io.dylemma.spac.json.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.dylemma.spac
import io.dylemma.spac.json.impl.{ArrayIndexContextMatcher, JsonParserTypedFirst, ObjectFieldContextMatcher}
import org.tpolecat.typename.TypeName
import scala.language.implicitConversions
/** This package provides extensions to the core "spac" library which allow for the handling of JSON data.
* Rather than creating explicit classes that extend `Parser`, `Transformer`, and `Splitter`,
* this package provides type aliases and implicit extensions.
* For example, `JsonParser[A]` is just a type alias for `Parser[JsonEvent, A]`,
* and `JsonParser` is just a call to `Parser[JsonEvent]`.
* Implicit JsonParsers are available for each of the JSON primitive types:
* - `string`
* - `number` (expressed as `Int`, `Long`, `Float`, or `Double`)
* - `boolean`
* - `null` (expressed as `None.type`)
* Helpers are available for parsing JSON arrays and objects:
* - `JsonParser.listOf[A]` to parse an `array`` where each value is an `A`
* - `JsonParser.objectOf[A]` to parse an `object` where the value for each field an `A`
* - `JsonParser.objectOfNullable[A]` to parse an `object` where the value for each field is either `null` or an `A`, filtering out the `null`s
* - `JsonParser.fieldOf[A](fieldName)` to parse a specific field from an object
* A DSL for creating json-specific ContextMatchers is provided to make it more convenient to call `Splitter.json`.
* For example:
* {{{
* Splitter.json("foo" \ "bar").as[String].parseFirst
* }}}
* Can be used to capture `` as a String in
* {{{
* {
* "foo": {
* "bar": "hello"
* }
* }
* }}}
* To "split" values inside arrays, index-related context matchers are available, e.g.
* {{{
* Splitter.json("foo" \ anyIndex).as[Int].parseToList
* }}}
* Can be used to capture each of the numbers in the "foo" array in
* {{{
* {
* "foo": [1, 2, 3]
* }
* }}}
* A note about JsonEvents in spac:
* JSON doesn't have any explicit markers for when a field ends, or when an array index starts or ends;
* those context changes are essentially inferred by the presence of some other event.
* For example, instead of a "field end" event, typically there will be either a new "field start" or a token representing the end of the current object.
* With spac, splitters and context matchers generally operate under the assumption that a "stack push" event (like a field start) will eventually be
* followed by a corresponding "stack pop" event (i.e. field end).
* To allow for this, these "inferred" events (FieldEnd, IndexStart, IndexEnd) are explicitly represented as JsonEvents in the stream being parsed.
* Keep this in mind when creating JSON ContextMatchers:
* - `field`-related matchers will match a stack like `case ObjectStart :: FieldStart(_) :: _`
* - `index`-related matchers will match a stack like `case ArrayStart :: IndexStart(_) :: _`
* @groupname aliases JSON-specific Type and Value aliases
* @groupname extensions JSON-specific extensions for Parser and Splitter
* @groupname contextMatcherSyntax JSON Context Matcher Construction
* @groupname event JSON Event Representation
* @groupname support Backend Parser Support
* @groupprio extensions 0
* @groupprio aliases 1
* @groupprio contextMatcherSyntax 2
* @groupprio event 3
* @groupprio support 4
package object json {
/** Like the `Parser` companion object, but only for creating Parsers whose input type is `JsonEvent`.
* @see [[JsonParserApplyOps]]
* @group aliases
val JsonParser: ParserApplyWithBoundInput[JsonEvent] = Parser[JsonEvent]
/** Type alias for a `Parser` whose input type is `JsonEvent`
* @group aliases
type JsonParser[+Out] = Parser[JsonEvent, Out]
/** Provides JSON-specific Parser constructor methods to the `JsonParser` object, for example `JsonParser.fieldOf`.
* Technically `JsonParser` is not a companion object, it is a partially-applied version of the `Parser` companion
* object which binds the input type to `JsonEvent`, so "companion methods" must instead be added as extension methods.
* @group extensions
* @groupname primitive Primitives
* @groupname high Objects and Arrays
implicit class JsonParserApplyOps(private val parserApply: ParserApplyWithBoundInput[JsonEvent]) extends AnyVal {
/** Creates a JsonParser which captures the first JsonEvent it sees, expecting a primitive that can satisfy the `matchPrimitive` function.
