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* Copyright 2011-2024 GatlingCorp (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package io.gatling.http.request.builder
import io.gatling.core.body.{ Body, RawFileBodies }
import io.gatling.core.session._
import io.gatling.http.request.BodyPart
import io.gatling.internal.quicklens._
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.{ HttpHeaderNames, HttpHeaderValues }
object BodyAttributes {
val Empty: BodyAttributes = BodyAttributes(body = None, bodyParts = Nil, formParams = Nil, form = None, headersBuiltIn = None)
sealed abstract class HeadersBuiltIn(contentHeaderValue: Expression[String]) {
private def containsCaseInsensitive(map: Map[CharSequence, _], key: CharSequence): Boolean =
def patch(rawHeaders: Map[CharSequence, Expression[String]], hasBody: Boolean): Map[CharSequence, Expression[String]] =
rawHeaders ++
(if (!containsCaseInsensitive(rawHeaders, HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT)) {
Map(HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT -> contentHeaderValue)
} else {
}) ++
(if (hasBody && !containsCaseInsensitive(rawHeaders, HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE)) {
Map(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE -> contentHeaderValue)
} else {
object HeadersBuiltIn {
case object AsJson extends HeadersBuiltIn(HttpHeaderValues.APPLICATION_JSON.toString.expressionSuccess)
case object AsXml extends HeadersBuiltIn(HttpHeaderValues.APPLICATION_XML.toString.expressionSuccess)
final case class BodyAttributes(
body: Option[Body],
bodyParts: List[BodyPart],
formParams: List[HttpParam],
form: Option[Expression[Map[String, Any]]],
headersBuiltIn: Option[BodyAttributes.HeadersBuiltIn]
object RequestWithBodyBuilder {
private val MultipartFormDataValueExpression = HttpHeaderValues.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA.toString.expressionSuccess
private val ApplicationFormUrlEncodedValueExpression = HttpHeaderValues.APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED.toString.expressionSuccess
abstract class RequestWithBodyBuilder[B <: RequestWithBodyBuilder[B]] extends RequestBuilder[B] {
protected def bodyAttributes: BodyAttributes
protected def newInstance(bodyAttributes: BodyAttributes): B
def body(bd: Body): B = newInstance(bodyAttributes.copy(body = Some(bd)))
def processRequestBody(processor: Body => Body): B = newInstance(bodyAttributes.modify(_.body)(
def bodyPart(part: BodyPart): B = newInstance(bodyAttributes.modify(_.bodyParts)(_ ::: List(part)))
def bodyParts(parts: BodyPart*): B = {
require(parts.nonEmpty, "bodyParts can't be empty.")
require(!parts.contains(null), "bodyParts can't contain null elements. Forward reference issue?")
newInstance(bodyAttributes.modify(_.bodyParts)(_ ::: parts.toList))
* Adds Content-Type header to the request set with "multipart/form-data" value
def asMultipartForm: B = header(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE, RequestWithBodyBuilder.MultipartFormDataValueExpression)
def asFormUrlEncoded: B = header(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE, RequestWithBodyBuilder.ApplicationFormUrlEncodedValueExpression)
def formParam(key: Expression[String], value: Expression[Any]): B = formParam(SimpleParam(key, value))
def multivaluedFormParam(key: Expression[String], values: Expression[Seq[Any]]): B = formParam(MultivaluedParam(key, values))
def formParamSeq(seq: Seq[(String, Any)]): B = formParamSeq(tupleSeq2SeqExpression(seq))
def formParamSeq(seq: Expression[Seq[(String, Any)]]): B = formParam(ParamSeq(seq))
def formParamMap(map: Map[String, Any]): B = formParamSeq(tupleSeq2SeqExpression(map.toSeq))
def formParamMap(map: Expression[Map[String, Any]]): B = formParam(ParamMap(map))
private def formParam(formParam: HttpParam): B =
newInstance(bodyAttributes.modify(_.formParams)(_ ::: List(formParam)))
def form(form: Expression[Map[String, Any]]): B =
def formUpload(name: Expression[String], filePath: Expression[String])(implicit rawFileBodies: RawFileBodies): B =
bodyPart(BodyPart.rawFileBodyPart(Some(name), filePath, rawFileBodies))
* Adds Accept and Content-Type headers to the request set with "application/json" values
def asJson: B = newInstance(modify(bodyAttributes)(_.headersBuiltIn).setTo(Some(BodyAttributes.HeadersBuiltIn.AsJson)))
* Adds Accept and Content-Type headers to the request set with "application/xml" values
def asXml: B = newInstance(modify(bodyAttributes)(_.headersBuiltIn).setTo(Some(BodyAttributes.HeadersBuiltIn.AsXml)))