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com.metamx.tranquility.druid.DruidBeams.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 * Licensed to Metamarkets Group Inc. (Metamarkets) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  Metamarkets licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
package com.metamx.tranquility.druid


import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._
import com.metamx.common.logger.Logger
import com.metamx.common.scala.Jackson
import com.metamx.common.scala.timekeeper.SystemTimekeeper
import com.metamx.common.scala.timekeeper.Timekeeper
import com.metamx.common.scala.untyped.Dict
import com.metamx.common.scala.untyped.dict
import com.metamx.common.scala.untyped.normalizeJava
import com.metamx.emitter.core.LoggingEmitter
import com.metamx.emitter.service.ServiceEmitter
import com.metamx.common.scala.Logging
import com.metamx.tranquility.beam._
import com.metamx.tranquility.config.DataSourceConfig
import com.metamx.tranquility.config.PropertiesBasedConfig
import com.metamx.tranquility.druid.input.InputRowObjectWriter
import com.metamx.tranquility.druid.input.InputRowPartitioner
import com.metamx.tranquility.druid.input.InputRowTimestamper
import com.metamx.tranquility.druid.input.ThreadLocalInputRowParser
import com.metamx.tranquility.finagle.BeamService
import com.metamx.tranquility.finagle.DruidTaskResolver
import com.metamx.tranquility.finagle.FinagleRegistry
import com.metamx.tranquility.finagle.FinagleRegistryConfig
import com.metamx.tranquility.partition.MapPartitioner
import com.metamx.tranquility.partition.Partitioner
import com.metamx.tranquility.tranquilizer.Tranquilizer
import com.metamx.tranquility.typeclass.DefaultJsonWriter
import com.metamx.tranquility.typeclass.JavaObjectWriter
import com.metamx.tranquility.typeclass.ObjectWriter
import com.metamx.tranquility.typeclass.Timestamper
import com.twitter.finagle.Service
import io.druid.segment.realtime.FireDepartment
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.{lang => jl}
import java.{util => ju}
import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework
import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFrameworkFactory
import org.apache.curator.retry.ExponentialBackoffRetry
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.typeTag

  * Builds Beams or Finagle services that send events to the Druid indexing service.
  * {{{
  * val curator = CuratorFrameworkFactory.newClient("localhost:2181", new BoundedExponentialBackoffRetry(100, 30000, 30))
  * curator.start()
  * val dataSource = "foo"
  * val dimensions = Seq("bar")
  * val aggregators = Seq(new LongSumAggregatorFactory("baz", "baz"))
  * val isRollup = true
  * val sender = DruidBeams
  *   .builder[Map[String, Any]](eventMap => new DateTime(eventMap("timestamp")))
  *   .curator(curator)
  *   .discoveryPath("/test/discovery")
  *   .location(DruidLocation(new DruidEnvironment("druid:local:indexer", "druid:local:firehose:%s"), dataSource))
  *   .rollup(DruidRollup(dimensions, aggregators, QueryGranularities.MINUTE, isRollup))
  *   .tuning(new ClusteredBeamTuning(Granularity.HOUR, 10.minutes, 1, 1))
  *   .buildTranquilizer()
  * val future = sender.send(Map("timestamp" -> "2010-01-02T03:04:05.678Z", "bar" -> "hey", "baz" -> 3))
  * println("result = %s" format Await.result(future))
  * }}}
  * Your event type (in this case, `Map[String, Any]`) must be serializable via Jackson to JSON that Druid can
  * understand. If Jackson is not an appropriate choice, you can provide an ObjectWriter via `.objectWriter(...)`.
object DruidBeams extends Logging
  private val DefaultScalaObjectMapper = Jackson.newObjectMapper()
  private val DefaultTimestampSpec     = new TimestampSpec("timestamp", "iso", null)

  val DefaultZookeeperPath     = "/tranquility/beams"

    * Start a builder for Java Maps based on a particular Tranquility dataSourceConfig. Not all of the realtime spec
    * in the config is used, but we do translate as much as possible into DruidBeams configurations. The builder
    * generated by this method will already have a tuning, druidTuning, location, rollup, objectWriter, timestampSpec,
    * partitions, replicants, and druidBeamConfig set.
    * @param config Tranquility dataSource config
    * @return new builder
  def fromConfig(
    config: DataSourceConfig[_ <: PropertiesBasedConfig]
  ): Builder[ju.Map[String, AnyRef], MessageHolder[InputRow]] =
    fromConfig(config, typeTag[ju.Map[String, AnyRef]])

