scala.scalanative.optimizer.analysis.PerfectHashMap.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scala.scalanative
package optimizer
package analysis
import scala.scalanative.nir.{Global, Type, Val}
import scala.scalanative.optimizer.analysis.ClassHierarchy.Method
* Implementation based on the article:
* 'Throw away the keys: Easy, Minimal Perfect Hashing' by Steve Hanov
* (http://stevehanov.ca/blog/index.php?id=119)
object PerfectHashMap {
val MAX_D_VALUE = 10000
def apply[K, V](hashFunc: (K, Int) => Int,
entries: Map[K, V]): PerfectHashMap[K, V] = {
def createMinimalPerfectHash(
hashMapSize: Int): Option[(Map[Int, Int], Map[Int, Option[V]])] = {
* Creates a list of buckets, grouping them by the hash of the key.
def createBuckets(keys: Set[K]): List[Seq[K]] = {
val bucketMap = keys.groupBy(key => mod(hashFunc(key, 0), hashMapSize))
(0 until hashMapSize)
.map(i =>
bucketMap.get(i) match {
case Some(set) => set.toSeq
case None => Seq()
// Sort the buckets in descending order by size
val buckets =
* find a spot of all buckets with more than 1 element
def placeBuckets(buckets: List[Seq[K]],
keys: Map[Int, Int],
values: Map[Int, Option[V]])
: Option[(Map[Int, Int], Map[Int, Option[V]])] = buckets match {
case bucket :: tail if bucket.size > 1 =>
* Finds slots for all element of a bucket.
* Returns None, if no placement is found and MAX_D_VALUE is reached
def findSlots(d: Int,
item: Int,
slots: List[Int]): Option[(Int, List[Int])] = {
if (d > MAX_D_VALUE) {
} else {
if (item < bucket.size) {
val slot = mod(hashFunc(bucket(item), d), hashMapSize)
if (values.getOrElse(slot, None).isDefined || slots.contains(
slot)) {
findSlots(d + 1, 0, List())
} else {
findSlots(d, item + 1, slot :: slots)
} else {
Some((d, slots))
findSlots(1, 0, List()) match {
case Some((d, slots)) =>
val newValues = bucket.foldLeft(Map[Int, Option[V]]()) {
case (acc, key) =>
val value = entries(key)
val valueIndex = mod(hashFunc(key, d), hashMapSize)
acc + (valueIndex -> Some(value))
keys + (mod(hashFunc(bucket.head, 0), hashMapSize) -> d),
values ++ newValues)
case None => None
case _ => Some((keys, values))
placeBuckets(buckets, Map(), Map()) match {
case Some((keys, values)) =>
val valueKeySet = values.keySet
val freeList = (0 until hashMapSize).filterNot(valueKeySet)
.filter(bucket => bucket.size == 1)
.foldLeft((keys, values)) {
case ((accKeys, accValues), (Seq(elem), freeValue)) =>
val keyIndex = mod(hashFunc(elem, 0), hashMapSize)
val keyValue = -freeValue - 1
val valueIndex = freeValue
val valueValue = Some(entries(elem))
(accKeys + (keyIndex -> keyValue),
accValues + (valueIndex -> valueValue))
case None => None
def helper(size: Int): PerfectHashMap[K, V] =
createMinimalPerfectHash(size) match {
case Some((keys, values)) =>
new PerfectHashMap[K, V](mapToSeq(keys, 0, size),
mapToSeq(values, None, size),
case None =>
helper(size + 1)
def mapToSeq[T](map: Map[Int, T], default: T, size: Int): Seq[T] = {
val mapWithDefault = map withDefaultValue default
(0 until size).map(i => mapWithDefault(i))
def mod(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
val m = a % b
if (m < 0) m + b else m
class PerfectHashMap[K, V](val keys: Seq[Int],
val values: Seq[Option[V]],
hashFunc: (K, Int) => Int) {
lazy val size: Int = keys.length
def perfectLookup(key: K): V = {
val h1 = PerfectHashMap.mod(hashFunc(key, 0), size)
val d = keys(h1)
if (d < 0) {
values(-d - 1).get
} else {
val h2 = PerfectHashMap.mod(hashFunc(key, d), size)
object DynmethodPerfectHashMap {
def apply(dynmethods: Seq[Method], allSignatures: Seq[String]): Val.Struct = {
val signaturesWithIndex =
allSignatures.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(Map[String, Int]()) {
case (acc, (signature, index)) => acc + (signature -> index)
val entries = dynmethods.foldLeft(Map[Int, (Int, Val)]()) {
case (acc, m) =>
val index = signaturesWithIndex(Global.genSignature(m.name))
acc + (index -> (index, m.value))
val perfectHashMap = PerfectHashMap[Int, (Int, Val)](hash, entries)
val (keys, values) = perfectHashMap.values.map {
case Some((k, v)) => (Val.Int(k), v)
case None => (Val.Int(-1), Val.Null)
Val.Int(perfectHashMap.size) ::
(perfectHashMap.size match {
case 0 =>
List(Val.Null, Val.Null, Val.Null)
case _ =>
Val.Const(Val.Array(Type.Int, perfectHashMap.keys.map(Val.Int))),
Val.Const(Val.Array(Type.Int, keys)),
Val.Const(Val.Array(Type.Ptr, values))
def hash(key: Int, salt: Int): Int = {
(key + (salt * 31)) ^ salt
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