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io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptorCacheHelp Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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composite of common runtime dependencies for all platforms
package io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy;
import io.ebean.bean.BeanCollection;
import io.ebean.bean.EntityBean;
import io.ebean.bean.EntityBeanIntercept;
import io.ebean.bean.PersistenceContext;
import io.ebean.cache.QueryCacheEntry;
import io.ebean.cache.ServerCache;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.BeanCacheResult;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiCacheControl;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiCacheRegion;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiTransaction;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.TransactionEventTable.TableIUD;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.cache.CacheChangeSet;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.cache.CachedBeanData;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.cache.CachedBeanDataFromBean;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.cache.CachedBeanDataToBean;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.cache.CachedManyIds;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.cache.SpiCacheManager;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.CacheOptions;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistRequest;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistRequestBean;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.transaction.DefaultPersistenceContext;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Helper for BeanDescriptor that manages the bean, query and collection caches.
* @param The entity bean type
final class BeanDescriptorCacheHelp {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BeanDescriptorCacheHelp.class);
private static final Logger queryLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger("io.ebean.cache.QUERY");
private static final Logger beanLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger("io.ebean.cache.BEAN");
private static final Logger manyLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger("io.ebean.cache.COLL");
private static final Logger natLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger("io.ebean.cache.NATKEY");
private final BeanDescriptor desc;
private final SpiCacheManager cacheManager;
private final CacheOptions cacheOptions;
* Flag indicating this bean has no relationships.
private final boolean cacheSharableBeans;
private final boolean invalidateQueryCache;
private final Class> beanType;
private final String cacheName;
private final BeanPropertyAssocOne>[] propertiesOneImported;
private final String[] naturalKey;
private final ServerCache beanCache;
private final ServerCache naturalKeyCache;
private final ServerCache queryCache;
private final boolean noCaching;
private final SpiCacheControl cacheControl;
private final SpiCacheRegion cacheRegion;
* Set to true if all persist changes need to notify the cache.
private boolean cacheNotifyOnAll;
* Set to true if delete changes need to notify cache.
private boolean cacheNotifyOnDelete;
BeanDescriptorCacheHelp(BeanDescriptor desc, SpiCacheManager cacheManager, CacheOptions cacheOptions,
boolean cacheSharableBeans, BeanPropertyAssocOne>[] propertiesOneImported) {
this.desc = desc;
this.beanType = desc.rootBeanType;
this.cacheName = beanType.getSimpleName();
this.cacheManager = cacheManager;
this.cacheOptions = cacheOptions;
this.invalidateQueryCache = cacheOptions.isInvalidateQueryCache();
this.cacheSharableBeans = cacheSharableBeans;
this.propertiesOneImported = propertiesOneImported;
this.naturalKey = cacheOptions.getNaturalKey();
if (!cacheOptions.isEnableQueryCache()) {
this.queryCache = null;
} else {
this.queryCache = cacheManager.getQueryCache(beanType);
if (cacheOptions.isEnableBeanCache()) {
this.beanCache = cacheManager.getBeanCache(beanType);
if (cacheOptions.getNaturalKey() != null) {
this.naturalKeyCache = cacheManager.getNaturalKeyCache(beanType);
} else {
this.naturalKeyCache = null;
} else {
this.beanCache = null;
this.naturalKeyCache = null;
this.noCaching = (beanCache == null && queryCache == null);
if (noCaching) {
this.cacheControl = DCacheControlNone.INSTANCE;
this.cacheRegion = (invalidateQueryCache) ? cacheManager.getRegion(cacheOptions.getRegion()) : DCacheRegionNone.INSTANCE;
} else {
this.cacheRegion = cacheManager.getRegion(cacheOptions.getRegion());
this.cacheControl = new DCacheControl(cacheRegion, (beanCache != null), (naturalKeyCache != null), (queryCache != null));
* Derive the cache notify flags.
void deriveNotifyFlags() {
cacheNotifyOnAll = (invalidateQueryCache || beanCache != null || queryCache != null);
cacheNotifyOnDelete = !cacheNotifyOnAll && isNotifyOnDeletes();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
if (cacheNotifyOnAll || cacheNotifyOnDelete) {
String notifyMode = cacheNotifyOnAll ? "All" : "Delete";
logger.debug("l2 caching on {} - beanCaching:{} queryCaching:{} notifyMode:{} ",
desc.getFullName(), isBeanCaching(), isQueryCaching(), notifyMode);
* Return true if there is an imported bi-directional relationship to a bea
* that does have bean caching enabled.
