a full-subscription to the remote URI. Uses {@link #SUB_OPTIONS}.
* @param remoteUri the remote URI
* @return the subscribed table
public Future subscribe(RemoteUri remoteUri) throws InterruptedException, TableHandleException {
final DeephavenTarget target = remoteUri.target();
final TableSpec table = RemoteResolver.of(remoteUri);
return subscribe(target, table, SUB_OPTIONS);
* Create a full-subscription to the {@code table} via the {@code targetUri}. Uses {@link #SUB_OPTIONS}.
* @param targetUri the target URI
* @param table the table spec
* @return the subscribed table
public Future subscribe(String targetUri, TableSpec table)
throws TableHandleException, InterruptedException {
return subscribe(DeephavenTarget.of(URI.create(targetUri)), table, SUB_OPTIONS);
* Create a full-subscription to the {@code table} via the {@code target}.
* @param target the target
* @param table the table
* @param options the options
* @return the subscribed table
public Future subscribe(DeephavenTarget target, TableSpec table, BarrageSubscriptionOptions options)
throws TableHandleException, InterruptedException {
final BarrageSession session = session(target);
final BarrageSubscription sub = session.subscribe(table, options);
return sub.entireTable();
* Create a partial table subscription to the {@code table} via the {@code targetUri}. Uses {@link #SUB_OPTIONS}.
* @param targetUri the target URI
* @param table the table spec
* @param viewport the position-space viewport to use for the subscription
* @param columns the columns to include in the subscription
* @return the subscribed table
public Future subscribe(String targetUri, TableSpec table, RowSet viewport, BitSet columns)
throws TableHandleException, InterruptedException {
return subscribe(DeephavenTarget.of(URI.create(targetUri)), table, SUB_OPTIONS, viewport, columns, false);
* Create a partial table subscription to the {@code table} via the {@code targetUri}. Uses {@link #SUB_OPTIONS}.
* @param targetUri the target URI
* @param table the table spec
* @param viewport the position-space viewport to use for the subscription
* @param columns the columns to include in the subscription
* @param reverseViewport Whether to treat {@code viewport} as offsets from {@link Table#size()} rather than
* {@code 0}
* @return the subscribed table
public Future subscribe(String targetUri, TableSpec table, RowSet viewport, BitSet columns,
boolean reverseViewport)
throws TableHandleException, InterruptedException {
return subscribe(DeephavenTarget.of(URI.create(targetUri)), table, SUB_OPTIONS, viewport, columns,
* Create a partial table subscription to the {@code table} via the {@code target}.
* @param target the target
* @param table the table
* @param options the options
* @param viewport the position-space viewport to use for the subscription
* @param columns the columns to include in the subscription
* @param reverseViewport Whether to treat {@code viewport} as offsets from {@link Table#size()} rather than
* {@code 0}
* @return the subscribed table
public Future subscribe(DeephavenTarget target, TableSpec table, BarrageSubscriptionOptions options,
RowSet viewport,
BitSet columns, boolean reverseViewport)
throws TableHandleException, InterruptedException {
final BarrageSession session = session(target);
final BarrageSubscription sub = session.subscribe(table, options);
return sub.partialTable(viewport, columns, reverseViewport);
/// NOTE: the following snapshot functions use the `BarrageSubscription` snapshot functions which leverage
/// `BarrageSubscriptionRequest` and row deltas to remain consistent while the snapshot is being created.
/// This is the most efficient way (for both server and client) to collect a consistent snapshot of a refreshing
/// table.
* Create a full snapshot of the remote URI. Uses {@link #SUB_OPTIONS}.
* @param remoteUri the remote URI
* @return the table to snapshot
public Future snapshot(RemoteUri remoteUri) throws InterruptedException, TableHandleException {
final DeephavenTarget target = remoteUri.target();
final TableSpec table = RemoteResolver.of(remoteUri);
return snapshot(target, table, SUB_OPTIONS);
* Create a full snapshot to the {@code table} via the {@code targetUri}. Uses {@link #SUB_OPTIONS}.
* @param targetUri the target URI
* @param table the table spec
* @return the table to snapshot
public Future snapshot(String targetUri, TableSpec table) throws TableHandleException, InterruptedException {
return snapshot(DeephavenTarget.of(URI.create(targetUri)), table, SUB_OPTIONS);
* Create a full snapshot to the {@code table} via the {@code target}.
