io.ebean.Database Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.ebean;
import io.avaje.lang.NonNullApi;
import io.avaje.lang.Nullable;
import io.ebean.annotation.Platform;
import io.ebean.annotation.TxIsolation;
import io.ebean.cache.ServerCacheManager;
import io.ebean.config.DatabaseConfig;
import io.ebean.meta.MetaInfoManager;
import io.ebean.plugin.Property;
import io.ebean.plugin.SpiServer;
import io.ebean.text.json.JsonContext;
import jakarta.persistence.OptimisticLockException;
import jakarta.persistence.PersistenceException;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
* Provides the API for fetching and saving beans to a particular database.
* Registration with the DB singleton
* When a Database instance is created it can be registered with the DB
* singleton (see {@link DatabaseConfig#setRegister(boolean)}). The DB
* singleton is essentially a map of Database's that have been registered
* with it.
* The Database can then be retrieved later via {@link DB#byName(String)}.
The 'default' Database
* One Database can be designated as the 'default' or 'primary' Database
* (see {@link DatabaseConfig#setDefaultServer(boolean)}). Many methods on DB
* such as {@link DB#find(Class)} etc are actually just a convenient way to
* call methods on the 'default/primary' Database.
Constructing a Database
* Databases are constructed by the DatabaseFactory. They can be created
* programmatically via {@link DatabaseFactory#create(DatabaseBuilder)} or they
* can be automatically constructed on demand using configuration information in
* the file.
Example: Get a Database
* {@code
* // Get access to the Human Resources Database
* Database hrDatabase = DB.byName("hr");
* // fetch contact 3 from the HR database
* Contact contact = hrDatabase.find(Contact.class, new Integer(3));
* contact.setStatus("INACTIVE"); ...
* // save the contact back to the HR database
* }
* Database vs DB API
* Database provides additional API compared with DB. For example, it
* provides more control over the use of Transactions that is not available in
* the DB API.
* External Transactions: If you wanted to use transactions created
* externally to Ebean then Database provides additional methods where you
* can explicitly pass a transaction (that can be created externally).
* Bypass ThreadLocal Mechanism: If you want to bypass the built-in
* ThreadLocal transaction management you can use the createTransaction()
* method. Example: a single thread requires more than one transaction.
* @see DB
* @see DatabaseFactory
* @see DatabaseConfig
public interface Database {
* Return a new database builder.
* // build the 'default' database using configuration
* // from / application.yaml
* Database db = Database.builder()
* .loadFromProperties()
* .build();
* }
static DatabaseBuilder builder() {
return new DatabaseConfig();
* Shutdown the Database instance.
void shutdown();
* Shutdown the Database instance programmatically.
* This method is not normally required. Ebean registers a shutdown hook and shuts down cleanly.
* If the under underlying DataSource is the Ebean implementation then you
* also have the option of shutting down the DataSource and de-registering the
* JDBC driver.
* @param shutdownDataSource if true then shutdown the underlying DataSource if it is the Ebean
* DataSource implementation.
* @param deregisterDriver if true then deregister the JDBC driver if it is the Ebean
* DataSource implementation.
void shutdown(boolean shutdownDataSource, boolean deregisterDriver);
* Return AutoTune which is used to control the AutoTune service at runtime.
AutoTune autoTune();
* Return the associated DataSource for this Database instance.
DataSource dataSource();
* Return the associated read only DataSource for this Database instance (can be null).
DataSource readOnlyDataSource();
* Return the name. This is used with {@link DB#byName(String)} to get a
* Database that was registered with the DB singleton.
String name();
* Return the ExpressionFactory for this database.
ExpressionFactory expressionFactory();
* Return the MetaInfoManager which is used to get meta data from the Database
* such as query execution statistics.
MetaInfoManager metaInfo();
* Return the platform used for this database instance.
* Note many platforms have multiple specific platform types so often we want to
* get the base platform via {@link Platform#base()}.
