io.fabric8.mq.coordination.KubernetesControl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* * Copyright 2005-2015 Red Hat, Inc.
* * Red Hat licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version
* * 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package io.fabric8.mq.coordination;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.KubernetesHelper;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.Container;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.Pod;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ReplicationController;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ReplicationControllerSpec;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.DefaultKubernetesClient;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClient;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.jolokia.JolokiaClients;
import io.fabric8.mq.MessageDistribution;
import io.fabric8.mq.coordination.brokers.BrokerDestinationOverview;
import io.fabric8.mq.coordination.brokers.BrokerModel;
import io.fabric8.mq.coordination.brokers.BrokerOverview;
import io.fabric8.mq.coordination.brokers.BrokerView;
import io.fabric8.mq.util.BrokerJmxUtils;
import org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQDestination;
import org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQQueue;
import org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQTopic;
import org.apache.deltaspike.core.api.config.ConfigProperty;
import org.jolokia.client.J4pClient;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import java.io.File;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.KubernetesHelper.getName;
public class KubernetesControl extends BaseBrokerControl {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KubernetesControl.class);
private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper();
private String namespace = KubernetesHelper.defaultNamespace();
private KubernetesClient kubernetes;
private JolokiaClients clients;
@ConfigProperty(name = "AMQ_BROKER_CONTROLLER_ID", defaultValue = "amqbroker")
private String replicationControllerId = "amqbroker";
public String getReplicationControllerId() {
return replicationControllerId;
public void setReplicationControllerId(String replicationControllerId) {
this.replicationControllerId = replicationControllerId;
protected void doStart() throws Exception {
kubernetes = new DefaultKubernetesClient();
clients = new JolokiaClients(kubernetes);
public void pollBrokers() {
try {
Map podMap = KubernetesHelper.getSelectedPodMap(kubernetes,namespace, getBrokerSelector());
Collection pods = podMap.values();
LOG.debug("Checking " + getBrokerSelector() + ": groupSize = " + pods.size());
for (Pod pod : pods) {
if (KubernetesHelper.isPodRunning(pod)) {
String host = KubernetesHelper.getHost(pod);
List containers = KubernetesHelper.getContainers(pod);
for (Container container : containers) {
try {
LOG.debug("Checking pod " + getName(pod) + " container: " + container.getName() + " image: " + container.getImage());
J4pClient client = clients.clientForContainer(host, container, pod);
populateBrokerStatistics(pod, container, client);
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.error("Failed to get broker statistics for pod: " + getName(pod));
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.error("Failed to pollBrokers ", e);
private void populateBrokerStatistics(Pod pod, Container container, J4pClient client) {
ObjectName root = null;
String attribute = "";
if (client != null) {
try {
root = BrokerJmxUtils.getRoot(client);
attribute = "BrokerName";
Object brokerName = BrokerJmxUtils.getAttribute(client, root, attribute);
attribute = "BrokerId";
Object brokerId = BrokerJmxUtils.getAttribute(client, root, attribute);
attribute = "OpenWireURL";
Object uriObj = BrokerJmxUtils.getAttribute(client, root, attribute);
URI uri = new URI(uriObj.toString());
int port = uri.getPort();
String amqBrokerURI = "tcp://" + pod.getStatus().getPodIP() + ":" + port;
BrokerModel brokerModel = model.getBrokerById(brokerId.toString());
if (brokerModel == null) {
BrokerView brokerView = new BrokerView();
brokerModel = new BrokerModel(pod, brokerView, model);
//add transports
for (MessageDistribution messageDistribution : messageDistributionList) {
} else {
//transport might not be valid
BrokerOverview brokerOverview = new BrokerOverview();
* ToDo: totalConnectionsCount is total connections over lifetime of the Broker
* so best find a better way of figuring out "active" connections
attribute = "TotalConnectionsCount";
Number result = (Number) BrokerJmxUtils.getAttribute(client, root, attribute);
populateDestinations(client, root, brokerOverview);
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.error("Unable able to get BrokerStatistics from root=" + root + ",attribute: " + attribute, e);
private BrokerOverview populateDestinations(J4pClient client, ObjectName root, BrokerOverview brokerOverview) throws Exception {
