io.ebeaninternal.server.query.SqlTreeNodeBean Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.ebeaninternal.server.query;
import io.ebean.util.SplitName;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.DbSqlContext;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.InheritInfo;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.TableJoin;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.id.IdBinder;
import java.util.*;
* Normal bean included in the query.
class SqlTreeNodeBean implements SqlTreeNode {
private static final SqlTreeLoad[] NO_LOAD_CHILDREN = new SqlTreeLoad[0];
final STreeType desc;
final IdBinder idBinder;
* The children which will be other SelectBean or SelectProxyBean.
final List children;
* Set to true if this is a partial object fetch.
boolean partialObject;
STreeProperty[] properties;
* Extra where clause added by Where annotation on associated many.
final String extraWhere;
final STreePropertyAssoc nodeBeanProp;
* False if report bean and has no id property.
final boolean readId;
final boolean readIdNormal;
final boolean disableLazyLoad;
final boolean readOnly;
final InheritInfo inheritInfo;
final String prefix;
final Map pathMap;
final STreePropertyAssocMany lazyLoadParent;
final SpiQuery.TemporalMode temporalMode;
final boolean temporalVersions;
final IdBinder lazyLoadParentIdBinder;
String baseTableAlias;
* Table alias set if this bean node includes a join to a intersection
* table and that table has history support.
boolean intersectionAsOfTableAlias;
final boolean aggregation;
* Construct for leaf node.
SqlTreeNodeBean(String prefix, STreePropertyAssoc beanProp, SqlTreeProperties props,
List myChildren, boolean withId, SqlTreeCommon common) {
this(prefix, beanProp, beanProp.target(), props, myChildren, withId, null, common);
* Construct for root node.
SqlTreeNodeBean(STreeType desc, SqlTreeProperties props, List myList, boolean withId,
STreePropertyAssocMany many, SqlTreeCommon common) {
this(null, null, desc, props, myList, withId, many, common);
* Create with the appropriate node.
private SqlTreeNodeBean(String prefix, STreePropertyAssoc beanProp, STreeType desc, SqlTreeProperties props,
List myChildren, boolean withId, STreePropertyAssocMany lazyLoadParent,
SqlTreeCommon common) {
this.lazyLoadParent = lazyLoadParent;
this.lazyLoadParentIdBinder = (lazyLoadParent == null) ? null : lazyLoadParent.idBinder();
this.prefix = prefix;
this.desc = desc;
this.inheritInfo = desc.inheritInfo();
this.idBinder = desc.idBinder();
this.temporalMode = common.temporalMode();
this.temporalVersions = temporalMode == SpiQuery.TemporalMode.VERSIONS;
this.nodeBeanProp = beanProp;
this.extraWhere = (beanProp == null) ? null : beanProp.extraWhere();
this.aggregation = props.isAggregation();
boolean aggregationRoot = props.isAggregationRoot();
// the bean has an Id property and we want to use it
this.readId = !aggregationRoot && withId && desc.hasId();
this.readIdNormal = readId && !temporalVersions;
this.disableLazyLoad = common.disableLazyLoad() || !readIdNormal || desc.isRawSqlBased();
this.readOnly = common.readOnly();
this.partialObject = props.isPartialObject();
this.properties = props.props();
this.children = myChildren == null ? Collections.emptyList() : myChildren;
this.pathMap = createPathMap(prefix, desc);
public SqlTreeLoad createLoad() {
return new SqlTreeLoadBean(this);
protected SqlTreeLoad[] createLoadChildren() {
if (children.isEmpty()) {
List loadChildren = new ArrayList<>(children.size());
for (SqlTreeNode child : children) {
SqlTreeLoad load = child.createLoad();
if (load != null) {
return loadChildren.toArray(new SqlTreeLoad[0]);
public final boolean isSingleProperty() {
return properties != null && properties.length == 1 && children.isEmpty();
private Map createPathMap(String prefix, STreeType desc) {
return prefix == null ? Collections.emptyMap() : desc.pathMap(prefix);
private String path(String prefix, String propertyName) {
return prefix == null ? propertyName : prefix + "." + propertyName;
public final void buildRawSqlSelectChain(List selectChain) {
if (readId) {
if (inheritInfo != null) {
// discriminator column always proceeds id column
selectChain.add(path(prefix, inheritInfo.getDiscriminatorColumn()));
idBinder.buildRawSqlSelectChain(prefix, selectChain);
for (STreeProperty property : properties) {
property.buildRawSqlSelectChain(prefix, selectChain);
// recursively continue reading...
for (SqlTreeNode child : children) {
// read each child... and let them set their
// values back to this localBean
public final void appendGroupBy(DbSqlContext ctx, boolean subQuery) {
if (lazyLoadParent != null) {
lazyLoadParent.addSelectExported(ctx, prefix);
if (readId) {
appendSelectId(ctx, idBinder.beanProperty());
for (STreeProperty property : properties) {
if (!property.isAggregation()) {
property.appendSelect(ctx, subQuery);
for (SqlTreeNode child : children) {
child.appendGroupBy(ctx, subQuery);
* Append the property columns to the buffer.