* Platform platform = database.platform().base();
* if (platform == Platform.MYSQL) {
* // do MySql specific function
* }
* }
* @return platform for this database instance
Platform platform();
* Return the extended API intended for use by plugins.
SpiServer pluginApi();
* Return the BeanState for a given entity bean.
* This will throw an IllegalArgumentException if the bean is not an enhanced entity bean.
BeanState beanState(Object bean);
* Return the value of the Id property for a given bean.
Object beanId(Object bean);
* Set the Id value onto the bean converting the type of the id value if necessary.
* For example, if the id value passed in is a String but ought to be a Long or UUID etc
* then it will automatically be converted.
* @param bean The entity bean to set the id value on.
* @param id The id value to set.
Object beanId(Object bean, Object id);
* Return a map of the differences between two objects of the same type.
* When null is passed in for b, then the 'OldValues' of a is used for the
* difference comparison.
Map diff(Object newBean, Object oldBean);
* Create a new instance of T that is an EntityBean.
* Useful if you use BeanPostConstructListeners or @PostConstruct Annotations.
* In this case you should not use "new Bean...()". Making all bean constructors protected
* could be a good idea here.
T createEntityBean(Class type);
* Create an Update query to perform a bulk update.
* int rows = database
* .update(Customer.class)
* .set("status", Customer.Status.ACTIVE)
* .set("updtime", new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()))
* .where()
* .gt("id", 1000)
* .update();
* }
* @param beanType The type of entity bean to update
* @param The type of entity bean
* @return The update query to use
UpdateQuery update(Class beanType);
* Create a query for an entity bean and synonym for {@link #find(Class)}.
* @see #find(Class)
Query createQuery(Class beanType);
* Create a query for a type of entity bean.
* You can use the methods on the Query object to specify fetch paths,
* predicates, order by, limits etc.
* You then use findList(), findSet(), findMap() and findOne() to execute
* the query and return the collection or bean.
* Note that a query executed by {@link Query#findList()}
* {@link Query#findSet()} etc will execute against the same Database from
* which is was created.
* // Find order 2 specifying explicitly the parts of the object graph to
* // eagerly fetch. In this case eagerly fetch the associated customer,
* // details and
* Order order = database.find(Order.class)
* .fetch("customer")
* .fetch("details")
* .fetch("detail.product", "name")
* .setId(2)
* .findOne();
* // find some new orders ... with firstRow/maxRows
* List orders =
* database.find(Order.class)
* .where().eq("status", Order.Status.NEW)
* .setFirstRow(20)
* .setMaxRows(10)
* .findList();
* }
Query find(Class beanType);
* Create a query using native SQL.
* The native SQL can contain named parameters or positioned parameters.
* String sql = "select, from customer c where like ? order by";
* Query query = database.findNative(Customer.class, sql);
* query.setParameter(1, "Rob%");
* List customers = query.findList();
* }
* @param beanType The type of entity bean to fetch
* @param nativeSql The SQL that can contain named or positioned parameters
* @return The query to set parameters and execute
Query findNative(Class beanType, String nativeSql);
* Return the next unique identity value for a given bean type.
* This will only work when a IdGenerator is on the bean such as for beans
* that use a DB sequence or UUID.
* For DB's supporting getGeneratedKeys and sequences such as Oracle10 you do
* not need to use this method generally. It is made available for more
* complex cases where it is useful to get an ID prior to some processing.
Object nextId(Class> beanType);
* Create a filter for sorting and filtering lists of entities locally without
* going back to the database.
* This produces and returns a new list with the sort and filters applied.
* Refer to {@link Filter} for an example of its use.
Filter filter(Class beanType);
* Sort the list in memory using the sortByClause which can contain a comma delimited
* list of property names and keywords asc, desc, nullsHigh and nullsLow.
* - asc - ascending order (which is the default)
* - desc - Descending order
* - nullsHigh - Treat null values as high/large values (which is the
* default)
* - nullsLow- Treat null values as low/very small values
* If you leave off any keywords the defaults are ascending order and treating
* nulls as high values.
