io.edurt.datacap.parser.mysql.companion.ast.ErrorHandler.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package io.edurt.datacap.parser.mysql.companion.ast
import io.edurt.datacap.parser.mysql.companion.ParserException
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.*
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.IntervalSet
import java.util.*
class ErrorHandler
private constructor(specialRules: Map, private val specialTokens: Map, ignoredRules: Set) : BaseErrorListener()
private val specialRules: Map = HashMap(specialRules)
private val ignoredRules: Set = HashSet(ignoredRules)
override fun syntaxError(recognizer: Recognizer<*, *>, offendingSymbol: Any, line: Int, charPositionInLine: Int, message: String, e: RecognitionException)
var message: String? = message
val parser = recognizer as Parser
val atn = parser.atn
val currentState: ATNState
var currentToken: Token
val context: RuleContext
if (e != null)
currentState = atn.states[e.offendingState]
currentToken = e.offendingToken
context = e.ctx
if (e is NoViableAltException)
currentToken = e.startToken
currentState = atn.states[parser.state]
currentToken = parser.currentToken
context = parser.context
val analyzer = Analyzer(parser, specialRules, specialTokens, ignoredRules)
val result = analyzer.process(currentState, currentToken.tokenIndex, context)
// pick the candidate tokens associated largest token index processed (i.e., the path that consumed the most input)
val expected: String =
.collect(Collectors.joining(", "))
message = String.format("mismatched input '%s'. Expecting: %s", parser.tokenStream[result.errorTokenIndex].text, expected)
catch (exception: Exception)
// log.error(exception, "Unexpected failure when handling parsing error. This is likely a bug in the implementation");
throw ParserException(message !!, e, line, charPositionInLine)
private class ParsingState
(val state: ATNState, val tokenIndex: Int, val suppressed: Boolean, val parser: Parser)
override fun equals(o: Any?): Boolean
if (this === o)
return true
if (o == null || javaClass != o.javaClass)
return false
val that = o as ParsingState
return tokenIndex == that.tokenIndex && state == that.state
override fun hashCode(): Int
return Objects.hash(state, tokenIndex)
override fun toString(): String
val token = parser.tokenStream[tokenIndex]
var text = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(token.text, "?")
text = text.replace("\\", "\\\\")
text = text.replace("\n", "\\n")
text = text.replace("\r", "\\r")
text = text.replace("\t", "\\t")
return String.format(
"%s%s:%s @ %s:<%s>:%s",
if (suppressed) "-" else "+",
private class Analyzer
private val parser: Parser,
private val specialRules: Map,
private val specialTokens: Map,
private val ignoredRules: Set
private val atn: ATN = parser.atn
private val vocabulary: Vocabulary = parser.vocabulary
private val stream: TokenStream = parser.tokenStream
private val candidates: MutableSet = HashSet()
private val memo: MutableMap?> = HashMap()
private var furthestTokenIndex = - 1
fun process(currentState: ATNState, tokenIndex: Int, context: RuleContext): Result
var currentState = currentState
var context = context
val startState = atn.ruleToStartState[currentState.ruleIndex]
if (isReachable(currentState, startState))
// We've been dropped inside a rule in a state that's reachable via epsilon transitions. This is,
// effectively, equivalent to starting at the beginning (or immediately outside) the rule.
// In that case, backtrack to the beginning to be able to take advantage of logic that remaps
// some rules to well-known names for reporting purposes
currentState = startState
var endTokens = process(ParsingState(currentState, tokenIndex, false, parser), 0)
val nextTokens: MutableSet = HashSet()
while (endTokens !!.isNotEmpty() && context.invokingState != - 1)
for (endToken in endTokens)
val nextState = (atn.states[context.invokingState].transition(0) as RuleTransition).followState
nextTokens.addAll(process(ParsingState(nextState, endToken, false, parser), 0) !!)
context = context.parent
endTokens = nextTokens
return Result(furthestTokenIndex, candidates)
private fun isReachable(target: ATNState, from: RuleStartState): Boolean
val activeStates: Deque = ArrayDeque()
while (! activeStates.isEmpty())
val current = activeStates.pop()
if (current.stateNumber == target.stateNumber)
return true
for (i in 0 until current.numberOfTransitions)
val transition = current.transition(i)
if (transition.isEpsilon)
return false
private fun process(start: ParsingState, precedence: Int): Set?
var result = memo[start]
if (result != null)
return result
val endTokens = ImmutableSet.builder()
// Simulates the ATN by consuming input tokens and walking transitions.
