coursier.version.VersionParse.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package coursier.version
import java.util.regex.Pattern.quote
import coursier.version.internal.Compatibility._
object VersionParse {
def version(s: String): Option[Version] = {
val trimmed = s.trim
if (trimmed.isEmpty || trimmed.exists(c => c != '.' && c != '-' && c != '_' && c != '+' && !c.letterOrDigit)) None
else Some(Version(trimmed))
// matches revisions with a '+' appended, e.g. "1.2.+", "1.2+" or "1.2.3-+"
private val latestSubRevision = "(.*[^.-])([.-]?)[+]".r
def ivyLatestSubRevisionInterval(s: String): Option[VersionInterval] =
s match {
case latestSubRevision(prefix, delim) =>
for {
from <- version(prefix)
if from.items.nonEmpty
max = (if (delim.isEmpty) "." else delim) + "max"
to <- version(prefix + max)
// the contrary would mean something went wrong in the loose substitution above
if from.items.init == to.items.dropRight(1).init
} yield VersionInterval(Some(from), Some(to), fromIncluded = true, toIncluded = true)
case _ =>
def versionInterval(s: String): Option[VersionInterval] = {
def parseBounds(fromIncluded: Boolean, toIncluded: Boolean, s: String) = {
val commaIdx = s.indexOf(',')
if (commaIdx >= 0) {
val strFrom = s.take(commaIdx)
val strTo = s.drop(commaIdx + 1)
for {
from <- if (strFrom.isEmpty) Some(None) else version(strFrom).map(Some(_))
to <- if (strTo.isEmpty) Some(None) else version(strTo).map(Some(_))
} yield VersionInterval(from.filterNot(_.isEmpty), to.filterNot(_.isEmpty), from.forall(!_.isEmpty) && fromIncluded, toIncluded)
} else if (s.nonEmpty && fromIncluded && toIncluded)
for (v <- version(s) if !v.isEmpty)
yield VersionInterval(Some(v), Some(v), fromIncluded, toIncluded)
for {
fromIncluded <- if (s.startsWith("[")) Some(true) else if (s.startsWith("(")) Some(false) else None
toIncluded <- if (s.endsWith("]")) Some(true) else if (s.endsWith(")")) Some(false) else None
s0 = s.drop(1).dropRight(1)
itv <- parseBounds(fromIncluded, toIncluded, s0)
} yield itv
private val multiVersionIntervalSplit = ("(?" + regexLookbehind + "[" + quote("])") + "]),(?=[" + quote("([") + "])").r
def multiVersionInterval(s: String): Option[VersionInterval] = {
// TODO Use a full-fledged (fastparsed-based) parser for this and versionInterval above
val openCount = s.count(c => c == '[' || c == '(')
val closeCount = s.count(c => c == ']' || c == ')')
if (openCount == closeCount && openCount >= 1)
def versionConstraint(s: String): VersionConstraint =
private[version] def eagerVersionConstraint(s: String): VersionConstraint.Eager = {
def noConstraint = if (s.isEmpty) Some(VersionConstraint.empty0) else None
.orElse(Latest(s).map(VersionConstraint.fromLatest(s, _)))
.orElse(ivyLatestSubRevisionInterval(s).map(VersionConstraint.fromInterval(s, _)))
.orElse(versionInterval(s).orElse(multiVersionInterval(s)).map(VersionConstraint.fromInterval(s, _)))
.getOrElse(VersionConstraint.fromPreferred(s, Version(s)))
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