jvmMain.definitions.RaptorGraphFieldBuilder.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.fluidsonic.raptor
import io.fluidsonic.raptor.graphql.internal.*
import io.fluidsonic.stdlib.*
public open class RaptorGraphFieldBuilder internal constructor(
internal val kotlinType: KotlinType,
protected val name: String,
parentKotlinType: KotlinType,
protected val stackTrace: List,
internal val argumentContainer: RaptorGraphArgumentDefinitionBuilder.ContainerImpl = RaptorGraphArgumentDefinitionBuilder.ContainerImpl(
factoryName = "-",
parentKotlinType = parentKotlinType
) : RaptorGraphArgumentDefinitionBuilder.ContainerInternal by argumentContainer {
protected var description: String? = null
internal open fun build(): GraphFieldDefinition =
argumentDefinitions = argumentContainer.argumentDefinitions,
description = description,
kotlinType = kotlinType,
name = name,
stackTrace = stackTrace
public fun description(description: String) {
check(this.description === null) { "Cannot define the description more than once." }
this.description = description
public class WithResolver internal constructor(
implicitResolver: (suspend RaptorGraphOutputScope.(parent: Any) -> Any?)? = null,
kotlinType: KotlinType,
name: String,
parentKotlinType: KotlinType,
stackTrace: List,
argumentContainer: RaptorGraphArgumentDefinitionBuilder.ContainerImpl = RaptorGraphArgumentDefinitionBuilder.ContainerImpl(
factoryName = "resolver",
parentKotlinType = parentKotlinType
) : RaptorGraphFieldBuilder(
kotlinType = kotlinType,
name = name,
parentKotlinType = parentKotlinType,
stackTrace = stackTrace,
argumentContainer = argumentContainer
) {
private var isImplicitResolve = implicitResolver !== null
private var resolve: (suspend RaptorGraphOutputScope.(parent: Any) -> Any?)? = implicitResolver
override fun build(): GraphFieldDefinition {
val resolve = resolve ?: error("A resolver must be defined: resolve { … }")
return GraphFieldDefinition.Resolvable(
argumentDefinitions = argumentContainer.argumentDefinitions,
argumentResolver = argumentContainer.resolver,
description = description,
kotlinType = kotlinType,
name = name,
resolve = when (kotlinType.classifier) {
RaptorUnion2::class -> {
{ parent ->
else -> resolve
stackTrace = stackTrace
public fun resolver(resolve: suspend RaptorGraphOutputScope.(parent: ParentType) -> Type) {
check(this.resolve === null && !this.isImplicitResolve) { "Cannot define multiple resolutions." }
this.isImplicitResolve = false
this.resolve = resolve as suspend RaptorGraphOutputScope.(parent: Any) -> Any?