io.fusionauth.jwt.JWTDecoder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2016-2022, FusionAuth, All Rights Reserved
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* either express or implied. See the License for the specific
* language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package io.fusionauth.jwt;
import io.fusionauth.jwt.domain.Algorithm;
import io.fusionauth.jwt.domain.Header;
import io.fusionauth.jwt.domain.JWT;
import io.fusionauth.jwt.json.Mapper;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Function;
* @author Daniel DeGroff
public class JWTDecoder {
private int clockSkew = 0;
* Decode the JWT using one of they provided verifiers. One more verifiers may be provided, the first verifier found
* supporting the algorithm reported by the JWT header will be utilized.
* A JWT that is expired or not yet valid will not be decoded, instead a {@link JWTExpiredException} or {@link
* JWTUnavailableForProcessingException} exception will be thrown respectively.
* @param encodedJWT The encoded JWT in string format.
* @param verifiers A map of verifiers.
* @return a decoded JWT.
public JWT decode(String encodedJWT, Verifier... verifiers) {
String[] parts = getParts(encodedJWT);
Header header = Mapper.deserialize(base64Decode(parts[0]), Header.class);
Verifier verifier = -> v.canVerify(header.algorithm)).findFirst().orElse(null);
// The 'none' algorithm is only allowed when no verifiers are provided.
boolean allowNoneAlgorithm = verifiers.length == 0;
return validate(encodedJWT, parts, header, verifier, allowNoneAlgorithm);
* Specify the number of seconds allowed for clock skew used for calculating the expiration and not before instants of a JWT.
* The default value is 0
* @param clockSkew the number of seconds allowed for clock skew.
* @return this
public JWTDecoder withClockSkew(int clockSkew) {
this.clockSkew = clockSkew;
return this;
* Decode the JWT using one of they provided verifiers. A JWT header value named kid
is expected to
* contain the key to look up the correct verifier.
* A JWT that is expired or not yet valid will not be decoded, instead a {@link JWTExpiredException} or {@link
* JWTUnavailableForProcessingException} exception will be thrown respectively.
* @param encodedJWT The encoded JWT in string format.
* @param verifiers A map of verifiers.
* @return a decoded JWT.
public JWT decode(String encodedJWT, Map verifiers) {
return decode(encodedJWT, verifiers, h -> h.getString("kid"));
* Decode the JWT using one of they provided verifiers. A JWT header value named kid
is expected to
* contain the key to look up the correct verifier.
* A JWT that is expired or not yet valid will not be decoded, instead a {@link JWTExpiredException} or {@link
* JWTUnavailableForProcessingException} exception will be thrown respectively.
* @param encodedJWT The encoded JWT in string format.
* @param verifierFunction A function that takes a key identifier and returns a verifier.
* @return a decoded JWT.
public JWT decode(String encodedJWT, Function verifierFunction) {
return decode(encodedJWT, verifierFunction, h -> h.getString("kid"));
* Decode the JWT using one of they provided verifiers. A JWT header value named kid
is expected to
* contain the key to look up the correct verifier.
* A JWT that is expired or not yet valid will not be decoded, instead a {@link JWTExpiredException} or {@link
* JWTUnavailableForProcessingException} exception will be thrown respectively.
* @param encodedJWT The encoded JWT in string format.
* @param verifierFunction A function that takes a key identifier returns a verifier.
* @param keyFunction A function used to look up the verifier key from the header.
* @return a decoded JWT.
public JWT decode(String encodedJWT, Function verifierFunction, Function keyFunction) {
return decodeJWT(encodedJWT, verifierFunction, keyFunction, false);
private JWT decodeJWT(String encodedJWT, Function verifierFunction, Function keyFunction, boolean allowNoneAlgorithm) {
String[] parts = getParts(encodedJWT);
Header header = Mapper.deserialize(base64Decode(parts[0]), Header.class);
String key = keyFunction.apply(header);
Verifier verifier = verifierFunction.apply(key);
return validate(encodedJWT, parts, header, verifier, allowNoneAlgorithm);
* Decode the JWT using one of they provided verifiers. The key used to look up the correct verifier is provided by the
* keyFunction
. The key function is provided the JWT header and is expected to return a string key to
* look up the correct verifier.
* A JWT that is expired or not yet valid will not be decoded, instead a {@link JWTExpiredException} or {@link
* JWTUnavailableForProcessingException} exception will be thrown respectively.
* @param encodedJWT The encoded JWT in string format.
* @param verifiers A map of verifiers.
* @param keyFunction A function used to look up the verifier key from the header.
* @return a decoded JWT.
public JWT decode(String encodedJWT, Map verifiers, Function keyFunction) {
return decodeJWT(encodedJWT, verifiers::get, keyFunction, verifiers.isEmpty());
* Decode the provided base64 encoded string.
