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io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: envoy/config/metrics/v3/metrics_service.proto
package io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3;
* Metrics Service is configured as a built-in ``envoy.stat_sinks.metrics_service`` :ref:`StatsSink
* <envoy_v3_api_msg_config.metrics.v3.StatsSink>`. This opaque configuration will be used to create
* Metrics Service.
* Example:
* .. code-block:: yaml
* stats_sinks:
* - name: envoy.stat_sinks.metrics_service
* typed_config:
* "@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig
* transport_api_version: V3
* [#extension: envoy.stat_sinks.metrics_service]
* [#next-free-field: 6]
* Protobuf type {@code envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig}
public final class MetricsServiceConfig extends
com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3 implements
// @@protoc_insertion_point(message_implements:envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig)
MetricsServiceConfigOrBuilder {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
// Use MetricsServiceConfig.newBuilder() to construct.
private MetricsServiceConfig(com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3.Builder> builder) {
private MetricsServiceConfig() {
transportApiVersion_ = 0;
histogramEmitMode_ = 0;
protected java.lang.Object newInstance(
UnusedPrivateParameter unused) {
return new MetricsServiceConfig();
public final com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet
getUnknownFields() {
return this.unknownFields;
private MetricsServiceConfig(
com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input,
com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException {
if (extensionRegistry == null) {
throw new java.lang.NullPointerException();
com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet.Builder unknownFields =
try {
boolean done = false;
while (!done) {
int tag = input.readTag();
switch (tag) {
case 0:
done = true;
case 10: {
io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService.Builder subBuilder = null;
if (grpcService_ != null) {
subBuilder = grpcService_.toBuilder();
grpcService_ = input.readMessage(io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService.parser(), extensionRegistry);
if (subBuilder != null) {
grpcService_ = subBuilder.buildPartial();
case 18: {
com.google.protobuf.BoolValue.Builder subBuilder = null;
if (reportCountersAsDeltas_ != null) {
subBuilder = reportCountersAsDeltas_.toBuilder();
reportCountersAsDeltas_ = input.readMessage(com.google.protobuf.BoolValue.parser(), extensionRegistry);
if (subBuilder != null) {
reportCountersAsDeltas_ = subBuilder.buildPartial();
case 24: {
int rawValue = input.readEnum();
transportApiVersion_ = rawValue;
case 32: {
emitTagsAsLabels_ = input.readBool();
case 40: {
int rawValue = input.readEnum();
histogramEmitMode_ = rawValue;
default: {
if (!parseUnknownField(
input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag)) {
done = true;
} catch (com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this);
} catch (com.google.protobuf.UninitializedMessageException e) {
throw e.asInvalidProtocolBufferException().setUnfinishedMessage(this);
} catch (java.io.IOException e) {
throw new com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException(
} finally {
this.unknownFields = unknownFields.build();
public static final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor
getDescriptor() {
return io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceProto.internal_static_envoy_config_metrics_v3_MetricsServiceConfig_descriptor;
protected com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3.FieldAccessorTable
internalGetFieldAccessorTable() {
return io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceProto.internal_static_envoy_config_metrics_v3_MetricsServiceConfig_fieldAccessorTable
io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig.class, io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig.Builder.class);
public static final int GRPC_SERVICE_FIELD_NUMBER = 1;
private io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService grpcService_;
* The upstream gRPC cluster that hosts the metrics service.
* .envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService grpc_service = 1 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
* @return Whether the grpcService field is set.
public boolean hasGrpcService() {
return grpcService_ != null;
* The upstream gRPC cluster that hosts the metrics service.
* .envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService grpc_service = 1 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
* @return The grpcService.
public io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService getGrpcService() {
return grpcService_ == null ? io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService.getDefaultInstance() : grpcService_;
* The upstream gRPC cluster that hosts the metrics service.
* .envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService grpc_service = 1 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
public io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcServiceOrBuilder getGrpcServiceOrBuilder() {
return getGrpcService();
public static final int TRANSPORT_API_VERSION_FIELD_NUMBER = 3;
private int transportApiVersion_;
* API version for metric service transport protocol. This describes the metric service gRPC
* endpoint and version of messages used on the wire.