private boolean isNotifyOnDeletes() {
for (BeanPropertyAssocOne> imported : propertiesOneImported) {
if (imported.isCacheNotifyRelationship()) {
return true;
return false;
* Return true if the persist request needs to notify the cache.
boolean isCacheNotify(PersistRequest.Type type) {
return cacheRegion.isEnabled()
&& (cacheNotifyOnAll || cacheNotifyOnDelete && (type == PersistRequest.Type.DELETE || type == PersistRequest.Type.DELETE_PERMANENT));
* Return true if there is currently query caching for this type of bean.
boolean isQueryCaching() {
return cacheControl.isQueryCaching();
* Return true if there is currently bean caching for this type of bean.
boolean isBeanCaching() {
return cacheControl.isBeanCaching();
* Return true if there is natural key caching for this type of bean.
boolean isNaturalKeyCaching() {
return cacheControl.isNaturalKeyCaching();
* Return true if there is bean or query caching on this type.
boolean isCaching() {
return cacheControl.isCaching();
* Return the natural key properties.
String[] getNaturalKey() {
return naturalKey;
CacheOptions getCacheOptions() {
return cacheOptions;
* Clear the query cache.
void queryCacheClear() {
if (queryCache != null) {
if (queryLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
queryLog.debug(" CLEAR {}", cacheName);
* Add query cache clear to the changeSet.
private void queryCacheClear(CacheChangeSet changeSet) {
if (queryCache != null) {
* Get a query result from the query cache.
Object queryCacheGet(Object id) {
if (queryCache == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No query cache enabled on " + desc + ". Need explicit @Cache(enableQueryCache=true)");
Object queryResult = queryCache.get(id);
if (queryLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
if (queryResult == null) {
queryLog.debug(" GET {}({}) - cache miss", cacheName, id);
} else {
queryLog.debug(" GET {}({}) - hit", cacheName, id);
return queryResult;
* Put a query result into the query cache.
void queryCachePut(Object id, QueryCacheEntry entry) {
if (queryCache == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No query cache enabled on " + desc + ". Need explicit @Cache(enableQueryCache=true)");
if (queryLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
queryLog.debug(" PUT {}({})", cacheName, id);
queryCache.put(id, entry);
void manyPropRemove(String propertyName, Object parentId) {
ServerCache collectionIdsCache = cacheManager.getCollectionIdsCache(beanType, propertyName);
if (manyLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
manyLog.trace(" REMOVE {}({}).{}", cacheName, parentId, propertyName);
void manyPropClear(String propertyName) {
ServerCache collectionIdsCache = cacheManager.getCollectionIdsCache(beanType, propertyName);
if (manyLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
manyLog.debug(" CLEAR {}(*).{} ", cacheName, propertyName);
* Return the CachedManyIds for a given bean many property. Returns null if not in the cache.
private CachedManyIds manyPropGet(Object parentId, String propertyName) {
ServerCache collectionIdsCache = cacheManager.getCollectionIdsCache(beanType, propertyName);
CachedManyIds entry = (CachedManyIds) collectionIdsCache.get(parentId);
if (entry == null) {
if (manyLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
manyLog.trace(" GET {}({}).{} - cache miss", cacheName, parentId, propertyName);
} else if (manyLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
manyLog.debug(" GET {}({}).{} - hit", cacheName, parentId, propertyName);
return entry;
* Try to load the bean collection from cache return true if successful.
boolean manyPropLoad(BeanPropertyAssocMany> many, BeanCollection> bc, Object parentId, Boolean readOnly) {
if (many.isElementCollection()) {
// held as part of the bean cache so skip
return false;
CachedManyIds entry = manyPropGet(parentId, many.getName());
if (entry == null) {
// not in cache so return unsuccessful
return false;
EntityBean ownerBean = bc.getOwnerBean();
EntityBeanIntercept ebi = ownerBean._ebean_getIntercept();
PersistenceContext persistenceContext = ebi.getPersistenceContext();
BeanDescriptor> targetDescriptor = many.getTargetDescriptor();
List idList = entry.getIdList();
for (Object id : idList) {
Object refBean = targetDescriptor.createReference(readOnly, false, id, persistenceContext);
many.add(bc, (EntityBean) refBean);
return true;
* Put the beanCollection into the cache.