* This is the low-level method used to implement the `forString`, `forInt`, etc parsers.
* Its main use outside of those is if you want to create a parser that handles multiple different primitives without resorting to the use of `orElse`.
* @param describePrimitive A message describing the type of event that this parser expects. Used to construct a SpacException if the `matchPrimitive` returns `None`
* @param matchPrimitive A function used to extract a value from the first JsonEvent this parser's handler encounters.
* @tparam A The type of the extracted value
* @return A JsonParser which attempts to extract some value from the first event it encounters, throwing a SpacException if it cannot
* @group primitive
def forPrimitive[A](describePrimitive: String, matchPrimitive: JsonEvent => Option[A]): JsonParser[A] = new JsonParserTypedFirst(describePrimitive, matchPrimitive)
/** Wraps an existing JsonParser, creating a new JsonParser that will succeed with `None` if it encounters a `null`,
* or succeed with a `Some(t)` if the wrapped parser succeeds.
* Used to parse values that may or may not be null.
* Typical usage would be `JsonParser.nullable[String]`, passing the underlying `JsonParser[String]` implicitly.
* @param parser The underlying parser which would typically fail upon encountering a `null`
* @tparam T The type of the underlying parser's extracted value
* @return A JsonParser which parses `null` as `None`, or else delegates to the underlying `parser`
* @group primitive
def nullable[T](implicit parser: JsonParser[T]): JsonParser[Option[T]] = parserApply.oneOf(, forNull)
/** A JsonParser that captures the string value from a `JsString` event, failing if the first event is not a `JsString`.
* @group primitive
def forString: JsonParser[String] = jsonParserForPrimitiveString
/** A JsonParser that captures a `JLong` event as an `Int` value, failing if the first event is not a `JLong`.
* @group primitive
def forInt: JsonParser[Int] = jsonParserForPrimitiveInt
/** A JsonParser that captures a `JLong` event as a `Long` value, failing if the first event is not a `JLong`.
* @group primitive
def forLong: JsonParser[Long] = jsonParserForPrimitiveLong
/** A JsonParser that captures a `JDouble` event as a `Float` value, failing if the first event is not a `JDouble`.
* @group primitive
def forFloat: JsonParser[Float] = jsonParserForPrimitiveFloat
/** A JsonParser that captures a `JDouble` event as a `Double` value, failing if the first event is not a `JDouble`.
* @group primitive
def forDouble: JsonParser[Double] = jsonParserForPrimitiveDouble
/** A JsonParser that captures the `Boolean` value from a `JBool` event, failing if the first event is not a `JBool`.
* @group primitive
def forBoolean: JsonParser[Boolean] = jsonParserForPrimitiveBoolean
/** A JsonParser that returns `None` upon encountering a `JNull` event, failing upon encountering any other event or an EOF.
* @group primitive
def forNull: JsonParser[None.type] = jsonParserForPrimitiveNull
/** A JsonParser that parses a JSON object by parsing the given mandatory field with the implicitly-available `JsonParser[T]`.
* The returned parser will fail if the first event is not an `ObjectStart`,
* or if the expected field does not appear inside the object,
* or if the value of the expected field causes the underlying parser to fail.
* This is a shortcut for `Splitter.json(fieldName).as[T].parseFirst`.
* E.g.
* {{{
* val rawJson = """{ "foo": 1, "bar": true }"""
* val parser = JsonParser.fieldOf[Boolean]("bar")
* parser.parse(rawJson) // returns `true`
* }}}
* @param fieldName The name of the expected field
* @param callerPos Macro-derived location of the code calling this method, used to form a SpacTraceElement when the returned parser fails
* @tparam T The type of the extracted value
* @return A JsonParser that parses the given field from a JSON object as a value of type `T`
* @group high
def fieldOf[T: TypeName : JsonParser](fieldName: String)(implicit callerPos: CallerPos): JsonParser[T] = fieldOf[T](fieldName, implicitly[JsonParser[T]])
/** A JsonParser that parses a JSON object by parsing the given mandatory field with the given `JsonParser[T]`.