* .envoy.config.core.v3.ApiVersion transport_api_version = 3 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
* @return The enum numeric value on the wire for transportApiVersion.
@java.lang.Override public int getTransportApiVersionValue() {
return transportApiVersion_;
* API version for metric service transport protocol. This describes the metric service gRPC
* endpoint and version of messages used on the wire.
* .envoy.config.core.v3.ApiVersion transport_api_version = 3 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
* @return The transportApiVersion.
@java.lang.Override public io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.ApiVersion getTransportApiVersion() {
io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.ApiVersion result = io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.ApiVersion.valueOf(transportApiVersion_);
return result == null ? io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.ApiVersion.UNRECOGNIZED : result;
public static final int REPORT_COUNTERS_AS_DELTAS_FIELD_NUMBER = 2;
private com.google.protobuf.BoolValue reportCountersAsDeltas_;
* If true, counters are reported as the delta between flushing intervals. Otherwise, the current
* counter value is reported. Defaults to false.
* Eventually (https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/10968) if this value is not set, the
* sink will take updates from the :ref:`MetricsResponse <envoy_v3_api_msg_service.metrics.v3.StreamMetricsResponse>`.
* .google.protobuf.BoolValue report_counters_as_deltas = 2;
* @return Whether the reportCountersAsDeltas field is set.
public boolean hasReportCountersAsDeltas() {
return reportCountersAsDeltas_ != null;
* If true, counters are reported as the delta between flushing intervals. Otherwise, the current
* counter value is reported. Defaults to false.
* Eventually (https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/10968) if this value is not set, the
* sink will take updates from the :ref:`MetricsResponse <envoy_v3_api_msg_service.metrics.v3.StreamMetricsResponse>`.
* .google.protobuf.BoolValue report_counters_as_deltas = 2;
* @return The reportCountersAsDeltas.
public com.google.protobuf.BoolValue getReportCountersAsDeltas() {
return reportCountersAsDeltas_ == null ? com.google.protobuf.BoolValue.getDefaultInstance() : reportCountersAsDeltas_;
* If true, counters are reported as the delta between flushing intervals. Otherwise, the current
* counter value is reported. Defaults to false.
* Eventually (https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/10968) if this value is not set, the
* sink will take updates from the :ref:`MetricsResponse <envoy_v3_api_msg_service.metrics.v3.StreamMetricsResponse>`.
* .google.protobuf.BoolValue report_counters_as_deltas = 2;
public com.google.protobuf.BoolValueOrBuilder getReportCountersAsDeltasOrBuilder() {
return getReportCountersAsDeltas();
public static final int EMIT_TAGS_AS_LABELS_FIELD_NUMBER = 4;
private boolean emitTagsAsLabels_;
* If true, metrics will have their tags emitted as labels on the metrics objects sent to the MetricsService,
* and the tag extracted name will be used instead of the full name, which may contain values used by the tag
* extractor or additional tags added during stats creation.
* bool emit_tags_as_labels = 4;
* @return The emitTagsAsLabels.
public boolean getEmitTagsAsLabels() {
return emitTagsAsLabels_;
public static final int HISTOGRAM_EMIT_MODE_FIELD_NUMBER = 5;
private int histogramEmitMode_;
* Specify which metrics types to emit for histograms. Defaults to SUMMARY_AND_HISTOGRAM.
* .envoy.config.metrics.v3.HistogramEmitMode histogram_emit_mode = 5 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
* @return The enum numeric value on the wire for histogramEmitMode.
@java.lang.Override public int getHistogramEmitModeValue() {
return histogramEmitMode_;
* Specify which metrics types to emit for histograms. Defaults to SUMMARY_AND_HISTOGRAM.
* .envoy.config.metrics.v3.HistogramEmitMode histogram_emit_mode = 5 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
* @return The histogramEmitMode.
