coursier.cli.util.JsonReport.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package coursier.cli.util
import java.util.Objects
import coursier.Artifact
import coursier.core.{Attributes, Dependency, Resolution}
import coursier.util.Print
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.parallel.ParSeq
import argonaut._
import Argonaut._
final case class JsonPrintRequirement(fileByArtifact: Map[String, File], depToArtifacts: Map[Dependency, Vector[Artifact]])
final case class DepNode(coord: String, files: Vector[(String, String)], dependencies: Set[String])
final case class ReportNode(conflict_resolution: Map[String, String], dependencies: Vector[DepNode], version: String)
* FORMAT_VERSION_NUMBER: Version number for identifying the export file format output. This
* version number should change when there is a change to the output format.
* Major Version 1.x.x : Increment this field when there is a major format change
* Minor Version x.1.x : Increment this field when there is a minor change that breaks backward
* compatibility for an existing field or a field is removed.
* Patch version x.x.1 : Increment this field when a minor format change that just adds information
* that an application can safely ignore.
* Note format changes in cli/ and update the Changelog section.
object ReportNode {
import argonaut.ArgonautShapeless._
implicit val encodeJson = EncodeJson.of[ReportNode]
implicit val decodeJson = DecodeJson.of[ReportNode]
val version = "0.0.1"
object JsonReport {
private val printer = PrettyParams.nospace.copy(preserveOrder = true)
def apply[T](roots: IndexedSeq[T], conflictResolutionForRoots: Map[String, String])
(children: T => Seq[T], reconciledVersionStr: T => String, requestedVersionStr: T => String, getFiles: T => Seq[(String, String)]): String = {
val rootDeps: ParSeq[DepNode] = => {
* Same printing mechanism as [[coursier.util.Tree#recursivePrint]]
def flattenDeps(elems: Seq[T], ancestors: Set[T], acc: mutable.Set[String]): Unit = {
val unseenElems: Seq[T] = elems.filterNot(ancestors.contains)
for (elem <- unseenElems) {
val depElems = children(elem)
acc ++=
if (depElems.nonEmpty) {
flattenDeps(children(elem), ancestors + elem, acc)
val acc = scala.collection.mutable.Set[String]()
flattenDeps(Seq(r), Set(), acc)
DepNode(reconciledVersionStr(r), getFiles(r).toVector, acc.toSet)
val report = ReportNode(conflictResolutionForRoots, rootDeps.toVector, ReportNode.version)
final case class JsonElem(dep: Dependency,
artifacts: Seq[(Dependency, Artifact)] = Seq(),
jsonPrintRequirement: Option[JsonPrintRequirement],
resolution: Resolution,
colors: Boolean,
printExclusions: Boolean,
excluded: Boolean) {
val (red, yellow, reset) =
if (colors)
(Console.RED, Console.YELLOW, Console.RESET)
("", "", "")
// This is used to printing json output
// Seq of (classifier, file path) tuple
lazy val downloadedFiles: Seq[(String, String)] = {
jsonPrintRequirement match {
case Some(req) =>
req.depToArtifacts.getOrElse(dep, Seq())
.map(x => (x.classifier, req.fileByArtifact.get(x.url)))
.map(x => (x._1, x._2.get.getPath))
case None => Seq()
lazy val reconciledVersion: String = resolution.reconciledVersions
.getOrElse(dep.module, dep.version)
// These are used to printing json output
val reconciledVersionStr = s"${dep.module}:$reconciledVersion"
val requestedVersionStr = s"${dep.module}:${dep.version}"
lazy val repr =
if (excluded)
resolution.reconciledVersions.get(dep.module) match {
case None =>
s"$yellow(excluded)$reset ${dep.module}:${dep.version}"
case Some(version) =>
val versionMsg =
if (version == dep.version)
"this version"
s"version $version"
s"${dep.module}:${dep.version} " +
s"$red(excluded, $versionMsg present anyway)$reset"
else {
val versionStr =
if (reconciledVersion == dep.version)
else {
val assumeCompatibleVersions = Print.compatibleVersions(dep.version, reconciledVersion)
(if (assumeCompatibleVersions) yellow else red) +
s"${dep.version} -> $reconciledVersion" +
(if (assumeCompatibleVersions || colors) "" else " (possible incompatibility)") +
lazy val children: Seq[JsonElem] =
if (excluded)
else {
val dep0 = dep.copy(version = reconciledVersion)
val dependencies = resolution.dependenciesOf(
withReconciledVersions = false
).sortBy { trDep =>
(trDep.module.organization,, trDep.version)
def excluded = resolution
dep0.copy(exclusions = Set.empty),
withReconciledVersions = false
.sortBy { trDep =>
(trDep.module.organization,, trDep.version)
.filterNot( {
case (mod, ver) =>
Dependency(mod, ver, "", Set.empty, Attributes("", ""), false, false),
excluded = true
}, artifacts, jsonPrintRequirement, resolution, colors, printExclusions, excluded = false)) ++
(if (printExclusions) excluded else Nil)
* Override the hashcode to explicitly exclude `children`, because children will result in recursive hash on
* children's children, causing performance issue. Hash collision should be rare, but when that happens, the
* default equality check should take of the recursive aspect of `children`.
override def hashCode(): Int = Objects.hash(dep, requestedVersionStr, reconciledVersion, downloadedFiles)