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io.gatling.core.session.Session.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2011-2024 GatlingCorp (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.gatling.core.session
import java.util.UUID
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import io.gatling.commons.NotNothing
import io.gatling.commons.stats.{ KO, OK, Status }
import io.gatling.commons.util.TypeCaster
import io.gatling.commons.util.TypeHelper
import io.gatling.commons.validation._
import io.gatling.core.action.Action
import io.gatling.core.session.el.ElMessages
import io.gatling.core.stats.message.ResponseTimings
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
private[gatling] object SessionPrivateAttributes {
private val PrivateAttributePrefix = "gatling."
def isAttributePrivate(attributeName: String): Boolean = attributeName.startsWith(PrivateAttributePrefix)
def generatePrivateAttribute(base: String): String = PrivateAttributePrefix + base
def generateRandomUuidPrivateAttribute(): String = PrivateAttributePrefix + UUID.randomUUID()
final case class SessionAttribute(session: Session, key: String) {
def as[T: TypeCaster: ClassTag: NotNothing]: T = session.attributes.get(key) match {
case Some(value) => TypeHelper.cast[T](key, value)
case _ => throw new NoSuchElementException(ElMessages.undefinedSessionAttribute(key).message)
def asOption[T: TypeCaster: ClassTag: NotNothing]: Option[T] = session.attributes.get(key).map(TypeHelper.cast[T](key, _))
def validate[T: TypeCaster: ClassTag: NotNothing]: Validation[T] = session.attributes.get(key) match {
case Some(value) => TypeHelper.validate[T](key, value)
case _ => ElMessages.undefinedSessionAttribute(key)
object Session {
val MarkAsFailedUpdate: Session => Session = _.markAsFailed
val Identity: Session => Session = identity
val NothingOnExit: Session => Unit = _ => ()
private[session] def timestampName(counterName: String) = "timestamp." + counterName
def apply(
scenario: String,
userId: Long,
eventLoop: EventLoop
): Session =
apply(scenario, userId, Session.NothingOnExit, eventLoop)
private[core] def apply(
scenario: String,
userId: Long,
onExit: Session => Unit,
eventLoop: EventLoop
): Session =
scenario = scenario,
userId = userId,
attributes = Map.empty,
baseStatus = OK,
blockStack = Nil,
onExit = onExit,
eventLoop: EventLoop
* Session class representing the session passing through a scenario for a given user
* This session stores all needed data between requests
* @constructor
* creates a new session
* @param scenario
* the name of the current scenario
* @param userId
* the id of the current user
* @param attributes
* the map that stores all values needed
* @param baseStatus
* the status when not in a TryMax blocks hierarchy
* @param blockStack
* the block stack
* @param onExit
* hook to execute once the user reaches the exit
final case class Session(
scenario: String,
userId: Long,
attributes: Map[String, Any],
baseStatus: Status,
blockStack: List[Block],
onExit: Session => Unit,
eventLoop: EventLoop
) extends LazyLogging {
import Session._
def apply(name: String): SessionAttribute = SessionAttribute(this, name)
def setAll(newAttributes: (String, Any)*): Session = copy(attributes = attributes ++ newAttributes)
def setAll(newAttributes: Iterable[(String, Any)]): Session = copy(attributes = attributes ++ newAttributes)
def set(key: String, value: Any): Session = copy(attributes = attributes + (key -> value))
def remove(key: String): Session = if (contains(key)) copy(attributes = attributes - key) else this
def removeAll(keys: String*): Session = keys.foldLeft(this)(_ remove _)
def contains(attributeKey: String): Boolean = attributes.contains(attributeKey)
def reset: Session = {
val newAttributes =
if (blockStack.isEmpty) {
// not in a block
} else {
val counterNames: Set[String] = blockStack.view.collect { case loopBlock: LoopBlock => loopBlock.counterName }.to(Set)
if (counterNames.isEmpty) {
// no counter based blocks (only groups)
} else {
val timestampNames: Set[String] =
attributes.view.filterKeys(key => counterNames.contains(key) || timestampNames.contains(key) || SessionPrivateAttributes.isAttributePrivate(key))
copy(attributes =
def loopCounterValue(counterName: String): Int = attributes(counterName).asInstanceOf[Int]
def loopTimestampValue(counterName: String): Long = attributes(timestampName(counterName)).asInstanceOf[Long]
