io.ebean.QueryBuilderProjection Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.ebean;
* Builder for ORM Query projection (the select and fetch part).
* @param The builder type
* @param The entity bean type
public interface QueryBuilderProjection {
* Apply the path properties replacing the select and fetch clauses.
* This is typically used when the FetchPath is applied to both the query and the JSON output.
SELF apply(FetchPath fetchPath);
* Specify the properties to fetch on the root level entity bean in comma delimited format.
* The Id property is automatically included in the properties to fetch unless setDistinct(true)
* is set on the query.
* Use {@link #fetch(String, String)} to specify specific properties to fetch
* on other non-root level paths of the object graph.
* {@code
* List customers = DB.find(Customer.class)
* // Only fetch the customer id, name and status.
* // This is described as a "Partial Object"
* .select("name, status")
* .where.ilike("name", "rob%")
* .findList();
* }
* @param fetchProperties the properties to fetch for this bean (* = all properties).
SELF select(String fetchProperties);
* Set DISTINCT ON clause. This is a Postgres only SQL feature.
* @param distinctOn The properties to include in the DISTINCT ON clause.
SELF distinctOn(String distinctOn);
* Apply the fetchGroup which defines what part of the object graph to load.
SELF select(FetchGroup fetchGroup);
* Specify a path to fetch eagerly including specific properties.
* Ebean will endeavour to fetch this path using a SQL join. If Ebean determines that it can
* not use a SQL join (due to maxRows or because it would result in a cartesian product) Ebean
* will automatically convert this fetch query into a "query join" - i.e. use fetchQuery().
* {@code
* // query orders...
* List orders = DB.find(Order.class)
* // fetch the customer...
* // ... getting the customers name and phone number
* .fetch("customer", "name, phoneNumber")
* // ... also fetch the customers billing address (* = all properties)
* .fetch("customer.billingAddress", "*")
* .findList();
* }
* If columns is null or "*" then all columns/properties for that path are fetched.
* {@code
* // fetch customers (their id, name and status)
* List customers = DB.find(Customer.class)
* .select("name, status")
* .fetch("contacts", "firstName,lastName,email")
* .findList();
* }
* @param path the property path we wish to fetch eagerly.
* @param fetchProperties properties of the associated bean that you want to include in the
* fetch (* means all properties, null also means all properties).
SELF fetch(String path, String fetchProperties);
* Fetch the path and properties using a "query join" (separate SQL query).
* This is the same as:
* {@code
* fetch(path, fetchProperties, FetchConfig.ofQuery())
* }
* This would be used instead of a fetch() when we use a separate SQL query to fetch this
* part of the object graph rather than a SQL join.
* We might typically get a performance benefit when the path to fetch is a OneToMany
* or ManyToMany, the 'width' of the 'root bean' is wide and the cardinality of the many
* is high.
* @param path the property path we wish to fetch eagerly.
* @param fetchProperties properties of the associated bean that you want to include in the
* fetch (* means all properties, null also means all properties).
SELF fetchQuery(String path, String fetchProperties);
* Fetch the path and properties using L2 bean cache.
* @param path The path of the beans we are fetching from L2 cache.
* @param fetchProperties The properties that should be loaded.
SELF fetchCache(String path, String fetchProperties);
* Fetch the path and properties lazily (via batch lazy loading).
* This is the same as:
* fetch(path, fetchProperties, FetchConfig.ofLazy())
* }
* The reason for using fetchLazy() is to either:
* - Control/tune what is fetched as part of lazy loading
* - Make use of the L2 cache, build this part of the graph from L2 cache
* @param path the property path we wish to fetch lazily.
* @param fetchProperties properties of the associated bean that you want to include in the
* fetch (* means all properties, null also means all properties).
SELF fetchLazy(String path, String fetchProperties);
* Additionally specify a FetchConfig to use a separate query or lazy loading
* to load this path.
* {@code
* // fetch customers (their id, name and status)
* List customers = DB.find(Customer.class)
* .select("name, status")
* .fetch("contacts", "firstName,lastName,email", FetchConfig.ofLazy(10))
* .findList();
* }
* @param path the property path we wish to fetch eagerly.
SELF fetch(String path, String fetchProperties, FetchConfig fetchConfig);
* Specify a path to fetch eagerly including all its properties.
* Ebean will endeavour to fetch this path using a SQL join. If Ebean determines that it can
* not use a SQL join (due to maxRows or because it would result in a cartesian product) Ebean
* will automatically convert this fetch query into a "query join" - i.e. use fetchQuery().
* {@code
* // fetch customers (their id, name and status)
* List customers = DB.find(Customer.class)
* // eager fetch the contacts
* .fetch("contacts")
* .findList();
* }
* @param path the property path we wish to fetch eagerly.
SELF fetch(String path);
* Fetch the path eagerly using a "query join" (separate SQL query).
* This is the same as:
* fetch(path, FetchConfig.ofQuery())
* }
* This would be used instead of a fetch() when we use a separate SQL query to fetch this
* part of the object graph rather than a SQL join.
* We might typically get a performance benefit when the path to fetch is a OneToMany
* or ManyToMany, the 'width' of the 'root bean' is wide and the cardinality of the many
* is high.
* @param path the property path we wish to fetch eagerly
SELF fetchQuery(String path);
* Fetch the path eagerly using L2 cache.
SELF fetchCache(String path);
* Fetch the path lazily (via batch lazy loading).
* This is the same as:
* {@code
* fetch(path, FetchConfig.ofLazy())
* }
* The reason for using fetchLazy() is to either:
* - Control/tune what is fetched as part of lazy loading
* - Make use of the L2 cache, build this part of the graph from L2 cache
* @param path the property path we wish to fetch lazily.
SELF fetchLazy(String path);
* Additionally specify a JoinConfig to specify a "query join" and or define
* the lazy loading query.
* {@code
* // fetch customers (their id, name and status)
* List customers = DB.find(Customer.class)
* // lazy fetch contacts with a batch size of 100
* .fetch("contacts", FetchConfig.ofLazy(100))
* .findList();
* }
SELF fetch(String path, FetchConfig fetchConfig);