@java.lang.Override public io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.HistogramEmitMode getHistogramEmitMode() {
io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.HistogramEmitMode result = io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.HistogramEmitMode.valueOf(histogramEmitMode_);
return result == null ? io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.HistogramEmitMode.UNRECOGNIZED : result;
private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1;
public final boolean isInitialized() {
byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized;
if (isInitialized == 1) return true;
if (isInitialized == 0) return false;
memoizedIsInitialized = 1;
return true;
public void writeTo(com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream output)
throws java.io.IOException {
if (grpcService_ != null) {
output.writeMessage(1, getGrpcService());
if (reportCountersAsDeltas_ != null) {
output.writeMessage(2, getReportCountersAsDeltas());
if (transportApiVersion_ != io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.ApiVersion.AUTO.getNumber()) {
output.writeEnum(3, transportApiVersion_);
if (emitTagsAsLabels_ != false) {
output.writeBool(4, emitTagsAsLabels_);
if (histogramEmitMode_ != io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.HistogramEmitMode.SUMMARY_AND_HISTOGRAM.getNumber()) {
output.writeEnum(5, histogramEmitMode_);
public int getSerializedSize() {
int size = memoizedSize;
if (size != -1) return size;
size = 0;
if (grpcService_ != null) {
size += com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream
.computeMessageSize(1, getGrpcService());
if (reportCountersAsDeltas_ != null) {
size += com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream
.computeMessageSize(2, getReportCountersAsDeltas());
if (transportApiVersion_ != io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.ApiVersion.AUTO.getNumber()) {
size += com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream
.computeEnumSize(3, transportApiVersion_);
if (emitTagsAsLabels_ != false) {
size += com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream
.computeBoolSize(4, emitTagsAsLabels_);
if (histogramEmitMode_ != io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.HistogramEmitMode.SUMMARY_AND_HISTOGRAM.getNumber()) {
size += com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream
.computeEnumSize(5, histogramEmitMode_);
size += unknownFields.getSerializedSize();
memoizedSize = size;
return size;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) {
if (obj == this) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig)) {
return super.equals(obj);
io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig other = (io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig) obj;
if (hasGrpcService() != other.hasGrpcService()) return false;
if (hasGrpcService()) {
if (!getGrpcService()
.equals(other.getGrpcService())) return false;
if (transportApiVersion_ != other.transportApiVersion_) return false;
if (hasReportCountersAsDeltas() != other.hasReportCountersAsDeltas()) return false;
if (hasReportCountersAsDeltas()) {
if (!getReportCountersAsDeltas()
.equals(other.getReportCountersAsDeltas())) return false;
if (getEmitTagsAsLabels()
!= other.getEmitTagsAsLabels()) return false;
if (histogramEmitMode_ != other.histogramEmitMode_) return false;
if (!unknownFields.equals(other.unknownFields)) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
if (memoizedHashCode != 0) {
return memoizedHashCode;
int hash = 41;
hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode();
if (hasGrpcService()) {
hash = (37 * hash) + GRPC_SERVICE_FIELD_NUMBER;
hash = (53 * hash) + getGrpcService().hashCode();
hash = (53 * hash) + transportApiVersion_;
if (hasReportCountersAsDeltas()) {
hash = (53 * hash) + getReportCountersAsDeltas().hashCode();
hash = (37 * hash) + EMIT_TAGS_AS_LABELS_FIELD_NUMBER;
hash = (53 * hash) + com.google.protobuf.Internal.hashBoolean(
hash = (53 * hash) + histogramEmitMode_;
hash = (29 * hash) + unknownFields.hashCode();
memoizedHashCode = hash;
return hash;
public static io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig parseFrom(
java.nio.ByteBuffer data)
throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException {
return PARSER.parseFrom(data);
public static io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig parseFrom(
java.nio.ByteBuffer data,
com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException {
return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry);
public static io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig parseFrom(
com.google.protobuf.ByteString data)
throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException {
return PARSER.parseFrom(data);
public static io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig parseFrom(
com.google.protobuf.ByteString data,
com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException {
return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry);
public static io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig parseFrom(byte[] data)
throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException {
return PARSER.parseFrom(data);
public static io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig parseFrom(
byte[] data,
com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException {
return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry);
public static io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig parseFrom(java.io.InputStream input)
throws java.io.IOException {
return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3
.parseWithIOException(PARSER, input);
public static io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig parseFrom(
java.io.InputStream input,
com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
throws java.io.IOException {
return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3
.parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry);
public static io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig parseDelimitedFrom(java.io.InputStream input)
throws java.io.IOException {