* Note that the sorting uses a Comparator and Collections.sort(); and does
* not invoke a DB query.
* // find orders and their customers
* List list = database.find(Order.class)
* .fetch("customer")
* .order("id")
* .findList();
* // sort by customer name ascending, then by order shipDate
* // ... then by the order status descending
* database.sort(list, ", shipDate, status desc");
* // sort by customer name descending (with nulls low)
* // ... then by the order id
* database.sort(list, " desc nullsLow, id");
* }
* @param list the list of entity beans
* @param sortByClause the properties to sort the list by
void sort(List list, String sortByClause);
* Create an orm update where you will supply the insert/update or delete
* statement (rather than using a named one that is already defined using the
* @NamedUpdates annotation).
* The orm update differs from the sql update in that it you can use the bean
* name and bean property names rather than table and column names.
* An example:
* // The bean name and properties - "topic","postCount" and "id"
* // will be converted into their associated table and column names
* String updStatement = "update topic set postCount = :pc where id = :id";
* Update update = database.createUpdate(Topic.class, updStatement);
* update.set("pc", 9);
* update.set("id", 3);
* int rows = update.execute();
* System.out.println("rows updated:" + rows);
* }
Update createUpdate(Class beanType, String ormUpdate);
* Create a Query for DTO beans.
* DTO beans are just normal bean like classes with public constructor(s) and setters.
* They do not need to be registered with DB before use.
* @param dtoType The type of the DTO bean the rows will be mapped into.
* @param sql The SQL query to execute.
* @param The type of the DTO bean.
DtoQuery findDto(Class dtoType, String sql);
* Look to execute a native sql query that does not return beans but instead
* returns SqlRow or direct access to ResultSet.
* Refer to {@link DtoQuery} for native sql queries returning DTO beans.
* Refer to {@link #findNative(Class, String)} for native sql queries returning entity beans.
SqlQuery sqlQuery(String sql);
* Look to execute a native sql insert update or delete statement.
* Use this to execute a Insert Update or Delete statement. The statement will
* be native to the database and contain database table and column names.
* See {@link SqlUpdate} for example usage.
* @return The SqlUpdate instance to set parameters and execute
SqlUpdate sqlUpdate(String sql);
* Create a CallableSql to execute a given stored procedure.
CallableSql createCallableSql(String callableSql);
* Register a TransactionCallback on the currently active transaction.
* If there is no currently active transaction then a PersistenceException is thrown.
* @param transactionCallback The transaction callback to be registered with the current transaction.
* @throws PersistenceException If there is no currently active transaction
void register(TransactionCallback transactionCallback) throws PersistenceException;
* Create a new transaction that is not held in TransactionThreadLocal.
* You will want to do this if you want multiple Transactions in a single
* thread or generally use transactions outside of the TransactionThreadLocal
* management.
Transaction createTransaction();
* Create a new transaction additionally specifying the isolation level.
* Note that this transaction is NOT stored in a thread local.
Transaction createTransaction(TxIsolation isolation);
* Start a transaction with 'REQUIRED' semantics.
* With REQUIRED semantics if an active transaction already exists that transaction will be used.
* The transaction is stored in a ThreadLocal variable and typically you only
* need to use the returned Transaction IF you wish to do things like
* use batch mode, change the transaction isolation level, use savepoints or
* log comments to the transaction log.
* Example of using a transaction to span multiple calls to find(), save() etc.
Using try with resources
* {@code
* // start a transaction (stored in a ThreadLocal)
* try (Transaction txn = database.beginTransaction()) {
* Order order = database.find(Order.class, 10);
* ...