void manyPropPut(BeanPropertyAssocMany> many, Object details, Object parentId) {
if (many.isElementCollection()) {
CachedBeanData data = (CachedBeanData) beanCache.get(parentId);
if (data != null) {
try {
// add as JSON to bean cache
String asJson = many.jsonWriteCollection(details);
Map changes = new HashMap<>();
changes.put(many.getName(), asJson);
CachedBeanData newData = data.update(changes, data.getVersion());
if (beanLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
beanLog.debug(" UPDATE {}({}) changes:{}", cacheName, parentId, changes);
beanCache.put(parentId, newData);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("Error updating L2 cache", e);
} else {
CachedManyIds entry = createManyIds(many, details);
if (entry != null) {
cachePutManyIds(parentId, many.getName(), entry);
void cachePutManyIds(Object parentId, String manyName, CachedManyIds entry) {
ServerCache collectionIdsCache = cacheManager.getCollectionIdsCache(beanType, manyName);
if (manyLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
manyLog.debug(" PUT {}({}).{} - ids:{}", cacheName, parentId, manyName, entry);
collectionIdsCache.put(parentId, entry);
private CachedManyIds createManyIds(BeanPropertyAssocMany> many, Object details) {
Collection> actualDetails = BeanCollectionUtil.getActualDetails(details);
if (actualDetails == null) {
return null;
BeanDescriptor> targetDescriptor = many.getTargetDescriptor();
List idList = new ArrayList<>(actualDetails.size());
for (Object bean : actualDetails) {
idList.add(targetDescriptor.getId((EntityBean) bean));
return new CachedManyIds(idList);
* Hit the bean cache with the given ids returning the hits.
BeanCacheResult cacheIdLookup(PersistenceContext context, Collection> ids) {
Set keys = new HashSet<>(ids.size());
for (Object id : ids) {
Map beanDataMap = beanCache.getAll(keys);
if (beanLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
beanLog.trace(" MGET {}({}) - hits:{}", cacheName, ids, beanDataMap.keySet());
BeanCacheResult result = new BeanCacheResult<>();
for (Map.Entry entry : beanDataMap.entrySet()) {
CachedBeanData cachedBeanData = (CachedBeanData) entry.getValue();
T bean = convertToBean(entry.getKey(), false, context, cachedBeanData);
result.add(bean, desc.getBeanId(bean));
return result;
* Use natural keys to hit the bean cache and return resulting hits.
BeanCacheResult naturalKeyLookup(PersistenceContext context, Set keys) {
if (context == null) {
context = new DefaultPersistenceContext();
// naturalKey -> Id map
Map naturalKeyMap = naturalKeyCache.getAll(keys);
if (natLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
natLog.trace(" MLOOKUP {}({}) - hits:{}", cacheName, keys, naturalKeyMap);
BeanCacheResult result = new BeanCacheResult<>();
if (naturalKeyMap.isEmpty()) {
return result;
// create reverse id -> natural key map
Map reverseMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry entry : naturalKeyMap.entrySet()) {
reverseMap.put(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey());
Set ids = new HashSet<>(naturalKeyMap.values());
Map beanDataMap = beanCache.getAll(ids);
if (beanLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
beanLog.trace(" MGET {}({}) - hits:{}", cacheName, ids, beanDataMap.keySet());
// process the hits into beans etc
for (Map.Entry entry : beanDataMap.entrySet()) {
Object id = entry.getKey();
CachedBeanData cachedBeanData = (CachedBeanData) entry.getValue();
T bean = convertToBean(id, false, context, cachedBeanData);
Object naturalKey = reverseMap.get(id);
result.add(bean, naturalKey);
return result;
* For a bean built from the cache this sets up its persistence context for future lazy loading etc.
