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io.edurt.datacap.service.service.impl.TableServiceImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.edurt.datacap.service.service.impl;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import io.edurt.datacap.common.enums.ServiceState;
import io.edurt.datacap.common.response.CommonResponse;
import io.edurt.datacap.common.sql.SqlBuilder;
import io.edurt.datacap.common.sql.configure.SqlBody;
import io.edurt.datacap.common.sql.configure.SqlColumn;
import io.edurt.datacap.common.sql.configure.SqlOperator;
import io.edurt.datacap.common.sql.configure.SqlOrder;
import io.edurt.datacap.common.sql.configure.SqlType;
import io.edurt.datacap.common.utils.CSVUtils;
import io.edurt.datacap.fs.FsRequest;
import io.edurt.datacap.fs.FsResponse;
import io.edurt.datacap.fs.FsService;
import io.edurt.datacap.plugin.Plugin;
import io.edurt.datacap.plugin.PluginManager;
import io.edurt.datacap.service.body.ExportBody;
import io.edurt.datacap.service.body.TableBody;
import io.edurt.datacap.service.body.TableFilter;
import io.edurt.datacap.service.entity.BaseEntity;
import io.edurt.datacap.service.entity.ColumnEntity;
import io.edurt.datacap.service.entity.DatabaseEntity;
import io.edurt.datacap.service.entity.SourceEntity;
import io.edurt.datacap.service.entity.TableEntity;
import io.edurt.datacap.service.entity.UserEntity;
import io.edurt.datacap.service.initializer.InitializerConfigure;
import io.edurt.datacap.service.repository.metadata.ColumnRepository;
import io.edurt.datacap.service.repository.metadata.DatabaseRepository;
import io.edurt.datacap.service.repository.metadata.TableRepository;
import io.edurt.datacap.service.service.TableService;
import io.edurt.datacap.spi.PluginService;
import io.edurt.datacap.spi.model.Configure;
import io.edurt.datacap.spi.model.Pagination;
import io.edurt.datacap.spi.model.Response;
import io.edurt.datacap.sql.builder.ColumnBuilder;
import io.edurt.datacap.sql.builder.TableBuilder;
import io.edurt.datacap.sql.model.Column;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils;
import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = {"EI_EXPOSE_REP2"})
public class TableServiceImpl
implements TableService
private final PluginManager pluginManager;
private final TableRepository repository;
private final DatabaseRepository databaseRepository;
private final ColumnRepository columnRepository;
private final InitializerConfigure initializerConfigure;
private final HttpServletRequest request;
public TableServiceImpl(PluginManager pluginManager, TableRepository repository, DatabaseRepository databaseRepository, ColumnRepository columnRepository, InitializerConfigure initializerConfigure, HttpServletRequest request)
this.pluginManager = pluginManager;
this.repository = repository;
this.databaseRepository = databaseRepository;
this.columnRepository = columnRepository;
this.initializerConfigure = initializerConfigure;
this.request = request;
public CommonResponse> getAllByDatabase(String code)
return databaseRepository.findByCode(code)
.map(value -> CommonResponse.success(this.repository.findAllByDatabase(value)))
.orElseGet(() -> CommonResponse.failure(String.format("Database [ %s ] not found", code)));
public CommonResponse fetchData(String code, TableFilter configure)
return repository.findByCode(code)
.map(table -> {
SourceEntity source = table.getDatabase().getSource();
return pluginManager.getPlugin(source.getType())
.map(plugin -> {
PluginService pluginService = plugin.getService(PluginService.class);
if (configure.getType().equals(SqlType.SELECT)) {
return this.fetchSelect(plugin, pluginService, table, source, configure);
else if (configure.getType().equals(SqlType.INSERT)) {
return this.fetchInsert(plugin, pluginService, table, source, configure);
else if (configure.getType().equals(SqlType.UPDATE)) {
return this.fetchUpdate(plugin, pluginService, table, source, configure);
else if (configure.getType().equals(SqlType.DELETE)) {
return this.fetchDelete(plugin, pluginService, table, source, configure);
else if (configure.getType().equals(SqlType.ALTER)) {
return this.fetchAlter(plugin, pluginService, table, source, configure);
else if (configure.getType().equals(SqlType.SHOW)) {
return this.fetchShowCreateTable(plugin, pluginService, table, source, configure);
else if (configure.getType().equals(SqlType.TRUNCATE)) {