* Note that if the given `parser` is available implicitly, you can use the other `fieldOf` signature.
* The returned parser will fail if the first event is not an `ObjectStart`,
* or if the expected field does not appear inside the object,
* or if the value of the expected field causes the underlying parser to fail.
* This is a shortcut for `Splitter.json(fieldName).as[T].parseFirst`.
* E.g.
* {{{
* val rawJson = """{ "foo": 1, "bar": true }"""
* val parser = JsonParser.fieldOf[Boolean]("bar")
* parser.parse(rawJson) // returns `true`
* }}}
* @param fieldName The name of the expected field
* @param parser The underlying parser used to parse the value inside the expected field in the object
* @param callerPos Macro-derived location of the code calling this method, used to form a SpacTraceElement when the returned parser fails
* @tparam T The type of the extracted value
* @return A JsonParser that parses the given field from a JSON object as a value of type `T`
* @group high
def fieldOf[T: TypeName](fieldName: String, parser: JsonParser[T])(implicit callerPos: CallerPos): JsonParser[T] = Splitter.json(fieldName).joinBy(parser).parseFirst
.expectInputs[JsonEvent](List("a '{' token" -> {_.isObjectStart}))
/** A JsonParser that parses a JSON object by parsing the given optional field with an implicitly-available `JsonParser[T]`.
* Unlike with `fieldOf`, the returned parser will succeed with a `None` if the expected field is missing,
* or if the value in the expected field is null.
* However, it will still fail if the first event is not an `ObjectStart`.
* E.g.
* {{{
* val parser = JsonParser.nullableFieldOf[Int]("foo")
* parser.parse("{}") // returns None
* parser.parse(12) // throws a SpacException
* parser.parse("""{ "foo": 42 }""") // returns 42
* parser.parse("""{ "foo": null }""") // returns null
* parser.parse("""{ "foo": "hello" }""") // throws a SpacException
* }}}
* @param fieldName The name of the field
* @param callerPos Macro-derived location of the code calling this method, used to form a SpacTraceElement when the returned parser fails
* @tparam T The type of the extracted value
* @return A JsonParser that parses the given field from a JSON object, wrapping a successfully-parsed value in `Some`, and treating null or a missing field as `None`
* @group high
def nullableFieldOf[T: TypeName : JsonParser](fieldName: String)(implicit callerPos: CallerPos): JsonParser[Option[T]] = nullableFieldOf[T](fieldName, implicitly[JsonParser[T]])
/** A JsonParser that parses a JSON object by parsing the given optional field with the given `parser`.
* Note that if the given `parser` is available implicitly, you can use the other `nullableFieldOf` signature.
* Unlike with `fieldOf`, the returned parser will succeed with a `None` if the expected field is missing,
* or if the value in the expected field is null.
* However, it will still fail if the first event is not an `ObjectStart`.
* E.g.
* {{{
* val parser = JsonParser.nullableFieldOf("foo", JsonParser.forInt)
* parser.parse("{}") // returns None
* parser.parse("12") // throws a SpacException
* parser.parse("""{ "foo": 42 }""") // returns 42
* parser.parse("""{ "foo": null }""") // returns null
* parser.parse("""{ "foo": "hello" }""") // throws a SpacException
* }}}
* @param fieldName The name of the field
* @param parser The underlying parser used to parse the value inside the expected field in the object
* @param callerPos Macro-derived location of the code calling this method, used to form a SpacTraceElement when the returned parser fails
* @tparam T The type of the extracted value
* @return A JsonParser that parses the given field from a JSON object, wrapping a successfully-parsed value in `Some`, and treating null or a missing field as `None`
* @group high
def nullableFieldOf[T: TypeName](fieldName: String, parser: JsonParser[T])(implicit callerPos: CallerPos): JsonParser[Option[T]] = Splitter.json(fieldName).joinBy(nullable(parser)).parseFirstOpt
.expectInputs[JsonEvent](List("a '{' token" -> {_.isObjectStart}))
/** A JsonParser that parses a JSON array by parsing each item in the array via the implicitly-available `JsonParser[T]`,
* collecting the values to a List.
* This is a shortcut for `Splitter.json(anyIndex).as[T].parseToList`.
