io.ebean.bean.EntityBeanIntercept Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.ebean.bean;
import io.ebean.ValuePair;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* This is the object associated to every entity bean using byte code enhancement.
* This provides per property state such as loaded state, changed state, original values
* as well as bean level dirty state etc.
public interface EntityBeanIntercept extends Serializable {
* Return the 'owning' entity bean.
EntityBean owner();
* Return the persistenceContext.
PersistenceContext persistenceContext();
* Set the persistenceContext.
void setPersistenceContext(PersistenceContext persistenceContext);
* Turn on profile collection.
void setNodeUsageCollector(NodeUsageCollector usageCollector);
* Return the ownerId (IdClass).
Object ownerId();
* Set the ownerId (IdClass).
void setOwnerId(Object ownerId);
* Return the owning bean for an embedded bean.
Object embeddedOwner();
* Return the property index (for the parent) of this embedded bean.
int embeddedOwnerIndex();
* Clear the getter callback.
void clearGetterCallback();
* Register the callback to be triggered when getter is called.
* This is used primarily to automatically flush the JDBC batch.
void registerGetterCallback(PreGetterCallback getterCallback);
* Set the embedded beans owning bean.
void setEmbeddedOwner(EntityBean parentBean, int embeddedOwnerIndex);
* Set the BeanLoader with PersistenceContext.
void setBeanLoader(BeanLoader beanLoader, PersistenceContext ctx);
* Set the BeanLoader.
void setBeanLoader(BeanLoader beanLoader);
* Return true if the bean is fully loaded (not a partial).
boolean isFullyLoadedBean();
* Set true when the bean is fully loaded (not a partial).
void setFullyLoadedBean(boolean fullyLoadedBean);
* Return true if the bean is partially loaded.
boolean isPartial();
* Return true if this bean has been directly modified (it has oldValues) or
* if any embedded beans are either new or dirty (and hence need saving).
boolean isDirty();
* Called by an embedded bean onto its owner.
void setEmbeddedDirty(int embeddedProperty);
* Marks the bean as dirty.
void setDirty(boolean dirty);
* Return true if this entity bean is new and not yet saved.
boolean isNew();
* Return true if the entity bean is new or dirty (and should be saved).
boolean isNewOrDirty();
* Return true if only the Id property has been loaded.
boolean hasIdOnly(int idIndex);
* Return true if the entity is a reference.
boolean isReference();
* Set this as a reference object.
void setReference(int idPos);
* Set true when the bean has been loaded from L2 bean cache.
* The effect of this is that we should skip the cache if there
* is subsequent lazy loading (bean cache partially populated).
void setLoadedFromCache(boolean loadedFromCache);
* Return true if this bean was loaded from L2 bean cache.
boolean isLoadedFromCache();
* Return true if the bean should be treated as readOnly. If a setter method
* is called when it is readOnly an Exception is thrown.
boolean isReadOnly();
* Set the readOnly status. If readOnly then calls to setter methods through
* an exception.
void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly);
* Set the bean to be updated when persisted (for merge).
void setForceUpdate(boolean forceUpdate);
* Return true if the entity should be updated.
boolean isUpdate();
* Return true if the entity has been loaded.
boolean isLoaded();
* Set the bean into NEW state.
void setNew();
* Set the loaded state to true.
* Calls to setter methods after the bean is loaded can result in
* 'Old Values' being created.
* Worth noting that this is also set after a insert/update. By doing so it
* 'resets' the bean for making further changes and saving again.
void setLoaded();
* When finished loading for lazy or refresh on an already partially populated bean.
void setLoadedLazy();
* Set lazy load failure flag.
void setLazyLoadFailure(Object ownerId);
* Return true if the bean is marked as having failed lazy loading.
boolean isLazyLoadFailure();
* Return true if lazy loading is disabled.
boolean isDisableLazyLoad();
* Set true to turn off lazy loading.
void setDisableLazyLoad(boolean disableLazyLoad);
* Set the loaded status for the embedded bean.
void setEmbeddedLoaded(Object embeddedBean);
* Return true if the embedded bean is new or dirty and hence needs saving.
boolean isEmbeddedNewOrDirty(Object embeddedBean);
* Return the original value that was changed via an update.
Object origValue(int propertyIndex);
* Finds the index position of a given property. Returns -1 if the
* property can not be found.
int findProperty(String propertyName);
* Return the property name for the given property.
String property(int propertyIndex);
* Return the number of properties.
int propertyLength();
* Set the loaded state of the property given it's name.
void setPropertyLoaded(String propertyName, boolean loaded);
* Set the property to be treated as unloaded. Used for properties initialised in default constructor.
void setPropertyUnloaded(int propertyIndex);
* Set the property to be loaded.
void setLoadedProperty(int propertyIndex);
* Set all properties to be loaded (post insert).
void setLoadedPropertyAll();
* Return true if the property is loaded.
boolean isLoadedProperty(int propertyIndex);
* Return true if the property is considered changed.
boolean isChangedProperty(int propertyIndex);
* Return true if the property was changed or if it is embedded and one of its
* embedded properties is dirty.
boolean isDirtyProperty(int propertyIndex);
* Explicitly mark a property as having been changed.
void markPropertyAsChanged(int propertyIndex);
* Set the changed state for the given property.
void setChangedProperty(int propertyIndex);
* Set the changed and loaded state for the given property.
void setChangeLoaded(int propertyIndex);
* Set that an embedded bean has had one of its properties changed.
void setEmbeddedPropertyDirty(int propertyIndex);
* Set the original value for the property.
void setOriginalValue(int propertyIndex, Object value);
* Set old value but force it to be set regardless if it already has a value.
void setOriginalValueForce(int propertyIndex, Object value);
* For forced update on a 'New' bean set all the loaded properties to changed.
void setNewBeanForUpdate();
* Return the set of property names for a partially loaded bean.