return this.fetchTruncateTable(plugin, pluginService, table, source, configure);
else if (configure.getType().equals(SqlType.DROP)) {
return this.fetchDropTable(plugin, pluginService, table, source, configure);
return CommonResponse.failure(String.format("Not implemented yet [ %s ]", configure.getType()));
.orElseGet(() -> CommonResponse.failure(ServiceState.PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND));
.orElse(CommonResponse.failure(String.format("Table [ %s ] not found", code)));
public CommonResponse exportDataByCode(String code, ExportBody configure)
TableEntity table = this.repository.findByCode(code)
if (table == null) {
return CommonResponse.failure(String.format("Table [ %s ] not found", code));
SourceEntity source = table.getDatabase().getSource();
return pluginManager.getPlugin(source.getType())
.map(plugin -> {
PluginService pluginService = plugin.getService(PluginService.class);
return pluginManager.getPlugin(initializerConfigure.getFsConfigure().getType())
.map(fsPlugin -> {
FsService fsService = fsPlugin.getService(FsService.class);
UserEntity user = UserDetailsService.getUser();
String endpoint = String.join(File.separator, initializerConfigure.getDataHome(), user.getUsername(), "export");"Export data user [ {} ] home [ {} ]", user.getUsername(), endpoint);
String fileName = String.join(".", UUID.randomUUID().toString(), "csv");"Export file name [ {} ]", fileName);
Integer count = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (configure.getCount() > 0) {
count = configure.getCount().intValue();
Pagination pagination = Pagination.newInstance(count.intValue(), 1, count.intValue());
TableFilter tableFilter = TableFilter.builder()
CommonResponse tempResponse = this.fetchSelect(plugin, pluginService, table, source, tableFilter);
if (tempResponse.getStatus()) {
Response pluginResponse = (Response) tempResponse.getData();
try {
File tempFile = CSVUtils.makeTempCSV(endpoint, fileName, pluginResponse.getHeaders(), pluginResponse.getColumns());"Export temp file [ {} ]", tempFile.getAbsolutePath());
FsRequest fsRequest = FsRequest.builder()
if (initializerConfigure.getFsConfigure().getType().equals("Local")) {
String address = request.getRequestURL()
.replace(request.getServletPath().trim(), "");
String remote = String.join("/", address, "api/v1/table/dataDownload", user.getUsername(), fileName);
return CommonResponse.success(remote);
catch (Exception ex) {
return CommonResponse.failure(ex.getMessage());
return CommonResponse.failure(ServiceState.REQUEST_EXCEPTION);
.orElseGet(() -> CommonResponse.failure(String.format("Not found Fs [ %s ]", initializerConfigure.getFsConfigure().getType())));
.orElseGet(() -> CommonResponse.failure(String.format("Plugin [ %s ] not found", source.getType())));
public Object dataDownload(String username, String filename)
return pluginManager.getPlugin(initializerConfigure.getFsConfigure().getType())
.map(plugin -> {
String endpoint = String.join(File.separator, initializerConfigure.getDataHome(), username, "export");"Download data user [ {} ] home [ {} ]", username, endpoint);
String filePath = String.join(File.separator, endpoint, filename);"Download file path [ {} ]", filePath);
FsRequest fsRequest = FsRequest.builder()
FsService fsService = plugin.getService(FsService.class);
FsResponse response = fsService.reader(fsRequest);
try {
Resource resource = new FileSystemResource(response.getRemote());
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.add(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "attachment; filename=" + resource.getFilename());
return ResponseEntity.ok()
catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
.orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("Not found plugin"));
public CommonResponse createTable(Long databaseId, TableBody configure)
Optional optionalDatabase = this.databaseRepository.findById(databaseId);
if (!optionalDatabase.isPresent()) {
return CommonResponse.failure(String.format("Database [ %s ] not found", databaseId));
DatabaseEntity database = optionalDatabase.get();
SourceEntity source = database.getSource();
return pluginManager.getPlugin(source.getType())
.map(plugin -> {
PluginService pluginService = plugin.getService(PluginService.class);
TableBuilder.Companion.CREATE_TABLE(String.format("`%s`.`%s`", database.getName(), configure.getName()));