populateDestinations(client, root, BrokerDestinationOverview.Type.QUEUE, brokerOverview);
populateDestinations(client, root, BrokerDestinationOverview.Type.TOPIC, brokerOverview);
return brokerOverview;
private BrokerOverview populateDestinations(J4pClient client, ObjectName root, BrokerDestinationOverview.Type type, BrokerOverview brokerOverview) {
try {
String typeName = type == BrokerDestinationOverview.Type.QUEUE ? "Queue" : "Topic";
List list = BrokerJmxUtils.getDestinations(client, root, typeName);
for (ObjectName objectName : list) {
String destinationName = objectName.getKeyProperty("destinationName");
if (!destinationName.toLowerCase().contains("advisory") && !destinationName.contains(ActiveMQDestination.TEMP_DESTINATION_NAME_PREFIX)) {
String producerCount = BrokerJmxUtils.getAttribute(client, objectName, "ProducerCount").toString().trim();
String consumerCount = BrokerJmxUtils.getAttribute(client, objectName, "ConsumerCount").toString().trim();
String queueSize = BrokerJmxUtils.getAttribute(client, objectName, "QueueSize").toString().trim();
ActiveMQDestination destination = type == BrokerDestinationOverview.Type.QUEUE ? new ActiveMQQueue(destinationName) : new ActiveMQTopic(destinationName);
BrokerDestinationOverview brokerDestinationOverview = new BrokerDestinationOverview(destination);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Destinations don't exist yet on the broker
LOG.debug("populateDestinations failed", ex);
return brokerOverview;
public void createBroker() {
int desiredNumber = model.getBrokerCount() + 1;
if (scalingInProgress.startWork(desiredNumber)) {
try {
ReplicationController replicationController = getBrokerReplicationController();
ReplicationControllerSpec spec = replicationController.getSpec();
int currentDesiredNumber = 0;
if (spec != null) {
currentDesiredNumber = spec.getReplicas();
} else {
spec = new ReplicationControllerSpec();
if (desiredNumber == (currentDesiredNumber + 1)) {
LOG.info("Updated Broker Replication Controller desired state from " + currentDesiredNumber + " to " + desiredNumber);
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.error("Failed to create a Broker", e);
public void scaleDown() {
* ToDo we override this method so that destroyBroker is never called.
* Once K8 supports deleting a targeted Pod - we can re-enable it
public void destroyBroker(BrokerModel brokerModel) {
int desiredNumber = model.getBrokerCount() - 1;
if (scalingInProgress.startWork(desiredNumber)) {
try {
ReplicationController replicationController = getBrokerReplicationController();
int currentDesiredNumber = replicationController.getSpec().getReplicas();
if (desiredNumber == (currentDesiredNumber - 1)) {
//Todo update when Kubernetes allows you to target exact pod to discard from replication controller
Pod pod = brokerModel.getPod();
//kubernetes.updateReplicationController(getReplicationControllerId(), replicationController,kubernetes.getNamespace());
LOG.info("Updated Broker Replication Controller desired state from " + currentDesiredNumber + " to " + desiredNumber + " and removed Broker " + brokerModel);
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.error("Failed to create a Broker", e);
private ReplicationController getBrokerReplicationController() throws InterruptedException {
ReplicationController running;
do {
running = kubernetes.replicationControllers().inNamespace(namespace).withName(getReplicationControllerId()).get();
if (running == null) {
LOG.info("Waiting for ReplicationController " + getReplicationControllerId() + " to start");
} while (running == null);
return running;
private String getOrCreateBrokerReplicationControllerId() {
if (replicationControllerId == null) {
try {
ReplicationController running = kubernetes.replicationControllers().inNamespace(namespace).withName(getOrCreateBrokerReplicationControllerId()).get();
if (running == null) {
//ToDo chould change this to look for ReplicationController for AMQ_Broker from Maven
File file = new File(getBrokerTemplateLocation());
URL url;
if (file.exists()) {
url = Paths.get(file.getAbsolutePath()).toUri().toURL();
} else {
ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
url = classLoader.getResource(getBrokerTemplateLocation());
if (url != null) {
ReplicationController replicationController = OBJECT_MAPPER.readerFor(ReplicationController.class).readValue(url);
replicationControllerId = getName(replicationController);
running = kubernetes.replicationControllers().inNamespace(namespace).withName(replicationControllerId).get();
if (running == null) {
LOG.info("Created ReplicationController " + replicationControllerId);
} else {
replicationControllerId = getName(running);
LOG.info("Found ReplicationController " + replicationControllerId);
} else {
LOG.error("Could not find location of Broker Template from " + getBrokerTemplateLocation());
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.error("Failed to create a Broker", e);
return replicationControllerId;
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