return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3
.parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input);
public static io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig parseDelimitedFrom(
java.io.InputStream input,
com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
throws java.io.IOException {
return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3
.parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry);
public static io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig parseFrom(
com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input)
throws java.io.IOException {
return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3
.parseWithIOException(PARSER, input);
public static io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig parseFrom(
com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input,
com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
throws java.io.IOException {
return com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3
.parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry);
public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); }
public static Builder newBuilder() {
return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder();
public static Builder newBuilder(io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig prototype) {
return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype);
public Builder toBuilder() {
return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE
? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this);
protected Builder newBuilderForType(
com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3.BuilderParent parent) {
Builder builder = new Builder(parent);
return builder;
* Metrics Service is configured as a built-in ``envoy.stat_sinks.metrics_service`` :ref:`StatsSink
* <envoy_v3_api_msg_config.metrics.v3.StatsSink>`. This opaque configuration will be used to create
* Metrics Service.
* Example:
* .. code-block:: yaml
* stats_sinks:
* - name: envoy.stat_sinks.metrics_service
* typed_config:
* "@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig
* transport_api_version: V3
* [#extension: envoy.stat_sinks.metrics_service]
* [#next-free-field: 6]
* Protobuf type {@code envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig}
public static final class Builder extends
com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3.Builder implements
// @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_implements:envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig)
io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfigOrBuilder {
public static final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor
getDescriptor() {
return io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceProto.internal_static_envoy_config_metrics_v3_MetricsServiceConfig_descriptor;
protected com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3.FieldAccessorTable
internalGetFieldAccessorTable() {
return io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceProto.internal_static_envoy_config_metrics_v3_MetricsServiceConfig_fieldAccessorTable
io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig.class, io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig.Builder.class);
// Construct using io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig.newBuilder()
private Builder() {
private Builder(
com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3.BuilderParent parent) {
private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() {
if (com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3
.alwaysUseFieldBuilders) {
public Builder clear() {
if (grpcServiceBuilder_ == null) {
grpcService_ = null;
} else {
grpcService_ = null;
grpcServiceBuilder_ = null;
transportApiVersion_ = 0;
if (reportCountersAsDeltasBuilder_ == null) {
reportCountersAsDeltas_ = null;
} else {
reportCountersAsDeltas_ = null;
reportCountersAsDeltasBuilder_ = null;
emitTagsAsLabels_ = false;
histogramEmitMode_ = 0;
return this;
public com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor
getDescriptorForType() {
return io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceProto.internal_static_envoy_config_metrics_v3_MetricsServiceConfig_descriptor;
public io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig getDefaultInstanceForType() {
return io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig.getDefaultInstance();
public io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig build() {
io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig result = buildPartial();
if (!result.isInitialized()) {
throw newUninitializedMessageException(result);
return result;
public io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig buildPartial() {
io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig result = new io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig(this);
if (grpcServiceBuilder_ == null) {
result.grpcService_ = grpcService_;
} else {
result.grpcService_ = grpcServiceBuilder_.build();
result.transportApiVersion_ = transportApiVersion_;
if (reportCountersAsDeltasBuilder_ == null) {
result.reportCountersAsDeltas_ = reportCountersAsDeltas_;
} else {
result.reportCountersAsDeltas_ = reportCountersAsDeltasBuilder_.build();
result.emitTagsAsLabels_ = emitTagsAsLabels_;
result.histogramEmitMode_ = histogramEmitMode_;
return result;
public Builder clone() {
return super.clone();
public Builder setField(
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field,
java.lang.Object value) {
return super.setField(field, value);
public Builder clearField(
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field) {
return super.clearField(field);
public Builder clearOneof(
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof) {
return super.clearOneof(oneof);
public Builder setRepeatedField(
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field,
int index, java.lang.Object value) {
return super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value);
public Builder addRepeatedField(
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field,
java.lang.Object value) {
