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* Copyright 2011-2024 GatlingCorp (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import io.gatling.charts.component.{ RequestStatistics, Stats }
import io.gatling.charts.config.ChartsFiles
import io.gatling.charts.config.ChartsFiles.AllRequestLineTitle
import io.gatling.charts.stats.{ GeneralStats, Group, GroupStatsPath, RequestPath, RequestStatsPath }
import io.gatling.charts.template.{ ConsoleTemplate, GlobalStatsJsonTemplate, StatsJsTemplate }
import io.gatling.commons.stats.{ KO, OK, Status }
import io.gatling.core.config.ReportsConfiguration
import io.gatling.shared.util.NumberHelper._
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
private[charts] class StatsReportGenerator(
reportsGenerationInputs: ReportsGenerationInputs,
chartsFiles: ChartsFiles,
charset: Charset,
configuration: ReportsConfiguration
) extends StrictLogging {
import reportsGenerationInputs._
def generate(): Unit = {
def percentiles(rank: Double, title: Double => String, total: GeneralStats, ok: GeneralStats, ko: GeneralStats) =
new Stats(title(rank), total.percentile(rank), ok.percentile(rank), ko.percentile(rank))
def computeRequestStats(name: String, requestName: Option[String], group: Option[Group]): RequestStatistics = {
val total = logFileData.requestGeneralStats(requestName, group, None)
val ok = logFileData.requestGeneralStats(requestName, group, Some(OK))
val ko = logFileData.requestGeneralStats(requestName, group, Some(KO))
val percentilesTitle = (rank: Double) => s"response time ${rank.toRank} percentile"
val path = requestName match {
case Some(n) => RequestPath.path(n, group)
case _ =>"")
new RequestStatistics(
numberOfRequestsStatistics = new Stats("request count", total.count, ok.count, ko.count),
minResponseTimeStatistics = new Stats("min response time", total.min, ok.min, ko.min),
maxResponseTimeStatistics = new Stats("max response time", total.max, ok.max, ko.max),
meanResponseTimeStatistics = new Stats("mean response time", total.mean, ok.mean, ko.mean),
stdDeviationStatistics = new Stats("std deviation", total.stdDev, ok.stdDev, ko.stdDev),
percentiles1 = percentiles(configuration.indicators.percentile1, percentilesTitle, total, ok, ko),
percentiles2 = percentiles(configuration.indicators.percentile2, percentilesTitle, total, ok, ko),
percentiles3 = percentiles(configuration.indicators.percentile3, percentilesTitle, total, ok, ko),
percentiles4 = percentiles(configuration.indicators.percentile4, percentilesTitle, total, ok, ko),
ranges = logFileData.numberOfRequestInResponseTimeRanges(requestName, group),
meanNumberOfRequestsPerSecondStatistics = new Stats("mean requests/sec", total.meanRequestsPerSec, ok.meanRequestsPerSec, ko.meanRequestsPerSec)
def computeGroupStats(name: String, group: Group): RequestStatistics = {
def groupStatsFunction: (Group, Option[Status]) => GeneralStats =
if (configuration.useGroupDurationMetric) {
logger.debug("Use group duration stats.")
} else {
logger.debug("Use group cumulated response time stats.")
val total = groupStatsFunction(group, None)
val ok = groupStatsFunction(group, Some(OK))
val ko = groupStatsFunction(group, Some(KO))
new RequestStatistics(
path = RequestPath.path(group),
numberOfRequestsStatistics = new Stats("numberOfRequests", total.count, ok.count, ko.count),
minResponseTimeStatistics = new Stats("minResponseTime", total.min, ok.min, ko.min),
maxResponseTimeStatistics = new Stats("maxResponseTime", total.max, ok.max, ko.max),
meanResponseTimeStatistics = new Stats("meanResponseTime", total.mean, ok.mean, ko.mean),
stdDeviationStatistics = new Stats("stdDeviation", total.stdDev, ok.stdDev, ko.stdDev),
percentiles1 = percentiles(configuration.indicators.percentile1, _ => "percentiles1", total, ok, ko),
percentiles2 = percentiles(configuration.indicators.percentile2, _ => "percentiles2", total, ok, ko),
percentiles3 = percentiles(configuration.indicators.percentile3, _ => "percentiles3", total, ok, ko),
percentiles4 = percentiles(configuration.indicators.percentile4, _ => "percentiles4", total, ok, ko),
ranges = logFileData.numberOfRequestInResponseTimeRanges(None, Some(group)),
meanNumberOfRequestsPerSecondStatistics =
new Stats("meanNumberOfRequestsPerSecond", total.meanRequestsPerSec, ok.meanRequestsPerSec, ko.meanRequestsPerSec)
val rootContainer = GroupContainer.root(computeRequestStats(AllRequestLineTitle, None, None))
val statsPaths = logFileData.statsPaths
val groupsByHierarchy: Map[List[String], Group] = statsPaths
.collect {
case GroupStatsPath(group) => group
case RequestStatsPath(_, Some(group)) => group
.map(group => group.hierarchy.reverse -> group)
val seenGroups = collection.mutable.HashSet.empty[List[String]]
def addGroupsRec(hierarchy: List[String]): Unit =
if (!seenGroups.contains(hierarchy)) {
seenGroups += hierarchy
hierarchy match {
case _ :: tail if tail.nonEmpty => addGroupsRec(tail)
case _ =>
val group = groupsByHierarchy(hierarchy)
val stats = computeGroupStats(, group)
rootContainer.addGroup(group, stats)
val requestStatsPaths = statsPaths.collect { case path: RequestStatsPath => path }
requestStatsPaths.foreach { case RequestStatsPath(request, group) =>
group.foreach { group =>
val stats = computeRequestStats(request, Some(request), group)
rootContainer.addRequest(group, request, stats)
new TemplateWriter(chartsFiles.statsJsFile).writeToFile(new StatsJsTemplate(rootContainer, false).getOutput, charset)
new TemplateWriter(chartsFiles.statsJsonFile).writeToFile(new StatsJsTemplate(rootContainer, true).getOutput, charset)
new TemplateWriter(chartsFiles.globalStatsJsonFile).writeToFile(new GlobalStatsJsonTemplate(rootContainer.stats, true).getOutput, charset)
println(ConsoleTemplate.println(rootContainer.stats, logFileData.errors(None, None)))