io.gatling.core.check.CheckBuilder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2011-2024 GatlingCorp (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.gatling.core.check
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom
import io.gatling.commons.util.{ Arrays, Equality }
import io.gatling.commons.validation._
import io.gatling.core.session._
trait CheckBuilder[T, P] {
def build[C <: Check[R], R](materializer: CheckMaterializer[T, C, R, P]): C
object CheckBuilder {
// T: Check type, only used for CheckMaterializer Type Class
// P: Prepared
// X: Extracted
trait Find[T, P, X] {
def find: Validate[T, P, X]
object Find {
class Default[T, P, X](extractor: Expression[Extractor[P, X]], displayActualValue: Boolean) extends Find[T, P, X] {
override def find: Validate[T, P, X] = Validate.Default(extractor, displayActualValue)
trait MultipleFind[T, P, X] extends Find[T, P, X] {
override def find: Validate[T, P, X]
def find(occurrence: Int): Validate[T, P, X]
def findAll: Validate[T, P, Seq[X]]
def findRandom: Validate[T, P, X]
def findRandom(num: Int, failIfLess: Boolean = false): Validate[T, P, Seq[X]]
def count: Validate[T, P, Int]
object MultipleFind {
abstract class Default[T, P, X](displayActualValue: Boolean) extends MultipleFind[T, P, X] {
protected def findExtractor(occurrence: Int): Expression[Extractor[P, X]]
protected def findAllExtractor: Expression[Extractor[P, Seq[X]]]
private def findRandomExtractor: Expression[Extractor[P, X]] = { fae =>
new Extractor[P, X] {
override def name: String =
override def arity: String = "findRandom"
override def apply(prepared: P): Validation[Option[X]] =
.map(_.collect { case seq if seq.nonEmpty => seq(ThreadLocalRandom.current.nextInt(seq.size)) })
private def findManyRandomExtractor(num: Int, failIfLess: Boolean): Expression[Extractor[P, Seq[X]]] = { fae =>
new Extractor[P, Seq[X]] {
override def name: String =
override def arity: String = s"findRandom($num, $failIfLess)"
override def apply(prepared: P): Validation[Option[Seq[X]]] =
.flatMap {
case Some(seq) =>
if (failIfLess && seq.sizeIs < num) {
s"Failed to collect $num matches".failure
} else if (seq.isEmpty) {
} else {
val randomSeq =
if (seq.sizeIs <= num) {
} else {
val shuffledIndices = Arrays.shuffle(seq.indices.toArray)
for (i <- 0 until num) yield seq(shuffledIndices(i))
case _ => Validation.NoneSuccess
protected def countExtractor: Expression[Extractor[P, Int]]
override def find: Validate[T, P, X] = find(0)
override def find(occurrence: Int): Validate[T, P, X] = Validate.Default(findExtractor(occurrence), displayActualValue)
override def findAll: Validate[T, P, Seq[X]] = Validate.Default(findAllExtractor, displayActualValue)
override def findRandom: Validate[T, P, X] = Validate.Default(findRandomExtractor, displayActualValue)
override def findRandom(num: Int, failIfLess: Boolean): Validate[T, P, Seq[X]] =
Validate.Default(findManyRandomExtractor(num, failIfLess), displayActualValue)
override def count: Validate[T, P, Int] = Validate.Default(countExtractor, displayActualValue)
trait Validate[T, P, X] {
private[gatling] def transform0[X2](
extractedF: Validation[Option[X]] => Validation[Option[X2]],
arityF: String => String
): Validate[T, P, X2]
def transform[X2](transformation: X => X2): Validate[T, P, X2]
def transformWithSession[X2](transformation: (X, Session) => X2): Validate[T, P, X2]
def transformOption[X2](transformation: Option[X] => Validation[Option[X2]]): Validate[T, P, X2]
def transformOptionWithSession[X2](transformation: (Option[X], Session) => Validation[Option[X2]]): Validate[T, P, X2]
def withDefault(defaultValue: Expression[X]): Validate[T, P, X]
def validate(validator: Expression[Validator[X]]): Final[T, P]
def validate(opName: String, validator: (Option[X], Session) => Validation[Option[X]]): Final[T, P]
def is(expected: Expression[X])(implicit equality: Equality[X]): Final[T, P]
def isNull: Final[T, P]
def not(expected: Expression[X])(implicit equality: Equality[X]): Final[T, P]
def notNull: Final[T, P]
def in(expected: X*): Final[T, P]
def in(expected: Expression[Seq[X]]): Final[T, P]
def exists: Final[T, P]
def notExists: Final[T, P]
def optional: Final[T, P]
def lt(expected: Expression[X])(implicit ordering: Ordering[X]): Final[T, P]
def lte(expected: Expression[X])(implicit ordering: Ordering[X]): Final[T, P]
def gt(expected: Expression[X])(implicit ordering: Ordering[X]): Final[T, P]
def gte(expected: Expression[X])(implicit ordering: Ordering[X]): Final[T, P]
object Validate {
private val TransformErrorMapper: String => String = "transform crashed: " + _