Set loadedPropertyNames();
* Return the array of flags indicating the dirty properties.
boolean[] dirtyProperties();
* Return the set of dirty properties.
Set dirtyPropertyNames();
* Recursively add dirty properties.
void addDirtyPropertyNames(Set props, String prefix);
* Return true if any of the given property names are dirty.
boolean hasDirtyProperty(Set propertyNames);
* Return a map of dirty properties with their new and old values.
Map dirtyValues();
* Recursively add dirty properties.
void addDirtyPropertyValues(Map dirtyValues, String prefix);
* Recursively add dirty properties.
void addDirtyPropertyValues(BeanDiffVisitor visitor);
* Return a dirty property hash taking into account embedded beans.
StringBuilder dirtyPropertyKey();
* Add and return a dirty property hash.
void addDirtyPropertyKey(StringBuilder sb);
* Return a loaded property hash.
StringBuilder loadedPropertyKey();
* Return the loaded state for all the properties.
boolean[] loaded();
* Return the index of the property that triggered the lazy load.
int lazyLoadPropertyIndex();
* Return the property that triggered the lazy load.
String lazyLoadProperty();
* Load the bean when it is a reference.
void loadBean(int loadProperty);
* Invoke the lazy loading. This method is synchronised externally.
void loadBeanInternal(int loadProperty, BeanLoader loader);
* Called when a BeanCollection is initialised automatically.
void initialisedMany(int propertyIndex);
* Invoke the PreGetterCallback if it has been set due to getter for the given property.
void preGetterCallback(int propertyIndex);
* Called prior to Id property getter.
void preGetId();
* Method that is called prior to a getter method on the actual entity.
void preGetter(int propertyIndex);
* OneToMany and ManyToMany only set loaded state.
void preSetterMany(boolean interceptField, int propertyIndex, Object oldValue, Object newValue);
* Set the property changed state, bean dirtyState and property original value.
void setChangedPropertyValue(int propertyIndex, boolean setDirtyState, Object origValue);
* Set the dirty state on the bean.
void setDirtyStatus();
* Check to see if the values are not equal. If they are not equal then create
* the old values for use with ConcurrencyMode.ALL.
void preSetter(boolean intercept, int propertyIndex, Object oldValue, Object newValue);
* Check for primitive boolean.
void preSetter(boolean intercept, int propertyIndex, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue);
* Check for primitive int.
void preSetter(boolean intercept, int propertyIndex, int oldValue, int newValue);
* Check for primitive long.
void preSetter(boolean intercept, int propertyIndex, long oldValue, long newValue);
* Check for primitive double.
void preSetter(boolean intercept, int propertyIndex, double oldValue, double newValue);
* Check for primitive float.
void preSetter(boolean intercept, int propertyIndex, float oldValue, float newValue);
* Check for primitive short.
void preSetter(boolean intercept, int propertyIndex, short oldValue, short newValue);
* Check for primitive char.
void preSetter(boolean intercept, int propertyIndex, char oldValue, char newValue);
* Check for primitive byte.
void preSetter(boolean intercept, int propertyIndex, byte oldValue, byte newValue);
* Check for primitive char array.
void preSetter(boolean intercept, int propertyIndex, char[] oldValue, char[] newValue);
* Check for primitive byte array.
void preSetter(boolean intercept, int propertyIndex, byte[] oldValue, byte[] newValue);
* Explicitly set an old value with force (the old value is forced even it is already set).
void setOldValue(int propertyIndex, Object oldValue);
* Return the sort order value for an order column.
int sortOrder();
* Set the sort order value for an order column.
void setSortOrder(int sortOrder);
* Set if the entity was deleted from a BeanCollection.
void setDeletedFromCollection(boolean deletedFromCollection);
* Return true if the bean was orphan deleted from a collection.
boolean isOrphanDelete();
* Set the load error that happened on this property.
void setLoadError(int propertyIndex, Exception t);
* Returns the loadErrors.
Map loadErrors();
* Return true if the property has its changed state set.
boolean isChangedProp(int propertyIndex);
* Return the MutableValueInfo for the given property or null.
MutableValueInfo mutableInfo(int propertyIndex);
* Set the MutableValueInfo for the given property.
void mutableInfo(int propertyIndex, MutableValueInfo info);
* Dirty detection set the next mutable property content and info .
* Set here as the mutable property dirty detection is based on json content comparison.
* We only want to perform the json serialisation once so storing it here as part of
* dirty detection so that we can get it back to bind in insert or update etc.
void mutableNext(int propertyIndex, MutableValueNext next);
* Update the 'next' mutable info returning the content that was obtained via dirty detection.
String mutableNext(int propertyIndex);