io.gatling.http.action.sse.fsm.WhenConnecting.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2011-2019 GatlingCorp (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.gatling.http.action.sse.fsm
import io.gatling.commons.stats.{ KO, OK }
import io.gatling.commons.util.Throwables._
import io.gatling.core.action.Action
import io.gatling.core.session.Session
import io.gatling.http.action.sse.SseListener
import io.gatling.http.cache.SslContextSupport
import io.gatling.http.check.sse.SseMessageCheckSequence
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus.SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS
object WhenConnecting {
val WsConnectSuccessStatusCode = Some(Integer.toString(SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS.code))
trait WhenConnecting extends SslContextSupport { this: SseActor =>
def gotoConnecting(session: Session, next: Either[Action, SetCheck], remainingTries: Int = httpProtocol.wsPart.maxReconnects.getOrElse(0)): State = {
val listener = new SseListener(self, statsEngine, clock)
// [fl]
// [fl]
val userSslContexts = sslContexts(session)
httpEngine.executeRequest(connectRequest, session.userId, httpProtocol.enginePart.shareConnections, listener,, userSslContexts.flatMap(_.alplnSslContext).orNull)
goto(Connecting) using ConnectingData(session, next, clock.nowMillis, remainingTries)
private def handleConnectFailure(session: Session, next: Either[Action, SetCheck], connectStart: Long, connectEnd: Long, code: Option[String], reason: String, remainingTries: Int): State = {
// log connect failure
val newSession = logResponse(session, connectActionName, connectStart, connectEnd, KO, code, Some(reason))
val newRemainingTries = remainingTries - 1
if (newRemainingTries > 0) {
// try again
logger.debug(s"Connect failed: $code:$reason, retrying ($newRemainingTries remaining tries)")
gotoConnecting(newSession, next, newRemainingTries)
} else {
val nextAction = next match {
case Left(n) =>
// failed to connect
logger.debug(s"Connect failed: $code:$reason, no remaining tries, going to Crashed state and performing next action")
case Right(sendFrame) =>
// failed to reconnect, logging failure to send message
logger.debug(s"Connect failed: $code:$reason, no remaining tries, going to Crashed state, failing pending Send and performing next action")
statsEngine.logCrash(newSession, sendFrame.actionName, "Failed to reconnect")
nextAction ! newSession.markAsFailed
goto(Crashed) using CrashedData(Some(reason))
when(Connecting) {
case Event(SseStreamConnected(stream, connectEnd), ConnectingData(session, next, connectStart, _)) =>
val sessionWithGroupTimings = logResponse(session, connectActionName, connectStart, connectEnd, OK, WhenConnecting.WsConnectSuccessStatusCode, None)
connectCheckSequence match {
case SseMessageCheckSequence(timeout, currentCheck :: remainingChecks) :: remainingCheckSequences =>
// wait for some checks before proceeding
logger.debug("Connected, performing checks before proceeding")
val timeoutId = scheduleTimeout(timeout)
goto(PerformingCheck) using PerformingCheckData(
stream = stream,
currentCheck = currentCheck,
remainingChecks = remainingChecks,
checkSequenceStart = connectEnd,
checkSequenceTimeoutId = timeoutId,
remainingCheckSequences = remainingCheckSequences,
session = sessionWithGroupTimings,
next = next
case _ => // same as Nil as WsFrameCheckSequence#checks can't be Nil, but compiler complains that match may not be exhaustive
// send next
next match {
case Left(nextAction) =>
logger.debug("Connected, no checks, performing next action")
nextAction ! sessionWithGroupTimings
case Right(sendFrame) =>
logger.debug("Reconnected, no checks, sending pending message")
self ! sendFrame.copyWithSession(sessionWithGroupTimings)
goto(Idle) using IdleData(sessionWithGroupTimings, stream)
case Event(SseStreamClosed(timestamp), ConnectingData(session, next, connectStart, remainingTries)) =>
// unexpected close
handleConnectFailure(session, next, connectStart, timestamp, None, "Socket closed", remainingTries)
case Event(SseStreamCrashed(t, timestamp), ConnectingData(session, next, connectStart, remainingTries)) =>
// crash
handleConnectFailure(session, next, connectStart, timestamp, None, t.rootMessage, remainingTries)
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