scala.scalanative.optimizer.pass.CfChainsSimplification.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scala.scalanative
package optimizer
package pass
import analysis.ControlFlow
import analysis.ControlFlow.Block
import analysis.UseDef
import analysis.ClassHierarchy.Top
import nir._
import Inst._
class CfChainsSimplification(implicit fresh: Fresh, top: Top) extends Pass {
import CfChainsSimplification._
override def onDefn(defn: Defn): Defn = defn match {
case defn: Defn.Define =>
val cfg = ControlFlow.Graph(defn.insts)
val newInsts = cfg.all.flatMap { b =>
(b.label +: b.insts.dropRight(1)) ++ simplifyCf(b.insts.last, cfg)
defn.copy(insts = newInsts)
case _ =>
private def simplifyCf(cfInst: Inst, cfg: ControlFlow.Graph): Seq[Inst] = {
var nonCf = Seq.empty[Inst]
var currentCf = cfInst
var continue = true
while (continue) {
val wholeOptSeq = simplifyCfOnce(currentCf, cfg)
val newCf = wholeOptSeq.last
// stop when convergence has been reached
continue = (newCf != currentCf)
nonCf ++= wholeOptSeq.dropRight(1)
currentCf = newCf
nonCf :+ currentCf
private def simplifyCfOnce(cfInst: Inst, cfg: ControlFlow.Graph): Seq[Inst] = {
val simpleRes = cfInst match {
// If the target block of this jump is only a comprised of
// a single Cf instruction, replace our jump with this next Cf
case Jump(Next.Label(targetName, args)) =>
val targetBlock = cfg.find(targetName)
targetBlock.insts match {
case Seq(nextCf: Cf) =>
val nextBlockParams = targetBlock.params.map(_.name)
val usedef = UseDef(cfg)
/* Ensures that the parameters of the target block are only used locally.
* If this is not the case, this parameter has to be defined, and can't be ignored
* This test is enough because we know there is only one instruction,
* which is a Cf
val canSkip = nextBlockParams.forall { param =>
val paramUses = usedef(param).uses.toSeq.map(_.name)
paramUses == Seq(targetName) || paramUses == Seq.empty
if (canSkip) {
val evaluation = nextBlockParams.zip(args).toMap
val replacer = new ArgumentReplacer(evaluation)
} else {
case _ => cfInst
case If(Val.True, next, _) =>
case If(Val.False, _, next) =>
case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
If(cond, simplifyIfBranch(thenp, cfg), simplifyIfBranch(elsep, cfg))
case Switch(value, default, Seq()) =>
case Switch(value, default, cases) if (staticValue(value)) =>
val next = cases
.collectFirst {
case Next.Case(caseVal, targetName) if (caseVal == value) =>
Next.Label(targetName, Seq.empty)
case Switch(value, default, cases) =>
simplifySwitchCase(default, cfg),
cases.map(simplifySwitchCase(_, cfg)))
case _ => cfInst
/* This is necessary to prevent a problem with LLVM, as its phi-functions
* can't handle two distinct CFG-edges going from the same source block to the
* same destination block
private def fixIf(inst: Inst): Seq[Inst] = {
inst match {
// The problem only occurs when the two destination blocks are the same
case If(cond,
thenNext @ Next.Label(thenName, thenArgs),
Next.Label(elseName, elseArgs)) if (thenName == elseName) =>
// if both branches provide the same arguments, we simply have a jump
if (thenArgs == elseArgs) {
// otherwise, we change the `if` to a select (for the argument values)
// followed by a jump
else {
val (newArgs, selects) = thenArgs
.map {
case (thenV, elseV) =>
val freshVar = fresh()
val selectInst = Let(freshVar, Op.Select(cond, thenV, elseV))
(Val.Local(freshVar, thenV.ty), selectInst)
selects :+ Jump(Next.Label(thenName, newArgs))
case _ => Seq(inst)
/* To simplify a normal `if` branch, imagine it is a simple `jump`, and try to optimize
* the latter. After that, keep the most optimized `jump` instruction, and get its next
private def simplifyIfBranch(branch: Next, cfg: ControlFlow.Graph): Next = {
var newBranch = branch
var currentCf: Inst = Jump(branch)
var continue = true
while (continue) {
val optSeq = simplifyCfOnce(currentCf, cfg)
optSeq match {
// if we have more than one instruction, we can't use the result
case Seq(Jump(next)) => newBranch = next
case _ =>
val newCf = optSeq.last
// stop when there is more than one instruction, or when convergence is reached
continue = (optSeq.size == 1 && newCf != currentCf)
currentCf = newCf
/* To simplify a switch case, imagine it is a simple `jump`, and try to optimize
* the latter. After that, keep the most optimized `jump` instruction that has no
* parameters (not allowed in Next.Case), and get its target block
private def simplifySwitchCase(swCase: Next, cfg: ControlFlow.Graph): Next = {
swCase match {
case Next.Case(value, name) => {
var newLocalJump = name
var currentCf: Inst = Jump(Next.Label(name, Seq.empty))
var continue = true
while (continue) {
val optSeq = simplifyCfOnce(currentCf, cfg)
optSeq match {
// Can only use the result when there is one instruction and no parameters
case Seq(Jump(Next.Label(newLocal, Seq()))) =>
newLocalJump = newLocal
case _ =>
val newCf = optSeq.last
// stop when there is more than one instruction, or when convergence is reached
continue = (optSeq.size == 1 && currentCf != newCf)
currentCf = newCf
Next.Case(value, newLocalJump)
case _ => swCase
def staticValue(value: Val): Boolean = {
value match {
case _: Val.Byte | _: Val.Short | _: Val.Int | _: Val.Long |
_: Val.Float | _: Val.Double =>
case _ => false
object CfChainsSimplification extends PassCompanion {
override def apply(config: tools.Config, top: Top) =
new CfChainsSimplification()(top.fresh, top)
/** The ArgumentReplacer is used to replace the arguments of a Cf instruction
* by its concrete evaluation
class ArgumentReplacer(evaluation: Map[Local, Val]) extends Pass {
override def onVal(value: Val) = value match {
case local @ Val.Local(name, _) =>
evaluation.getOrElse(name, local)
case _ =>
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