* @param target the target
* @param table the table
* @param options the options
* @return the table to snapshot
public Future snapshot(DeephavenTarget target, TableSpec table, BarrageSubscriptionOptions options)
throws TableHandleException, InterruptedException {
final BarrageSession session = session(target);
return session.subscribe(table, options).snapshotEntireTable();
* Create a partial table snapshot to the {@code table} via the {@code targetUri}. Uses {@link #SUB_OPTIONS}.
* @param targetUri the target URI
* @param table the table spec
* @param viewport the position-space viewport to use for the snapshot
* @param columns the columns to include in the snapshot
* @return the table to snapshot
public Future snapshot(String targetUri, TableSpec table, RowSet viewport, BitSet columns)
throws TableHandleException, InterruptedException {
return snapshot(DeephavenTarget.of(URI.create(targetUri)), table, SUB_OPTIONS, viewport, columns, false);
* Create a partial table snapshot to the {@code table} via the {@code targetUri}. Uses {@link #SUB_OPTIONS}.
* @param targetUri the target URI
* @param table the table spec
* @param viewport the position-space viewport to use for the snapshot
* @param columns the columns to include in the snapshot
* @param reverseViewport Whether to treat {@code viewport} as offsets from {@link Table#size()} rather than
* {@code 0}
* @return the table to snapshot
public Future snapshot(String targetUri, TableSpec table, RowSet viewport, BitSet columns,
boolean reverseViewport)
throws TableHandleException, InterruptedException {
return snapshot(DeephavenTarget.of(URI.create(targetUri)), table, SUB_OPTIONS, viewport, columns,
* Create a partial table snapshot to the {@code table} via the {@code target}.
* @param target the target
* @param table the table
* @param options the options
* @param viewport the position-space viewport to use for the snapshot
* @param columns the columns to include in the snapshot
* @param reverseViewport Whether to treat {@code viewport} as offsets from {@link Table#size()} rather than
* {@code 0}
* @return the table to snapshot
public Future snapshot(DeephavenTarget target, TableSpec table, BarrageSubscriptionOptions options,
RowSet viewport,
BitSet columns, boolean reverseViewport)
throws TableHandleException, InterruptedException {
final BarrageSession session = session(target);
return session.subscribe(table, options).snapshotPartialTable(viewport, columns, reverseViewport);
private BarrageSession session(DeephavenTarget target) {
// TODO (deephaven-core#1482): BarrageTableResolver cleanup
return sessions.computeIfAbsent(target, this::newSession);
private BarrageSession newSession(DeephavenTarget target) {
return newSession(ClientConfig.builder()
private BarrageSession newSession(ClientConfig config) {
// TODO(deephaven-core#3421): DH URI / BarrageTableResolver authentication support
return sessionFactoryCreator.barrageFactory(config).newBarrageSession();
static class RemoteResolver implements Visitor {
public static TableSpec of(RemoteUri remoteUri) {
return remoteUri.uri().walk(new RemoteResolver(remoteUri.target())).out();
private final DeephavenTarget target;
private TableSpec out;
public RemoteResolver(DeephavenTarget target) {
this.target = Objects.requireNonNull(target);
public TableSpec out() {
return Objects.requireNonNull(out);
public void visit(FieldUri fieldUri) {
out = TicketTable.fromApplicationField(target.host(), fieldUri.fieldName());
public void visit(ApplicationUri applicationField) {
out = TicketTable.fromApplicationField(applicationField.applicationId(), applicationField.fieldName());
public void visit(QueryScopeUri queryScope) {
out = TicketTable.fromQueryScopeField(queryScope.variableName());
public void visit(RemoteUri remoteUri) {
// TODO(deephaven-core#1483): Support resolve URI via gRPC / QST
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Proxying not supported yet, see https://github.com/deephaven/deephaven-core/issues/1483");
public void visit(URI customUri) {
// TODO(deephaven-core#1483): Support resolve URI via gRPC / QST
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Remote custom URIs not supported yet, see https://github.com/deephaven/deephaven-core/issues/1483");