return super.addRepeatedField(field, value);
public Builder mergeFrom(com.google.protobuf.Message other) {
if (other instanceof io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig) {
return mergeFrom((io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig)other);
} else {
return this;
public Builder mergeFrom(io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig other) {
if (other == io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig.getDefaultInstance()) return this;
if (other.hasGrpcService()) {
if (other.transportApiVersion_ != 0) {
if (other.hasReportCountersAsDeltas()) {
if (other.getEmitTagsAsLabels() != false) {
if (other.histogramEmitMode_ != 0) {
return this;
public final boolean isInitialized() {
return true;
public Builder mergeFrom(
com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input,
com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
throws java.io.IOException {
io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig parsedMessage = null;
try {
parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry);
} catch (com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
parsedMessage = (io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig) e.getUnfinishedMessage();
throw e.unwrapIOException();
} finally {
if (parsedMessage != null) {
return this;
private io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService grpcService_;
private com.google.protobuf.SingleFieldBuilderV3<
io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService, io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService.Builder, io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcServiceOrBuilder> grpcServiceBuilder_;
* The upstream gRPC cluster that hosts the metrics service.
* .envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService grpc_service = 1 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
* @return Whether the grpcService field is set.
public boolean hasGrpcService() {
return grpcServiceBuilder_ != null || grpcService_ != null;
* The upstream gRPC cluster that hosts the metrics service.
* .envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService grpc_service = 1 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
* @return The grpcService.
public io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService getGrpcService() {
if (grpcServiceBuilder_ == null) {
return grpcService_ == null ? io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService.getDefaultInstance() : grpcService_;
} else {
return grpcServiceBuilder_.getMessage();
* The upstream gRPC cluster that hosts the metrics service.
* .envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService grpc_service = 1 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
public Builder setGrpcService(io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService value) {
if (grpcServiceBuilder_ == null) {
if (value == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
grpcService_ = value;
} else {
return this;
* The upstream gRPC cluster that hosts the metrics service.
* .envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService grpc_service = 1 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
public Builder setGrpcService(
io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService.Builder builderForValue) {
if (grpcServiceBuilder_ == null) {
grpcService_ = builderForValue.build();
} else {
return this;
* The upstream gRPC cluster that hosts the metrics service.
* .envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService grpc_service = 1 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
public Builder mergeGrpcService(io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService value) {
if (grpcServiceBuilder_ == null) {
if (grpcService_ != null) {
grpcService_ =
} else {
grpcService_ = value;
} else {
return this;
* The upstream gRPC cluster that hosts the metrics service.
* .envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService grpc_service = 1 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
public Builder clearGrpcService() {
if (grpcServiceBuilder_ == null) {
grpcService_ = null;
} else {
grpcService_ = null;
grpcServiceBuilder_ = null;
return this;
* The upstream gRPC cluster that hosts the metrics service.
* .envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService grpc_service = 1 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
public io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService.Builder getGrpcServiceBuilder() {
return getGrpcServiceFieldBuilder().getBuilder();
* The upstream gRPC cluster that hosts the metrics service.
* .envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService grpc_service = 1 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
public io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcServiceOrBuilder getGrpcServiceOrBuilder() {
if (grpcServiceBuilder_ != null) {
return grpcServiceBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder();
} else {
return grpcService_ == null ?
io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService.getDefaultInstance() : grpcService_;
* The upstream gRPC cluster that hosts the metrics service.
* .envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService grpc_service = 1 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
private com.google.protobuf.SingleFieldBuilderV3<
io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService, io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService.Builder, io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcServiceOrBuilder>
getGrpcServiceFieldBuilder() {
if (grpcServiceBuilder_ == null) {
grpcServiceBuilder_ = new com.google.protobuf.SingleFieldBuilderV3<
io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService, io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcService.Builder, io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.GrpcServiceOrBuilder>(
grpcService_ = null;
return grpcServiceBuilder_;
private int transportApiVersion_ = 0;
* API version for metric service transport protocol. This describes the metric service gRPC
* endpoint and version of messages used on the wire.