    * Start an InputRow-based builder for a particular type based on a particular Tranquility dataSourceConfig. Not all
    * of the realtime spec in the config is used, but we do translate as much as possible into DruidBeams
    * configurations. The builder generated by this method will already have a tuning, druidTuning, location, rollup,
    * objectWriter, timestampSpec, partitions, replicants, and druidBeamConfig set.
    * Only certain types are allowed. If you need another type, use the 3-arg fromConfig method. Supported types are:
    * - {{{java.util.Map}}} (uses Druid Map Parser)
    * - {{{scala.collection.Map}}} (uses Druid Map Parser)
    * - {{{byte[]}}} (uses Druid String Parser)
    * - {{{String}}} (uses Druid String Parser)
    * - {{{java.nio.ByteBuffer}}} (uses Druid String Parser)
    * - {{{}}} (does not use a Parser)
    * This is private[tranquility] because I'm not sure yet if this is a good API to expose publically.
    * @param config Tranquility dataSource config
    * @return new builder
  private[tranquility] def fromConfig[MessageType](
    config: DataSourceConfig[_ <: PropertiesBasedConfig],
    tag: TypeTag[MessageType]
  ): Builder[MessageType, MessageHolder[InputRow]] =
    val inputFnFn: (DruidRollup, () => InputRowParser[_], TimestampSpec) => MessageType => MessageHolder[InputRow] = {
      (rollup: DruidRollup, mkparser: () => InputRowParser[_], timestampSpec: TimestampSpec) => {
        val timestamper = InputRowTimestamper.Instance
        val partitioner = new InputRowPartitioner(rollup.indexGranularity)
        val parseSpec = mkparser().getParseSpec
        val parseFn: MessageType => InputRow = tag match {
          case t if t == typeTag[String] =>
            val trialParser = mkparser()
              s"Expected StringInputRowParser, got[${trialParser.getClass.getName}]"
            val threadLocalParser = new ThreadLocalInputRowParser(mkparser)
            msg => threadLocalParser.get().asInstanceOf[StringInputRowParser].parse(msg.asInstanceOf[String])

          case t if t == typeTag[ByteBuffer] =>
            val trialParser = mkparser()
              s"Expected InputRowParser of ByteBuffer, got[${trialParser.getClass.getName}]"
            val threadLocalParser = new ThreadLocalInputRowParser(mkparser)
            msg => threadLocalParser.get().asInstanceOf[InputRowParser[ByteBuffer]].parse(msg.asInstanceOf[ByteBuffer])

          case t if t == typeTag[Array[Byte]] =>
            val trialParser = mkparser()
              s"Expected InputRowParser of ByteBuffer, got[${trialParser.getClass.getName}]"
            val threadLocalParser = new ThreadLocalInputRowParser(mkparser)
            msg => threadLocalParser.get().asInstanceOf[InputRowParser[ByteBuffer]].parse(

          case t if t.tpe <:< typeTag[ju.Map[String, AnyRef]].tpe =>
            val threadLocalParser = new ThreadLocalInputRowParser(() => new MapInputRowParser(parseSpec))
            msg => threadLocalParser.get().parse(msg.asInstanceOf[java.util.Map[String, AnyRef]])

          case t if t.tpe <:< typeTag[collection.Map[String, Any]].tpe =>
            val threadLocalParser = new ThreadLocalInputRowParser(() => new MapInputRowParser(parseSpec))
            msg => threadLocalParser.get().parse(msg.asInstanceOf[Map[String, AnyRef]].asJava)

          case t if t.tpe <:< typeTag[InputRow].tpe =>
            msg => msg.asInstanceOf[InputRow]

          case t =>
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"No builtin implementation for type[${t.tpe.toString}]")
        (obj: MessageType) => MessageHolder(parseFn(obj), timestamper, partitioner)
    val timestamperFn = (timestampSpec: TimestampSpec) => MessageHolder.Timestamper
    var builder: Builder[MessageType, MessageHolder[InputRow]] = fromConfigInternal(