private[gatling] def enterGroup(groupName: String, nowMillis: Long): Session = {
val groups = blockStack.collectFirst { case g: GroupBlock => g.groups } match {
case Some(l) => l :+ groupName
case _ => groupName :: Nil
copy(blockStack = GroupBlock(groups, nowMillis, 0, OK) :: blockStack)
private[core] def exitGroup(tail: List[Block]): Session = copy(blockStack = tail)
def logGroupRequestTimings(startTimestamp: Long, endTimestamp: Long): Session =
if (blockStack.isEmpty) {
} else {
val responseTime = ResponseTimings.responseTime(startTimestamp, endTimestamp)
copy(blockStack = {
case g: GroupBlock => g.copy(cumulatedResponseTime = g.cumulatedResponseTime + responseTime)
case b => b
def groups: List[String] =
blockStack.collectFirst { case g: GroupBlock => g.groups }.getOrElse(Nil)
private[core] def enterTryMax(counterName: String, loopAction: Action) =
blockStack = TryMaxBlock(counterName, loopAction, OK) :: blockStack,
attributes = newAttributesWithCounter(counterName, withTimestamp = false, 0L)
private[core] def exitTryMax(counterName: String, status: Status, tail: List[Block]): Session =
copy(blockStack = tail).updateStatus(status).removeCounter(counterName)
def isFailed: Boolean = baseStatus == KO || blockStack.exists {
case TryMaxBlock(_, _, KO) => true
case _ => false
def status: Status = if (isFailed) KO else OK
private def failStatusUntilClosestTryMaxBlock: List[Block] = {
var firstTryMaxBlockNotReached = true {
case tryMaxBlock: TryMaxBlock if firstTryMaxBlockNotReached && tryMaxBlock.status == OK =>
firstTryMaxBlockNotReached = false
tryMaxBlock.copy(status = KO)
case groupBlock: GroupBlock if firstTryMaxBlockNotReached && groupBlock.status == OK =>
groupBlock.copy(status = KO)
case b => b
private def restoreClosestTryMaxBlockStatus: List[Block] = {
var firstTryMaxBlockNotReached = true {
case tryMaxBlock: TryMaxBlock if firstTryMaxBlockNotReached && tryMaxBlock.status == KO =>
firstTryMaxBlockNotReached = false
tryMaxBlock.copy(status = OK)
case b => b
private def updateStatus(newStatus: Status): Session =
if (newStatus == OK) {
} else {
private def isWithinTryMax: Boolean = blockStack.exists(_.isInstanceOf[TryMaxBlock])
def markAsSucceeded: Session =
if (isWithinTryMax) {
copy(blockStack = restoreClosestTryMaxBlockStatus)
} else if (baseStatus == KO) {
copy(baseStatus = OK)
} else {
def markAsFailed: Session =
if (baseStatus == KO && blockStack.isEmpty) {
} else {
val updatedStatus = if (isWithinTryMax) baseStatus else KO
copy(baseStatus = updatedStatus, blockStack = failStatusUntilClosestTryMaxBlock)
private def newBlockStack(counterName: String, condition: Expression[Boolean], exitAction: Action, exitASAP: Boolean): List[Block] = {
val newBlock =
if (exitASAP) {
ExitAsapLoopBlock(counterName, condition, exitAction)
} else {
newBlock :: blockStack
private[core] def enterLoop(counterName: String, condition: Expression[Boolean], exitAction: Action, exitASAP: Boolean): Session =
blockStack = newBlockStack(counterName, condition, exitAction, exitASAP),
attributes = newAttributesWithCounter(counterName, withTimestamp = false, 0L)
private[core] def enterTimeBasedLoop(
counterName: String,
condition: Expression[Boolean],
exitAction: Action,
exitASAP: Boolean,
nowMillis: Long
): Session =
blockStack = newBlockStack(counterName, condition, exitAction, exitASAP),
attributes = newAttributesWithCounter(counterName, withTimestamp = true, nowMillis)
private[core] def exitLoop(counterName: String, tail: List[Block]): Session =
copy(blockStack = tail).removeCounter(counterName)
private def newAttributesWithCounter(counterName: String, withTimestamp: Boolean, nowMillis: Long): Map[String, Any] = {
val withCounter = attributes.updated(counterName, 0)
if (withTimestamp) {
withCounter.updated(timestampName(counterName), nowMillis)
} else {
private[core] def incrementCounter(counterName: String): Session =
attributes.get(counterName) match {
case Some(counterValue: Int) => copy(attributes = attributes.updated(counterName, counterValue + 1))
case _ =>
logger.error(s"incrementCounter called but attribute for counterName $counterName is missing, please report.")
private[core] def removeCounter(counterName: String): Session =
attributes.get(counterName) match {
case None =>
logger.error(s"removeCounter called but attribute for counterName $counterName is missing, please report.")
case _ =>
copy(attributes = attributes - counterName - timestampName(counterName))
private[core] def exit(): Unit = onExit(this)