* txn.commit();
* }
* }
* Using try finally block
* {@code
* // start a transaction (stored in a ThreadLocal)
* Transaction txn = database.beginTransaction();
* try {
* Order order = database.find(Order.class,10);
* txn.commit();
* } finally {
* txn.end();
* }
* }
* Transaction options
* {@code
* try (Transaction txn = database.beginTransaction()) {
* // explicitly turn on/off JDBC batch use
* txn.setBatchMode(true);
* txn.setBatchSize(50);
* // control flushing when mixing save and queries
* txn.setBatchFlushOnQuery(false);
* // turn off persist cascade if needed
* txn.setPersistCascade(false);
* // for large batch insert processing when we do not
* // ... need the generatedKeys, don't get them
* txn.setBatchGetGeneratedKeys(false);
* // explicitly flush the JDBC batch buffer
* txn.flush();
* ...
* txn.commit();
* }
* }
* If you want to externalise the transaction management then you use
* createTransaction() and pass the transaction around to the various methods on
* Database yourself.
Transaction beginTransaction();
* Start a transaction additionally specifying the isolation level.
Transaction beginTransaction(TxIsolation isolation);
* Start a transaction typically specifying REQUIRES_NEW or REQUIRED semantics.
* Note that this provides an try finally alternative to using {@link #executeCall(TxScope, Callable)} or
* {@link #execute(TxScope, Runnable)}.
* {@code
* // Start a new transaction. If there is a current transaction
* // suspend it until this transaction ends
* try (Transaction txn = database.beginTransaction(TxScope.requiresNew())) {
* ...
* // commit the transaction
* txn.commit();
* // At end this transaction will:
* // A) will rollback transaction if it has not been committed
* // B) will restore a previously suspended transaction
* }
* }
REQUIRED example:
* {@code
* // start a new transaction if there is not a current transaction
* try (Transaction txn = database.beginTransaction(TxScope.required())) {
* ...
* // commit the transaction if it was created or
* // do nothing if there was already a current transaction
* txn.commit();
* }
* }
Transaction beginTransaction(TxScope scope);
* Returns the current transaction or null if there is no current transaction in scope.
Transaction currentTransaction();
* Flush the JDBC batch on the current transaction.
* This only is useful when JDBC batch is used. Flush occurs automatically when the
* transaction commits or batch size is reached. This manually flushes the JDBC batch
* buffer.
* This is the same as currentTransaction().flush()
void flush();
* Refresh the values of a bean.
* Note that this resets OneToMany and ManyToMany properties so that if they
* are accessed a lazy load will refresh the many property.
void refresh(Object bean);
* Refresh a many property of an entity bean.
* @param bean the entity bean containing the 'many' property
* @param propertyName the 'many' property to be refreshed
void refreshMany(Object bean, String propertyName);
* Find a bean using its unique id.
* // Fetch order 1
* Order order = database.find(Order.class, 1);
* }
* If you want more control over the query then you can use createQuery() and
* Query.findOne();
* // ... additionally fetching customer, customer shipping address,
* // order details, and the product associated with each order detail.
* // note: only product id and name is fetch (its a "partial object").
* // note: all other objects use "*" and have all their properties fetched.
* Query query = database.find(Order.class)
* .setId(1)
* .fetch("customer")
* .fetch("customer.shippingAddress")
* .fetch("details")
* .query();
* // fetch associated products but only fetch their product id and name
* query.fetch("details.product", "name");
* Order order = query.findOne();
* // traverse the object graph...
* Customer customer = order.getCustomer();
* Address shippingAddress = customer.getShippingAddress();
* List details = order.getDetails();
* OrderDetail detail0 = details.get(0);
* Product product = detail0.getProduct();
* String productName = product.getName();
* }
* @param beanType the type of entity bean to fetch
* @param id the id value
T find(Class beanType, Object id);
* Get a reference object.
* This will not perform a query against the database unless some property other
* that the id property is accessed.
* It is most commonly used to set a 'foreign key' on another bean like:
* Product product = database.getReference(Product.class, 1);
* OrderDetail orderDetail = new OrderDetail();
* // set the product 'foreign key'
* orderDetail.setProduct(product);
* orderDetail.setQuantity(42);
* ...