    // Need to tweak timestampSpec, objectWriter to work properly on MessageHolder.
    val newTimestampSpec = new TimestampSpec(
    val (objectMapper, contentType) = objectMapperAndContentTypeForFormat(
    builder = builder
          new InputRowObjectWriter(

    * Start a builder for a custom type based on a particular Tranquility dataSourceConfig. Not all of the realtime spec
    * in the config is used, but we do translate as much as possible into DruidBeams configurations. The builder
    * generated by this method will already have a tuning, druidTuning, location, rollup, objectWriter, timestampSpec,
    * partitions, replicants, and druidBeamConfig set.
    * @param config       Tranquility dataSource config
    * @param timestamper  Timestamper for this type
    * @param objectWriter Serializer for this type
    * @return new builder
  def fromConfig[MessageType](
    config: DataSourceConfig[_ <: PropertiesBasedConfig],
    timestamper: Timestamper[MessageType],
    objectWriter: ObjectWriter[MessageType]
  ): Builder[MessageType, MessageType] =
    fromConfigInternal[MessageType, MessageType](
      (rollup: DruidRollup, mkparser: () => InputRowParser[_], timestampSpec: TimestampSpec) => identity,
      (timestampSpec: TimestampSpec) => timestamper,

    * Start a builder for a custom type based on a particular Tranquility dataSourceConfig. Not all of the realtime spec
    * in the config is used, but we do translate as much as possible into DruidBeams configurations. The builder
    * generated by this method will already have a curatorFactory, tuning, druidTuning, location, rollup, objectWriter,
    * timestampSpec, partitions, replicants, and druidBeamConfig set.
    * @param config       Tranquility dataSource config
    * @param timestamper  Timestamper for this type
    * @param objectWriter Serializer for this type
    * @return new builder
  def fromConfig[MessageType](
    config: DataSourceConfig[_ <: PropertiesBasedConfig],
    timestamper: Timestamper[MessageType],
    objectWriter: JavaObjectWriter[MessageType]
  ): Builder[MessageType, MessageType] =
    fromConfigInternal[MessageType, MessageType](
      (rollup: DruidRollup, mkparser: () => InputRowParser[_], timestampSpec: TimestampSpec) => identity,
      (timestampSpec: TimestampSpec) => timestamper,

  private def fromConfigInternal[InputType, MessageType](
    inputFnFn: (DruidRollup, () => InputRowParser[_], TimestampSpec) => (InputType => MessageType),
    timestamperFn: TimestampSpec => Timestamper[MessageType],
    config: DataSourceConfig[_ <: PropertiesBasedConfig]
  ): Builder[InputType, MessageType] =
    def j2s[A](xs: ju.List[A]): IndexedSeq[A] = xs match {
      case null => Vector.empty
      case _ => xs.asScala.toIndexedSeq
    def j2sSet[A](xs: ju.Set[A]): Set[A] = xs match {
      case null => Set.empty
      case _ => xs.asScala.toSet
    val environment = DruidEnvironment(config.propertiesBasedConfig.druidIndexingServiceName)
    // Don't require people to specify a needless ioConfig
    val fireDepartment = makeFireDepartment(config)
    val mkparser = () => makeFireDepartment(config).getDataSchema.getParser
    val parseSpec = fireDepartment.getDataSchema.getParser.getParseSpec
    val timestampSpec = parseSpec.getTimestampSpec
    val spatialDimensions = j2s(parseSpec.getDimensionsSpec.getSpatialDimensions) map {
      spatial =>
        spatial.getDims match {
          case null => SingleFieldDruidSpatialDimension(spatial.getDimName)
          case xs if xs.isEmpty => SingleFieldDruidSpatialDimension(spatial.getDimName)
          case xs => MultipleFieldDruidSpatialDimension(spatial.getDimName, xs.asScala)
    val rollup = DruidRollup(
      dimensions = parseSpec.getDimensionsSpec.getDimensions match {
        case null =>
        case xs if xs.isEmpty =>
        case _ =>
            j2s(parseSpec.getDimensionsSpec.getDimensions) filter { dimensionSchema =>
              // Spatial dimensions are handled as a special case, above
              dimensionSchema.getTypeName != DimensionSchema.SPATIAL_TYPE_NAME
            } map { dimensionSchema =>
              dimensionSchema.getValueType match {
                case ValueType.STRING => dimensionSchema.getName
                case other =>
                  throw new IllegalStateException("Dimensions of type[%s] are not supported" format other)
      aggregators = fireDepartment.getDataSchema.getAggregators,
      indexGranularity = fireDepartment.getDataSchema.getGranularitySpec.getQueryGranularity,
      isRollup = fireDepartment.getDataSchema.getGranularitySpec.isRollup
    builder(inputFnFn(rollup, mkparser, timestampSpec), timestamperFn(timestampSpec))
          .retryPolicy(new ExponentialBackoffRetry(1000, 20, 30000))
      .location(DruidLocation(environment, fireDepartment.getDataSchema.getDataSource))
          segmentGranularity = fireDepartment.getDataSchema.getGranularitySpec.getSegmentGranularity,
          windowPeriod = fireDepartment.getTuningConfig.getWindowPeriod,
          warmingPeriod = config.propertiesBasedConfig.taskWarmingPeriod
      .druidTuningMap(Option(config.specMap.getOrElse("tuningConfig", null)).map(dict(_)).getOrElse(Map.empty))