* The returned parser will fail if the first event is not an `ArrayStart`,
* or if any of the values inside the array cause the underlying parser to fail.
* E.g. if the underlying parser is `JsonParser.forInt`, but one of the values in the array is a string,
* the exception thrown by `JsonParser.forInt` will bubble up through the returned parser.
* E.g.
* {{{
* val parser = JsonParser.listOf[Int]
* parser.parse("[1, 2, 3]") // returns List(1, 2, 3)
* parser.parse("[]") // returns Nil
* parser.parse("42") // throws a SpacException
* parser.parse("[1, 2, false]") // throws a SpacException
* }}}
* @param callerPos Macro-derived location of the code calling this method, used to form a SpacTraceElement when the returned parser fails
* @tparam T The type of the values inside the array
* @return A JsonParser that parses an array of values as a List[T]
* @group high
def listOf[T: TypeName : JsonParser](implicit callerPos: CallerPos): JsonParser[List[T]] = listOf[T](implicitly[JsonParser[T]])
/** A JsonParser that parses a JSON array by parsing each item in the array via the given `parser`,
* collecting the values to a List.
* Note that if the given `parser` is available implicitly, you can use the other `listOf` signature instead.
* This is a shortcut for `Splitter.json(anyIndex).joinBy(parser).parseToList`.
* The returned parser will fail if the first event is not an `ArrayStart`,
* or if any of the values inside the array cause the underlying parser to fail.
* E.g. if the underlying parser is `JsonParser.forInt`, but one of the values in the array is a string,
* the exception thrown by `JsonParser.forInt` will bubble up through the returned parser.
* E.g.
* {{{
* val parser = JsonParser.listOf(JsonParser.forInt)
* parser.parse("[1, 2, 3]") // returns List(1, 2, 3)
* parser.parse("[]") // returns Nil
* parser.parse("42") // throws a SpacException
* parser.parse("[1, 2, false]") // throws a SpacException
* }}}
* @param parser The underlying parser to use for each value inside the array
* @param callerPos Macro-derived location of the code calling this method, used to form a SpacTraceElement when the returned parser fails
* @tparam T The type of the values inside the array
* @return A JsonParser that parses an array of values as a List[T]
* @group high
def listOf[T: TypeName](parser: JsonParser[T])(implicit callerPos: CallerPos): JsonParser[List[T]] = Splitter.json(anyIndex).joinBy(parser).parseToList
.expectInputs[JsonEvent](List("a '[' token" -> {_.isArrayStart}))
/** A JsonParser that parses a JSON object by interpreting every field as a value of type `T` using the implicitly-available `JsonParser[T]`,
* yielding a `Map` containing the parsed `field -> value` pairs.
* This is a shortcut for `Splitter.json(anyField).map(field -> implicitly[JsonParser[T]].map(field -> _)).parseToMap`.
* The returned parser will fail if the first event is not an `ObjectStart`,
* or if any of the field values in the object cause the underlying parser to fail.
* E.g. if the underlying parser is `JsonParser.forString`, but one of the fields contains some non-string value,
* the exception thrown by `JsonParser.forString` will bubble up through the returned parser.
* E.g.
* {{{
* val parser = JsonParser.objectOf[Int]
* parser.parse("""{ "foo": 1, "bar": 2 }""") // returns Map("foo" -> 1, "bar" -> 2)
* parser.parse("""{ "foo": 1, "bar": "whoops" }""") // throws a SpacException
* parser.parse("13") // throws a SpacException
* }}}
* @param callerPos Macro-derived location of the code calling this method, used to form a SpacTraceElement when the returned parser fails
* @tparam T The type of the values inside each field
* @return A JsonParser that parses an object as a `Map[String, T]`
* @group high
def objectOf[T: TypeName : JsonParser](implicit callerPos: CallerPos): JsonParser[Map[String, T]] = objectOf[T](implicitly[JsonParser[T]])
/** A JsonParser that parses a JSON object by interpreting every field as a value of type `T` using the given `parser`,
* yielding a `Map` containing the parsed `field -> value` pairs.
* Note that if the given `parser` is available implicitly, you can use the other `objectOf` signature instead.
* This is a shortcut for `Splitter.json(anyField).map(field -> -> _)).parseToMap`.
