Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Deephaven Data Labs and Patent Pending
import io.deephaven.util.SafeCloseable;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import static io.deephaven.base.FileUtils.convertToURI;
public interface SeekableChannelsProvider extends SafeCloseable {
* Wraps {@link SeekableChannelsProvider#getInputStream(SeekableByteChannel, int)} to ensure the channel's position
* is incremented the exact amount that has been consumed from the resulting input stream. To remain valid, the
* caller must ensure that the resulting input stream isn't re-wrapped by any downstream code in a way that would
* adversely affect the position (such as re-wrapping the resulting input stream with buffering).
* Equivalent to {@code ChannelPositionInputStream.of(ch, provider.getInputStream(ch, sizeHint))}.
* @param provider the provider
* @param ch the seekable channel
* @param sizeHint the number of bytes the caller expects to read from the input stream
* @return the position-safe input stream
* @throws IOException if an IO exception occurs
* @see ChannelPositionInputStream#of(SeekableByteChannel, InputStream)
static InputStream channelPositionInputStream(SeekableChannelsProvider provider, SeekableByteChannel ch,
int sizeHint) throws IOException {
return ChannelPositionInputStream.of(ch, provider.getInputStream(ch, sizeHint));
* Create a new {@link SeekableChannelContext} object for creating read channels via this provider.
SeekableChannelContext makeContext();
* Create a new "single-use" {@link SeekableChannelContext} object for creating read channels via this provider.
* This is meant for contexts that have a short lifecycle and expect to read a small amount from a read channel.
default SeekableChannelContext makeSingleUseContext() {
return makeContext();
* Check if the given context is compatible with this provider. Useful to test if we can use provided
* {@code context} object for creating channels with this provider.
boolean isCompatibleWith(@NotNull SeekableChannelContext channelContext);
default SeekableByteChannel getReadChannel(@NotNull SeekableChannelContext channelContext, @NotNull String uriStr)
throws IOException {
return getReadChannel(channelContext, convertToURI(uriStr, false));
SeekableByteChannel getReadChannel(@NotNull SeekableChannelContext channelContext, @NotNull URI uri)
throws IOException;
* Creates an {@link InputStream} from the current position of {@code channel} from which the caller expects to read
* {@code sizeHint} number of bytes. Closing the resulting input stream does not close the {@code channel}.
* The {@link InputStream} will be buffered; either explicitly in the case where the implementation uses an
* unbuffered {@link #getReadChannel(SeekableChannelContext, URI)}, or implicitly when the implementation uses a
* buffered {@link #getReadChannel(SeekableChannelContext, URI)}. {@code channel} must have been created by
* {@code this} provider. The caller can't assume the position of {@code channel} after consuming the
* {@link InputStream}. For use-cases that require the channel's position to be incremented the exact amount the
* {@link InputStream} has been consumed, use
* {@link #channelPositionInputStream(SeekableChannelsProvider, SeekableByteChannel, int)}.
* @param channel the channel
* @param sizeHint the number of bytes the caller expects to read from the input stream
* @return the input stream
* @throws IOException if an IO exception occurs
InputStream getInputStream(SeekableByteChannel channel, int sizeHint) throws IOException;
default SeekableByteChannel getWriteChannel(@NotNull final String path, final boolean append) throws IOException {
return getWriteChannel(Paths.get(path), append);
SeekableByteChannel getWriteChannel(@NotNull Path path, boolean append) throws IOException;
* Returns a stream of URIs, the elements of which are the entries in the directory. The listing is non-recursive.
* The URIs supplied by the stream will not have any unnecessary slashes or path separators. Also, the URIs will be
* file URIs (not ending with "/") irrespective of whether the URI corresponds to a file or a directory. The caller
* should manage file vs. directory handling in the processor. The caller is also responsible for closing the
* stream, preferably using a try-with-resources block.
* @param directory the URI of the directory to list
* @return The {@link Stream} of {@link URI}s
Stream list(@NotNull URI directory) throws IOException;
* Returns a stream of URIs, the elements of which are all the files in the file tree rooted at the given starting
* directory. The URIs supplied by the stream will not have any unnecessary slashes or path separators. Also, the
* URIs will be file URIs (not ending with "/") irrespective of whether the URI corresponds to a file or a
* directory. The caller should manage file vs. directory handling in the processor. The caller is also responsible
* for closing the stream, preferably using a try-with-resources block.
* @param directory the URI of the directory to walk
* @return The {@link Stream} of {@link URI}s
Stream walk(@NotNull URI directory) throws IOException;