private void setupContext(Object bean, PersistenceContext context) {
if (context == null) {
context = new DefaultPersistenceContext();
// Not using a loadContext for beans coming out of L2 cache
// so that means no batch lazy loading for these beans
EntityBean entityBean = (EntityBean) bean;
EntityBeanIntercept ebi = entityBean._ebean_getIntercept();
Object id = desc.getId(entityBean);
desc.contextPut(context, id, bean);
* Return the beanCache creating it if necessary.
private ServerCache getBeanCache() {
if (beanCache == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No bean cache enabled for " + desc + ". Add the @Cache annotation.");
return beanCache;
* Clear the bean cache.
void beanCacheClear() {
if (beanCache != null) {
if (beanLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
beanLog.debug(" CLEAR {}", cacheName);
CachedBeanData beanExtractData(BeanDescriptor> targetDesc, EntityBean bean) {
return CachedBeanDataFromBean.extract(targetDesc, bean);
void beanPutAll(Collection beans) {
if (desc.inheritInfo != null) {
Class> aClass = theClassOf(beans);
// check if all beans have the same class
for (EntityBean bean : beans) {
if (!bean.getClass().equals(aClass)) {
aClass = null;
if (aClass == null) {
// there are different bean types in the collection, so we add one by one to the cache
for (EntityBean bean : beans) {
} else {
} else {
private Class> theClassOf(Collection beans) {
if (beans instanceof List) {
return ((List>) beans).get(0).getClass();
return beans.iterator().next().getClass();
* Put a bean into the bean cache.
void beanCachePut(EntityBean bean) {
if (desc.inheritInfo != null) {
} else {
void beanCachePutAllDirect(Collection beans) {
Map natKeys = null;
if (naturalKey != null) {
natKeys = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (EntityBean bean : beans) {
CachedBeanData beanData = beanExtractData(desc, bean);
String key = desc.cacheKeyForBean(bean);
map.put(key, beanData);
if (naturalKey != null) {
Object naturalKey = calculateNaturalKey(beanData);
if (naturalKey != null) {
natKeys.put(naturalKey, key);
if (beanLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
beanLog.debug(" MPUT {}({})", cacheName, map.keySet());
if (natKeys != null && !natKeys.isEmpty()) {
if (natLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
natLog.debug(" MPUT {}({}, {})", cacheName, naturalKey, natKeys.keySet());
* Put the bean into the bean cache.
void beanCachePutDirect(EntityBean bean) {
CachedBeanData beanData = beanExtractData(desc, bean);
String key = desc.cacheKeyForBean(bean);
if (beanLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
beanLog.debug(" PUT {}({}) data:{}", cacheName, key, beanData);
getBeanCache().put(key, beanData);
if (naturalKey != null) {
String naturalKey = calculateNaturalKey(beanData);
if (naturalKey != null) {
if (natLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
natLog.debug(" PUT {}({}, {})", cacheName, naturalKey, key);
naturalKeyCache.put(naturalKey, key);
private String calculateNaturalKey(CachedBeanData beanData) {
if (naturalKey.length == 1) {
Object data = beanData.getData(naturalKey[0]);
return (data == null) ? null : data.toString();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (String key : naturalKey) {
Object val = beanData.getData(key);
if (val == null) {
return null;
return sb.toString();
CachedBeanData beanCacheGetData(String key) {
return (CachedBeanData) getBeanCache().get(key);
T beanCacheGet(String key, Boolean readOnly, PersistenceContext context) {
T bean = beanCacheGetInternal(key, readOnly, context);
if (bean != null) {
setupContext(bean, context);
return bean;
* Return a bean from the bean cache.
private T beanCacheGetInternal(String key, Boolean readOnly, PersistenceContext context) {
CachedBeanData data = (CachedBeanData) getBeanCache().get(key);
if (data == null) {
if (beanLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
beanLog.trace(" GET {}({}) - cache miss", cacheName, key);
return null;
if (beanLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
beanLog.trace(" GET {}({}) - hit", cacheName, key);
return convertToBean(key, readOnly, context, data);
private T convertToBean(Object id, Boolean readOnly, PersistenceContext context, CachedBeanData data) {
if (cacheSharableBeans && !Boolean.FALSE.equals(readOnly)) {
Object bean = data.getSharableBean();
if (bean != null) {
if (beanLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
beanLog.trace(" GET {}({}) - hit shared bean", cacheName, id);
if (desc.isReadAuditing()) {
desc.readAuditBean("l2", "", bean);
return (T) bean;
return (T) loadBean(id, readOnly, data, context);
* Load the entity bean taking into account inheritance.
