commonMain.HalfOpenIntRange.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.fluidsonic.stdlib
import kotlin.math.*
class HalfOpenIntRange(
start: Int,
endExclusive: Int
) : HalfOpenRange, Iterable {
val startValue = start
val endValueExclusive = endExclusive
init {
message = "use .endValueInclusive to avoid boxing",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("endValueExclusive"),
level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING
override val endExclusive
get() = endValueExclusive
operator fun component1() =
operator fun component2() =
override operator fun contains(value: Int) =
value in startValue until endValueExclusive
override fun equals(other: Any?) =
this === other ||
(other is HalfOpenIntRange && startValue == other.startValue && endValueExclusive == other.endValueExclusive) ||
(other is HalfOpenRange<*> && startValue == other.start && endValueExclusive == other.endExclusive)
override fun hashCode() =
hash { startValue x endValueExclusive }
override fun isEmpty() =
startValue >= endValueExclusive
override operator fun iterator() =
when (startValue) {
endValueExclusive -> emptyRange.iterator()
else -> (startValue until endValueExclusive).iterator()
message = "use .startValue to avoid boxing",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("startValue"),
level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING
override val start
get() = startValue
companion object {
private val emptyRange = 1 .. 0
fun HalfOpenIntRange.contains(other: HalfOpenIntRange) =
contains(other.startValue) && other.endValueExclusive <= endValueExclusive
fun HalfOpenIntRange.flipped() =
endValueExclusive rangeToExcluding startValue
fun HalfOpenIntRange.intersection(other: HalfOpenIntRange) =
overlaps(other).thenTake { max(startValue, other.startValue) rangeToExcluding min(endValueExclusive, other.endValueExclusive) }
fun HalfOpenIntRange.overlaps(other: HalfOpenIntRange) =
contains(other.startValue) || other.contains(startValue)
inline fun HalfOpenIntRange.mapBounds(transform: (Int) -> Int) =
transform(startValue) rangeToExcluding transform(endValueExclusive)
inline fun > HalfOpenIntRange.mapBounds(transform: (Int) -> R) =
transform(startValue) rangeToExcluding transform(endValueExclusive)
fun HalfOpenIntRange.subtracting(rangeToSubtract: HalfOpenIntRange): List {
if (rangeToSubtract.startValue >= endValueExclusive || rangeToSubtract.endValueExclusive <= startValue)
return listOf(this)
val result = mutableListOf()
if (rangeToSubtract.startValue > startValue)
result.add(startValue rangeToExcluding rangeToSubtract.startValue)
if (rangeToSubtract.endValueExclusive < endValueExclusive)
result.add(rangeToSubtract.endValueExclusive rangeToExcluding endValueExclusive)
return result
fun HalfOpenIntRange.toSequence(nextFunction: (Int) -> Int?) =
when {
isEmpty() -> emptySequence()
else -> generateSequence(startValue) { start ->
nextFunction(start)?.takeIf { value -> contains(value) }
infix fun Int.rangeToExcluding(that: Int) =
HalfOpenIntRange(start = this, endExclusive = that)