* }
Lazy loading characteristics
* {@code
* Product product = database.getReference(Product.class, 1);
* // You can get the id without causing a fetch/lazy load
* Long productId = product.getId();
* // If you try to get any other property a fetch/lazy loading will occur
* // This will cause a query to execute...
* String name = product.getName();
* }
* @param beanType the type of entity bean
* @param id the id value
T reference(Class beanType, Object id);
* Return the extended API for Database.
* The extended API has the options for executing queries that take an explicit
* transaction as an argument.
* Typically, we only need to use the extended API when we do NOT want to use the
* usual ThreadLocal based mechanism to obtain the current transaction but instead
* supply the transaction explicitly.
ExtendedServer extended();
* Either Insert or Update the bean depending on its state.
* If there is no current transaction one will be created and committed for
* you automatically.
* Save can cascade along relationships. For this to happen you need to
* specify a cascade of CascadeType.ALL or CascadeType.PERSIST on the
* OneToMany, OneToOne or ManyToMany annotation.
* In this example below the details property has a CascadeType.ALL set so
* saving an order will also save all its details.
* public class Order { ...
* @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy="order")
* List details;
* ...
* }
* }
* When a save cascades via a OneToMany or ManyToMany Ebean will automatically
* set the 'parent' object to the 'detail' object. In the example below in
* saving the order and cascade saving the order details the 'parent' order
* will be set against each order detail when it is saved.
void save(Object bean) throws OptimisticLockException;
* Save all the beans in the collection.
int saveAll(Collection> beans) throws OptimisticLockException;
* Save all the beans.
int saveAll(Object... beans) throws OptimisticLockException;
* Delete the bean.
* This will return true if the bean was deleted successfully or JDBC batch is being used.
* If there is no current transaction one will be created and committed for
* you automatically.
* If the Bean does not have a version property (or loaded version property) and
* the bean does not exist then this returns false indicating that nothing was
* deleted. Note that, if JDBC batch mode is used then this always returns true.
boolean delete(Object bean) throws OptimisticLockException;
* Delete the bean with an explicit transaction.
* This will return true if the bean was deleted successfully or JDBC batch is being used.
* If the Bean does not have a version property (or loaded version property) and
* the bean does not exist then this returns false indicating that nothing was
* deleted. However, if JDBC batch mode is used then this always returns true.
boolean delete(Object bean, Transaction transaction) throws OptimisticLockException;
* Delete a bean permanently without soft delete.
boolean deletePermanent(Object bean) throws OptimisticLockException;
* Delete a bean permanently without soft delete using an explicit transaction.
boolean deletePermanent(Object bean, Transaction transaction) throws OptimisticLockException;
* Delete all the beans in the collection permanently without soft delete.
int deleteAllPermanent(Collection> beans) throws OptimisticLockException;
* Delete all the beans in the collection permanently without soft delete using an explicit transaction.
int deleteAllPermanent(Collection> beans, Transaction transaction) throws OptimisticLockException;
* Delete the bean given its type and id.
int delete(Class> beanType, Object id);
* Delete the bean given its type and id with an explicit transaction.
int delete(Class> beanType, Object id, Transaction transaction);
* Delete permanent given the bean type and id.
int deletePermanent(Class> beanType, Object id);
* Delete permanent given the bean type and id with an explicit transaction.
int deletePermanent(Class> beanType, Object id, Transaction transaction);
* Delete all the beans in the collection.
int deleteAll(Collection> beans) throws OptimisticLockException;
* Delete all the beans in the collection using an explicit transaction.
int deleteAll(Collection> beans, Transaction transaction) throws OptimisticLockException;
* Delete several beans given their type and id values.
int deleteAll(Class> beanType, Collection> ids);
* Delete several beans given their type and id values with an explicit transaction.
int deleteAll(Class> beanType, Collection> ids, Transaction transaction);
* Delete permanent for several beans given their type and id values.
int deleteAllPermanent(Class> beanType, Collection> ids);
* Delete permanent for several beans given their type and id values with an explicit transaction.
int deleteAllPermanent(Class> beanType, Collection> ids, Transaction transaction);
* Execute a Sql Update Delete or Insert statement. This returns the number of
* rows that where updated, deleted or inserted. If is executed in batch then
* this returns -1. You can get the actual rowCount after commit() from
* updateSql.getRowCount().