* The returned parser will fail if the first event is not an `ObjectStart`,
* or if any of the field values in the object cause the underlying parser to fail.
* E.g. if the underlying parser is `JsonParser.forString`, but one of the fields contains some non-string value,
* the exception thrown by `JsonParser.forString` will bubble up through the returned parser.
* E.g.
* {{{
* val parser = JsonParser.objectOf(JsonParser.forInt)
* parser.parse("""{ "foo": 1, "bar": 2 }""") // returns Map("foo" -> 1, "bar" -> 2)
* parser.parse("""{ "foo": 1, "bar": "whoops" }""") // throws a SpacException
* parser.parse("13") // throws a SpacException
* }}}
* @param parser The underlying parser used to parse each field in the object
* @param callerPos Macro-derived location of the code calling this method, used to form a SpacTraceElement when the returned parser fails
* @tparam T The type of the values inside each field
* @return A JsonParser that parses an object as a `Map[String, T]`
* @group high
def objectOf[T: TypeName](parser: JsonParser[T])(implicit callerPos: CallerPos): JsonParser[Map[String, T]] = Splitter.json(anyField)
.map { field => -> _) }
.expectInputs[JsonEvent](List("a '{' token" -> {_.isObjectStart}))
/** A JsonParser that parses a JSON object by interpreting every possibly-null field as a value of type `T` using
* an implicitly-available `JsonParser[T]`, filtering out null fields and yielding a `Map` containing `field -> value` pairs
* of the successfully-parsed fields.
* Note that while fields with `null` instead of an expected `T` value are filtered out,
* non-null fields that cause the underlying parser to fail will cause the returned parser to fail as well.
* As with `objectOf`, the returned parser will fail if the first event is not an `ObjectStart`.
* E.g.
* {{{
* val parser = JsonParser.objectOfNullable[Int]
* parser.parse("""{ "foo": 1, "bar": 2 }""") // returns Map("foo" -> 1, "bar" -> 2)
* parser.parse("""{ "foo": 1, "bar": null }""") // returns Map("foo" -> 1)
* parser.parse("""{ "foo": 1, "bar": "whoops" }""") // throws a SpacException
* parser.parse("13") // throws a SpacException
* }}}
* @param callerPos Macro-derived location of the code calling this method, used to form a SpacTraceElement when the returned parser fails
* @tparam T The type of the values inside each field
* @return A JsonParser that parses an object as a `Map[String, T]`, ignoring fields with `null` values
* @group high
def objectOfNullable[T: TypeName : JsonParser](implicit callerPos: CallerPos): JsonParser[Map[String, T]] = objectOfNullable[T](implicitly[JsonParser[T]])
/** A JsonParser that parses a JSON object by interpreting every possibly-null field as a value of type `T` using
* the given `JsonParser[T]`, filtering out null fields and yielding a `Map` containing `field -> value` pairs
* of the successfully-parsed fields.
* Note that if the given `parser` is available implicitly, you can use the other `objectOfNullable` signature instead.
* Note that while fields with `null` instead of an expected `T` value are filtered out,
* non-null fields that cause the underlying parser to fail will cause the returned parser to fail as well.
* As with `objectOf`, the returned parser will fail if the first event is not an `ObjectStart`.
* E.g.
