io.gatling.jms.client.Tracker.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2011-2019 GatlingCorp (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.gatling.jms.client
import java.util.{ HashMap => JHashMap }
import javax.jms.Message
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import io.gatling.commons.stats.{ KO, OK, Status }
import io.gatling.commons.util.Clock
import io.gatling.commons.validation.Failure
import io.gatling.core.action.Action
import io.gatling.core.akka.BaseActor
import io.gatling.core.check.Check
import io.gatling.core.config.GatlingConfiguration
import io.gatling.core.session.Session
import io.gatling.core.stats.StatsEngine
import io.gatling.jms._
import{ Props, Timers }
* Advise actor a message was sent to JMS provider
final case class MessageSent(
matchId: String,
sent: Long,
replyTimeout: Long,
checks: List[JmsCheck],
session: Session,
next: Action,
requestName: String
* Advise actor a response message was received from JMS provider
final case class MessageReceived(
matchId: String,
received: Long,
message: Message
case object TimeoutScan
object Tracker {
def props(statsEngine: StatsEngine, clock: Clock, configuration: GatlingConfiguration) =
Props(new Tracker(statsEngine, clock, configuration.jms.replyTimeoutScanPeriod))
* Bookkeeping actor to correlate request and response JMS messages
* Once a message is correlated, it publishes to the Gatling core DataWriter
class Tracker(statsEngine: StatsEngine, clock: Clock, replyTimeoutScanPeriod: FiniteDuration) extends BaseActor with Timers {
private val sentMessages = mutable.HashMap.empty[String, MessageSent]
private val timedOutMessages = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[MessageSent]
private var periodicTimeoutScanTriggered = false
def triggerPeriodicTimeoutScan(): Unit =
if (!periodicTimeoutScanTriggered) {
periodicTimeoutScanTriggered = true
timers.startPeriodicTimer("timeoutTimer", TimeoutScan, replyTimeoutScanPeriod)
override def receive: Receive = {
// message was sent; add the timestamps to the map
case messageSent: MessageSent =>
sentMessages += messageSent.matchId -> messageSent
if (messageSent.replyTimeout > 0) {
// message was received; publish stats and remove from the hashmap
case MessageReceived(matchId, received, message) =>
// if key is missing, message was already acked and is a dup, or request timedout
sentMessages.remove(matchId).foreach {
case MessageSent(_, sent, _, checks, session, next, requestName) =>
processMessage(session, sent, received, checks, message, next, requestName)
case TimeoutScan =>
val now = clock.nowMillis
sentMessages.valuesIterator.foreach { message =>
val replyTimeout = message.replyTimeout
if (replyTimeout > 0 && (now - message.sent) > replyTimeout) {
timedOutMessages += message
for (MessageSent(matchId, sent, receivedTimeout, _, session, next, requestName) <- timedOutMessages) {
executeNext(session.markAsFailed, sent, now, KO, next, requestName, Some(s"Reply timeout after $receivedTimeout ms"))
private def executeNext(
session: Session,
sent: Long,
received: Long,
status: Status,
next: Action,
requestName: String,
message: Option[String]
): Unit = {
statsEngine.logResponse(session, requestName, sent, received, status, None, message)
next ! session.logGroupRequestTimings(sent, received).increaseDrift(clock.nowMillis - received)
* Processes a matched message
private def processMessage(
session: Session,
sent: Long,
received: Long,
checks: List[JmsCheck],
message: Message,
next: Action,
requestName: String
): Unit = {
// run all the checks, advise the Gatling API that it is complete and move to next
val (newSession, error) = Check.check(message, session, checks, new JHashMap(2))
error match {
case Some(Failure(errorMessage)) => executeNext(newSession.markAsFailed, sent, received, KO, next, requestName, Some(errorMessage))
case _ => executeNext(newSession, sent, received, OK, next, requestName, None)
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