* If you wish to execute a Sql Select natively then you should use the
* SqlQuery object or DtoQuery.
* Note that the table modification information is automatically deduced and
* you do not need to call the DB.externalModification() method when you
* use this method.
* Example:
* // example that uses 'named' parameters
* String s = "UPDATE f_topic set post_count = :count where id = :id"
* SqlUpdate update = database.createSqlUpdate(s);
* update.setParameter("id", 1);
* update.setParameter("count", 50);
* int modifiedCount = database.execute(update);
* String msg = "There where " + modifiedCount + "rows updated";
* }
* @param sqlUpdate the update sql potentially with bind values
* @return the number of rows updated or deleted. -1 if executed in batch.
* @see CallableSql
int execute(SqlUpdate sqlUpdate);
* Execute a ORM insert update or delete statement using the current
* transaction.
* This returns the number of rows that where inserted, updated or deleted.
int execute(Update> update);
* Execute a ORM insert update or delete statement with an explicit
* transaction.
int execute(Update> update, Transaction transaction);
* For making calls to stored procedures.
* Example:
* String sql = "{call sp_order_modify(?,?,?)}";
* CallableSql cs = database.createCallableSql(sql);
* cs.setParameter(1, 27);
* cs.setParameter(2, "SHIPPED");
* cs.registerOut(3, Types.INTEGER);
* cs.execute();
* // read the out parameter
* Integer returnValue = (Integer) cs.getObject(3);
* }
int execute(CallableSql callableSql);
* Inform Ebean that tables have been modified externally. These could be the
* result of from calling a stored procedure, other JDBC calls or external
* programs including other frameworks.
* If you use database.execute(UpdateSql) then the table modification information
* is automatically deduced and you do not need to call this method yourself.
* This information is used to invalidate objects out of the cache and
* potentially text indexes. This information is also automatically broadcast
* across the cluster.
* If there is a transaction then this information is placed into the current
* transactions event information. When the transaction is committed this
* information is registered (with the transaction manager). If this
* transaction is rolled back then none of the transaction event information
* registers including the information you put in via this method.
* If there is NO current transaction when you call this method then this
* information is registered immediately (with the transaction manager).
* @param tableName the name of the table that was modified
* @param inserted true if rows where inserted into the table
* @param updated true if rows on the table where updated
* @param deleted true if rows on the table where deleted
void externalModification(String tableName, boolean inserted, boolean updated, boolean deleted);
* Find a entity bean with an explicit transaction.
* @param the type of entity bean to find
* @param beanType the type of entity bean to find
* @param id the bean id value
* @param transaction the transaction to use (can be null)
T find(Class beanType, Object id, Transaction transaction);
* Insert or update a bean with an explicit transaction.
void save(Object bean, Transaction transaction) throws OptimisticLockException;
* Save all the beans in the collection with an explicit transaction.
int saveAll(Collection> beans, Transaction transaction) throws OptimisticLockException;
* This method checks the uniqueness of a bean. I.e. if the save will work. It will return the
* properties that violates an unique / primary key. This may be done in an UI save action to
* validate if the user has entered correct values.
* Note: This method queries the DB for uniqueness of all indices, so do not use it in a batch update.
* Note: This checks only the root bean!
