kyo.Direct.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package kyo
import cps.CpsMonad
import cps.CpsMonadContext
import cps.async
import directInternal.*
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.quoted.*
/** Defers the execution of a block of code, allowing the use of `await` within it.
* This macro transforms the given block of code to work with effectful computations, enabling the use of `await` to handle various types
* of effects. The `defer` block is desugared into regular monadic composition using `map`, making it equivalent to writing out the monadic
* code explicitly.
* @tparam A
* The type of the value returned by the deferred block
* @param f
* The block of code to be deferred
* @return
* A value of type `A < S`, where `S` represents the combined effects of all `await` calls
transparent inline def defer[A](inline f: A) = ${ impl[A]('f) }
/** Awaits the result of an effectful computation.
* This function can only be used within a `defer` block. It suspends the execution of the current block until the result of the effectful
* computation is available. In the desugared monadic composition, `await` calls are transformed into appropriate `map` operations.
* @tparam A
* The type of the value being awaited
* @tparam S
* The type of the effect (e.g., IO, Abort, Choice, etc.)
* @param v
* The effectful computation to await
* @return
* The result of type A, once the computation completes
inline def await[A, S](v: A < S): A =
compiletime.error("`await` must be used within a `defer` block")
private def impl[A: Type](body: Expr[A])(using Quotes): Expr[Any] =
import quotes.reflect.*
var effects = List.empty[TypeRepr]
Trees.traverse(body.asTerm) {
case Apply(TypeApply(Ident("await"), List(t, s)), List(v)) =>
effects ::= s.tpe
def flatten(l: List[TypeRepr]): List[TypeRepr] =
@tailrec def loop(l: List[TypeRepr], acc: List[TypeRepr]): List[TypeRepr] =
l match
case Nil =>
case AndType(a, b) :: Nil =>
loop(a :: b :: Nil, acc)
case head :: tail =>
loop(tail, head :: acc)
loop(l, Nil)
end flatten
val pending =
flatten(effects) match
case Nil =>
case effects =>
effects.reduce((a, b) => AndType(a, b))
end pending
pending.asType match
case '[s] =>
val transformedBody =
Trees.transform(body.asTerm) {
case Apply(TypeApply(Ident("await"), List(t, s2)), List(v)) =>
(t.tpe.asType, s2.tpe.asType) match
case ('[t], '[s2]) =>
given KyoCpsMonad[s2] = KyoCpsMonad[s2]
cps.await[[A] =>> A < s2, t, [A] =>> A < s2](${
v.asExprOf[t < s2]
given KyoCpsMonad[s] = KyoCpsMonad[s]
async {
${ transformedBody.asExprOf[A] }
}.asInstanceOf[A < s]
end match
end impl
object directInternal:
given Frame = Frame.internal
class KyoCpsMonad[S]
extends CpsMonadContext[[A] =>> A < S]
with CpsMonad[[A] =>> A < S]:
type Context = KyoCpsMonad[S]
override def monad: CpsMonad[[A] =>> A < S] = this
override def apply[A](op: Context => A < S): A < S = op(this)
override def pure[A](t: A): A < S = t
override def map[A, B](fa: A < S)(f: A => B): B < S = flatMap(fa)(f)
override def flatMap[A, B](fa: A < S)(f: A => B < S): B < S = fa.flatMap(f)
end KyoCpsMonad
end directInternal