io.ebeaninternal.server.query.SqlTreeLoadBean Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.ebeaninternal.server.query;
import io.ebean.bean.BeanCollection;
import io.ebean.bean.EntityBean;
import io.ebean.bean.EntityBeanIntercept;
import io.ebean.bean.PersistenceContext;
import io.ebean.core.type.ScalarDataReader;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.CoreLog;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery.Mode;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.DbReadContext;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.id.IdBinder;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Map;
import static java.lang.System.Logger.Level.DEBUG;
* Normal bean included in the query.
class SqlTreeLoadBean implements SqlTreeLoad {
final STreeType desc;
final IdBinder idBinder;
final SqlTreeLoad[] children;
private final boolean partialObject;
private final STreeProperty[] properties;
private final STreePropertyAssoc nodeBeanProp;
final boolean readId;
private final boolean readIdNormal;
private final boolean disableLazyLoad;
private final boolean readOnlyNoIntercept;
final String prefix;
private final Map pathMap;
final STreePropertyAssocMany lazyLoadParent;
private final SpiQuery.TemporalMode temporalMode;
private final boolean temporalVersions;
final IdBinder lazyLoadParentIdBinder;
private final STreePropertyAssocMany loadingChildProperty;
SqlTreeLoadBean(SqlTreeNodeBean node) {
this.lazyLoadParent = node.lazyLoadParent;
this.lazyLoadParentIdBinder = node.lazyLoadParentIdBinder;
this.prefix = node.prefix;
this.desc = node.desc;
this.idBinder = desc.idBinder();
this.temporalMode = node.temporalMode;
this.temporalVersions = node.temporalVersions;
this.nodeBeanProp = node.nodeBeanProp;
this.readId = node.readId;
this.readIdNormal = readId && !temporalVersions;
this.disableLazyLoad = node.disableLazyLoad;
this.readOnlyNoIntercept = disableLazyLoad && node.readOnly;
this.partialObject = node.partialObject;
this.properties = node.properties;
this.pathMap = node.pathMap;
this.children = node.createLoadChildren();
this.loadingChildProperty = loadingChildProperty();
private STreePropertyAssocMany loadingChildProperty() {
for (SqlTreeLoad child : children) {
if (child instanceof SqlTreeLoadManyRoot) {
return ((SqlTreeLoadManyRoot) child).manyProp();
return null;
boolean isRoot() {
return false;
public final ScalarDataReader> singleAttributeReader() {
if (properties == null || properties.length == 0) {
// if we have no property ask first children (in a distinct select with join)
if (children.length == 0) {
// expected to be a findIds query
return desc.idBinder().beanProperty();
return children[0].singleAttributeReader();
if (properties[0] instanceof STreePropertyAssocOne) {
STreePropertyAssocOne assocOne = (STreePropertyAssocOne)properties[0];
if (assocOne.isAssocId()) {
return assocOne.idReader();
return properties[0];
* Load a bean instance.
class Load {
final DbReadContext ctx;
final EntityBean parentBean;
Object lazyLoadParentId;
Class> localType;
STreeType localDesc;
IdBinder localIdBinder;
EntityBean localBean;
Mode queryMode;
PersistenceContext persistenceContext;
Object id;
EntityBean contextBean;
SqlBeanLoad sqlBeanLoad;
boolean lazyLoadMany;
boolean usingContextBean;
private Load(DbReadContext ctx, EntityBean parentBean) {
this.ctx = ctx;
this.parentBean = parentBean;
private void initLazyParent() throws SQLException {
if (lazyLoadParentIdBinder != null) {
lazyLoadParentId = lazyLoadParentIdBinder.read(ctx);
void initBeanType() throws SQLException {
localDesc = desc;
localBean = desc.createEntityBean2(readOnlyNoIntercept);
localIdBinder = idBinder;
private void initPersistenceContext() {
queryMode = ctx.queryMode();
persistenceContext = (!readIdNormal) ? null : ctx.persistenceContext();
private void readId() throws SQLException {
if (readId) {
id = localIdBinder.readSet(ctx, localBean);
if (id == null) {
} else if (!temporalVersions) {
private void readIdBean() {
// check the PersistenceContext to see if the bean already exists
contextBean = (EntityBean) localDesc.contextPutIfAbsent(persistenceContext, id, localBean);
if (contextBean == null) {
// bean just added to the persistenceContext
contextBean = localBean;
} else {
// bean already exists in persistenceContext
usingContextBean = true;
if (ctx.isLoadContextBean()) {
// if explicitly set loadContextBean to true, then reload
localBean = contextBean;
} else if (!contextBean._ebean_getIntercept().isFullyLoadedBean()) {
// reload if contextBean is partial object
localBean = contextBean;
// and switch to lazyLoad query mode in order not to overwrite
// existing properties in SqlBeanLoad::load
queryMode = Mode.LAZYLOAD_BEAN;
} else {
// ignore the DB data...