* .envoy.config.core.v3.ApiVersion transport_api_version = 3 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
* @return The enum numeric value on the wire for transportApiVersion.
@java.lang.Override public int getTransportApiVersionValue() {
return transportApiVersion_;
* API version for metric service transport protocol. This describes the metric service gRPC
* endpoint and version of messages used on the wire.
* .envoy.config.core.v3.ApiVersion transport_api_version = 3 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
* @param value The enum numeric value on the wire for transportApiVersion to set.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder setTransportApiVersionValue(int value) {
transportApiVersion_ = value;
return this;
* API version for metric service transport protocol. This describes the metric service gRPC
* endpoint and version of messages used on the wire.
* .envoy.config.core.v3.ApiVersion transport_api_version = 3 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
* @return The transportApiVersion.
public io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.ApiVersion getTransportApiVersion() {
io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.ApiVersion result = io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.ApiVersion.valueOf(transportApiVersion_);
return result == null ? io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.ApiVersion.UNRECOGNIZED : result;
* API version for metric service transport protocol. This describes the metric service gRPC
* endpoint and version of messages used on the wire.
* .envoy.config.core.v3.ApiVersion transport_api_version = 3 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
* @param value The transportApiVersion to set.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder setTransportApiVersion(io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3.ApiVersion value) {
if (value == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
transportApiVersion_ = value.getNumber();
return this;
* API version for metric service transport protocol. This describes the metric service gRPC
* endpoint and version of messages used on the wire.
* .envoy.config.core.v3.ApiVersion transport_api_version = 3 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder clearTransportApiVersion() {
transportApiVersion_ = 0;
return this;
private com.google.protobuf.BoolValue reportCountersAsDeltas_;
private com.google.protobuf.SingleFieldBuilderV3<
com.google.protobuf.BoolValue, com.google.protobuf.BoolValue.Builder, com.google.protobuf.BoolValueOrBuilder> reportCountersAsDeltasBuilder_;
* If true, counters are reported as the delta between flushing intervals. Otherwise, the current
* counter value is reported. Defaults to false.
* Eventually (https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/10968) if this value is not set, the
* sink will take updates from the :ref:`MetricsResponse <envoy_v3_api_msg_service.metrics.v3.StreamMetricsResponse>`.
* .google.protobuf.BoolValue report_counters_as_deltas = 2;
* @return Whether the reportCountersAsDeltas field is set.
public boolean hasReportCountersAsDeltas() {
return reportCountersAsDeltasBuilder_ != null || reportCountersAsDeltas_ != null;
* If true, counters are reported as the delta between flushing intervals. Otherwise, the current
* counter value is reported. Defaults to false.
* Eventually (https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/10968) if this value is not set, the
* sink will take updates from the :ref:`MetricsResponse <envoy_v3_api_msg_service.metrics.v3.StreamMetricsResponse>`.
* .google.protobuf.BoolValue report_counters_as_deltas = 2;
* @return The reportCountersAsDeltas.
public com.google.protobuf.BoolValue getReportCountersAsDeltas() {
if (reportCountersAsDeltasBuilder_ == null) {
return reportCountersAsDeltas_ == null ? com.google.protobuf.BoolValue.getDefaultInstance() : reportCountersAsDeltas_;
} else {
return reportCountersAsDeltasBuilder_.getMessage();
* If true, counters are reported as the delta between flushing intervals. Otherwise, the current
* counter value is reported. Defaults to false.
* Eventually (https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/10968) if this value is not set, the
* sink will take updates from the :ref:`MetricsResponse <envoy_v3_api_msg_service.metrics.v3.StreamMetricsResponse>`.
* .google.protobuf.BoolValue report_counters_as_deltas = 2;
public Builder setReportCountersAsDeltas(com.google.protobuf.BoolValue value) {
if (reportCountersAsDeltasBuilder_ == null) {
if (value == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
reportCountersAsDeltas_ = value;
} else {
return this;
* If true, counters are reported as the delta between flushing intervals. Otherwise, the current
* counter value is reported. Defaults to false.