public void appendDistinctOn(DbSqlContext ctx, boolean subQuery) {
for (SqlTreeNode child : children) {
child.appendDistinctOn(ctx, subQuery);
* Append the property columns to the buffer.
public final void appendSelect(DbSqlContext ctx, boolean subQuery) {
if (temporalVersions) {
// select sys_period lower and upper columns
if (lazyLoadParent != null) {
lazyLoadParent.addSelectExported(ctx, prefix);
if (readId) {
if (!subQuery && inheritInfo != null) {
appendSelectId(ctx, idBinder.beanProperty());
appendSelect(ctx, subQuery, properties);
for (SqlTreeNode child : children) {
child.appendSelect(ctx, subQuery);
public final boolean isAggregation() {
if (aggregation) {
return true;
for (SqlTreeNode child : children) {
if (child.isAggregation()) {
return true;
return false;
* Append the properties to the buffer.
private void appendSelect(DbSqlContext ctx, boolean subQuery, STreeProperty[] props) {
for (STreeProperty prop : props) {
prop.appendSelect(ctx, subQuery);
final void appendSelectId(DbSqlContext ctx, STreeProperty prop) {
if (prop != null) {
prop.appendSelect(ctx, false);
public final void appendWhere(DbSqlContext ctx) {
// Only apply inheritance to root node as any join will already have the inheritance join include - see TableJoin
if (inheritInfo != null && nodeBeanProp == null) {
if (!inheritInfo.isRoot()) {
// restrict to this type and sub types of this type.
if (ctx.length() > 0) {
ctx.append(" and");
ctx.append(" ").append(ctx.tableAlias(prefix)).append(".");
for (SqlTreeNode child : children) {
void appendExtraWhere(DbSqlContext ctx) {
if (extraWhere != null) {
if (ctx.length() > 0) {
ctx.append(" and");
String ta = ctx.tableAlias(prefix);
ctx.append(" ").append(extraWhere.replace("${ta}", ta));
* Append to the FROM clause for this node.
public void appendFrom(DbSqlContext ctx, SqlJoinType joinType) {
if (nodeBeanProp != null && nodeBeanProp.isFormula()) {
// add joins for formula beans
nodeBeanProp.appendFrom(ctx, joinType, null);
baseTableAlias = ctx.tableAlias(prefix);
// join and return SqlJoinType to use for child joins
joinType = appendFromBaseTable(ctx, joinType);
for (STreeProperty property : properties) {
// usually nothing... except for 1-1 Exported
property.appendFrom(ctx, joinType, null);
for (SqlTreeNode child : children) {
child.appendFrom(ctx, joinType);
public final void addSoftDeletePredicate(SpiQuery> query) {
if (desc.isSoftDelete()) {
public void addAsOfTableAlias(SpiQuery> query) {
// do nothing for non-root, handled by DbSqlContext for joins
public void dependentTables(Set tables) {
for (SqlTreeNode child : children) {
* Join to base table for this node. This includes a join to the intersection
* table if this is a ManyToMany node.
SqlJoinType appendFromBaseTable(DbSqlContext ctx, SqlJoinType joinType) {
SqlJoinType sqlJoinType = appendFromAsJoin(ctx, joinType);
if (inheritInfo != null) {
if (desc.isSoftDelete() && temporalMode != SpiQuery.TemporalMode.SOFT_DELETED) {
ctx.append(" and ").append(desc.softDeletePredicate(ctx.tableAlias(prefix)));
return sqlJoinType;
SqlJoinType appendFromAsJoin(DbSqlContext ctx, SqlJoinType joinType) {
if (nodeBeanProp instanceof STreePropertyAssocMany) {
STreePropertyAssocMany manyProp = (STreePropertyAssocMany) nodeBeanProp;
if (manyProp.hasJoinTable()) {
String alias = ctx.tableAlias(prefix);
String[] split = SplitName.split(prefix);
String parentAlias = ctx.tableAlias(split[0]);
String alias2 = alias + "z_";
// adding the additional join to the intersection table
TableJoin manyToManyJoin = manyProp.intersectionTableJoin();
manyToManyJoin.addJoin(joinType, parentAlias, alias2, ctx);
if (!manyProp.isExcludedFromHistory()) {
intersectionAsOfTableAlias = true;
return nodeBeanProp.addJoin(joinType, alias2, alias, ctx);
return nodeBeanProp.addJoin(joinType, prefix, ctx);
void appendJoinDiscriminator(DbSqlContext ctx) {
if (inheritInfo.getWhere() == null) return;
String alias = ctx.tableAlias(prefix);
ctx.append(" and ").append(alias).append(".").append(inheritInfo.getWhere());
* Summary description.
public String toString() {
return "SqlTreeNodeBean: " + desc;
public boolean hasMany() {
for (SqlTreeNode child : children) {
if (child.hasMany()) {
return true;
return false;
public void unselectLobsForPlatform() {
if (children != null) {
for (SqlTreeNode child : children) {
if (hasLob()) {
List lst = new ArrayList<>();
for (STreeProperty prop : properties) {
if (!prop.isLobForPlatform()) {
properties = lst.toArray(new STreeProperty[0]);
partialObject = true;
private boolean hasLob() {
for (STreeProperty prop : properties) {
if (prop.isLobForPlatform()) {
return true;
return false;
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