TableBuilder.Companion.COLUMNS(configure.getColumns().stream().map(item -> item.toColumnVar()).collect(Collectors.toList()));
String sql = TableBuilder.Companion.SQL();"Create table sql \n {} \n on database [ {} ]", sql, database.getName());
Configure pConfigure = source.toConfigure(pluginManager, plugin);
Response response = pluginService.execute(pConfigure, sql);
return CommonResponse.success(response);
.orElseGet(() -> CommonResponse.failure("Not found plugin"));
public CommonResponse manageColumn(String code, TableBody configure)
return repository.findByCode(code)
.map(table -> {
SourceEntity source = table.getDatabase().getSource();
return pluginManager.getPlugin(source.getType())
.map(plugin -> {
AtomicReference atomicReference = new AtomicReference<>(null);
// 根据操作类型构建 SQL
if (configure.getType().equals(SqlType.CREATE)) {
table.getDatabase().getName(), table.getName()));
atomicReference.set(ColumnBuilder.Companion.SQL());"Create column sql \n {} \n on table [ {} ]",
atomicReference.get(), table.getName());
else if (configure.getType().equals(SqlType.DROP)) {
.ifPresent(column -> {
table.getDatabase().getName(), table.getName()));
});"Drop column sql \n {} \n on table [ {} ]",
atomicReference.get(), table.getName());
else if (configure.getType().equals(SqlType.MODIFY)) {
table.getDatabase().getName(), table.getName()));
atomicReference.set(ColumnBuilder.Companion.SQL());"Modify column sql \n {} \n on table [ {} ]",
atomicReference.get(), table.getName());
// 处理 SQL 执行或预览
Response response;
if (configure.isPreview()) {
response = Response.builder()
else {
Configure pConfigure = source.toConfigure(pluginManager, plugin);
PluginService pluginService = plugin.getService(PluginService.class);
response = pluginService.execute(pConfigure, atomicReference.get());
return CommonResponse.success(response);
.orElse(CommonResponse.failure(String.format("Table [ %s ] not found", code)));
* Fetches the selected data from the specified table in a database.
* @param plugin the plugin instance
* @param table the table entity
* @param source the source entity
* @param configure the table filter configuration
* @return the common response object containing the fetched data
private CommonResponse fetchSelect(Plugin plugin, PluginService pluginService, TableEntity table, SourceEntity source, TableFilter configure)
try {
List columns = Lists.newArrayList();
int totalRows = Integer.parseInt(table.getRows());
Configure countConfigure = source.toConfigure(pluginManager, plugin);
SqlBody countBody = SqlBody.builder()
if (configure.getFilter() != null) {
SqlBuilder countBuilder = new SqlBuilder(countBody);
String countSql = countBuilder.getSql();
Response countResponse = pluginService.execute(
if (countResponse.getIsSuccessful() && !countResponse.getColumns().isEmpty()) {
List applyResponse = (ArrayList) countResponse.getColumns().get(0);
int applyTotal = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(applyResponse.get(0)));
if (totalRows != applyTotal) {
totalRows = applyTotal;
// If the columns of the query are not passed, they are obtained through metadata
if (configure.getColumns() == null || configure.getColumns().size() == 0) {
.sorted(Comparator.comparing(item -> Integer.parseInt(item.getPosition())))
.forEach(column -> columns.add(SqlColumn.builder()
.column(String.format("`%s`", column.getName()))
else {
.forEach(column -> columns.add(SqlColumn.builder()
.column(String.format("`%s`", column.getColumn()))
int offset = configure.getPagination().getPageSize() * (configure.getPagination().getCurrentPage() - 1);
SqlBody body = SqlBody.builder()
if (configure.getOrders() != null) {
List orderColumns = Lists.newArrayList();
.filter(item -> StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.getOrder()))
.forEach(item -> orderColumns.add(SqlColumn.builder()
if (configure.getFilter() != null) {
SqlBuilder builder = new SqlBuilder(body);
String sql = builder.getSql();
Configure pConfigure = source.toConfigure(pluginManager, plugin);
Response response = pluginService.execute(
Pagination pagination = Pagination.newInstance(configure.getPagination().getPageSize(), configure.getPagination().getCurrentPage(), totalRows);
return CommonResponse.success(response);
catch (Exception ex) {
return CommonResponse.failure(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(ex));
* Fetches and inserts data into the database table.