* {{{
* val parser = JsonParser.objectOfNullable(JsonParser.forInt)
* parser.parse("""{ "foo": 1, "bar": 2 }""") // returns Map("foo" -> 1, "bar" -> 2)
* parser.parse("""{ "foo": 1, "bar": null }""") // returns Map("foo" -> 1)
* parser.parse("""{ "foo": 1, "bar": "whoops" }""") // throws a SpacException
* parser.parse("13") // throws a SpacException
* }}}
* @param parser The underlying parser used to parse values (aside from null) for each of the fields in the input object
* @param callerPos Macro-derived location of the code calling this method, used to form a SpacTraceElement when the returned parser fails
* @tparam T The type of the values inside each field
* @return A JsonParser that parses an object as a `Map[String, T]`, ignoring fields with `null` values
* @group high
def objectOfNullable[T: TypeName](parser: JsonParser[T])(implicit callerPos: CallerPos): JsonParser[Map[String, T]] = Splitter.json(anyField)
.map { field => nullable(parser).map(field -> _) }
.collect { case (field, Some(value)) => field -> value }
.expectInputs[JsonEvent](List("a '{' token" -> {_.isObjectStart}))
/** Implicit version of `JsonParser.forString`
* @group extensions
implicit val jsonParserForPrimitiveString: JsonParser[String] = JsonParser.forPrimitive("a String value",
/** Implicit version of `JsonParser.forInt`
* @group extensions
implicit val jsonParserForPrimitiveInt: JsonParser[Int] = JsonParser.forPrimitive("an Int value",
/** Implicit version of `JsonParser.forLong`
* @group extensions
implicit val jsonParserForPrimitiveLong: JsonParser[Long] = JsonParser.forPrimitive("a Long value",
/** Implicit version of `JsonParser.forFloat`
* @group extensions
implicit val jsonParserForPrimitiveFloat: JsonParser[Float] = JsonParser.forPrimitive("a Float value",
/** Implicit version of `JsonParser.forDouble`
* @group extensions
implicit val jsonParserForPrimitiveDouble: JsonParser[Double] = JsonParser.forPrimitive("a Double value",
/** Implicit version of `JsonParser.forBoolean`
* @group extensions
implicit val jsonParserForPrimitiveBoolean: JsonParser[Boolean] = JsonParser.forPrimitive("a Boolean value",
/** Implicit version of `JsonParser.forNull`
* @group extensions
implicit val jsonParserForPrimitiveNull: JsonParser[None.type] = JsonParser.forPrimitive("a Null value", => None))
/** Like the `Transformer` companion object, but only for creating `Transformers` whose input type is `JsonEvent`.
* @group aliases
val JsonTransformer: TransformerApplyWithBoundInput[JsonEvent] = Transformer[JsonEvent]
/** Type alias for a `Transformer` whose input type is `JsonEvent`.
* @group aliases
type JsonTransformer[+Out] = Transformer[JsonEvent, Out]
/** Like the `Splitter` companion object, but only for creating `Splitters` whose input type is `JsonEvent`.
* @group aliases
val JsonSplitter: SplitterApplyWithBoundInput[JsonEvent] = Splitter[JsonEvent]
/** Type alias for a `Splitter` whose input type is `JsonEvent`
* @group aliases
type JsonSplitter[+C] = Splitter[JsonEvent, C]
/** Adds `Splitter.json`, for constructing json context matcher-based JsonSplitters
* @group extensions
implicit class JsonSplitterApplyOps(private val splitter: Splitter.type) extends AnyVal {
/** Create a Splitter for JsonEvents using the given `matcher` to determine where sub-streams start and end.
* For example, `Splitter.json("foo")`, when applied to the json:
* {{{
* {
* "foo": [1, 2],
* "bar": true
* }
* }}}
* would identify the value of the object's "foo" field as a sub-stream of JsonEvents, containing
* the events `ArrayStart, IndexStart(0), JLong(1), IndexEnd, IndexStart(1), JLong(2), IndexEnd, ArrayEnd`.
* Any context matched by the `matcher` will be passed through the `joiner` functions if you
* call `as`, `map`, or `flatMap` on the resulting splitter, and thus the matched context
* can be used to decide how you parse each sub-stream.
* @param matcher A ContextMatcher used to identify where each sub-stream begins and ends,
* and extracts some context value to identify each sub-stream.
* @param pos Used to construct a SpacFrameElement if a parser constructed from this splitter fails
* @tparam C The type of the "context" matched by the `matcher`
* @return A new JsonSplitter that will split a stream into sub-streams identified by the `matcher`
def json[C](matcher: ContextMatcher[JsonStackElem, C])(implicit pos: CallerPos): JsonSplitter[C] = splitter.fromMatcher(matcher)
/** Adds `splitter.asNullable[A]`, for handling possibly-null values in a JSON substream
* @group extensions
implicit class JsonSplitterOps[C](private val splitter: JsonSplitter[C]) extends AnyVal {
/** Alternative to `[A]` which also accepts `null` in place of the normal JSON for `A`.