    * Start a builder for a particular event type.
    * @param timestamper timestamper for this event type
    * @tparam EventType the event type
    * @return a new builder
  private[tranquility] def builder[InputType, EventType](
    inputFn: InputType => EventType,
    timestamper: Timestamper[EventType]
  ): Builder[InputType, EventType] =
    new Builder[InputType, EventType](
      new BuilderConfig[InputType, EventType](
        _beamManipulateFn = Some(
          (beam: Beam[EventType]) => new TransformingBeam[InputType, EventType](beam, inputFn)
        _timestamper = Some(timestamper)

  private def objectMapperAndContentTypeForFormat(formatString: String): (ObjectMapper, String) = {
    formatString match {
      case "json" => (DefaultScalaObjectMapper, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
      case "smile" => (Jackson.newObjectMapper(new SmileFactory()), SmileMediaTypes.APPLICATION_JACKSON_SMILE)
      case _ =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown format: %s" format formatString)

    * Start a builder for a particular event type.
    * @param timeFn time extraction function for this event type
    * @tparam EventType the event type
    * @return a new builder
  def builder[EventType](timeFn: EventType => DateTime): Builder[EventType, EventType] = {
      new Timestamper[EventType]
        override def timestamp(a: EventType): DateTime = timeFn(a)

    * Start a builder for a particular event type.
    * @param timestamper time extraction object for this event type
    * @tparam EventType the event type
    * @return a new builder
  def builder[EventType]()(implicit timestamper: Timestamper[EventType]): Builder[EventType, EventType] = {
    new Builder[EventType, EventType](new BuilderConfig(_timestamper = Some(timestamper)))

    * Return a new fireDepartment based on a config. It is important that this returns a *new* FireDepartment, as
    * this is used to pull out InputRowParsers, which are not thread safe and cannot be shared.
  private[tranquility] def makeFireDepartment(
    config: DataSourceConfig[_]
  ): FireDepartment =
    val specMap = Map("ioConfig" -> Dict("type" -> "realtime")) ++ config.specMap
    val fireDepartment = DruidGuicer.Default.objectMapper.convertValue(normalizeJava(specMap), classOf[FireDepartment])
    require(fireDepartment.getIOConfig.getFirehoseFactory == null, "Expected null 'firehose'")
    require(fireDepartment.getIOConfig.getFirehoseFactoryV2 == null, "Expected null 'firehoseV2'")
    require(fireDepartment.getIOConfig.getPlumberSchool == null, "Expected null 'plumber'")

  class Builder[InputType, EventType] private[tranquility](
    private[tranquility] val config: BuilderConfig[InputType, EventType]
      * Provide a CuratorFramework instance that will be used for Tranquility's internal coordination. Either this
      * or "curatorFactory" is required. Whichever one is provided later will win.
      * If you provide Curator this way (as opposed to "curatorFactory") then you should start and stop it yourself.
      * You can safely share it across multiple builders.
      * If you do not provide your own [[Builder.finagleRegistry]], this will be used for service discovery as well.
      * @param curator curator
      * @return new builder
    def curator(curator: CuratorFramework): Builder[InputType, EventType] = {
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(_curator = Some(curator), _curatorFactory = None))