* // there is a unique constraint on title
* Document doc = new Document();
* doc.setTitle("One flew over the cuckoo's nest");
* doc.setBody("clashes with doc1");
* Set properties = DB.checkUniqueness(doc);
* if (properties.isEmpty()) {
* // it is unique ... carry on
* } else {
* // build a user friendly message
* // to return message back to user
* String uniqueProperties = properties.toString();
* StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
* properties.forEach((it)-> {
* Object propertyValue = it.getVal(doc);
* String propertyName = it.getName();
* msg.append(" property["+propertyName+"] value["+propertyValue+"]");
* });
* // uniqueProperties > [title]
* // custom msg > property[title] value[One flew over the cuckoo's nest]
* }
* }
* @param bean The entity bean to check uniqueness on
* @return a set of Properties if constraint validation was detected or empty list.
Set checkUniqueness(Object bean);
* Same as {@link #checkUniqueness(Object)}. but with given transaction.
Set checkUniqueness(Object bean, Transaction transaction);
* Marks the entity bean as dirty.
* This is used so that when a bean that is otherwise unmodified is updated the version
* property is updated.
* An unmodified bean that is saved or updated is normally skipped and this marks the bean as
* dirty so that it is not skipped.
* Customer customer = database.find(Customer, id);
* // mark the bean as dirty so that a save() or update() will
* // increment the version property
* database.markAsDirty(customer);
* }
void markAsDirty(Object bean);
* Saves the bean using an update. If you know you are updating a bean then it is preferable to
* use this update() method rather than save().
* Stateless updates: Note that the bean does not have to be previously fetched to call
* update().You can create a new instance and set some of its properties programmatically for via
* JSON/XML marshalling etc. This is described as a 'stateless update'.
* Optimistic Locking: Note that if the version property is not set when update() is
* called then no optimistic locking is performed (internally ConcurrencyMode.NONE is used).
* // A 'stateless update' example
* Customer customer = new Customer();
* customer.setId(7);
* customer.setName("ModifiedNameNoOCC");
* database.update(customer);
* }
void update(Object bean) throws OptimisticLockException;
* Update a bean additionally specifying a transaction.
void update(Object bean, Transaction transaction) throws OptimisticLockException;
* Update a collection of beans. If there is no current transaction one is created and used to
* update all the beans in the collection.
void updateAll(Collection> beans) throws OptimisticLockException;
* Update a collection of beans with an explicit transaction.
void updateAll(Collection> beans, Transaction transaction) throws OptimisticLockException;
* Merge the bean using the default merge options (no paths specified, default delete).
* @param bean The bean to merge
void merge(Object bean);
* Merge the bean using the given merge options.
* @param bean The bean to merge
* @param options The options to control the merge
void merge(Object bean, MergeOptions options);
* Merge the bean using the given merge options and a transaction.
* @param bean The bean to merge
* @param options The options to control the merge
void merge(Object bean, MergeOptions options, Transaction transaction);
* Insert the bean.
* Compared to save() this forces bean to perform an insert rather than trying to decide
* based on the bean state. As such this is useful when you fetch beans from one database
* and want to insert them into another database (and you want to explicitly insert them).
void insert(Object bean);
* Insert the bean with options (ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE | DO NOTHING).
* Currently, this is limited to use with Postgres only,
* When using this ebean will look to determine the unique columns by looking at
* the mapping like {@code @Column(unique=true} and {@code @Index(unique=true}.
void insert(Object bean, InsertOptions insertOptions);
* Insert the bean with a transaction.
void insert(Object bean, Transaction transaction);
* Insert the beans with options (ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE | DO NOTHING) and transaction.
* Currently, this is limited to use with Postgres only,
void insert(Object bean, InsertOptions insertOptions, Transaction transaction);
* Insert a collection of beans. If there is no current transaction one is created and used to
* insert all the beans in the collection.
void insertAll(Collection> beans);
* Insert the beans with options - typically ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE | DO NOTHING.
* Currently, this is limited to use with Postgres only,
void insertAll(Collection> beans, InsertOptions options);
* Insert a collection of beans with an explicit transaction.
void insertAll(Collection> beans, Transaction transaction);
* Insert the beans with options (ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE | DO NOTHING) and transaction.
