io.gatling.jms.request.JmsDslBuilder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2011-2024 GatlingCorp (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.gatling.jms.request
import{ Serializable => JSerializable }
import javax.jms.Message
import io.gatling.commons.validation.Validation
import io.gatling.core.action.builder.ActionBuilder
import io.gatling.core.session.{ Expression, ExpressionSuccessWrapper, Session }
import io.gatling.internal.quicklens._
import io.gatling.jms.JmsCheck
import io.gatling.jms.action.{ RequestReplyBuilder, SendBuilder }
final class JmsDslBuilderBase(requestName: Expression[String]) {
def send: SendDslBuilder.Queue = new SendDslBuilder.Queue(requestName)
def requestReply: RequestReplyDslBuilder.Queue = new RequestReplyDslBuilder.Queue(requestName)
object SendDslBuilder {
final class Queue(requestName: Expression[String]) {
def queue(name: Expression[String]): Message = destination(JmsDestination.Queue(name))
def destination(destination: JmsDestination): Message = new Message(requestName, destination)
final class Message(requestName: Expression[String], destination: JmsDestination) {
def textMessage(text: Expression[String]): SendDslBuilder = message(TextJmsMessage(text))
def bytesMessage(bytes: Expression[Array[Byte]]): SendDslBuilder = message(BytesJmsMessage(bytes))
def mapMessage(map: Map[String, Any]): SendDslBuilder = mapMessage(map.expressionSuccess)
def mapMessage(map: Expression[Map[String, Any]]): SendDslBuilder = message(MapJmsMessage(map))
def objectMessage(o: Expression[JSerializable]): SendDslBuilder = message(ObjectJmsMessage(o))
private def message(mess: JmsMessage) = SendDslBuilder(JmsAttributes(requestName, destination, None, mess), new SendBuilder(_))
final case class SendDslBuilder(attributes: JmsAttributes, factory: JmsAttributes => ActionBuilder) {
* Add JMS message properties (aka headers) to the outbound message
def property(key: Expression[String], value: Expression[Any]): SendDslBuilder = this.modify(_.attributes.messageProperties)(_ + (key -> value))
def jmsType(jmsType: Expression[String]): SendDslBuilder = this.modify(_.attributes.jmsType).setTo(Some(jmsType))
def build: ActionBuilder = factory(attributes)
object RequestReplyDslBuilder {
final class Queue(requestName: Expression[String]) {
def queue(name: Expression[String]): Message = destination(JmsDestination.Queue(name))
def destination(destination: JmsDestination): Message =
Message(requestName, destination, JmsDestination.TemporaryQueue, setJmsReplyTo = true, None, None)
final case class Message(
requestName: Expression[String],
destination: JmsDestination,
replyDest: JmsDestination,
setJmsReplyTo: Boolean,
trackerDest: Option[JmsDestination],
selector: Option[Expression[String]]
) {
* Add a reply queue, if not specified dynamic queue is used
def replyQueue(name: Expression[String]): Message = replyDestination(JmsDestination.Queue(name))
def replyDestination(destination: JmsDestination): Message = this.copy(replyDest = destination)
def noJmsReplyTo: Message = this.copy(setJmsReplyTo = false)
def trackerQueue(name: Expression[String]): Message = trackerDestination(JmsDestination.Queue(name))
def trackerDestination(destination: JmsDestination): Message = this.copy(trackerDest = Some(destination))
* defines selector for reply destination that is used for responses
def selector(select: Expression[String]): Message = this.copy(selector = Some(select))
def textMessage(text: Expression[String]): RequestReplyDslBuilder = message(TextJmsMessage(text))
def bytesMessage(bytes: Expression[Array[Byte]]): RequestReplyDslBuilder = message(BytesJmsMessage(bytes))
def mapMessage(map: Map[String, Any]): RequestReplyDslBuilder = mapMessage(map.expressionSuccess)
def mapMessage(map: Expression[Map[String, Any]]): RequestReplyDslBuilder = message(MapJmsMessage(map))
def objectMessage(o: Expression[JSerializable]): RequestReplyDslBuilder = message(ObjectJmsMessage(o))
private def message(mess: JmsMessage) =
JmsAttributes(requestName, destination, selector, mess),
RequestReplyBuilder.apply(_, replyDest, setJmsReplyTo, trackerDest)
final case class RequestReplyDslBuilder(attributes: JmsAttributes, factory: JmsAttributes => ActionBuilder) {
* Add JMS message properties (aka headers) to the outbound message
def property(key: Expression[String], value: Expression[Any]): RequestReplyDslBuilder = this.modify(_.attributes.messageProperties)(_ + (key -> value))
def jmsType(jmsType: Expression[String]): RequestReplyDslBuilder = this.modify(_.attributes.jmsType).setTo(Some(jmsType))
* Add a check that will be performed on each received JMS response message before giving Gatling on OK/KO response
def check(checks: JmsCheck*): RequestReplyDslBuilder = {
require(!checks.contains(null), "Checks can't contain null elements. Forward reference issue?")
this.modify(_.attributes.checks)(_ ::: checks.toList)
def checkIf(condition: Expression[Boolean])(thenChecks: JmsCheck*): RequestReplyDslBuilder =
check( _*)
def checkIf(condition: (Message, Session) => Validation[Boolean])(thenChecks: JmsCheck*): RequestReplyDslBuilder =
check( _*)
def build: ActionBuilder = factory(attributes)