* @param string the input string to decode, it is expected to be a valid base64 encoded string.
* @return a decoded byte array
private byte[] base64Decode(String string) {
try {
// Equal to calling : .decode(string.getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1))
// If this is a properly base64 encoded string, decoding using ISO_8859_1 should be fine.
return Base64.getUrlDecoder().decode(string);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new InvalidJWTException("The encoded JWT is not properly Base64 encoded.", e);
* Split the encoded JWT on a period (.), and return the parts.
* A secured JWT will be in the format : XXXXX.YYYYY.ZZZZZ
and an un-secured JWT (no signature) will be in the format XXXXX.YYYYY
* @param encodedJWT the encoded form of the JWT
* @return an array of parts, 2 for an un-secured JWT, and 3 parts for a secured JWT.
private String[] getParts(String encodedJWT) {
String[] parts = encodedJWT.split("\\.");
if (parts.length == 3 || (parts.length == 2 && encodedJWT.endsWith("."))) {
return parts;
throw new InvalidJWTException("The encoded JWT is not properly formatted. Expected a three part dot separated string.");
* Validate the encoded JWT and return the constructed JWT object if valid.
* @param encodedJWT the encoded JWT
* @param parts the parts of the encoded JWT
* @param header the JWT header
* @param verifier the selected JWT verifier
* @param allowNoneAlgorithm true if un-secured JWTs may be decoded, i.e. 'none' algorithm is allowed
* @return the constructed JWT object containing identity claims
private JWT validate(String encodedJWT, String[] parts, Header header, Verifier verifier, boolean allowNoneAlgorithm) {
// When parts.length == 2, we have no signature.
// - Case 1: If one or more verifiers are provided, we will not decode an un-secured JWT. Throw NoneNotAllowedException
// - Case 2: If no verifiers are provided, we will decode an un-secured JWT, the algorithm must be 'none'.
if (parts.length == 2) {
if (!allowNoneAlgorithm) {
throw new NoneNotAllowedException();
if (header.algorithm != Algorithm.none) {
throw new MissingSignatureException("Your provided a JWT with the algorithm [" + header.algorithm.getName() + "] but it is missing a signature");
} else {
// When parts.length == 3, we have a signature.
// - Case 1: The algorithm in the header is 'none', we do not expect a signature.
// - Case 2: No verifier was provided that can verify the algorithm in the header, or no verifier found by the kid in the header
// - Case 3: The requested verifier cannot verify the signature based upon the algorithm value in the header
if (header.algorithm == Algorithm.none) {
throw new InvalidJWTException("You provided a JWT with a signature and an algorithm of none");
if (verifier == null) {
throw new MissingVerifierException("No Verifier has been provided for verify a signature signed using [" + header.algorithm.getName() + "]");
// When the verifier has been selected based upon the 'kid' or other identifier in the header, we must verify it can verify the algorithm.
// - When multiple verifiers are provided to .decode w/out a kid, we may have already called 'canVerify', this is ok.
if (!verifier.canVerify(header.algorithm)) {
throw new MissingVerifierException("No Verifier has been provided for verify a signature signed using [" + header.algorithm.getName() + "]");
verifySignature(verifier, header, parts[2], encodedJWT);
// Signature is valid or there is no signature to validate for an un-secured JWT, verify time based JWT claims
JWT jwt = Mapper.deserialize(base64Decode(parts[1]), JWT.class);
jwt.header = header;
ZonedDateTime now = now();
// Verify expiration claim
ZonedDateTime nowMinusSkew = now.minusSeconds(clockSkew);
if (jwt.isExpired(nowMinusSkew)) {
throw new JWTExpiredException();
// Verify the notBefore claim
ZonedDateTime nowPlusSkew = now.plusSeconds(clockSkew);
if (jwt.isUnavailableForProcessing(nowPlusSkew)) {
throw new JWTUnavailableForProcessingException();
return jwt;
* @return the 'now' to be used to validate 'exp' and 'nbf' claims.
protected ZonedDateTime now() {
* Verify the signature of the encoded JWT. If the signature is invalid a {@link InvalidJWTSignatureException} will be thrown.
* @param verifier the verifier
* @param header the JWT header
* @param signature the JWT signature
* @param encodedJWT the encoded JWT
* @throws InvalidJWTSignatureException if the JWT signature is invalid.
private void verifySignature(Verifier verifier, Header header, String signature, String encodedJWT) {
// The message comprises the first two segments of the entire JWT, the signature is the last segment.
int index = encodedJWT.lastIndexOf('.');
byte[] message = encodedJWT.substring(0, index).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
byte[] signatureBytes = base64Decode(signature);
verifier.verify(header.algorithm, message, signatureBytes);