// The ATN can be in multiple states (similar to an NFA)
val activeStates: Deque = ArrayDeque()
while (! activeStates.isEmpty())
val current = activeStates.pop()
val state = current.state
var tokenIndex = current.tokenIndex
var suppressed = current.suppressed
while (stream[tokenIndex].channel == Token.HIDDEN_CHANNEL)
// Ignore whitespace
tokenIndex ++
val currentToken = stream[tokenIndex].type
if (state.stateType == ATNState.RULE_START)
val rule = state.ruleIndex
if (specialRules.containsKey(rule))
if (! suppressed)
record(tokenIndex, specialRules[rule])
suppressed = true
else if (ignoredRules.contains(rule))
// TODO expand ignored rules like we expand special rules
if (state is RuleStopState)
for (i in 0 until state.numberOfTransitions)
val transition = state.transition(i)
if (transition is RuleTransition)
for (endToken in process(ParsingState(, tokenIndex, suppressed, parser), transition.precedence) !!)
activeStates.push(ParsingState(transition.followState, endToken, suppressed, parser))
else if (transition is PrecedencePredicateTransition)
if (precedence < transition.precedence)
activeStates.push(ParsingState(, tokenIndex, suppressed, parser))
else if (transition.isEpsilon)
activeStates.push(ParsingState(, tokenIndex, suppressed, parser))
else if (transition is WildcardTransition)
throw UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented: wildcard transition")
var labels = transition.label()
if (transition is NotSetTransition)
labels = labels.complement(IntervalSet.of(Token.MIN_USER_TOKEN_TYPE, atn.maxTokenType))
// Surprisingly, TokenStream (i.e. BufferedTokenStream) may not have loaded all the tokens from the
// underlying stream. TokenStream.get() does not force tokens to be buffered -- it just returns what's
// in the current buffer, or fail with an IndexOutOfBoundsError. Since Antlr decided the error occurred
// within the current set of buffered tokens, stop when we reach the end of the buffer.
if (labels.contains(currentToken) && tokenIndex < stream.size() - 1)
activeStates.push(ParsingState(, tokenIndex + 1, false, parser))
if (! suppressed)
record(tokenIndex, getTokenNames(labels))
result =
memo[start] = result
return result
private fun record(tokenIndex: Int, label: String?)
record(tokenIndex, ImmutableSet.of(label))
private fun record(tokenIndex: Int, labels: Set)
if (tokenIndex >= furthestTokenIndex)
if (tokenIndex > furthestTokenIndex)
furthestTokenIndex = tokenIndex
private fun getTokenNames(tokens: IntervalSet): Set
val names: MutableSet = HashSet()
for (i in 0 until tokens.size())
val token = tokens[i]
if (token == Token.EOF)
names.add(specialTokens.getOrDefault(token, vocabulary.getDisplayName(token)))
return names
class Builder
private val specialRules: MutableMap = HashMap()
private val specialTokens: MutableMap = HashMap()
private val ignoredRules: MutableSet = HashSet()
fun specialRule(ruleId: Int, name: String): Builder
specialRules[ruleId] = name
return this
fun specialToken(tokenId: Int, name: String): Builder
specialTokens[tokenId] = name
return this
fun ignoredRule(ruleId: Int): Builder
return this
fun build(): ErrorHandler
return ErrorHandler(specialRules, specialTokens, ignoredRules)
private class Result
(val errorTokenIndex: Int, val expected: Set)
companion object
fun builder(): Builder
return Builder()
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