io.gatling.http.action.sse.fsm.WhenPerformingCheck.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2011-2019 GatlingCorp (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.gatling.http.action.sse.fsm
import java.util.{ HashMap => JHashMap }
import io.gatling.commons.stats.{ KO, OK }
import io.gatling.commons.validation.{ Failure, Success }
import io.gatling.core.action.Action
import io.gatling.core.check.Check
import io.gatling.core.session.Session
import io.gatling.http.check.sse.{ SseCheck, SseMessageCheckSequence }
trait WhenPerformingCheck { this: SseActor =>
when(PerformingCheck) {
case Event(Timeout(timeoutId), PerformingCheckData(stream, currentCheck, _, checkSequenceStart, currentTimeoutId, _, session, next)) =>
if (timeoutId == currentTimeoutId) {
logger.debug(s"Check timeout $timeoutId")
// check timeout
// fail check, send next and goto Idle
val errorMessage = s"Check ${} timeout"
val newSession = logResponse(session,, checkSequenceStart, clock.nowMillis, KO, None, Some(errorMessage))
val nextAction = next match {
case Left(n) =>
logger.debug("Check timeout, failing it and performing next action")
case Right(sendFrame) =>
// logging crash
logger.debug("Check timeout while trying to reconnect, failing pending send message and performing next action")
statsEngine.logCrash(newSession, sendFrame.actionName, s"Couldn't reconnect: $errorMessage")
nextAction ! newSession
goto(Idle) using IdleData(newSession, stream)
} else {
logger.debug(s"Out-of-band timeout $timeoutId")
// out-of-band timeoutId, ignore
case Event(SseReceived(message, timestamp), data: PerformingCheckData) =>
tryApplyingChecks(message, timestamp, data.currentCheck.matchConditions, data.currentCheck.checks, data)
case Event(SseStreamClosed(_), PerformingCheckData(_, currentCheck, _, checkSequenceStart, _, _, session, next)) =>
// unexpected close, fail check
logger.debug("WebSocket remotely closed while waiting for checks")
handleSseCheckCrash(, session, next, checkSequenceStart, None, "Socket closed")
case Event(SseStreamCrashed(t, _), PerformingCheckData(_, currentCheck, _, checkSequenceStart, _, _, session, next)) =>
// crash, fail check
logger.debug("WebSocket crashed while waiting for checks")
handleSseCheckCrash(, session, next, checkSequenceStart, None, t.getMessage)
private def handleSseCheckCrash(checkName: String, session: Session, next: Either[Action, SetCheck], checkSequenceStart: Long, code: Option[String], errorMessage: String): State = {
val fullMessage = s"WebSocket crashed while waiting for check: $errorMessage"
val newSession = logResponse(session, checkName, checkSequenceStart, clock.nowMillis, KO, code, Some(fullMessage))
val nextAction = next match {
case Left(n) =>
// failed to connect
logger.debug("WebSocket crashed, performing next action")
case Right(sendTextMessage) =>
// failed to reconnect, logging crash
logger.debug("WebSocket crashed while trying to reconnect, failing pending send message and performing next action")
statsEngine.logCrash(newSession, sendTextMessage.actionName, s"Couldn't reconnect: $errorMessage")
nextAction ! newSession
goto(Crashed) using CrashedData(Some(errorMessage))
private def tryApplyingChecks(message: String, timestamp: Long, matchConditions: List[SseCheck], checks: List[SseCheck], data: PerformingCheckData): State = {
import data._
// cache is used for both matching and checking
val preparedCache: JHashMap[Any, Any] = new JHashMap(2)
// if matchConditions isEmpty, all messages are considered to be matching
val messageMatches = matchConditions.forall(_.check(message, session, preparedCache).isInstanceOf[Success[_]])
if (messageMatches) {
logger.debug(s"Received matching message $message")
cancelTimeout() // note, we might already have a Timeout in the mailbox, hence the currentTimeoutId check
// matching message, apply checks
val (sessionWithCheckUpdate, checkError) = Check.check(message, session, checks, preparedCache)
checkError match {
case Some(Failure(errorMessage)) =>
logger.debug("Check failure")
val newSession = logResponse(sessionWithCheckUpdate,, checkSequenceStart, timestamp, KO, None, Some(errorMessage))
val nextAction = next match {
case Left(n) =>
logger.debug("Check failed, performing next action")
case Right(sendMessage) =>
// failed to reconnect, logging crash
logger.debug("Check failed while trying to reconnect, failing pending send message and performing next action")
statsEngine.logCrash(newSession, sendMessage.actionName, s"Couldn't reconnect: $errorMessage")
nextAction ! newSession
goto(Idle) using IdleData(newSession, stream)
case _ =>
logger.debug("Current check success")
// check success
val newSession = logResponse(sessionWithCheckUpdate,, checkSequenceStart, timestamp, OK, None, None)
remainingChecks match {
case nextCheck :: nextRemainingChecks =>
// perform next check
logger.debug("Perform next check of current check sequence")
stay() using data.copy(currentCheck = nextCheck, remainingChecks = nextRemainingChecks, session = newSession)
case _ =>
remainingCheckSequences match {
case SseMessageCheckSequence(timeout, newCurrentCheck :: newRemainingChecks) :: nextRemainingCheckSequences =>
logger.debug("Perform next check sequence")
// perform next CheckSequence
val timeoutId = scheduleTimeout(timeout)
stay() using data.copy(
currentCheck = newCurrentCheck,
remainingChecks = newRemainingChecks,
checkSequenceStart = timestamp,
checkSequenceTimeoutId = timeoutId,
remainingCheckSequences = nextRemainingCheckSequences,
session = newSession
case _ =>
// all check sequences complete
logger.debug("Check sequences completed successfully")
next match {
case Left(nextAction) => nextAction ! newSession
case Right(sendMessage) => self ! sendMessage.copyWithSession(newSession)
goto(Idle) using IdleData(newSession, stream)
} else {
logger.debug(s"Received non-matching message $message")
// server unmatched message, just log
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