Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.exoquery.pprint
import io.exoquery.fansi.Attrs
import io.exoquery.fansi.Str
//fun Sequence.hasNext(): Boolean = this.iterator().hasNext()
//fun T = this.iterator().next()
* Basically like mkString, but for nested iterators. Used whenever
* you want to put stuff "in between" the elements of the larger
* iterator
* Kotlin Note: In general I have chosen to represent things with Iterators but I need to use
* .asSequence() when I want to perform map, flatMap, filter etc... operators on the interator
* because Kotlin iterators don't support these operators. The other option would be to make everything
* a Sequence instead of an iterator but the problem with that is that Sequence does not support a
* the .next() and .hasNext() operators. Now we could go down to the Sequence.iterator() level and
* call these operators but the problem with that is if you go back up to an iterator by doing
* Sequence.iterator().{stuff}.asSequence() and then do .iterator() on the result of that again,
* you can only call the .iterator() on it once. This is because Iterator.asSequence() calls a
* `Sequence { this }.constrainOnce()` operation which creates a sequence whose .iterator() function
* can only be call once (have a look at Sequences.kt for more info). This make sense because
* if you mess around calling methods of an iterator of a once-only sequence unexpected things
* will happen to that sequence. The only probelm is that the we are doing .asSequence() on that
* ConcatIterator which means we can't do concatIterator.asSequence().{stuff}.hasNext() and then .next()
* on it. The way to work around that would be to write a custom .asSequenceMulti operator on ConcatIterator
* which returns a sequence whose iterator can be returned many times. This might be fine with how
* ConcatIterator works. If there are problems with the current approach of converting to a sequence
* whenver a .map/filter/flatMap call is needed we can take a look at that approach.
class Renderer(
val maxWidth: Int,
val colorApplyPrefix: Attrs,
val colorLiteral: Attrs,
val indentStep: Int
fun rec(x: Tree, leftOffset: Int, indentCount: Int): Result = when(x) {
is Tree.Apply -> {
val prefix = x.prefix
val body = x.body
val nonEmpty = body.hasNext()
// Render children and buffer them until you fill up a single line,
// or you run out of children.
// Even before rendering any children, the indentation, prefix
// and the two open/close parens already take up a few characters
var totalHorizontalWidth = leftOffset + prefix.length + 2
val buffer = mutableListOf>()
var lastChildIter = sequenceOf().iterator()
var childCompletedLineCount = 0
while (body.hasNext() && totalHorizontalWidth <= maxWidth && childCompletedLineCount == 0) {
val child =
val childRes = rec(child, (indentCount + 1) * indentStep, indentCount + 1)
// run {
// val res = rec(child, (indentCount + 1) * indentStep, indentCount + 1)
// println(res.iter.toList())
// println("here")
// }
val childBuffer = mutableListOf()
while (childRes.iter.hasNext() && totalHorizontalWidth < maxWidth) {
val next =
childBuffer += next
totalHorizontalWidth += next.length
if (body.hasNext()) {
totalHorizontalWidth += 2
if (!childRes.iter.hasNext()) {
childCompletedLineCount = childCompletedLineCount + childRes.completedLineCount
} else {
lastChildIter = childRes.iter
buffer += childBuffer.toList()
fun applyHeader() = sequenceOf(colorApplyPrefix(prefix), Renderer.openParen)
val indentPlusOne = Renderer.indent((indentCount + 1) * indentStep)
fun separator() = sequenceOf(Renderer.commaNewLine, indentPlusOne).iterator()
if (
totalHorizontalWidth <= maxWidth &&
childCompletedLineCount == 0 &&
) {
val iter = Util.concat(
{ applyHeader().iterator() },
buffer.asSequence().map { it.iterator() }.iterator(),
{ sequenceOf(Renderer.commaSpace).iterator() }
{ sequenceOf(Renderer.closeParen).iterator() }
val length: Int = buffer.asSequence().map { it.asSequence().map { it.length }.sum() }.sum()
Result(iter, {0}, {length})
} else if (!nonEmpty && totalHorizontalWidth > maxWidth) {
val iter = Util.concat(
{ applyHeader().iterator() },
Renderer.indent(indentCount * indentStep),
val length: Int = buffer.asSequence().map{it.asSequence().map {it.length}.sum()}.sum()
Result(iter, {0}, {length})
} else {
fun bufferedFragments() = Renderer.joinIter(
buffer.asSequence().withIndex().map { (i, v) ->
if (i < buffer.size - 1) v.iterator()
else (v.asSequence() + lastChildIter.asSequence()).iterator()
{ separator() }
fun nonBufferedFragments() = Renderer.joinIter(
body.asSequence().map { c -> rec(c, (indentCount + 1) * indentStep, indentCount + 1).iter }.iterator(),
{ separator() }
fun allFragments() =
if (buffer.isEmpty()) nonBufferedFragments()
else if (!body.hasNext()) bufferedFragments()
else Renderer.joinIter(sequenceOf(bufferedFragments(), nonBufferedFragments()).iterator(), { separator() })
fun iter() = Util.concat(
{ applyHeader().iterator() },
{ sequenceOf(Renderer.newLine, indentPlusOne).iterator() },
{ allFragments() },
{ sequenceOf(
Renderer.indent(indentCount * indentStep),
).iterator() }
Result(iter(), {childCompletedLineCount + 2}, {indentCount * indentStep + 1})
is Tree.Infix -> {
val lhs = x.lhs
val op = x.op
val rhs = x.rhs
rec(lhs, leftOffset, indentCount).flatMap { lhsNewline, lhsLastLineLength ->
Result.fromString { " " + op + " " }.flatMap { _, _ ->
rec(rhs, lhsLastLineLength, indentCount)
is Tree.Lazy -> {
val t: Tree.Lazy = x
val str by lazy {
maxWidth, leftOffset, indentCount,
indentStep, colorLiteral, colorApplyPrefix
Truncated(str.asSequence().map { Str(it) }.iterator(), maxWidth, height = 99999999).toResult()
is Tree.Literal ->
Result.fromStr { colorLiteral(x.body) }
is Tree.KeyValue -> {
val k = x.key
val v = x.value
val prefix = "$k = "
Result.fromString({ prefix })
.flatMap { _, _ -> rec(v, leftOffset + prefix.length, indentCount) }
companion object {
fun joinIter(it0: Iterator>, joiner: () -> Iterator) =
Util.ConcatIterator(it0, joiner)
val openParen = Str("(")
val closeParen = Str(")")
val commaSpace = Str(", ")
val newLine = Str("\n")
val commaNewLine = Str(",\n")
private val cachedIndents = (0 until 64).map { Str(" ".repeat(it)) }.toTypedArray()
fun indent(n: Int) = if (n < 64) cachedIndents[n] else Str(" ".repeat(n))
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