* @param plugin the plugin object
* @param table the table entity object
* @param source the source entity object
* @param configure the table filter object
* @return the common response object containing the result of the operation
private CommonResponse fetchInsert(Plugin plugin, PluginService pluginService, TableEntity table, SourceEntity source, TableFilter configure)
try {
Configure updateConfigure = source.toConfigure(pluginManager, plugin);
List allSql = Lists.newArrayList();
// Gets the auto-increment column for the current row
List autoIncrementColumns = table.getColumns()
.filter(v -> v.getExtra().toLowerCase().contains("auto_increment"))
configure.getNewColumns().forEach(v -> {
List columns = Lists.newArrayList();
v.entrySet().forEach(entry -> {
SqlColumn column = SqlColumn.builder()
.column(String.format("`%s`", entry.getKey()))
if (entry.getValue() == null) {
else {
if (autoIncrementColumns.contains(entry.getKey())) {
else {
column.setValue(String.format("'%s'", StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(entry.getValue())));
SqlBody body = SqlBody.builder()
allSql.add(new SqlBuilder(body).getSql());
String sql = String.join("\n\n", allSql);
return CommonResponse.success(getResponse(configure, pluginService, sql, updateConfigure));
catch (Exception ex) {
return CommonResponse.failure(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(ex));
* Fetches and updates data from a table using the specified plugin, table, source, and configure.
* @param plugin the plugin to be used for fetching and updating data
* @param table the table from which the data will be fetched and updated
* @param source the source entity containing the data source configuration
* @param configure the table filter configuration for fetching and updating the data
* @return the response containing the fetched and updated data
private CommonResponse fetchUpdate(Plugin plugin, PluginService pluginService, TableEntity table, SourceEntity source, TableFilter configure)
try {
Configure updateConfigure = source.toConfigure(pluginManager, plugin);
List allSql = Lists.newArrayList();
configure.getColumns().forEach(v -> {
SqlBody body = SqlBody.builder()
.where(applyColumns(table, configure, v)
allSql.add(new SqlBuilder(body).getSql());
String sql = String.join("\n\n", allSql);
return CommonResponse.success(getResponse(configure, pluginService, sql, updateConfigure));
catch (Exception ex) {
return CommonResponse.failure(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(ex));
* Fetches and deletes data from the database.
* @param plugin the plugin to use for connecting to the database
* @param table the table from which to delete the data
* @param source the source entity to use for configuring the connection
* @param configure the table filter to use for filtering the data to be deleted
* @return the response containing the result of the delete operation
private CommonResponse fetchDelete(Plugin plugin, PluginService pluginService, TableEntity table, SourceEntity source, TableFilter configure)
try {
Configure updateConfigure = source.toConfigure(pluginManager, plugin);
List allSql = Lists.newArrayList();
configure.getColumns().forEach(v -> {
SqlBody body = SqlBody.builder()
.where(applyColumns(table, configure, v))
allSql.add(new SqlBuilder(body).getSql());
String sql = String.join("\n\n", allSql);
return CommonResponse.success(getResponse(configure, pluginService, sql, updateConfigure));
catch (Exception ex) {
return CommonResponse.failure(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(ex));
* Fetches an alter operation for a given plugin, table, source, and table filter.