* Currently, this is limited to use with Postgres only,
void insertAll(Collection> beans, InsertOptions options, Transaction transaction);
* Execute explicitly passing a transaction.
int execute(SqlUpdate updSql, Transaction transaction);
* Execute explicitly passing a transaction.
int execute(CallableSql callableSql, Transaction transaction);
* Execute a Runnable in a Transaction with an explicit scope.
* The scope can control the transaction type, isolation and rollback semantics.
* // set specific transactional scope settings
* TxScope scope = TxScope.requiresNew().setIsolation(TxIsolation.SERIALIZABLE);
* database.execute(scope, new Runnable() {
* public void run() {
* User u1 = database.find(User.class, 1);
* ...
* }
* });
* }
void execute(TxScope scope, Runnable runnable);
* Execute a Runnable in a Transaction with the default scope.
* The default scope runs with REQUIRED and by default will rollback on any
* exception (checked or runtime).
* database.execute(() -> {
* User u1 = database.find(User.class, 1);
* User u2 = database.find(User.class, 2);
* u1.setName("u1 mod");
* u2.setName("u2 mod");
* });
* }
void execute(Runnable runnable);
* Execute a TxCallable in a Transaction with an explicit scope.
* The scope can control the transaction type, isolation and rollback
* semantics.
* // set specific transactional scope settings
* TxScope scope = TxScope.requiresNew().setIsolation(TxIsolation.SERIALIZABLE);
* database.executeCall(scope, new Callable() {
* public String call() {
* User u1 = database.find(User.class, 1);
* ...
* return u1.getEmail();
* }
* });
* }
T executeCall(TxScope scope, Callable callable);
* Execute a TxCallable in a Transaction with the default scope.
* The default scope runs with REQUIRED and by default will rollback on any
* exception (checked or runtime).
* database.executeCall(new Callable() {
* public String call() {
* User u1 = database.find(User.class, 1);
* User u2 = database.find(User.class, 2);
* u1.setName("u1 mod");
* u2.setName("u2 mod");
* return u1.getEmail();
* }
* });
* }
T executeCall(Callable callable);
* Return the manager of the server cache ("L2" cache).
ServerCacheManager cacheManager();
* Return the BackgroundExecutor service for asynchronous processing of queries.
BackgroundExecutor backgroundExecutor();
* Return the JsonContext for reading/writing JSON.
* This instance is safe to be used concurrently by multiple threads and this
* method is cheap to call.
Simple example:
* {@code
* JsonContext json = database.json();
* String jsonOutput = json.toJson(list);
* System.out.println(jsonOutput);
* }
Using PathProperties:
* {@code
* // specify just the properties we want
* PathProperties paths = PathProperties.parse("name, status, anniversary");
* List customers =
* database.find(Customer.class)
* // apply those paths to the query (only fetch what we need)
* .apply(paths)
* .where().ilike("name", "rob%")
* .findList();
* // ... get the json
* JsonContext jsonContext = database.json();
* String json = jsonContext.toJson(customers, paths);
* }
* @see FetchPath
* @see Query#apply(FetchPath)
JsonContext json();
* Return a ScriptRunner for running SQL or DDL scripts.
* Intended to use mostly in testing to run seed SQL scripts or truncate table scripts etc.
ScriptRunner script();
* Returns the set of properties/paths that are unknown (do not map to known properties or paths).
* Validate the query checking the where and orderBy expression paths to confirm if
* they represent valid properties/path for the given bean type.
Set validateQuery(Query query);
* Load and lock the bean using {@code select for update}.
* This should be executed inside a transaction and results in the bean being loaded or
* refreshed from the database and a database row lock held via {@code select for update}.
* The bean needs to have an ID property set and can be a reference bean (only has ID)
* or partially or fully populated bean. This will load all the properties of the bean
* from the database using {@code select for update} obtaining a database row lock (using WAIT).
* @param bean The entity bean that we wish to obtain a database lock on.
void lock(Object bean);
* Truncate all the given tables.
void truncate(String... tables);
* Truncate the base tables for the given bean types.
void truncate(Class>... beanTypes);