private EntityBean loadBean(Object id, Boolean readOnly, CachedBeanData data, PersistenceContext context) {
String discValue = data.getDiscValue();
if (discValue == null) {
return loadBeanDirect(id, readOnly, data, context);
} else {
return rootDescriptor(discValue).cacheBeanLoadDirect(id, readOnly, data, context);
* Return the root BeanDescriptor for inheritance.
private BeanDescriptor> rootDescriptor(String discValue) {
return desc.inheritInfo.readType(discValue).desc();
* Load the entity bean from cache data given this is the root bean type.
EntityBean loadBeanDirect(Object id, Boolean readOnly, CachedBeanData data, PersistenceContext context) {
id = desc.convertId(id);
EntityBean bean = null;
if (context == null) {
context = new DefaultPersistenceContext();
} else {
bean = (EntityBean)desc.contextGet(context, id);
if (bean == null) {
bean = desc.createEntityBean();
desc.setId(id, bean);
desc.contextPut(context, id, bean);
EntityBeanIntercept ebi = bean._ebean_getIntercept();
// Not using loadContext here so no batch lazy loading for these beans
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(readOnly)) {
CachedBeanDataToBean.load(desc, bean, data, context);
if (desc.isReadAuditing()) {
desc.readAuditBean("l2", "", bean);
return bean;
* Load the embedded bean checking for inheritance.
EntityBean embeddedBeanLoad(CachedBeanData data, PersistenceContext context) {
String discValue = data.getDiscValue();
if (discValue == null) {
return embeddedBeanLoadDirect(data, context);
} else {
return rootDescriptor(discValue).cacheEmbeddedBeanLoadDirect(data, context);
* Load the embedded bean given this is the bean type.
EntityBean embeddedBeanLoadDirect(CachedBeanData data, PersistenceContext context) {
EntityBean bean = desc.createEntityBean();
CachedBeanDataToBean.load(desc, bean, data, context);
return bean;
* Remove a bean from the cache given its Id.
void beanCacheApplyInvalidate(Collection keys) {
if (beanCache != null) {
if (beanLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
beanLog.debug(" MREMOVE {}({})", cacheName, keys);
beanCache.removeAll(new HashSet<>(keys));
for (BeanPropertyAssocOne> imported : propertiesOneImported) {
* Load a batch of entities from L2 bean cache checking the lazy loaded property is loaded.
Set beanCacheLoadAll(List list, PersistenceContext context, int lazyLoadProperty, String propertyName) {
Map ebis = new HashMap<>();
for (EntityBeanIntercept ebi : list) {
ebis.put(desc.cacheKeyForBean(ebi.getOwner()), ebi);
Map hits = getBeanCache().getAll(ebis.keySet());
if (beanLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
beanLog.trace(" MLOAD {}({}) - got hits ({})", cacheName, ebis.keySet(), hits.size());
Set loaded = new HashSet<>();
Iterator> iterator = hits.entrySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry hit =;
Object key = hit.getKey();
EntityBeanIntercept ebi = ebis.remove(key);
CachedBeanData cacheData = (CachedBeanData) hit.getValue();
if (lazyLoadProperty > -1 && !cacheData.isLoaded(propertyName)) {
if (beanLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
beanLog.trace(" load {}({}) - cache miss on property({})", cacheName, key, propertyName);
} else {
CachedBeanDataToBean.load(desc, ebi.getOwner(), cacheData, context);
if (beanLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
beanLog.debug(" load {}({}) - hit", cacheName, key);
if (!ebis.isEmpty() && beanLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
beanLog.trace(" load {}({}) - cache miss", cacheName, ebis.keySet());
return loaded;
* Returns true if it managed to populate/load the single bean from the cache.