      * Provide a CuratorFrameworkFactory instance that will be used for Tranquility's internal coordination. Either
      * this or "curator" is required. Whichever one is provided later will win.
      * If you provide Curator this way (as opposed to "curator") then the instance will be "owned" by this beam stack.
      * This means that when you close the beams or tranquilizers returned by this builder, the Curator instance will
      * be closed too.
      * If you do not provide your own [[Builder.finagleRegistry]], this will be used for service discovery as well.
      * @param curatorFactory curator factory
      * @return new builder
    def curatorFactory(curatorFactory: CuratorFrameworkFactory.Builder): Builder[InputType, EventType] = {
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(_curator = None, _curatorFactory = Some(curatorFactory)))

      * Provide a znode used for Druid service discovery. Optional, defaults to "/druid/discovery".
      * If you do not provide a [[Builder.finagleRegistry]], this will be used along with your provided
      * CuratorFramework to locate Druid services. If you do provide a FinagleRegistry, this option will not be used.
      * @param path discovery znode
      * @return new builder
    def discoveryPath(path: String) = new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(_discoveryPath = Some(path)))

      * Provide tunings for coordination of Druid task creation. Optional, see
      * [[com.metamx.tranquility.beam.ClusteredBeamTuning$]] for defaults.
      * These influence how and when Druid tasks are created.
      * @param tuning tuning object
      * @return new builder
    def tuning(tuning: ClusteredBeamTuning) = new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(_tuning = Some(tuning)))

      * Set the number of Druid partitions. This is just a helper method that modifies the [[Builder.tuning]] object.
      * @param n number of partitions
      * @return new builder
    def partitions(n: Int) = {
      val newTuning = config._tuning.getOrElse(ClusteredBeamTuning()).copy(partitions = n)
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(_tuning = Some(newTuning)))

      * Set the number of Druid replicants. This is just a helper method that modifies the [[Builder.tuning]] object.
      * @param n number of replicants
      * @return new builder
    def replicants(n: Int) = {
      val newTuning = config._tuning.getOrElse(ClusteredBeamTuning()).copy(replicants = n)
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(_tuning = Some(newTuning)))

      * Provide tunings for the Druid realtime engine. Optional, see [[DruidTuning]] for defaults.
      * These will be passed along to the Druid tasks.
      * @param druidTuning tuning object
      * @return new builder
    def druidTuning(druidTuning: DruidTuning) = {
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(_druidTuningMap = Some(druidTuning.toMap)))

      * Provide tunings for the Druid realtime engine. Optional, see [[DruidTuning]] for defaults.
      * These will be passed along to the Druid tasks.
      * @param druidTuningMap tuning object, as a map
      * @return new builder
    def druidTuningMap(druidTuningMap: Dict) = {
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(_druidTuningMap = Some(DruidTuning().toMap ++ druidTuningMap)))

      * Provide the location of your Druid dataSource. Required.
      * This will be used to determine the service name of your Druid overlord and tasks, and to choose which
      * dataSource to write to.
      * @param location location object
      * @return new builder
    def location(location: DruidLocation) = new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(_location = Some(location)))

      * Provide rollup (dimensions, aggregators, query granularity). Required.
      * @param rollup rollup object
      * @return new builder
    def rollup(rollup: DruidRollup) = new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(_rollup = Some(rollup)))

      * Provide a Druid timestampSpec. Optional, defaults to timestampColumn "timestamp" and timestampFormat "iso".
      * Druid will use this to parse the timestamp of your serialized events.
      * @param timestampSpec timestampSpec object
      * @return new builder
    def timestampSpec(timestampSpec: TimestampSpec) = {
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(_timestampSpec = Some(timestampSpec)))

      * Provide the ZooKeeper znode that should be used for Tranquility's internal coordination. Optional, defaults
      * to "/tranquility/beams".
      * @param path the path
      * @return new builder
    def clusteredBeamZkBasePath(path: String) = {
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(_clusteredBeamZkBasePath = Some(path)))

      * Provide the identity of this Beam, which will be used for coordination. Optional, defaults to your overlord
      * service discovery key + "/" + your dataSource.
      * All beams with the same identity coordinate with each other on Druid tasks.
      * @param ident ident string
      * @return new builder
    def clusteredBeamIdent(ident: String) = new Builder[InputType, EventType](
        .copy(_clusteredBeamIdent = Some(ident))

