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kyo.Result.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package kyo
import Result.*
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
import scala.annotation.targetName
import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
opaque type Result[+E, +A] >: (Success[A] | Error[E]) = Success[A] | Error[E]
object Result:
import internal.*
inline given [E, A](using inline ce: CanEqual[A, A]): CanEqual[Result[E, A], Result[E, A]] = CanEqual.derived
given [E, A]: CanEqual[Result[E, A], Panic] = CanEqual.derived
inline def apply[A](inline expr: => A): Result[Nothing, A] =
case ex => Panic(ex)
inline def attempt[A](inline expr: => A): Result[Throwable, A] =
case ex if NonFatal(ex) => Fail(ex)
inline def success[E, A](inline value: A): Result[E, A] = Success(value)
inline def fail[E, A](inline error: E): Result[E, A] = Fail(error)
inline def panic[E, A](inline exception: Throwable): Result[E, A] = Panic(exception)
private val _unit = Success(())
def unit[E]: Result[E, Unit] = _unit
def fromEither[E, A](either: Either[E, A]): Result[E, A] =
either.fold(fail, success)
def fromTry[A](t: Try[A]): Result[Throwable, A] =
t.fold(fail, success)
opaque type Success[+A] = A | SuccessError[A]
object Success:
def apply[A](value: A): Success[A] =
value match
case v: SuccessError[?] => v.nest.asInstanceOf[Success[A]]
case v: Fail[A] @unchecked => SuccessError(v)
case v => v
def unapply[E, A](self: Result[E, A]): Maybe.Ops[A] =
self.fold(_ => Maybe.empty)(Maybe(_))
end Success
sealed abstract class Error[+E]:
def getFailure: E | Throwable
case class Fail[+E](error: E) extends Error[E]:
def getFailure = error
object Fail:
def unapply[E, A](result: Result[E, A]): Maybe.Ops[E] =
result match
case result: Fail[E] @unchecked =>
case _ => Maybe.empty
end Fail
case class Panic(exception: Throwable) extends Error[Nothing]:
def getFailure = exception
object Panic:
def apply(exception: Throwable): Panic =
if NonFatal(exception) then
new Panic(exception)
throw exception
end Panic
extension [E](self: Error[E])
def exception(
@implicitNotFound("Error must be a 'Throwable'")
ev: E <:< Throwable
): Throwable =
self match
case self: Fail[E] => self.error
case self: Panic => self.exception
extension [E, A](self: Result[E, A])
def isSuccess: Boolean =
self match
case _: Error[?] => false
case _ => true
def isFail =
def isPanic: Boolean =
def value: Maybe[A] =
self match
case self: Error[?] => Maybe.empty
case self => Maybe(self.asInstanceOf[A])
def failure: Maybe[E] =
self match
case self: Fail[E] @unchecked => Maybe(self.error)
case _ => Maybe.empty
def panic: Maybe[Throwable] =
self match
case self: Panic => Maybe(self.exception)
case _ => Maybe.empty
inline def fold[B](inline ifFailure: Error[E] => B)(inline ifSuccess: A => B): B =
self match
case self: Error[E] @unchecked => ifFailure(self)
case _ =>
try ifSuccess(self.asInstanceOf[Result[Nothing, A]].get)
case ex => ifFailure(Panic(ex))
def get(
@implicitNotFound("Can't get result due to pending error: '${E}'")
ev: E =:= Nothing
): A =
self match
case self: Fail[E] @unchecked => throw new NoSuchElementException(s"Error: ${self.error}")
case self: Panic => throw self.exception
case self: SuccessError[?] => self.unnest.asInstanceOf[A]
case self => self.asInstanceOf[A]
end match
end get
def getOrThrow(
@implicitNotFound("Error must be a 'Throwable' to invoke 'getOrThrow'. Found: '${E}'")
ev: E <:< Throwable
): A =
fold(e => throw e.exception)(identity)
inline def getOrElse[B >: A](inline default: => B): B =
fold(_ => default)(identity)
def orElse[E2, B >: A](alternative: => Result[E2, B]): Result[E | E2, B] =
fold(_ => alternative)(Result.success)
inline def flatMap[E2, B](inline f: A => Result[E2, B]): Result[E | E2, B] =
self match
case self: Error[E] @unchecked => self
case self =>
try f(self.asInstanceOf[Success[A]].get)
case ex => Panic(ex)
def flatten[E2, B](using ev: A <:< Result[E2, B]): Result[E | E2, B] =
inline def map[B](inline f: A => B): Result[E, B] =
flatMap(v => Result.success(f(v)))
inline def withFilter(inline p: A => Boolean): Result[E | NoSuchElementException, A] =
inline def filter(inline p: A => Boolean): Result[E | NoSuchElementException, A] =
flatMap { v =>
if !p(v) then
Fail(new NoSuchElementException("Predicate does not hold for " + v))
inline def recover[B >: A](pf: PartialFunction[Error[E], B]): Result[E, B] =
self match
case self: Error[E] @unchecked if pf.isDefinedAt(self) =>
case _ => self
case ex => Panic(ex)
inline def recoverWith[E2, B >: A](pf: PartialFunction[Error[E], Result[E2, B]]): Result[E | E2, B] =
self match
case self: Error[E] @unchecked if pf.isDefinedAt(self) =>
case _ => self
case ex => Panic(ex)
def toEither: Either[E | Throwable, A] =
fold(e => Left(e.getFailure))(Right(_))
def toMaybe: Maybe[A] =
fold(_ => Maybe.empty)(Maybe(_))
def toTry(using
@implicitNotFound("Fail type must be a 'Throwable' to invoke 'toTry'. Found: '${E}'")
ev: E <:< Throwable
): Try[A] =
fold(e => scala.util.Failure(e.getFailure.asInstanceOf[Throwable]))(scala.util.Success(_))
def swap: Result[A, E] =
self match
case Fail(e) => Result.success(e)
case Success(v) =>
case _ => self.asInstanceOf[Result[A, E]]
def show: String =
self match
case Panic(ex) => s"Panic($ex)"
case Fail(ex) => s"Fail($ex)"
case v => s"Success($v)"
end extension
private object internal:
case class SuccessError[+A](failure: Error[A], depth: Int = 1):
def unnest: Result[Any, A] =
if depth > 1 then
SuccessError(failure, depth - 1)
def nest: Success[A] =
SuccessError(failure, depth + 1)
end SuccessError
end internal
end Result