* @param plugin the plugin to use for the alter operation
* @param table the table entity to perform the alter operation on
* @param source the source entity to configure the alter operation
* @param configure the table filter to apply to the alter operation
* @return a CommonResponse object containing the result of the alter operation
private CommonResponse fetchAlter(Plugin plugin, PluginService pluginService, TableEntity table, SourceEntity source, TableFilter configure)
try {
Configure alterConfigure = source.toConfigure(pluginManager, plugin);
SqlBody body = SqlBody.builder()
return CommonResponse.success(getResponse(configure, pluginService, new SqlBuilder(body).getSql(), alterConfigure));
catch (Exception ex) {
return CommonResponse.failure(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(ex));
* Fetches the "SHOW CREATE TABLE" query for a given table.
* @param plugin the plugin to use for connecting to the database
* @param table the table entity for which to fetch the query
* @param source the source entity containing the database configuration
* @param configure the table filter configuration
* @return the common response object containing the result of the query
private CommonResponse fetchShowCreateTable(Plugin plugin, PluginService pluginService, TableEntity table, SourceEntity source, TableFilter configure)
try {
Configure alterConfigure = source.toConfigure(pluginManager, plugin);
SqlBody body = SqlBody.builder()
return CommonResponse.success(getResponse(configure, pluginService, new SqlBuilder(body).getSql(), alterConfigure));
catch (Exception ex) {
return CommonResponse.failure(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(ex));
* Fetches and truncates a table.
* @param plugin the plugin associated with the table
* @param table the table entity to fetch and truncate
* @param source the source entity associated with the table
* @param configure the table filter configuration
* @return the common response object containing the fetch and truncate result
private CommonResponse fetchTruncateTable(Plugin plugin, PluginService pluginService, TableEntity table, SourceEntity source, TableFilter configure)
try {
Configure alterConfigure = source.toConfigure(pluginManager, plugin);
SqlBody body = SqlBody.builder()
return CommonResponse.success(getResponse(configure, pluginService, new SqlBuilder(body).getSql(), alterConfigure));
catch (Exception ex) {
return CommonResponse.failure(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(ex));
* Fetches the drop table operation for the given table and source.
* @param plugin the plugin instance
* @param table the table entity
* @param source the source entity
* @param configure the table filter configuration
* @return the common response object containing the fetched result
private CommonResponse fetchDropTable(Plugin plugin, PluginService pluginService, TableEntity table, SourceEntity source, TableFilter configure)
try {
Configure alterConfigure = source.toConfigure(pluginManager, plugin);
SqlBody body = SqlBody.builder()
Response response = getResponse(configure, pluginService, new SqlBuilder(body).getSql(), alterConfigure);
if (!configure.isPreview() && response.getIsSuccessful()) {
return CommonResponse.success(response);
catch (Exception ex) {
return CommonResponse.failure(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(ex));
* Applies the columns of a table to a given configuration.
* @param table the table entity containing the columns
* @param configure the table filter configuration to apply the columns to
* @param column the SQL column to apply
* @return a list of SQL columns that match the applied configuration
private List applyColumns(TableEntity table, TableFilter configure, SqlColumn column)
List wheres = Lists.newArrayList();
List originColumns = table.getColumns()
.filter(item -> item.getIsKey().equals("PRI"))
if (!originColumns.isEmpty()) {
// If the table contains a primary key, update the data using the primary key as a condition
originColumns.forEach(item -> wheres.add(SqlColumn.builder()
else {
// If the current data does not have a primary key, it is updated based on all data columns
.forEach(item -> wheres.add(SqlColumn.builder()
return wheres;
* Retrieves a response based on the provided table filter, plugin, and SQL query.
* @param configure the table filter to configure the response
* @param plugin the plugin to execute the SQL query
* @param sql the SQL query to execute
* @return the response containing the result of the SQL query
private Response getResponse(TableFilter filter, PluginService plugin, String sql, Configure configure)
Response response;
if (filter.isPreview()) {
response = Response.builder()
else {
response = plugin.execute(configure, sql);
return response;