scala.scalanative.optimizer.analysis.ControlFlow.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scala.scalanative
package optimizer
package analysis
import scala.collection.mutable
import util.unsupported
import nir._
/** Analysis that's used to answer following questions:
* * What are the predecessors of given block?
* * What are the successors of given block?
object ControlFlow {
final case class Edge(val from: Block, val to: Block, val next: Next)
final case class Block(name: Local,
params: Seq[Val.Local],
insts: Seq[Inst],
isEntry: Boolean) {
val inEdges = mutable.UnrolledBuffer.empty[Edge]
val outEdges = mutable.UnrolledBuffer.empty[Edge]
lazy val splitCount: Int = {
var count = 0
insts.foreach {
case Inst.Let(_, call: Op.Call) if call.unwind ne Next.None =>
count += 1
case _ =>
def pred = inEdges.map(_.from)
def succ = outEdges.map(_.to)
def label = Inst.Label(name, params)
def show = name.show
def isRegular: Boolean =
inEdges.forall {
case Edge(_, _, _: Next.Case) => true
case Edge(_, _, _: Next.Label) => true
case _ => false
def isExceptionHandler: Boolean =
inEdges.forall {
case Edge(_, _, _: Next.Unwind) => true
case _ => false
final class Graph(val entry: Block,
val all: Seq[Block],
val find: Map[Local, Block]) {
def foreach(f: Block => Unit): Unit = {
val visited = mutable.Set.empty[Block]
val worklist = mutable.Stack.empty[Block]
while (worklist.nonEmpty) {
val node = worklist.pop()
if (!visited.contains(node)) {
visited += node
node.outEdges.foreach(e => worklist.push(e.to))
def map[T: reflect.ClassTag](f: Block => T): Seq[T] = {
val result = mutable.UnrolledBuffer.empty[T]
foreach { block =>
result += f(block)
object Graph {
def apply(insts: Seq[Inst]): Graph = {
def edge(from: Block, to: Block, next: Next) = {
val e = new Edge(from, to, next)
from.outEdges += e
to.inEdges += e
val blocks: Seq[Block] = insts.zipWithIndex.collect {
case (Inst.Label(n, params), k) =>
// copy all instruction up until and including
// first control-flow instruction after the label
val body = mutable.UnrolledBuffer.empty[Inst]
var i = k
do {
i += 1
body += insts(i)
} while (!insts(i).isInstanceOf[Inst.Cf])
new Block(n, params, body, isEntry = k == 0)
val nodes = blocks.map { b =>
b.name -> b
blocks.foreach {
case node @ Block(n, _, insts :+ cf, _) =>
insts.foreach {
case Inst.Let(_, op: Op.Unwind) if op.unwind ne Next.None =>
edge(node, nodes(op.unwind.name), op.unwind)
case _ =>
cf match {
case Inst.Unreachable | _: Inst.Ret =>
case Inst.Jump(next) =>
edge(node, nodes(next.name), next)
case Inst.If(_, next1, next2) =>
edge(node, nodes(next1.name), next1)
edge(node, nodes(next2.name), next2)
case Inst.Switch(_, default, cases) =>
edge(node, nodes(default.name), default)
cases.foreach { case_ =>
edge(node, nodes(case_.name), case_)
case Inst.Throw(_, next) =>
if (next ne Next.None) {
edge(node, nodes(next.name), next)
case inst =>
new Graph(nodes(blocks.head.name), blocks, nodes)
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