* Eventually (https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/10968) if this value is not set, the
* sink will take updates from the :ref:`MetricsResponse <envoy_v3_api_msg_service.metrics.v3.StreamMetricsResponse>`.
* .google.protobuf.BoolValue report_counters_as_deltas = 2;
public Builder setReportCountersAsDeltas(
com.google.protobuf.BoolValue.Builder builderForValue) {
if (reportCountersAsDeltasBuilder_ == null) {
reportCountersAsDeltas_ = builderForValue.build();
} else {
return this;
* If true, counters are reported as the delta between flushing intervals. Otherwise, the current
* counter value is reported. Defaults to false.
* Eventually (https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/10968) if this value is not set, the
* sink will take updates from the :ref:`MetricsResponse <envoy_v3_api_msg_service.metrics.v3.StreamMetricsResponse>`.
* .google.protobuf.BoolValue report_counters_as_deltas = 2;
public Builder mergeReportCountersAsDeltas(com.google.protobuf.BoolValue value) {
if (reportCountersAsDeltasBuilder_ == null) {
if (reportCountersAsDeltas_ != null) {
reportCountersAsDeltas_ =
} else {
reportCountersAsDeltas_ = value;
} else {
return this;
* If true, counters are reported as the delta between flushing intervals. Otherwise, the current
* counter value is reported. Defaults to false.
* Eventually (https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/10968) if this value is not set, the
* sink will take updates from the :ref:`MetricsResponse <envoy_v3_api_msg_service.metrics.v3.StreamMetricsResponse>`.
* .google.protobuf.BoolValue report_counters_as_deltas = 2;
public Builder clearReportCountersAsDeltas() {
if (reportCountersAsDeltasBuilder_ == null) {
reportCountersAsDeltas_ = null;
} else {
reportCountersAsDeltas_ = null;
reportCountersAsDeltasBuilder_ = null;
return this;
* If true, counters are reported as the delta between flushing intervals. Otherwise, the current
* counter value is reported. Defaults to false.
* Eventually (https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/10968) if this value is not set, the
* sink will take updates from the :ref:`MetricsResponse <envoy_v3_api_msg_service.metrics.v3.StreamMetricsResponse>`.
* .google.protobuf.BoolValue report_counters_as_deltas = 2;
public com.google.protobuf.BoolValue.Builder getReportCountersAsDeltasBuilder() {
return getReportCountersAsDeltasFieldBuilder().getBuilder();
* If true, counters are reported as the delta between flushing intervals. Otherwise, the current
* counter value is reported. Defaults to false.
* Eventually (https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/10968) if this value is not set, the
* sink will take updates from the :ref:`MetricsResponse <envoy_v3_api_msg_service.metrics.v3.StreamMetricsResponse>`.
* .google.protobuf.BoolValue report_counters_as_deltas = 2;
public com.google.protobuf.BoolValueOrBuilder getReportCountersAsDeltasOrBuilder() {
if (reportCountersAsDeltasBuilder_ != null) {
return reportCountersAsDeltasBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder();
} else {
return reportCountersAsDeltas_ == null ?
com.google.protobuf.BoolValue.getDefaultInstance() : reportCountersAsDeltas_;
* If true, counters are reported as the delta between flushing intervals. Otherwise, the current
* counter value is reported. Defaults to false.
* Eventually (https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/10968) if this value is not set, the
* sink will take updates from the :ref:`MetricsResponse <envoy_v3_api_msg_service.metrics.v3.StreamMetricsResponse>`.
* .google.protobuf.BoolValue report_counters_as_deltas = 2;
private com.google.protobuf.SingleFieldBuilderV3<
com.google.protobuf.BoolValue, com.google.protobuf.BoolValue.Builder, com.google.protobuf.BoolValueOrBuilder>
getReportCountersAsDeltasFieldBuilder() {
if (reportCountersAsDeltasBuilder_ == null) {
reportCountersAsDeltasBuilder_ = new com.google.protobuf.SingleFieldBuilderV3<
com.google.protobuf.BoolValue, com.google.protobuf.BoolValue.Builder, com.google.protobuf.BoolValueOrBuilder>(
reportCountersAsDeltas_ = null;
return reportCountersAsDeltasBuilder_;
private boolean emitTagsAsLabels_ ;
* If true, metrics will have their tags emitted as labels on the metrics objects sent to the MetricsService,
* and the tag extracted name will be used instead of the full name, which may contain values used by the tag
* extractor or additional tags added during stats creation.