      * Provide tunings for communication with Druid tasks. Optional, see [[DruidBeamConfig]] for defaults.
      * @param beamConfig beam config tunings
      * @return new builder
    def druidBeamConfig(beamConfig: DruidBeamConfig) = {
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(_druidBeamConfig = Some(beamConfig)))

      * Provide an emitter that will be used to emit alerts. By default, alerts are emitted through a logger.
      * @param emitter an emitter
      * @return new builder
    def emitter(emitter: ServiceEmitter) = new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(_emitter = Some(emitter)))

      * Provide a FinagleRegistry that will be used to generate clients for your Overlord. Optional, by default this
      * is built based on [[Builder.curator]] and [[Builder.discoveryPath]].
      * @param registry a registry
      * @return new builder
    def finagleRegistry(registry: FinagleRegistry) = {
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(_finagleRegistry = Some(registry)))

      * Provide a Timekeeper that will be used to determine what time it is for purposes of judging the windowPeriod.
      * Optional, by default this uses wall clock time. This is mostly useful for tests, as in real-world use it
      * is expected that you will be using wall clock time.
      * @param timekeeper a timekeeper
      * @return new builder
    def timekeeper(timekeeper: Timekeeper) = new Builder[InputType, EventType](
        .copy(_timekeeper = Some(timekeeper))

      * Provide a function that decorates each per-partition, per-interval beam. Optional, by default there is no
      * decoration. This is often used for gathering metrics.
      * @param f function
      * @return new builder
    def beamDecorateFn(f: (Interval, Int) => Beam[EventType] => Beam[EventType]) = {
      new Builder(config.copy(_beamDecorateFn = Some(f)))

      * Provide a function that merges beams for different partitions. Optional, by default this creates a
      * [[com.metamx.tranquility.beam.MergingPartitioningBeam]] around your [[Builder.partitioner]]. You cannot
      * provide both a beamMergeFn and a partitioner.
      * @param f function
      * @return new builder
    def beamMergeFn(f: Seq[Beam[EventType]] => Beam[EventType]) = {
      if (config._partitioner.nonEmpty) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set both 'beamMergeFn' and 'partitioner'")
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(_beamMergeFn = Some(f)))

      * Provide a partitioner that determines how to route events when you have more than one Druid partition. By
      * default this uses time-and-dimensions based partitioning for simple Map types, and uses hashCode for custom
      * types. If you are using a custom type, you need to provide your own partitioner or beamMergeFn to get
      * optimal rollup. You cannot provide both a beamMergeFn and a partitioner.
      * @param partitioner a partitioner
      * @return new builder
    def partitioner(partitioner: Partitioner[EventType]) = {
      if (config._beamMergeFn.nonEmpty) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set both 'beamMergeFn' and 'partitioner'")
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(_partitioner = Some(partitioner)))

      * Provide extra information that will be emitted along with alerts. Optional, by default this is empty.
      * @param d extra information
      * @return new builder
    def alertMap(d: Dict) = new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(_alertMap = Some(d)))

    @deprecated("use .objectWriter(...)", "0.2.21")
    def eventWriter(writer: ObjectWriter[EventType]) = {
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(_objectWriter = Some(writer)))

      * Provide a serializer for your event type. Optional, by default this uses a Jackson ObjectMapper.
      * This method is designed use for Scala users.
      * @param writer the serializer
      * @return new builder
    def objectWriter(writer: ObjectWriter[EventType]) = {
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(_objectWriter = Some(writer)))

      * Provide a serializer for your event type. Optional, by default this uses a Jackson ObjectMapper.
      * @param writer the serializer
      * @return new builder
    def objectWriter(writer: JavaObjectWriter[EventType]) = {
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(_objectWriter = Some(ObjectWriter.wrap(writer))))

    def eventTimestamped(timeFn: EventType => DateTime) = {
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](
          _timestamper = Some(
            new Timestamper[EventType]
              def timestamp(a: EventType) = timeFn(a)

      * Set the username for basic HTTP authentication.
      * @param basicAuthUser
      * @return new builder
    def basicAuthUser(basicAuthUser: String) = {
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(
        _basicAuthUser = Some(basicAuthUser)