* @tparam A Any type for which an implicit `JsonParser[A]` exists
def asNullable[A: JsonParser]: JsonTransformer[Option[A]] = splitter.joinBy(JsonParser.nullable[A])
// ------------------------------------------------------
/** @group aliases */
type JsonContextMatcher[+C] = ContextMatcher[JsonStackElem, C]
/** Context matcher that matches events within a given JSON object field.
* Specifically this matcher looks for an `ObjectStart` followed by a `FieldStart(name)` in the JSON context stack.
* When calling `Splitter.json`, the fact that this method is `implicit` allows you to use the underlying field name
* directly instead of directly calling this method, e.g. `Splitter.json("address" \ "street")`
* @param name the name of the field
* @group contextMatcherSyntax
implicit def field(name: String): JsonContextMatcher[Unit] = new ObjectFieldContextMatcher[Unit](name, field => if (field.fieldName == name) Some(()) else None)
/** Context matcher that matches events within certain JSON object fields, extracting some context value based on the name of the matched field.
* Specifically this matcher looks for an `ObjectStart` followed by a `FieldStart(name)`, then plugs the `name` into `contextFromName`.
* If `contextFromName` returns a `Some`, the match succeeds and the value inside the Some is returned.
* @param contextFromName a function that extracts a context value based on the name of the JSON object field
* @group contextMatcherSyntax
def field[A](contextFromName: String => Option[A]): JsonContextMatcher[A] = new ObjectFieldContextMatcher[A]("field<>", field => contextFromName(field.fieldName))
/** Context matcher that matches events within JSON object fields whose names case the given `f` predicate to return `true`.
* Specifically this matcher looks for an `ObjectStart` followed by a `FieldStart(name)` where `f(name)` is `true`.
* If the match succeeds, the name of the field is also extracted as a context value.
* @param f A predicate applied to field names to determine whether the current JSON context stack matches
* @group contextMatcherSyntax
def fieldWhere(f: String => Boolean): JsonContextMatcher[String] = new ObjectFieldContextMatcher[String]("fieldWhere<>", field => Some(field.fieldName).filter(f))
/** Context matcher that matches events with any JSON object field, capturing the name of the field as context.
* Specifically this matcher looks for an `ObjectStart` followed by a `FieldStart(name)`, for any `name`.
* @group contextMatcherSyntax
def anyField: JsonContextMatcher[String] = new ObjectFieldContextMatcher[String]("anyField", field => Some(field.fieldName))
/** Context matcher that matches events within a JSON array at a specific index.
* Specifically this matcher looks for an `ArrayStart` followed by an `IndexStart(i)` in the JSON context stack.
* @group contextMatcherSyntax
def index(i: Int): JsonContextMatcher[Unit] = new ArrayIndexContextMatcher[Unit](s"index($i)", e => if (e.index == i) Some(()) else None)
/** Context matcher that matches events within a JSON array, at certain indexes.
* Specifically this matcher looks for an `ArrayStart` followed by an `IndexStart(i)` in the JSON context stack,
* where the `i` from the `IndexStart` is passed to `contextFromIndex`.
* If `contextFromIndex(i)` returns a `Some`, the match succeeds and the value inside the `Some` is returned as a context value.
* @group contextMatcherSyntax
def index[A](contextFromIndex: Int => Option[A]): JsonContextMatcher[A] = new ArrayIndexContextMatcher[A]("index<>", e => contextFromIndex(e.index))
/** Context matcher that matches events within a JSON array, at certain indexes.
* Specifically this matcher looks for an `ArrayStart` followed by an `IndexStart(i)` in the JSON context stack, where `f(i)` is `true`.
* If the match succeeds, the `i` index will be captured as a context value.
* @group contextMatcherSyntax
def indexWhere(f: Int => Boolean): JsonContextMatcher[Int] = new ArrayIndexContextMatcher[Int]("indexWhere<>", e => Some(e.index).filter(f))
/** Context matcher that matches events within a JSON array, at any index.
* Specifically this matcher looks for an `ArrayStart` followed by an `IndexStart(_)` in the JSON context stack.
* If the match succeeds, the `i` index will be captured as a context value.
* @group contextMatcherSyntax
def anyIndex: JsonContextMatcher[Int] = new ArrayIndexContextMatcher[Int]("anyIndex", e => Some(e.index))
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