localBean = null;
private void readIdNullBean() {
// bean must be null...
localBean = null;
// ... but there may exist as reference bean in parent which has to be marked as deleted.
if (parentBean != null && nodeBeanProp instanceof STreePropertyAssocOne) {
contextBean = ((STreePropertyAssocOne)nodeBeanProp).valueAsEntityBean(parentBean);
if (contextBean != null) {
if (CoreLog.markedAsDeleted.isLoggable(DEBUG)) {
CoreLog.markedAsDeleted.log(DEBUG, contextBean + " contextBean markedAsDeleted", new RuntimeException(contextBean + " contextBean markedAsDeleted"));
private void initSqlLoadBean() {
ctx.setCurrentPrefix(prefix, pathMap);
sqlBeanLoad = new SqlBeanLoad(ctx, localType, localBean, queryMode);
void loadProperties() {
for (STreeProperty property : properties) {
private void loadChildren() throws SQLException {
if (localBean == null && queryMode == Mode.LAZYLOAD_MANY) {
// batch lazy load many into existing contextBean
localBean = contextBean;
lazyLoadMany = true;
for (SqlTreeLoad child : children) {
child.load(ctx, localBean, contextBean);
private boolean isLazyLoadManyRoot() {
return queryMode == Mode.LAZYLOAD_MANY && isRoot();
private EntityBean contextBean() {
return contextBean;
private void postLoad() {
if (!lazyLoadMany && localBean != null) {
ctx.setCurrentPrefix(prefix, pathMap);
if (readIdNormal) {
EntityBeanIntercept ebi = localBean._ebean_getIntercept();
if (Mode.LAZYLOAD_BEAN == queryMode) {
// Lazy Load does not reset the dirty state
} else if (readId) {
// normal bean loading
if (disableLazyLoad) {
// bean does not have an Id or is SqlSelect based
if (!partialObject) {
} else if (!partialObject) {
} else if (readId && !usingContextBean) {
// register for lazy loading if bean is new
ctx.register(null, ebi);
if (ctx.isAutoTuneProfiling() && !disableLazyLoad) {
// collect autoTune profiling for this bean...
ctx.profileBean(ebi, prefix);
* Create lazy loading proxies for the Many's except for the one that is
* included in the actual query.
private void createListProxies() {
boolean forceNewReference = queryMode == Mode.REFRESH_BEAN;
for (STreePropertyAssocMany many : localDesc.propsMany()) {
if (many != loadingChildProperty) {
if (readOnlyNoIntercept) {
} else {
// create a proxy for the many (deferred fetching)
BeanCollection> ref = many.createReference(localBean, forceNewReference);
if (ref != null) {
if (disableLazyLoad) {
if (!ref.isRegisteredWithLoadContext()) {
ctx.register(many.asMany(), ref);
private void setBeanToParent() {
if (parentBean != null) {
// set this back to the parentBean
nodeBeanProp.setValue(parentBean, contextBean);
private EntityBean complete() {
if (!readIdNormal) {
// a bean with no Id (never found in context)
if (lazyLoadParentId != null) {
ctx.setLazyLoadedChildBean(localBean, lazyLoadParentId);
return localBean;
} else {
if (lazyLoadParentId != null) {
ctx.setLazyLoadedChildBean(contextBean, lazyLoadParentId);
return contextBean;
private void initialise() throws SQLException {
* Perform the load returning the loaded bean.
final EntityBean perform() throws SQLException {
if (isLazyLoadManyRoot()) {
return contextBean();
return complete();
* Return true if this bean was already in the context. If already in the
* context we need to check if it is already contained in the collection.
final boolean isContextBean() {
return usingContextBean;
* read the properties from the resultSet.
public EntityBean load(DbReadContext ctx, EntityBean parentBean, EntityBean contextParent) throws SQLException {
return createLoad(ctx, parentBean).perform();
* Create the loader with or without inheritance.
final Load createLoad(DbReadContext ctx, EntityBean parentBean) {
return new Load(ctx, parentBean);
public String toString() {
return "SqlTreeLoadBean: " + desc;
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