private val TransformOptionErrorMapper: String => String = "transformOption crashed: " + _
private val TransformArity: String => String = _ + ".transform"
private val TransformOptionArity: String => String = _ + ".transformOption"
final case class Default[T, P, X](extractor: Expression[Extractor[P, X]], displayActualValue: Boolean) extends Validate[T, P, X] {
private def mapExtractor[X2](
extractedF: Validation[Option[X]] => Validation[Option[X2]],
arityF: String => String
)(extractor: Extractor[P, X]) =
new Extractor[P, X2] {
override def name: String =
override def arity: String = arityF(extractor.arity)
override def apply(prepared: P): Validation[Option[X2]] = extractedF(extractor(prepared))
override private[gatling] def transform0[X2](
extractedF: Validation[Option[X]] => Validation[Option[X2]],
arityF: String => String
): Validate[T, P, X2] =
copy(extractor =, arityF)))
private def transformWithSession0[X2](
extractedF: (Session, Validation[Option[X]]) => Validation[Option[X2]],
arityF: String => String
): Validate[T, P, X2] =
copy(extractor =
session =>
extractedF(session, _),
override def transform[X2](transformation: X => X2): Validate[T, P, X2] =
extracted =>
safely(TransformErrorMapper) {
override def transformWithSession[X2](transformation: (X, Session) => X2): Validate[T, P, X2] =
(session, extracted) =>
safely(TransformErrorMapper) {, session)))
override def transformOption[X2](transformation: Option[X] => Validation[Option[X2]]): Validate[T, P, X2] =
extracted =>
safely(TransformOptionErrorMapper) {
override def transformOptionWithSession[X2](transformation: (Option[X], Session) => Validation[Option[X2]]): Validate[T, P, X2] =
(session, extracted) =>
safely(TransformOptionErrorMapper) {
extracted.flatMap(transformation(_, session))
override def withDefault(defaultValue: Expression[X]): Validate[T, P, X] =
transformOptionWithSession((actual, session) =>
actual match {
case None => defaultValue(session).map(Option(_))
case _ => actual.success
override def validate(validator: Expression[Validator[X]]): Final[T, P] =
new Final.Default[T, P, X](this.extractor, validator, displayActualValue, None, None)
override def validate(opName: String, validator: (Option[X], Session) => Validation[Option[X]]): Final[T, P] =
validate(session =>
new Validator[X] {
override val name: String = opName
override def apply(actual: Option[X], displayActualValue: Boolean): Validation[Option[X]] = validator(actual, session)
override def is(expected: Expression[X])(implicit equality: Equality[X]): Final[T, P] =
validate( Matcher.Is(_, equality)))
override def isNull: Final[T, P] = validate(new Matcher.IsNull[X].expressionSuccess)
override def not(expected: Expression[X])(implicit equality: Equality[X]): Final[T, P] =
validate( Matcher.Not(_, equality)))
override def notNull: Final[T, P] = validate(new Matcher.NotNull[X].expressionSuccess)
override def in(expected: X*): Final[T, P] = validate( Matcher.In(_)))
override def in(expected: Expression[Seq[X]]): Final[T, P] = validate( Matcher.In(_)))
override def exists: Final[T, P] = validate(new Validator.Exists[X]().expressionSuccess)
override def notExists: Final[T, P] = validate(new Validator.NotExists[X]().expressionSuccess)
override def optional: Final[T, P] = validate(new Validator.Optional[X]().expressionSuccess)
override def lt(expected: Expression[X])(implicit ordering: Ordering[X]): Final[T, P] =
validate( Matcher.Compare("lessThan", "less than",, _)))
override def lte(expected: Expression[X])(implicit ordering: Ordering[X]): Final[T, P] =
validate( Matcher.Compare("lessThanOrEqual", "less than or equal to", ordering.lteq, _)))
override def gt(expected: Expression[X])(implicit ordering: Ordering[X]): Final[T, P] =
validate( Matcher.Compare("greaterThan", "greater than",, _)))
override def gte(expected: Expression[X])(implicit ordering: Ordering[X]): Final[T, P] =
validate( Matcher.Compare("greaterThanOrEqual", "greater than or equal to", ordering.gteq, _)))
trait Final[T, P] extends CheckBuilder[T, P] {
def name(n: String): Final[T, P]
def saveAs(key: String): Final[T, P]
object Final {
final case class Default[T, P, X](
extractor: Expression[Extractor[P, X]],
validator: Expression[Validator[X]],
displayActualValue: Boolean,
customName: Option[String],
saveAs: Option[String]
) extends Final[T, P] {
override def name(n: String): Final[T, P] = copy(customName = Some(n))
override def saveAs(key: String): Final[T, P] = copy(saveAs = Some(key))
override def build[C <: Check[R], R](materializer: CheckMaterializer[T, C, R, P]): C =
materializer.materialize(Check.Default(_, extractor, validator, displayActualValue, customName, None, saveAs))