boolean beanCacheLoad(EntityBean bean, EntityBeanIntercept ebi, String key, PersistenceContext context) {
CachedBeanData cacheData = (CachedBeanData) getBeanCache().get(key);
if (cacheData == null) {
if (beanLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
beanLog.trace(" LOAD {}({}) - cache miss", cacheName, key);
return false;
int lazyLoadProperty = ebi.getLazyLoadPropertyIndex();
if (lazyLoadProperty > -1 && !cacheData.isLoaded(ebi.getLazyLoadProperty())) {
if (beanLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
beanLog.trace(" LOAD {}({}) - cache miss on property({})", cacheName, key, ebi.getLazyLoadProperty());
return false;
CachedBeanDataToBean.load(desc, bean, cacheData, context);
if (beanLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
beanLog.debug(" LOAD {}({}) - hit", cacheName, key);
return true;
void cacheUpdateQuery(boolean update, SpiTransaction transaction) {
if (invalidateQueryCache || cacheNotifyOnAll || (!update && cacheNotifyOnDelete)) {
transaction.getEvent().add(desc.getBaseTable(), false, update, !update);
* Add appropriate cache changes to support delete by id.
void persistDeleteIds(Collection ids, CacheChangeSet changeSet) {
if (invalidateQueryCache) {
} else {
if (beanCache != null) {
changeSet.addBeanRemoveMany(desc, ids);
cacheDeleteImported(true, null, changeSet);
* Add appropriate cache changes to support delete bean.
void persistDelete(Object id, PersistRequestBean deleteRequest, CacheChangeSet changeSet) {
if (invalidateQueryCache) {
} else {
if (beanCache != null) {
changeSet.addBeanRemove(desc, id);
cacheDeleteImported(true, deleteRequest.getEntityBean(), changeSet);
* Add appropriate cache changes to support insert.
void persistInsert(PersistRequestBean insertRequest, CacheChangeSet changeSet) {
if (invalidateQueryCache) {
} else {
cacheDeleteImported(false, insertRequest.getEntityBean(), changeSet);
private void cacheDeleteImported(boolean clear, EntityBean entityBean, CacheChangeSet changeSet) {
for (BeanPropertyAssocOne> imported : propertiesOneImported) {
imported.cacheDelete(clear, entityBean, changeSet);
* Add appropriate changes to support update.
void persistUpdate(Object id, PersistRequestBean updateRequest, CacheChangeSet changeSet) {
if (invalidateQueryCache) {
} else {
if (beanCache == null) {
// query caching only
List> manyCollections = updateRequest.getUpdatedManyCollections();
if (manyCollections != null) {
for (BeanPropertyAssocMany> many : manyCollections) {
if (!many.isElementCollection()) {
Object details = many.getValue(updateRequest.getEntityBean());
CachedManyIds entry = createManyIds(many, details);
if (entry != null) {
changeSet.addManyPut(desc, many.getName(), id, entry);
* Invalidate parts of cache due to SqlUpdate or external modification etc.
void persistTableIUD(TableIUD tableIUD, CacheChangeSet changeSet) {
if (invalidateQueryCache) {
if (noCaching) {
// inserts don't invalidate the bean cache
if (tableIUD.isUpdateOrDelete()) {
// any change invalidates the collection IDs cache
for (BeanPropertyAssocOne> imported : propertiesOneImported) {
void cacheNaturalKeyPut(String key, String newKey) {
if (newKey != null) {
naturalKeyCache.put(newKey, key);
* Apply changes to the bean cache entry.
void cacheBeanUpdate(String key, Map changes, boolean updateNaturalKey, long version) {
ServerCache cache = getBeanCache();
CachedBeanData existingData = (CachedBeanData) cache.get(key);
if (existingData != null) {
long currentVersion = existingData.getVersion();
if (version > 0 && version < currentVersion) {
if (beanLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
beanLog.debug(" REMOVE {}({}) - version conflict old:{} new:{}", cacheName, key, currentVersion, version);
} else {
if (version == 0) {
version = currentVersion;
CachedBeanData newData = existingData.update(changes, version);
if (beanLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
beanLog.debug(" UPDATE {}({}) changes:{}", cacheName, key, changes);
cache.put(key, newData);
if (updateNaturalKey) {
Object oldKey = calculateNaturalKey(existingData);
if (oldKey != null) {
if (natLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
natLog.debug(".. update {} REMOVE({}) - old key for ({})", cacheName, oldKey, key);