kyo.bench.ProducerConsumerBench.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package kyo.bench
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._
import cats.effect.IO
import kyo._
import kyo.ios._
import zio.{ZIO, UIO}
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import kyo.concurrent.fibers._
import kyo.concurrent.channels._
import kyo.concurrent.Access
import kyo.bench.Bench
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
class ProducerConsumerBench extends Bench.ForkOnly[Unit] {
val depth = 10000
def catsBench(): IO[Unit] = {
import cats.effect.std.Queue
import cats.effect.kernel.Ref
def repeat[A](n: Int)(io: IO[A]): IO[A] =
if (n <= 1) io
else io.flatMap(_ => repeat(n - 1)(io))
Queue.bounded[IO, Unit](depth / 2).flatMap { q =>
for {
producer <- repeat(depth)(q.offer(())).start
consumer <- repeat(depth)(q.take).start
_ <- producer.join
_ <- consumer.join
} yield {}
def kyoBench() = Fibers.runBlocking(Fibers.fork(kyoBenchFiber()))
override def kyoBenchFiber(): Unit > (IOs with Fibers) = {
import kyo.concurrent.atomics._
def repeat[A](n: Int)(io: A > (IOs with Fibers)): A > (IOs with Fibers) =
if (n <= 1) io
else io.flatMap(_ => repeat(n - 1)(io))
Channels.init[Unit](depth / 2, Access.Spsc).flatMap { q =>
for {
producer <- Fibers.forkFiber(repeat(depth)(q.put(())))
consumer <- Fibers.forkFiber(repeat(depth)(q.take))
_ <- producer.get
_ <- consumer.get
} yield {}
def zioBench(): UIO[Unit] = {
import zio._
def repeat[R, E, A](n: Int)(zio: ZIO[R, E, A]): ZIO[R, E, A] =
if (n <= 1) zio
else zio *> repeat(n - 1)(zio)
Queue.bounded[Unit](depth / 2).flatMap { q =>
for {
producer <- repeat(depth)(q.offer(())).fork
consumer <- repeat(depth)(q.take).fork
_ <- producer.await
_ <- consumer.await
} yield {}
// @Benchmark
// def forkOx() = {
// import ox._
// import ox.channels._
// val q = Channel[Unit](depth / 2)
// scoped {
// val f1 =
// fork {
// for (_ <- 0 until depth) q.send(()).orThrow
// }
// val f2 =
// fork {
// for (_ <- 0 until depth) q.take(1).drain()
// }
// f1.join()
// f2.join()
// }
// }
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