io.eels.component.hive.HiveFilePublisher.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.eels.component.hive
import io.eels.datastream.{Subscription, Publisher, Subscriber}
import io.eels.schema.{Partition, StructType}
import io.eels.{Predicate, _}
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, LocatedFileStatus}
* @param metastoreSchema the schema as present in the metastore and used to match up with the raw data in dialects
* where the schema is not present. For example with a CSV format in Hive, the metastoreSchema is required
* in order to know what each column represents. We can't use the projection schema for this because the projection
* schema might be in a different order.
* @param projectionSchema the schema actually required, optional in which case the metastoreSchema will be used.
* The reason the projectionSchema is pushed down to the dialects rather than being applied after is because
* some file schemas can read data more efficiently if they know they can omit some fields (eg Parquet).
* @param predicate predicate for filtering rows, is pushed down to the parquet reader for efficiency if
* the predicate can operate on the files.
* @param partition a list of partition key-values for this file. We require this to repopulate the partition
* values when creating the final Row.
class HiveFilePublisher(dialect: HiveDialect,
file: LocatedFileStatus,
metastoreSchema: StructType,
projectionSchema: StructType,
predicate: Option[Predicate],
partition: Partition)
(implicit fs: FileSystem, conf: Configuration) extends Publisher[Seq[Row]] with Using {
require(projectionSchema.fieldNames.forall { it => it == it.toLowerCase() }, s"Use only lower case field names with hive")
override def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber[Seq[Row]]): Unit = {
val partitionMap: Map[String, Any] = { it => (it.key, it.value) }.toMap
// the schema we send to the dialect must have any partition fields removed, because those
// fields won't exist in the data files. This is because partitions are not always written
// and instead inferred from the partition itself.
val projectionFields = projectionSchema.fields.filterNot(field => partition.containsKey(
val projectionWithoutPartitions = StructType(projectionFields)
// since we removed the partition fields from the target schema, we must repopulate them after the read
// we also need to throw away the dummy field if we had an empty schema
val publisher = dialect.input(file.getPath, metastoreSchema, projectionWithoutPartitions, predicate)
publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber[Seq[Row]] {
override def subscribed(s: Subscription): Unit = subscriber.subscribed(s)
override def next(chunk: Seq[Row]): Unit = {
val aligned = { row =>
if (projectionFields.isEmpty) {
val values = projectionSchema.fieldNames().map(partitionMap.apply)
Row(projectionSchema, values.toVector)
} else {
RowUtils.rowAlign(row, projectionSchema, partitionMap)
override def completed(): Unit = subscriber.completed()
override def error(t: Throwable): Unit = subscriber.error(t)