      * Set the password for basic HTTP authentication.
      * @param basicAuthPass
      * @return new builder
    def basicAuthPass(basicAuthPass: String) = {
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(
        _basicAuthPass = Some(basicAuthPass)

      * Enable TLS communications.
      * @param tlsEnable
      * @return new builder
    def tlsEnable(tlsEnable: Boolean) = {
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(
        _tlsEnable = Some(tlsEnable)

      * Set the TLS protocol.
      * @param tlsProtocol
      * @return new builder
    def tlsProtocol(tlsProtocol: String) = {
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(
        _tlsProtocol = Some(tlsProtocol)

      * Set the TLS truststore type.
      * @param tlsTrustStoreType
      * @return new builder
    def tlsTrustStoreType(tlsTrustStoreType: String) = {
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(
        _tlsTrustStoreType = Some(tlsTrustStoreType)

      * Set the TLS truststore path.
      * @param tlsTrustStorePath
      * @return new builder
    def tlsTrustStorePath(tlsTrustStorePath: String) = {
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(
        _tlsTrustStorePath = Some(tlsTrustStorePath)

      * Set the TLS truststore algorithm.
      * @param tlsTrustStoreAlgorithm
      * @return new builder
    def tlsTrustStoreAlgorithm(tlsTrustStoreAlgorithm: String) = {
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(
        _tlsTrustStoreAlgorithm = Some(tlsTrustStoreAlgorithm)

      * Set the TLS truststore password.
      * @param tlsTrustStorePassword
      * @return new builder
    def tlsTrustStorePassword(tlsTrustStorePassword: String) = {
      new Builder[InputType, EventType](config.copy(
        _tlsTrustStorePassword = Some(tlsTrustStorePassword)

      * Build a Beam using this DruidBeams builder.
      * @return a beam
    def buildBeam(): Beam[InputType] = {
      val things = config.buildAll()
      things.overlordLocator.maybeAddResolvers(() => things.disco)
        () => things.disco,
        () => new DruidTaskResolver(things.indexService, things.timekeeper, things.druidBeamConfig.overlordPollPeriod)
      val druidBeamMaker = new DruidBeamMaker[EventType](
      val clusteredBeam = new ClusteredBeam(
      if (things.curatorOwned) {
        new Beam[EventType]
          override def sendAll(messages: Seq[EventType]) = clusteredBeam.sendAll(messages)

          override def close() = clusteredBeam.close()
            .flatMap(_ => things.indexService.close())
            .map {
              _ => if (things.curatorOwned) {

          override def toString = clusteredBeam.toString

      * Build a Finagle Service using this DruidBeams builder. This simply wraps the beam.
      * @return a service
    @deprecated("use buildTranquilizer", "0.7.0")
    def buildService(): Service[Seq[InputType], Int] = {
      new BeamService(buildBeam())

      * Build a Finagle Service using this DruidBeams builder, designed for Java users. This simply wraps the beam.
      * @return a service
    @deprecated("use buildTranquilizer", "0.7.0")
    def buildJavaService(): Service[ju.List[InputType], jl.Integer] = {
      val delegate = buildService() ju.List[InputType]) => delegate(xs.asScala).map(

      * Build a Tranquilizer using this DruidBeams builder. This is a Finagle service, too, but unlike
      * [[Builder.buildService]] and [[Builder.buildJavaService]], it takes a single message at a time and does
      * batching for you.
      * @return a service
    def buildTranquilizer(): Tranquilizer[InputType] = {

      * Build a Tranquilizer using this DruidBeams builder. This is a Finagle service, too, but unlike
      * [[Builder.buildService]] and [[Builder.buildJavaService]], it takes a single message at a time and does
      * batching for you.
      * @param builder a Tranquilizer builder with the desired configuration
      * @return a service
    def buildTranquilizer(builder: Tranquilizer.Builder): Tranquilizer[InputType] = {