* bool emit_tags_as_labels = 4;
* @return The emitTagsAsLabels.
public boolean getEmitTagsAsLabels() {
return emitTagsAsLabels_;
* If true, metrics will have their tags emitted as labels on the metrics objects sent to the MetricsService,
* and the tag extracted name will be used instead of the full name, which may contain values used by the tag
* extractor or additional tags added during stats creation.
* bool emit_tags_as_labels = 4;
* @param value The emitTagsAsLabels to set.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder setEmitTagsAsLabels(boolean value) {
emitTagsAsLabels_ = value;
return this;
* If true, metrics will have their tags emitted as labels on the metrics objects sent to the MetricsService,
* and the tag extracted name will be used instead of the full name, which may contain values used by the tag
* extractor or additional tags added during stats creation.
* bool emit_tags_as_labels = 4;
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder clearEmitTagsAsLabels() {
emitTagsAsLabels_ = false;
return this;
private int histogramEmitMode_ = 0;
* Specify which metrics types to emit for histograms. Defaults to SUMMARY_AND_HISTOGRAM.
* .envoy.config.metrics.v3.HistogramEmitMode histogram_emit_mode = 5 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
* @return The enum numeric value on the wire for histogramEmitMode.
@java.lang.Override public int getHistogramEmitModeValue() {
return histogramEmitMode_;
* Specify which metrics types to emit for histograms. Defaults to SUMMARY_AND_HISTOGRAM.
* .envoy.config.metrics.v3.HistogramEmitMode histogram_emit_mode = 5 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
* @param value The enum numeric value on the wire for histogramEmitMode to set.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder setHistogramEmitModeValue(int value) {
histogramEmitMode_ = value;
return this;
* Specify which metrics types to emit for histograms. Defaults to SUMMARY_AND_HISTOGRAM.
* .envoy.config.metrics.v3.HistogramEmitMode histogram_emit_mode = 5 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
* @return The histogramEmitMode.
public io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.HistogramEmitMode getHistogramEmitMode() {
io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.HistogramEmitMode result = io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.HistogramEmitMode.valueOf(histogramEmitMode_);
return result == null ? io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.HistogramEmitMode.UNRECOGNIZED : result;
* Specify which metrics types to emit for histograms. Defaults to SUMMARY_AND_HISTOGRAM.
* .envoy.config.metrics.v3.HistogramEmitMode histogram_emit_mode = 5 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
* @param value The histogramEmitMode to set.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder setHistogramEmitMode(io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.HistogramEmitMode value) {
if (value == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
histogramEmitMode_ = value.getNumber();
return this;
* Specify which metrics types to emit for histograms. Defaults to SUMMARY_AND_HISTOGRAM.
* .envoy.config.metrics.v3.HistogramEmitMode histogram_emit_mode = 5 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder clearHistogramEmitMode() {
histogramEmitMode_ = 0;
return this;
public final Builder setUnknownFields(
final com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet unknownFields) {
return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields);
public final Builder mergeUnknownFields(
final com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet unknownFields) {
return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields);
// @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig)
// @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig)
private static final io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig DEFAULT_INSTANCE;
static {
DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig();
public static io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig getDefaultInstance() {
private static final com.google.protobuf.Parser
PARSER = new com.google.protobuf.AbstractParser() {
public MetricsServiceConfig parsePartialFrom(
com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input,
com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException {
return new MetricsServiceConfig(input, extensionRegistry);
public static com.google.protobuf.Parser parser() {
return PARSER;
public com.google.protobuf.Parser getParserForType() {
return PARSER;
public io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.metrics.v3.MetricsServiceConfig getDefaultInstanceForType() {
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