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io.gatling.http.request.builder.RequestBuilder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2011-2024 GatlingCorp (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.gatling.http.request.builder
import io.gatling.commons.validation._
import io.gatling.core.check.Validator
import io.gatling.core.session._
import io.gatling.core.session.el.El
import io.gatling.http.check.HttpCheck
import io.gatling.http.check.status.HttpStatusCheckBuilder
import io.gatling.http.check.status.HttpStatusCheckMaterializer
import io.gatling.http.client.Request
import io.gatling.http.client.oauth.{ ConsumerKey, OAuthSignatureCalculator, RequestToken }
import io.gatling.http.client.proxy.ProxyServer
import io.gatling.http.client.realm.Realm
import io.gatling.http.client.uri.Uri
import io.gatling.http.protocol.Proxy
import io.gatling.http.util.HttpHelper
import io.gatling.internal.quicklens._
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpMethod
object CommonAttributes {
def apply(requestName: Expression[String], method: HttpMethod, urlOrURI: Either[Expression[String], Uri]): CommonAttributes =
new CommonAttributes(
disableUrlEncoding = None,
queryParams = Nil,
headers = Map.empty,
realm = None,
proxy = None,
signatureCalculator = None,
ignoreProtocolHeaders = false
final case class CommonAttributes(
requestName: Expression[String],
method: HttpMethod,
urlOrURI: Either[Expression[String], Uri],
disableUrlEncoding: Option[Boolean],
queryParams: List[HttpParam],
headers: Map[CharSequence, Expression[String]],
realm: Option[Expression[Realm]],
proxy: Option[ProxyServer],
signatureCalculator: Option[(Request, Session) => Validation[Request]],
ignoreProtocolHeaders: Boolean
object RequestBuilder {
* This is the default HTTP check used to verify that the response status is 2XX
val DefaultHttpCheck: HttpCheck = {
val okStatusValidator: Validator[Int] = new Validator[Int] {
override val name: String = "in([200, 209], 304)"
override def apply(actual: Option[Int], displayActualValue: Boolean): Validation[Option[Int]] = actual match {
case Some(actualValue) =>
if (HttpHelper.isOk(actualValue))
s"found $actualValue".failure
case _ => Validator.FoundNothingFailure
val AcceptAllHeaderValueExpression: Expression[String] = "*/*".expressionSuccess
val AcceptCssHeaderValueExpression: Expression[String] = "text/css,*/*;q=0.1".expressionSuccess
private[http] def oauth1SignatureCalculator(
consumerKey: Expression[String],
clientSharedSecret: Expression[String],
token: Expression[String],
tokenSecret: Expression[String],
useAuthorizationHeader: Boolean
): (Request, Session) => Validation[Request] =
(request, session) =>
for {
ck <- consumerKey(session)
css <- clientSharedSecret(session)
tk <- token(session)
tks <- tokenSecret(session)
} yield new OAuthSignatureCalculator(new ConsumerKey(ck, css), new RequestToken(tk, tks), useAuthorizationHeader).apply(request)
abstract class RequestBuilder[B <: RequestBuilder[B]] {
protected def commonAttributes: CommonAttributes
protected def newInstance(commonAttributes: CommonAttributes): B
def queryParam(name: Expression[String], value: Expression[Any]): B = queryParam(SimpleParam(name, value))
def multivaluedQueryParam(name: Expression[String], values: Expression[Seq[Any]]): B = queryParam(MultivaluedParam(name, values))
def queryParamSeq(seq: Seq[(String, Any)]): B = queryParamSeq(tupleSeq2SeqExpression(seq))
def queryParamSeq(seq: Expression[Seq[(String, Any)]]): B = queryParam(ParamSeq(seq))
def queryParamMap(map: Map[String, Any]): B = queryParamSeq(tupleSeq2SeqExpression(map.toSeq))
def queryParamMap(map: Expression[Map[String, Any]]): B = queryParam(ParamMap(map))
private def queryParam(param: HttpParam): B = newInstance(modify(commonAttributes)(_.queryParams)(_ ::: List(param)))
* Adds a header to the request
* @param name
* the name of the header
* @param value
* the value of the header
def header(name: CharSequence, value: Expression[String]): B = newInstance(modify(commonAttributes)(_.headers)(_ + (name -> value)))
* Adds several headers to the request at the same time
* @param newHeaders
* a scala map containing the headers to add
def headers(newHeaders: Map[_ <: CharSequence, String]): B =
newInstance(modify(commonAttributes)(_.headers)(_ ++ newHeaders.view.mapValues(_.el[String])))
def ignoreProtocolHeaders: B = newInstance(modify(commonAttributes)(_.ignoreProtocolHeaders).setTo(true))
* Adds BASIC authentication to the request
* @param username
* the username needed
* @param password
* the password needed
def basicAuth(username: Expression[String], password: Expression[String]): B = authRealm(HttpHelper.buildBasicAuthRealm(username, password))
def digestAuth(username: Expression[String], password: Expression[String]): B = authRealm(HttpHelper.buildDigestAuthRealm(username, password))
private def authRealm(realm: Expression[Realm]): B = newInstance(modify(commonAttributes)(_.realm).setTo(Some(realm)))
def disableUrlEncoding: B = newInstance(modify(commonAttributes)(_.disableUrlEncoding).setTo(Some(true)))
def proxy(httpProxy: Proxy): B = newInstance(modify(commonAttributes)(_.proxy).setTo(Some(httpProxy.proxyServer)))
def sign(calculator: (Request, Session) => Validation[Request]): B = newInstance(modify(commonAttributes)(_.signatureCalculator).setTo(Some(calculator)))
def signWithOAuth1(consumerKey: Expression[String], clientSharedSecret: Expression[String], token: Expression[String], tokenSecret: Expression[String]): B =
signWithOAuth1(consumerKey, clientSharedSecret, token, tokenSecret, useAuthoriationHeader = true)
def signWithOAuth1(
consumerKey: Expression[String],
clientSharedSecret: Expression[String],
token: Expression[String],
tokenSecret: Expression[String],
useAuthoriationHeader: Boolean
): B =
sign(RequestBuilder.oauth1SignatureCalculator(consumerKey, clientSharedSecret, token, tokenSecret, useAuthoriationHeader))