  private[tranquility] case class BuilderConfig[InputType, EventType](
    _beamManipulateFn: Option[Beam[EventType] => Beam[InputType]] = None,
    _curator: Option[CuratorFramework] = None,
    _curatorFactory: Option[CuratorFrameworkFactory.Builder] = None,
    _discoveryPath: Option[String] = None,
    _tuning: Option[ClusteredBeamTuning] = None,
    _druidTuningMap: Option[Dict] = None,
    _location: Option[DruidLocation] = None,
    _rollup: Option[DruidRollup] = None,
    _timestampSpec: Option[TimestampSpec] = None,
    _clusteredBeamZkBasePath: Option[String] = None,
    _clusteredBeamIdent: Option[String] = None,
    _druidBeamConfig: Option[DruidBeamConfig] = None,
    _emitter: Option[ServiceEmitter] = None,
    _finagleRegistry: Option[FinagleRegistry] = None,
    _timekeeper: Option[Timekeeper] = None,
    _beamDecorateFn: Option[(Interval, Int) => Beam[EventType] => Beam[EventType]] = None,
    _partitioner: Option[Partitioner[EventType]] = None,
    _beamMergeFn: Option[Seq[Beam[EventType]] => Beam[EventType]] = None,
    _alertMap: Option[Dict] = None,
    _objectWriter: Option[ObjectWriter[EventType]] = None,
    _timestamper: Option[Timestamper[EventType]] = None,
    _basicAuthUser: Option[String] = None,
    _basicAuthPass: Option[String] = None,
    _tlsEnable: Option[Boolean] = None,
    _tlsProtocol: Option[String] = None,
    _tlsTrustStoreType: Option[String] = None,
    _tlsTrustStorePath: Option[String] = None,
    _tlsTrustStoreAlgorithm: Option[String] = None,
    _tlsTrustStorePassword: Option[String] = None
    def buildAll() = new {
      val beamManipulateFn        = _beamManipulateFn getOrElse {
        (beam: Beam[EventType]) => beam.asInstanceOf[Beam[InputType]]
      val scalaObjectMapper       = DefaultScalaObjectMapper
      val druidObjectMapper       = DruidGuicer.Default.objectMapper
      val curator                 = _curator getOrElse { getOrElse {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing 'curator' or 'curatorFactory'")
      val curatorOwned            = _curatorFactory.isDefined
      val tuning                  = _tuning getOrElse {
      val druidTuningMap          = _druidTuningMap getOrElse {
      val location                = _location getOrElse {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing 'location'")
      val rollup                  = _rollup getOrElse {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing 'rollup'")
      val timestampSpec           = _timestampSpec getOrElse {
      val clusteredBeamZkBasePath = _clusteredBeamZkBasePath getOrElse DefaultZookeeperPath
      val clusteredBeamIdent      = _clusteredBeamIdent getOrElse {
        "%s/%s" format(location.environment.indexServiceKey, location.dataSource)
      val druidBeamConfig         = _druidBeamConfig getOrElse DruidBeamConfig()
      val emitter                 = _emitter getOrElse {
        val em = new ServiceEmitter(
          new LoggingEmitter(new Logger(classOf[LoggingEmitter]), LoggingEmitter.Level.INFO, scalaObjectMapper)
      val timekeeper              = _timekeeper getOrElse new SystemTimekeeper
      val discoveryPath           = _discoveryPath getOrElse "/druid/discovery"
      val disco                   = new Disco(
        new DiscoConfig
          def discoAnnounce = None

          def discoPath = discoveryPath
      //val generalConfig           = _generalConfig getOrElse PropertiesBasedConfig.fromDict(Dict(), classOf[PropertiesBasedConfig])

      val finagleRegistry = _finagleRegistry getOrElse {
        val finagleRegistryConfig = FinagleRegistryConfig
        new FinagleRegistry(finagleRegistryConfig, Nil)
      val overlordLocator         = OverlordLocator.create(
      val indexService            = new IndexService(
      val taskLocator             = TaskLocator.create(
      val beamDecorateFn          = _beamDecorateFn getOrElse {
        (interval: Interval, partition: Int) => (beam: Beam[EventType]) => beam
      val alertMap                = _alertMap getOrElse Map.empty
      val objectWriter            = _objectWriter getOrElse {
        new DefaultJsonWriter(scalaObjectMapper)
      val timestamper             = _timestamper getOrElse {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("WTF?! Should have had a Timestamperable event...")
      val beamMergeFn             = _beamMergeFn getOrElse {
        val partitioner = _partitioner getOrElse {
        (beams: Seq[Beam[EventType]]) => {
          new MergingPartitioningBeam[EventType](partitioner, beams.toIndexedSeq)


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